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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Bohdan Horbeshko 94b51a70df Calls [WIP]
12 months ago
Bohdan Horbeshko 9c28af848d Calls [WIP]
12 months ago

@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ type Cache struct {
chats map[int64]*client.Chat
users map[int64]*client.User
statuses map[int64]*Status
capsVers map[int64]string
chatsLock sync.Mutex
usersLock sync.Mutex
statusesLock sync.Mutex
capsVersLock sync.Mutex
// NewCache initializes a cache
@ -106,6 +108,15 @@ func (cache *Cache) GetStatus(id int64) (*Status, bool) {
return status, ok
// GetCapsVer retrieves capabilities verification string by id if it's present in the cache
func (cache *Cache) GetCapsVer(id int64) (string, bool) {
defer cache.capsVersLock.Unlock()
ver, ok := cache.capsVers[id]
return ver, ok
// SetChat stores a chat in the cache
func (cache *Cache) SetChat(id int64, chat *client.Chat) {
@ -133,3 +144,11 @@ func (cache *Cache) SetStatus(id int64, show string, status string) {
Description: status,
// SetCapsVer stores a capabilities verification string in the cache
func (cache *Cache) SetCapsVer(id int64, ver string) {
defer cache.capsVersLock.Unlock()
cache.capsVers[id] = ver

@ -253,6 +253,20 @@ func (c *Client) ProcessStatusUpdate(chatID int64, status string, show string, o
newArgs = append(newArgs, gateway.SPType(presenceType))
ver, ok := c.cache.GetCapsVer(chatID)
if !ok {
if c.isCallable(chat, user) {
ver, err = gateway.GetCapsVer([]gateway.CapsType{gateway.CapsAudio}})
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("<caps ver error: %s>", err.Error())
if ver != "" {
newArgs = append(newArgs, gateway.SPCaps(ver))
return gateway.SendPresence(
@ -1248,3 +1262,23 @@ func (c *Client) prepareDiskSpace(size uint64) {
func (c *Client) isCallable(chat *client.Chat, user, *client.User) bool {
if chat == nil || user == nil {
return false
chatType := chat.Type.ChatTypeType()
if chatType == client.TypeChatTypePrivate {
privateType, _ := chat.Type.(*client.ChatTypePrivate)
fullInfo, err := c.client.GetUserFullInfo(&client.GetUserFullInfoRequest{
UserId: privateType.UserId,
if err == nil {
return fullInfo.CanBeCalled && (user.Username != "" || user.PhoneNumber != "")
} else {
log.Warnf("Coudln't retrieve private chat info: %v", err.Error())
return false

