Reflect Telegram edits natively by nativeedits option

Bohdan Horbeshko 3 months ago
parent c141c4ad2b
commit ea004b7f7c

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ type Session struct {
Carbons bool `yaml:":carbons"`
HideIds bool `yaml:":hideids"`
Receipts bool `yaml:":receipts"`
NativeEdits bool `yaml:":nativeedits"`
var configKeys = []string{
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ var configKeys = []string{
var sessionDB *SessionsYamlDB
@ -134,6 +136,8 @@ func (s *Session) Get(key string) (string, error) {
return fromBool(s.HideIds), nil
case "receipts":
return fromBool(s.Receipts), nil
case "nativeedits":
return fromBool(s.NativeEdits), nil
return "", errors.New("Unknown session property")
@ -205,6 +209,13 @@ func (s *Session) Set(key string, value string) (string, error) {
s.Receipts = b
return value, nil
case "nativeedits":
b, err := toBool(value)
if err != nil {
return "", err
s.NativeEdits = b
return value, nil
return "", errors.New("Unknown session property")

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type Client struct {
DelayedStatusesLock sync.Mutex
lastMsgHashes map[int64]uint64
lastMsgIds map[int64]string
msgHashSeed maphash.Seed
locks clientLocks
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ type clientLocks struct {
outboxLock sync.Mutex
editOutboxLock sync.Mutex
lastMsgHashesLock sync.Mutex
lastMsgIdsLock sync.RWMutex
authorizerReadLock sync.Mutex
authorizerWriteLock sync.Mutex
@ -119,6 +121,7 @@ func NewClient(conf config.TelegramConfig, jid string, component *xmpp.Component
options: options,
DelayedStatuses: make(map[int64]*DelayedStatus),
lastMsgHashes: make(map[int64]uint64),
lastMsgIds: make(map[int64]string),
msgHashSeed: maphash.MakeSeed(),
locks: clientLocks{
chatMessageLocks: make(map[int64]*sync.Mutex),

@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ func (c *Client) sendMessagesReverse(chatID int64, messages []*client.Message) {
strconv.FormatInt(message.Id, 10),
@ -380,9 +381,20 @@ func (c *Client) ProcessTransportCommand(cmdline string, resource string) string
case "config":
if len(args) > 1 {
var msg string
if gateway.MessageOutgoingPermissionVersion == 0 && args[0] == "carbons" && args[1] == "true" {
return "The server did not allow to enable carbons"
if !c.Session.RawMessages && args[0] == "nativeedits" && args[1] == "true" {
return "nativeedits only works with rawmessages as of yet, enable it first"
if c.Session.NativeEdits && args[0] == "rawmessages" && args[1] == "false" {
_, err := c.Session.Set("nativeedits", "false")
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
msg = "Automatically disabling nativeedits too...\n"
value, err := c.Session.Set(args[0], args[1])
if err != nil {
@ -390,7 +402,7 @@ func (c *Client) ProcessTransportCommand(cmdline string, resource string) string
gateway.DirtySessions = true
return fmt.Sprintf("%s set to %s", args[0], value)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s set to %s", msg, args[0], value)
} else if len(args) > 0 {
value, err := c.Session.Get(args[0])
if err != nil {

@ -269,9 +269,9 @@ func (c *Client) updateMessageContent(update *client.UpdateMessageContent) {
xmppId, err := gateway.IdsDB.GetByTgIds(c.Session.Login, c.jid, update.ChatId, update.MessageId)
xmppId, xmppIdErr := gateway.IdsDB.GetByTgIds(c.Session.Login, c.jid, update.ChatId, update.MessageId)
var ignoredResource string
if err == nil {
if xmppIdErr == nil {
ignoredResource = c.popFromEditOutbox(xmppId)
} else {
log.Infof("Couldn't retrieve XMPP message ids for %v, an echo may happen", update.MessageId)
@ -286,19 +286,50 @@ func (c *Client) updateMessageContent(update *client.UpdateMessageContent) {
if update.NewContent.MessageContentType() == client.TypeMessageText && c.hasLastMessageHashChanged(update.ChatId, update.MessageId, update.NewContent) {
textContent := update.NewContent.(*client.MessageText)
var editChar string
if c.Session.AsciiArrows {
editChar = "e "
} else {
editChar = "✎ "
var replaceId string
sId := strconv.FormatInt(update.MessageId, 10)
var isCarbon bool
// use XEP-0308 edits only if the last message is edited for sure, fallback otherwise
if c.Session.NativeEdits {
lastXmppId, ok := c.getLastChatMessageId(update.ChatId)
if xmppIdErr != nil {
xmppId = sId
if ok && lastXmppId == xmppId {
replaceId = xmppId
message, err := c.client.GetMessage(&client.GetMessageRequest{
ChatId: update.ChatId,
MessageId: update.MessageId,
if err == nil {
isCarbon = c.isCarbonsEnabled() && message.IsOutgoing
} else {
log.Errorf("No message %v/%v found, cannot reliably determine if it's a carbon", update.ChatId, update.MessageId)
} else {
log.Infof("Mismatching message ids: %v %v, falling back to separate edit message", lastXmppId, xmppId)
text := editChar + fmt.Sprintf("%v | %s", update.MessageId, formatter.Format(
text := formatter.Format(
if replaceId == "" {
var editChar string
if c.Session.AsciiArrows {
editChar = "e "
} else {
editChar = "✎ "
text = editChar + fmt.Sprintf("%v | %s", update.MessageId, text)
for _, jid := range jids {
gateway.SendMessage(jid, strconv.FormatInt(update.ChatId, 10), text, "e"+strconv.FormatInt(update.MessageId, 10), c.xmpp, nil, false, false)
gateway.SendMessage(jid, strconv.FormatInt(update.ChatId, 10), text, "e"+sId, c.xmpp, nil, replaceId, isCarbon, false)

