HELP_GATE_CMD = %q{Available commands: /login phone — sign in /logout — sign out /code — check one-time code /password — check 2fa password /setusername username — update @username /setname first last — update name /setbio — update about /setpassword [old] [new] — set or remove password /config [param] [value] — view or update configuration options Configuration options timezone 00:00 — adjust timezone for Telegram user statuses } HELP_CHAT_CMD= %q{Available commands: /d [n] — delete your last message(s) /s regexp replace — edit your last message /add @username — add @username to your chat list /join — join to chat via invite link /group title — create groupchat «title» with current user /supergroup title description — create new supergroup «title» with «description» /channel title description — create new channel «title» with «description» /secret — create secretchat with current user /search string [limit] — search in current chat /history [limit] — get last [limit] messages from current chat /block — blacklist current user /unblock — unblacklist current user /invite id or @username — add user to current chat /kick id or @username — remove user from current chat /ban id or @username [hours] — restrict @username from current chat for [hours] or forever /leave — leave current chat /close — close current secret chat /delete — delete current chat from chat list /members [query] — search members [by optional query] in current chat (requires admin rights) } class TelegramClient attr_reader :session, :state @@config = {loglevel: :debug, verbosity: 2, lib_path: 'lib/', client: {api_id: 50322, api_hash: '9ff1a639196c0779c86dd661af8522ba', use_chat_info_database: false}, content: {path:'',link:'',upload:''}} # defaults ## configure tdlib (when valid tdlib params specified) or zhabogram def self.configure(**config) @@config = @@config.merge(config) TD.config.update(config[:tdlib]) TD::Api.set_log_verbosity_level(@@config[:tdlib_verbosity]) end ## initialize telegram client instance (xmpp = XMPP stream, jid = user's jid , login = user's telegram login (for now, it is phone number) def initialize(xmpp, jid, **session) @logger =, level: @@config[:loglevel], progname: 'TelegramClient: %s | %s' % [jid, session[:login]] ) @xmpp = xmpp @jid = jid @session = session @cache = {chats: {nil => []}, users: {}} end ## connect telegram client def connect() return if # already connected. @logger.warn 'Connecting to Telegram network..' @telegram = 'sessions/' + @jid, files_directory: 'sessions/' + @jid + '/files/') @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::AuthorizationState) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_authorizationstate(u) end @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::User) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_user(u) end @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::UserStatus) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_userstatus(u) end @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::NewChat) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_newchat(u) end @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::NewMessage) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_newmessage(u) end @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::MessageContent) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_messagecontent(u) end @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::DeleteMessages) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_deletemessages(u) end @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::File) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_file(u) end @telegram.connect() end ## disconnect telegram client def disconnect() return unless # already disconnected @logger.warn 'Disconnecting from Telegram network..' @cache[:chats].each_key do |chat| @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat, :unavailable) end # we're offline (unsubscribe if logout) @telegram.dispose() @telegram = nil end ## online? def online? @telegram and @telegram.alive? end ######################################################################### # telegram updates handlers ############################################# ######################################################################### ## authorization state change def update_authorizationstate(update) @state = case update.authorization_state when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPhoneNumber # stage 0: set login @logger.warn 'Logging in..' @telegram.set_authentication_phone_number(@session[:login]) if @session[:login] @xmpp.send_message(@jid, nil, 'Please, enter your Telegram login via /login 12345') if not @session[:login] when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitCode # stage 1: wait for auth code @logger.warn 'Waiting for authorization code..' @xmpp.send_message(@jid, nil, 'Please, enter authorization code via /code 12345') when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPassword # stage 2: wait for 2fa @logger.warn 'Waiting for 2FA password..' @xmpp.send_message(@jid, nil, 'Please, enter 2FA passphrase via /password 12345') when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Ready # stage 3: auth completed @session[:login] ||= @me.phone_number @logger.warn 'Authorization successful!' @telegram.get_me.then{|me| @me = me}.wait @telegram.get_chats(limit=999).wait @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, nil, nil, nil, "Logged in %s" % @session[:login]) end end ## message received def update_newmessage(update, show_date = false) return if update.message.is_outgoing and update.message.sending_state.