2019-06-18 14:36:56 +02:00

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Fluux XMPP

Codeship Status for FluuxIO/xmpp GoDoc GoReportCard codecov

Fluux XMPP is a Go XMPP library, focusing on simplicity, simple automation, and IoT.

The goal is to make simple to write simple XMPP clients and components:

  • For automation (like for example monitoring of an XMPP service),
  • For building connected "things" by plugging them on an XMPP server,
  • For writing simple chatbot to control a service or a thing.
  • For writing XMPP servers components (See XEP-0114)

The library is designed to have minimal dependencies. For now, the library does not depend on any other library.


Here is a demo "echo" client:

package main

import (


func main() {
	config := xmpp.Config{
		Address:      "localhost:5222",
		Jid:          "test@localhost",
		Password:     "test",
		PacketLogger: os.Stdout,
		Insecure:     true,

	router := xmpp.NewRouter()
	router.HandleFunc("message", HandleMessage)

	client, err := xmpp.NewClient(config, router)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("%+v", err)

	// If you pass the client to a connection manager, it will handle the reconnect policy
	// for you automatically.
	cm := xmpp.NewStreamManager(client, nil)

func HandleMessage(s xmpp.Sender, p xmpp.Packet) {
	msg, ok := p.(xmpp.Message)
	if !ok {
		_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Ignoring packet: %T\n", p)

	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Body = %s - from = %s\n", msg.Body, msg.From)
	reply := xmpp.Message{PacketAttrs: xmpp.PacketAttrs{To: msg.From}, Body: msg.Body}
	_ = s.Send(reply)


Please, check GoDoc for more information: gosrc.io/xmpp