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
package gateway
import (
@ -37,6 +42,19 @@ var DirtySessions = false
// MessageOutgoingPermission allows to fake outgoing messages by foreign JIDs
var MessageOutgoingPermission = false
// CapsType is a capability category
type CapsType int
const (
CapsAudio CapsType = iota
// ContactType is a disco JID category
type ContactType int
const (
ContactTransport CapsType = iota
// SendMessage creates and sends a message stanza
func SendMessage(to string, from string, body string, id string, component *xmpp.Component, reply *Reply, isOutgoing bool) {
sendMessageWrapper(to, from, body, id, component, reply, "", isOutgoing)
@ -225,6 +243,9 @@ var SPResource = args.NewString()
// SPImmed skips queueing
var SPImmed = args.NewBool(args.Default(true))
// SPCaps is a XEP-0115 verification string
var SPCaps = args.NewString()
func newPresence(bareJid string, to string, args ...args.V) stanza.Presence {
var presenceFrom string
if SPFrom.IsSet(args) {
@ -280,6 +301,16 @@ func newPresence(bareJid string, to string, args ...args.V) stanza.Presence {
if SPCaps.IsSet(args) {
ver := SPCaps.Get(args)
if ver != "" {
presence.Extensions = append(presence.Extensions, extensions.CapsExtension{
Hash: "sha-1",
Node: "",
Ver: ver,
return presence
@ -356,3 +387,104 @@ func SplitJID(from string) (string, string, bool) {
return fromJid.Bare(), fromJid.Resource, true
func getDiscoFeatures(caps []CapsType) []string {
features := []string{
for typ := range features {
switch typ {
case CapsAudio:
features = append(
return features
// GetDiscoInfo generates a disco info IQ query response
func GetDiscoInfo(typ ContactType, features []string) *stanza.DiscoInfo {
disco := stanza.DiscoInfo{}
if typ == ContactPM {
disco.AddIdentity("", "account", "registered")
} else {
disco.AddIdentity("Telegram Gateway", "gateway", "telegram")
return &disco
// GetCapsVer hashes a capabilities set into a verification string
func GetCapsVer(caps []CapsType) (string, error) {
features := getDiscoFeatures(caps)
disco := GetDiscoInfo(features)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
binval := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, buf)
_, err = io.Copy(binval, file)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Error calculating caps base64")
return buf.String(), nil
func iOctetComparator(a, b string) bool {
return a < b
func discoToCaps(disco *stanza.DiscoInfo) string {
var s strings.Builder
var identities, vars, capsForms []string
for _, identity := range disco.Identity {
identities = append(identities, fmt.Sprintf(
sort.Slice(identities, iOctetComparator)
for _, identity := range identities {
for _, feature := range disco.Features {
vars = append(vars, feature.Var)
sort.Slice(vars, iOctetComparator)
for _, var := range vars {
if disco.Form != nil {
fields := make([]*stanza.Field, len(disco.Form.Fields))
copy(fields, disco.Form.Fields)
sort.Slice(fields, func(a, b *stanza.Field) bool {
if a.Var == "FORM_TYPE" {
return true
if b.Var == "FORM_TYPE" {
return false
return a.Var < b.Var
for _, field := range fields {
return s.String()

@ -52,3 +52,8 @@ func TestPresencePhoto(t *testing.T) {
presence := newPresence("from@test", "to@test", SPPhoto("01b87fcd030b72895ff8e88db57ec525450f000d"))
testPresence(t, presence, "<presence from=\"from@test\" to=\"to@test\"><x xmlns=\"vcard-temp:x:update\"><photo>01b87fcd030b72895ff8e88db57ec525450f000d</photo></x></presence>")
func TestPresenceCaps(t *testing.T) {
caps := newPresence("from@test", "to@test", SPCaps("QgayPKawpkPSDYmwT/WM94uAlu0="))
testPresence(t, presence, "<presence from=\"from@test\" to=\"to@test\"><c xmlns=\"\" hash=\"sha-1\" node=\"\" ver=\"QgayPKawpkPSDYmwT/WM94uAlu0=\"/></presence>")

@ -379,6 +379,11 @@ func handleGetVcardIq(s xmpp.Sender, iq *stanza.IQ, typ byte) {
func handleGetDiscoInfo(s xmpp.Sender, iq *stanza.IQ) {
iqDisco, ok := iq.Payload.(*stanza.DiscoInfo)
if !ok {
log.Error("Not a disco info request")
answer, err := stanza.NewIQ(stanza.Attrs{
Type: stanza.IQTypeResult,
From: iq.To,
@ -391,13 +396,15 @@ func handleGetDiscoInfo(s xmpp.Sender, iq *stanza.IQ) {
disco := answer.DiscoInfo()
_, ok := toToID(iq.To)
typ gateway.ContactType
if ok {
disco.AddIdentity("", "account", "registered")
typ = gateway.ContactPM
} else {
disco.AddIdentity("Telegram Gateway", "gateway", "telegram")
typ = gateway.ContactTransport
disco := gateway.GetDiscoInfo(typ, []string{})
disco.Node = iqDisco.Node
answer.Payload = disco
log.Debugf("%#v", answer)