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageSendingState::Pending # ignore self outgoing messages @logger.warn 'New message from chat %s' % update.message.chat_id content, prefix = update.message.content, [] text = case content # text when TD::Types::MessageContent::Sticker then content.sticker.emoji when TD::Types::MessageContent::BasicGroupChatCreate, TD::Types::MessageContent::SupergroupChatCreate then "has created chat" when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatJoinByLink then "joined chat via invite link" when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatAddMembers then "invited %s" % self.format_contact(message.content.member_user_ids.first) when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatDeleteMember then "kicked %s" % self.format_contact(update.message.content.user_id) when TD::Types::MessageContent::PinMessage then "pinned message: %s" % self.format_message(update.message.chat_id, content.message_id) when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatChangeTitle then "chat title set to: %s" % update.message.content.title when TD::Types::MessageContent::Location then "coordinates: %s |,%s/" % [content.location.latitude, content.location.longitude] when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo, TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio, TD::Types::MessageContent::Video, TD::Types::MessageContent::Document then content.caption.text when TD::Types::MessageContent::Text then content.text.text when TD::Types::MessageContent::VoiceNote then content.caption.text when TD::Types::MessageContent::VideoNote then '' when TD::Types::MessageContent::Animation then '' else "unknown message (%s)" % update.message.content.class end file = case content # file(s) when TD::Types::MessageContent::Sticker then [content.sticker.sticker, 'sticker.webp'] when TD::Types::MessageContent::VoiceNote then [content.voice_note.voice, 'voice note (%i s.).oga' % content.voice_note.duration] when TD::Types::MessageContent::VideoNote then [, 'video note (%i s.).mp4' % content.video_note.duration] when TD::Types::MessageContent::Animation then [content.animation.animation, 'animation.mp4' ] when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo then [[-1].photo, + '.jpg'] when TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio then [,] when TD::Types::MessageContent::Video then [, 'video' + + '.mp4'] when TD::Types::MessageContent::Document then [content.document.document, content.document.file_name] end @telegram.download_file(file[0].id) if file and not file[0].local.is_downloading_completed # download file(s) prefix << DateTime.strptime(([:timezone]).utc_offset).to_s,'%s').strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") if show_date # show date if its prefix << (update.message.is_outgoing ? '➡ ' : '⬅ ') + # message direction prefix << "%s" % self.format_contact(update.message.sender_user_id) if update.message.chat_id < 0 and update.message.sender_user_id # show sender in group chats prefix << "fwd: %s" % self.format_contact(update.message.forward_info.sender_user_id) if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedFromUser # fwd from user prefix << "fwd: %s%s" % [self.format_contact(update.message.forward_info.chat_id), (update.message.forward_info.author_signature != '') ? " (%s)"%update.message.forward_info.author_signature : ''] if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedPost # fwd from chat prefix << "reply: %s" % self.format_message(update.message.chat_id, update.message.reply_to_message_id, true) if update.message.reply_to_message_id.to_i != 0 # reply to prefix << "file: %s" % self.format_content(file[0], file[1]) if file prefix = prefix.join(' | ') prefix += (update.message.chat_id < 0 and text and text != "") ? "\n" : '' # \n if it is groupchat and message is not empty prefix += (update.message.chat_id > 0 and text and text != "") ? " | " : '' text = prefix + text unless text.start_with? '?OTR' # OTR support (I do not know why would you need it, seriously) @telegram.view_messages(update.message.chat_id, [], force_read: true) # mark message as read @xmpp.send_message(@jid, update.message.chat_id, text) # forward