issue #195 number and integer comparisons

Dibyendu Majumdar 4 years ago
parent 0e41a51114
commit 7e26dc8d0f

@ -526,8 +526,8 @@ void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val) {
** Compare two strings 'ls' x 'rs', returning an integer smaller-equal-
** -larger than zero if 'ls' is smaller-equal-larger than 'rs'.
** Compare two strings 'ls' x 'rs', returning an integer less-equal-
** -greater than zero if 'ls' is less-equal-greater than 'rs'.
** The code is a little tricky because it allows '\0' in the strings
** and it uses 'strcoll' (to respect locales) for each segments
** of the strings.
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ static int l_strcmp (const TString *ls, const TString *rs) {
if (len == lr) /* 'rs' is finished? */
return (len == ll) ? 0 : 1; /* check 'ls' */
else if (len == ll) /* 'ls' is finished? */
return -1; /* 'ls' is smaller than 'rs' ('rs' is not finished) */
return -1; /* 'ls' is less than 'rs' ('rs' is not finished) */
/* both strings longer than 'len'; go on comparing after the '\0' */
l += len; ll -= len; r += len; lr -= len;
@ -558,25 +558,24 @@ static int l_strcmp (const TString *ls, const TString *rs) {
** Check whether integer 'i' is less than float 'f'. If 'i' has an
** exact representation as a float ('l_intfitsf'), compare numbers as
** floats. Otherwise, if 'f' is outside the range for integers, result
** is trivial. Otherwise, compare them as integers. (When 'i' has no
** float representation, either 'f' is "far away" from 'i' or 'f' has
** no precision left for a fractional part; either way, how 'f' is
** truncated is irrelevant.) When 'f' is NaN, comparisons must result
** in false.
** floats. Otherwise, use the equivalence 'i < f <=> i < ceil(f)'.
** If 'ceil(f)' is out of integer range, either 'f' is greater than
** all integers or less than all integers.
** (The test with 'l_intfitsf' is only for performance; the else
** case is correct for all values, but it is slow due to the conversion
** from float to int.)
** When 'f' is NaN, comparisons must result in false.
static int LTintfloat (lua_Integer i, lua_Number f) {
#if defined(l_intfitsf)
if (!l_intfitsf(i)) {
if (f >= -cast_num(LUA_MININTEGER)) /* -minint == maxint + 1 */
return 1; /* f >= maxint + 1 > i */
else if (f > cast_num(LUA_MININTEGER)) /* minint < f <= maxint ? */
return (i < cast(lua_Integer, f)); /* compare them as integers */
else /* f <= minint <= i (or 'f' is NaN) --> not(i < f) */
return 0;
if (l_intfitsf(i))
return luai_numlt(cast_num(i), f); /* compare them as floats */
else { /* i < f <=> i < ceil(f) */
lua_Integer fi;
if (luaV_flttointeger(f, &fi, F2Iceil)) /* fi = ceil(f) */
return i < fi; /* compare them as integers */
else /* 'f' is either greater or less than all integers */
return f > 0; /* greater? */
@ -585,17 +584,49 @@ static int LTintfloat (lua_Integer i, lua_Number f) {
** See comments on previous function.
static int LEintfloat (lua_Integer i, lua_Number f) {
#if defined(l_intfitsf)
if (!l_intfitsf(i)) {
if (f >= -cast_num(LUA_MININTEGER)) /* -minint == maxint + 1 */
return 1; /* f >= maxint + 1 > i */
else if (f >= cast_num(LUA_MININTEGER)) /* minint <= f <= maxint ? */
return (i <= cast(lua_Integer, f)); /* compare them as integers */
else /* f < minint <= i (or 'f' is NaN) --> not(i <= f) */
return 0;
if (l_intfitsf(i))
return luai_numle(cast_num(i), f); /* compare them as floats */
else { /* i <= f <=> i <= floor(f) */
lua_Integer fi;
if (luaV_flttointeger(f, &fi, F2Ifloor)) /* fi = floor(f) */
return i <= fi; /* compare them as integers */
else /* 'f' is either greater or less than all integers */
return f > 0; /* greater? */
** Check whether float 'f' is less than integer 'i'.
** See comments on previous function.
static int LTfloatint (lua_Number f, lua_Integer i) {
if (l_intfitsf(i))
return luai_numlt(f, cast_num(i)); /* compare them as floats */
else { /* f < i <=> floor(f) < i */
lua_Integer fi;
if (luaV_flttointeger(f, &fi, F2Ifloor)) /* fi = floor(f) */
return fi < i; /* compare them as integers */
else /* 'f' is either greater or less than all integers */
return f < 0; /* less? */
** Check whether float 'f' is less than or equal to integer 'i'.
** See comments on previous function.
static int LEfloatint (lua_Number f, lua_Integer i) {
if (l_intfitsf(i))
return luai_numle(f, cast_num(i)); /* compare them as floats */
else { /* f <= i <=> ceil(f) <= i */
lua_Integer fi;
if (luaV_flttointeger(f, &fi, F2Iceil)) /* fi = ceil(f) */
return fi <= i; /* compare them as integers */
else /* 'f' is either greater or less than all integers */
return f < 0; /* less? */
@ -615,10 +646,8 @@ static int LTnum (const TValue *l, const TValue *r) {
lua_Number lf = fltvalue(l); /* 'l' must be float */
if (ttisfloat(r))
return luai_numlt(lf, fltvalue(r)); /* both are float */
else if (luai_numisnan(lf)) /* 'r' is int and 'l' is float */
return 0; /* NaN < i is always false */
else /* without NaN, (l < r) <--> not(r <= l) */
return !LEintfloat(ivalue(r), lf); /* not (r <= l) ? */
else /* 'l' is float and 'r' is int */
return LTfloatint(lf, ivalue(r));
@ -639,10 +668,8 @@ static int LEnum (const TValue *l, const TValue *r) {
lua_Number lf = fltvalue(l); /* 'l' must be float */
if (ttisfloat(r))
return luai_numle(lf, fltvalue(r)); /* both are float */
else if (luai_numisnan(lf)) /* 'r' is int and 'l' is float */
return 0; /* NaN <= i is always false */
else /* without NaN, (l <= r) <--> not(r < l) */
return !LTintfloat(ivalue(r), lf); /* not (r < l) ? */
else /* 'l' is float and 'r' is int */
return LEfloatint(lf, ivalue(r));
@ -785,7 +812,7 @@ void luaV_concat (lua_State *L, int total) {
/* collect total length and number of strings */
for (n = 1; n < total && tostring(L, top - n - 1); n++) {
size_t l = vslen(top - n - 1);
if (l >= (MAX_SIZE/sizeof(char)) - tl)
if (unlikely(l >= (MAX_SIZE/sizeof(char)) - tl))
luaG_runerror(L, "string length overflow");
tl += l;
@ -835,7 +862,7 @@ void luaV_objlen (lua_State *L, StkId ra, const TValue *rb) {
default: { /* try metamethod */
tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, rb, TM_LEN);
if (ttisnil(tm)) /* no metamethod? */
if (unlikely(ttisnil(tm))) /* no metamethod? */
luaG_typeerror(L, rb, "get length of");
