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Dibyendu Majumdar be17c645c3
merge master
6 years ago
Makefile added Makefile 7 years ago
README.rst Update README.rst 9 years ago
bit.c issue #133 add LuaJIT's bit library so that we can support dynasm 7 years ago
lapi.c refactoring 6 years ago
lauxlib.c issue #136 implement new type checking opcodes 7 years ago
lbaselib.c issue #139 work in progress 6 years ago
lbitlib.c merge 5.3.2 rc2 9 years ago
lcode.c issue #148 fix bad code gen for OP_RAVI_SELF_S 6 years ago
lcorolib.c issue #86 merge final bits of changes from Lua 5.3.3 8 years ago
lctype.c initial import 9 years ago
ldblib.c issue #82 disable some Debug lib functions when debugger is running 8 years ago
ldebug.c issue #144 change the size of to byte 6 years ago
ldo.c issue #135 debug guards 6 years ago
ldump.c issue #136 wip 7 years ago
lfunc.c issue #139 work in progress 6 years ago
lgc.c issue #145 merge into lua54 branch 6 years ago
linit.c issue #133 add LuaJIT's bit library so that we can support dynasm 7 years ago
liolib.c issue #139 lua 5.4 merge d266d40dea 6 years ago
llex.c issue #139 work in progress 6 years ago
lmathlib.c issue #119 7 years ago
lmem.c merge 5.3.1 9 years ago
loadlib.c issue #119 merge upcming Lua 5.3.4 changes 7 years ago
lobject.c issue #119 7 years ago
lopcodes.c issue #136 additional type assertions 7 years ago
loslib.c issue #119 7 years ago
lparser.c issue #146 Currently Ravi's code generator assumes that #operator returns an integer value, but if user has set a metamethod for __len the operator# might return a non-integer value. This issue came to light when testing lpeg, which redefines #operator to return userdata objects. We now try to only expect integer values when # is used in fornum loops, or applied to table or array. Additionally unless the target is an array, we also emit a TOINT opcode to validate at runtime that the value in integer type 6 years ago
lstate.c Merge branch 'master' into lua54 6 years ago
lstring.c merge 5.3.2 rc2 9 years ago
lstrlib.c issue #119 7 years ago
ltable.c issue #139 work in progress 6 years ago
ltablib.c issue #86 merge additional changes from Lua 5.3.3 8 years ago
ltests.c issue #139 some more merge 6 years ago
ltm.c issue #139 work in progress 6 years ago
lua.c issue #143 Remove NanoJIT backend 6 years ago
luac.c merge 5.3.2 rc2 9 years ago
lundump.c issue #136 wip 7 years ago
lutf8lib.c issue #119 7 years ago
lvm.c issue #145 merge into lua54 branch 6 years ago
lzio.c merge 5.3.2 rc2 9 years ago
ravi_dmrc_parsesymbols.c update to latest dmrC tree 7 years ago
ravi_jitshared.c issue #145 merge into lua54 branch 6 years ago
ravi_llvmarith1.cpp experiment with noninline add, sub, mul, div ops 8 years ago
ravi_llvmarith2.cpp cleanup some warnings 7 years ago
ravi_llvmcall.cpp issue #15 if emit_debug_trace() has been called then we can avoid setting savedpc again 9 years ago
ravi_llvmcodegen.cpp issue #144 change the size of to byte 6 years ago
ravi_llvmcomp.cpp issue #15 if emit_debug_trace() has been called then we can avoid setting savedpc again 9 years ago
ravi_llvmforloop.cpp code reformat 9 years ago
ravi_llvmforprep.cpp code reformat 9 years ago
ravi_llvmjit.cpp issue #144 change the size of to byte 6 years ago
ravi_llvmload.cpp issue #136 more type checking 7 years ago
ravi_llvmluaapi.cpp issue #131 more fixes 7 years ago
ravi_llvmrest.cpp issue #15 if emit_debug_trace() has been called then we can avoid setting savedpc again 9 years ago
ravi_llvmreturn.cpp merge 5.3.2 rc2 9 years ago
ravi_llvmtable.cpp issue #144 change the size of to byte 6 years ago
ravi_llvmtforcall.cpp merge 5.3.2 rc2 9 years ago
ravi_llvmtypes.cpp issue #144 change the size of to byte 6 years ago
ravi_membuf.c issue #128 implement OP_RETURN and compilation of Lua function with only a return statement 7 years ago
ravi_nojit.c fix compiler warnings 7 years ago
ravi_profile.c issue #109 8 years ago
ravijit.cpp fix compiler warnings 7 years ago


This folder has all the Lua and Ravi source files.

The Lua sources begin with the letter ``l``.
The following Lua sources have been enhanced for Ravi.

* lvm.c - this has the Ravi bytecode implementations
* lopcodes.c - definitions of Ravi opcodes
* ldo.c - changes to enable calling JITed function
* lparser.c - parser changes for optional typing
* lcode.c - code generator changes for optional typing
* lfunc.c - changes to support JIT compilation
* linit.c - the Ravi api functions get loaded here
* ltable.c - enhancements for Ravi array types
* lapi.c - enhancements for Ravi array types

The LLVM JIT implementation is in following sources:

* ravijit.cpp - basic LLVM infrastructure and Ravi API definition
* ravi_llvmtypes.cpp - contains LLVM type definitions for Lua objects
* ravi_llvmcodegen.cpp - LLVM JIT compiler - main driver for compiling Lua bytecodes into LLVM IR
* ravi_llvmload.cpp - implements OP_LOADK and OP_MOVE, and related operations, also OP_LOADBOOL
* ravi_llvmcomp.cpp - implements OP_EQ, OP_LT, OP_LE, OP_TEST and OP_TESTSET.
* ravi_llvmreturn.cpp - implements OP_RETURN
* ravi_llvmforprep.cpp - implements OP_FORPREP
* ravi_llvmforloop.cpp - implements OP_FORLOOP
* ravi_llvmtforcall.cpp - implements OP_TFORCALL and OP_TFORLOOP
* ravi_llvmarith1.cpp - implements various type specialized arithmetic operations - these are Ravi extensions
* ravi_llvmarith2.cpp - implements Lua opcodes such as OP_ADD, OP_SUB, OP_MUL, OP_DIV, OP_POW, OP_IDIV, OP_MOD, OP_UNM
* ravi_llvmcall.cpp - implements OP_CALL, OP_JMP
* ravi_llvmtable.cpp - implements OP_GETTABLE, OP_SETTABLE and various other table operations, OP_SELF, and also upvalue operations
* ravi_llvmrest.cpp - OP_CLOSURE, OP_VARARG, OP_CONCAT