message to XMPP end ## message content updated def update_messagecontent(update) text = "✎ %s | %s" % [update.message_id, update.new_content.text.text] @xmpp.send_message(@jid, update.chat_id, text) end ## message(s) deleted def update_deletemessages(update) text = "✗ %s" % update.message_ids.join(',') @xmpp.send_message(@jid, update.chat_id, text) if update.is_permanent end ## new chat discovered def update_newchat(update) @telegram.download_file( if @cache[:chats][] = @xmpp.send_presence(@jid,, :subscribe, nil, nil, unless ( TD::Types::ChatType::Supergroup and and == 0) self.process_status_update(,, :chat) if < 0 end ## new user discovered def update_user(update) @cache[:users][] = update.user self.process_status_update(, update.user.status) end ## user status changed def update_userstatus(update) self.process_status_update(update.user_id, update.status, nil, false) end ## file downloaded def update_file(update) return unless update.file.local.is_downloading_completed # not really File.symlink(update.file.local.path, "%s/%s%s" % [@@config[:content][:path], Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(, File.extname(update.file.local.path)]) end ######################################################################### # xmpp to telegram gateway functions #################################### ######################################################################### ## get user and chat information from cache (or try to retrieve it, if missing) def get_contact(id) return unless # we're offline. @telegram.search_public_chat(id).then{|chat| id = }.wait if id[0] == '@' @telegram.get_user(id).wait if not @cache[:users][id] and (id>0) @telegram.get_chat(id).wait if not @cache[:chats][id] return @cache[:chats][id], @cache[:users][id] end ## set contact status def process_status_update(chat_id, status=nil, show=nil, immed=true) return unless # we're offline. "Status update for %s" % chat_id chat, user = self.get_contact(chat_id) photo = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(IO.binread( if chat and and File.exist? status ||= user.status if user and user.status case status when nil then show, status = :chat, chat ? chat.title : nil when TD::Types::UserStatus::Online then show, status = nil, "Online" when TD::Types::UserStatus::Recently then show, status = :dnd, "Last seen recently" when TD::Types::UserStatus::LastWeek then show, status = :unavailable, "Last seen last week" when TD::Types::UserStatus::LastMonth then show, status = :unavailable, "Last seen last month" when TD::Types::UserStatus::Empty then show, status = :unavailable, "Last seen a long time ago" when TD::Types::UserStatus::Offline then show, status = (<3600) ? :away : :xa, DateTime.strptime(([:timezone]).utc_offset).to_s,'%s').strftime("Last seen at %H:%M %d/%m/%Y") end @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat_id, nil, show, status, nil, photo, immed) end ## send outgoing message to telegram user def process_outgoing_message(chat_id, text, message_id = nil) return if self.process_command(chat_id, text.split.first, text.split[1..-1]) # try to execute a command (and do not send on success) return unless # we're offline. @logger.warn 'Send message to chat %s' % chat_id reply = text.lines[0].scan(/\d+/).first.to_i if text.lines[0] =~ /^> ?[0-9]{10}/ # quotations file = text) if text.start_with? @@config[:content][:upload] # attach a file text = (reply or file) ? text.lines[1..-1].join : text, entities: []) # remove first line from text message = text, disable_web_page_preview: false, clear_draft: false) # compile our message document = file, caption: text) if file # we can try to send a document message_id ? @telegram.edit_message_text(chat_id, message_id, message) : @telegram.send_message(chat_id, document || message, reply_to_message_id: reply || 0).rescue{@telegram.send_message(chat_id, message, 0)} end ## /commands (some telegram actions) def process_command(chat_id, cmd, args) chat, user = self.get_contact(chat_id) unless chat_id == 0 # get chat information if chat_id == 0 then # transport commands case cmd when '/login' then @telegram.set_authentication_phone_number(args[0]).then{|_| @session[:login] = args[0]} unless @session[:login] # sign in when '/logout' then @telegram.log_out().then{|_| @cache[:chats].each_key do |chat| @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat, :unsubscribed); @session[:login] = nil end } # sign out when '/code' then @telegram.check_authentication_code(args[0]) # check auth code when '/password' then @telegram.check_authentication_password(args[0]) # chech auth password when '/setusername' then @telegram.set_username(args[0] || '') # set @username when '/setname' then @telegram.set_name(args[0] || '', args[1] || '') # set My Name when '/setbio' then @telegram.set_bio(args[0] || '') # set About when '/setpassword' then @telegram.set_password((args[1] ? args[0] : ''), args[1]) # set password when '/config' then @xmpp.send_message(@jid, nil, args[1] ? "%s set to %s" % [args[0],[0].to_sym, args[1])] :{|attr| "%s is set to %s" % attr}.join("\n")) when '/help' then @xmpp.send_message(@jid, nil, HELP_GATE_COMMANDS) end return true # stop executing else # chat commands case cmd when '/d' then @telegram.delete_messages(, @telegram.search_chat_messages(, 0, args[0]||1, sender_user_id:, filter:, true) # delete last message(s) when '/s' then @telegram.search_chat_messages(, 0, 1, sender_user_id:, filter: do |msg| self.process_outgoing_message(, msg.content.text.text.to_s.gsub([0]),args[1..