annelin da2de42645 Release 1.2
[!] Using YAML serilaization instead of sqlite3. You may convert your SQLite db to YAML format using this:
    (echo "---"; sqlite3 users.db 'select jid,login from users'|sed "s/|/: \'/g;s/$/\'/g") > users.dat

[FIX] Fixed repllies
[UPD] Sending presence probe after disconnect received — maybe there are another XMPP resource? ☺
[UPD] When XMPP user goes online if Telegram session already established -- resync statuses with Telegram network to get all contacts online immediately
2019-06-11 16:24:44 +03:00

26 lines
1.3 KiB

api_id: '845316' # telegram API ID (my.telegram.org) #
api_hash: '27fe5224bc822bf3a45e015b4f9dfdb7' # telegram API HASH (my.telegram.org) #
verbosity: 2 # 1 = no verbosity, 2 = moderate verbosity, 3 = network requests debug
useragent: 'Zhabogram' # client name
version: '1.2' # client version
use_test_dc: false # always use false
loglevel: 0 # 0 = debug, 1 = info, 2 = warn, 3 = err, 4 = fatal, 5 = unknown (ruby logger class)
content_path: '/var/zhabogram/content' # we will move (symlink) downloaded content here — you must setup web server that serve this directry
content_link: 'https://tlgrm.localhost/content' # web server that serve `content_path` internet address
content_upload_prefix: 'https://xmppfiles.localhost/upload' # we will send files with URL starting with this string as document to Telegram (mod_http_upload get_url, see readme)
debug: false
- 'root@localhost'
db_path: 'users.dat' # users store (JID:Telegram Login)
jid: 'tlgrm.localhost' # component JID
host: 'localhost' # XMPP server
port: 8888 # component port
password: 'secret' # component auth secret
loglevel: 0 # 0 = debug, 1 = info, 2 = warn, 3 = err, 4 = fatal, 5 = unknown (ruby logger class)