-1].join(' ')), end # edit last message when '/add' then @telegram.search_public_chat(args[0]).then{|chat| @xmpp.send_presence(@jid,, :subscribe)}.wait # add @contact when '/join' then @telegram.join_chat_by_invite_link(args[0]) # join when '/supergroup' then @telegram.create_new_supergroup_chat(args[0], args[1..-1].join(' '), is_channel: false) # create new supergroup when '/channel' then @telegram.create_new_supergroup_chat(args[0], args[1..-1].join(' '), is_channel: true) # create new channel when '/secret' then @telegram.create_new_secret_chat( if user # create secret chat with current user when '/group' then @telegram.create_new_basic_group_chat(, args[0]) if > 0 # create group chat with current user when '/block' then @telegram.block_user( if > 0 # blacklists current user when '/unblock' then @telegram.unblock_user( if > 0 # unblacklists current user when '/invite' then @telegram.add_chat_member(, (args[0].to_i == 0 ? @telegram.search_public_chat(args[0]) : args[0].to_i)) if < 0 # invite @username to current groupchat when '/kick' then @telegram.set_chat_member_status(, (args[0].to_i == 0 ? @telegram.search_public_chat(args[0]) : args[0].to_i)) if < 0 # kick @username from current group chat when '/ban' then @telegram.set_chat_member_status(, (args[0].to_i == 0 ? @telegram.search_public_chat(args[0]) : args[0].to_i), TD::Types::ChatMemberStatus::Banned(banned_until_date: (args[1].to_i > 0 ?[1].to_i*3600) : 0))) if < 0 # ban @username from current chat [for N hours] when '/leave' then @telegram.leave_chat({@xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat_id, :unsubscribed)} if chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Supergroup or chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::BasicGroup # leave current chat when '/close' then @telegram.close_secret_chat(chat.type.secret_chat_id).then{@xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat_id, :unsubscribed)} if chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Secret # close secret chat when '/delete' then @telegram.delete_chat_history(, true).then{@xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat_id, :unsubscribed)} # delete current chat when '/search' then @telegram.search_chat_messages(, 0, args[1]||10, query: args[0]||nil, filter: do |msg| @xmpp.send_message(@jid, chat_id, self.format_message(nil,nil,nil,msg)) end # search messages within current chat when '/history' then @telegram.get_chat_history(, 0, 0, args[0]||10).value.messages.reverse.each do |msg| @xmpp.send_message(@jid, chat_id, self.format_message(nil,nil,msg)) end # get latest entries from history when '/members' then @telegram.search_chat_members(,9999,query:args[0],filter:{|members| @xmpp.send_message(@jid, chat_id, ( do |user| "%s | role: %s" % [self.fmt_chat(user.user_id), user.status.class] end).join("\n")) } # members list (for admins) when '/help' then @xmpp.send_message(@jid, chat_id, HELP_CHAT_CMD) else return # continue executing end return true # stop executing end end ######################################################################### # formatting functions ################################################# ######################################################################### def format_contact(chat_id) return if not chat_id or chat_id == 0 chat, user = self.get_contact(chat_id) str = chat_id str = "%s (%s)" % [chat.title,] if chat str = "%s %s (%s)" % [user.first_name, user.last_name, (user.username.empty?) ? : user.username] if user str = str.gsub(' ', ' ') return str end def format_content(file, fname) str = "%s (%d kbytes) | %s/%s%s" % [fname, file.size/1024, @@config[:content][:link], Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(, File.extname(fname).to_s] return str end def format_message(chat_id, message_id, preview=false, message=nil) message ||= @telegram.get_message(chat_id, message_id).value return unless message str = "%s | %s | " % [, self.format_contact(message.sender_user_id)] str += DateTime.strptime(([:timezone]).utc_offset).to_s,'%s').strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S | ") unless preview str += (not preview or message.content.text.text.lines.count <= 1) ? message.content.text.text : message.content.text.text.lines.first return str end end