@ -911,14 +911,17 @@ func (c *Client) countCharsInLines(lines *[]string) (count int) {
func (c *Client) isCarbonsEnabled() bool {
return gateway.MessageOutgoingPermissionVersion > 0 && c.Session.Carbons
func (c *Client) messageToPrefix(message *client.Message, previewString string, fileString string) (string, *gateway.Reply) {
isPM, err := c.IsPM(message.ChatId)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not determine if chat is PM: %v", err)
isCarbonsEnabled := gateway.MessageOutgoingPermissionVersion > 0 && c.Session.Carbons
// with carbons, hide for all messages in PM and only for outgoing in group chats
hideSender := isCarbonsEnabled && (message.IsOutgoing || isPM)
hideSender := c.isCarbonsEnabled() && (message.IsOutgoing || isPM)
prefix := []string{}
// message direction
@ -1007,7 +1010,7 @@ func (c *Client) ensureDownloadFile(file *client.File) *client.File {
// ProcessIncomingMessage transfers a message to XMPP side and marks it as read on Telegram side
func (c *Client) ProcessIncomingMessage(chatId int64, message *client.Message) {
isCarbon := gateway.MessageOutgoingPermissionVersion > 0 && c.Session.Carbons && message.IsOutgoing
isCarbon := c.isCarbonsEnabled() && message.IsOutgoing
jids := c.getCarbonFullJids(isCarbon, "")
var text, oob, auxText string
@ -1083,11 +1086,12 @@ func (c *Client) ProcessIncomingMessage(chatId int64, message *client.Message) {
sChatId := strconv.FormatInt(chatId, 10)
for _, jid := range jids {
gateway.SendMessageWithOOB(jid, sChatId, text, sId, c.xmpp, reply, oob, isCarbon, c.Session.Receipts)
gateway.SendMessageWithOOB(jid, sChatId, text, sId, c.xmpp, reply, oob, "", isCarbon, c.Session.Receipts)
if auxText != "" {
gateway.SendMessage(jid, sChatId, auxText, sId, c.xmpp, reply, isCarbon, c.Session.Receipts)
gateway.SendMessage(jid, sChatId, auxText, sId, c.xmpp, reply, "", isCarbon, c.Session.Receipts)
c.UpdateLastChatMessageId(chatId, sId)
// MarkAsRead marks a message as read
@ -1588,6 +1592,21 @@ func (c *Client) hasLastMessageHashChanged(chatId, messageId int64, content clie
return !ok || oldHash != newHash
func (c *Client) UpdateLastChatMessageId(chatId int64, messageId string) {
defer c.locks.lastMsgIdsLock.Unlock()
c.lastMsgIds[chatId] = messageId
func (c *Client) getLastChatMessageId(chatId int64) (string, bool) {
defer c.locks.lastMsgIdsLock.RUnlock()
xmppId, ok := c.lastMsgIds[chatId]
return xmppId, ok
func (c *Client) getFormatter() formatter.MarkupModeType {
return formatter.MarkupModeXEP0393

@ -54,23 +54,23 @@ var DirtySessions = false
var MessageOutgoingPermissionVersion = 0
// SendMessage creates and sends a message stanza
func SendMessage(to string, from string, body string, id string, component *xmpp.Component, reply *Reply, isCarbon, requestReceipt bool) {
sendMessageWrapper(to, from, body, id, component, reply, nil, "", isCarbon, requestReceipt)
func SendMessage(to string, from string, body string, id string, component *xmpp.Component, reply *Reply, replaceId string, isCarbon, requestReceipt bool) {
sendMessageWrapper(to, from, body, id, component, reply, nil, "", replaceId, isCarbon, requestReceipt)
// SendServiceMessage creates and sends a simple message stanza from transport
func SendServiceMessage(to string, body string, component *xmpp.Component) {
sendMessageWrapper(to, "", body, "", component, nil, nil, "", false, false)
sendMessageWrapper(to, "", body, "", component, nil, nil, "", "", false, false)
// SendTextMessage creates and sends a simple message stanza
func SendTextMessage(to string, from string, body string, component *xmpp.Component) {
sendMessageWrapper(to, from, body, "", component, nil, nil, "", false, false)
sendMessageWrapper(to, from, body, "", component, nil, nil, "", "", false, false)
// SendMessageWithOOB creates and sends a message stanza with OOB URL
func SendMessageWithOOB(to string, from string, body string, id string, component *xmpp.Component, reply *Reply, oob string, isCarbon, requestReceipt bool) {
sendMessageWrapper(to, from, body, id, component, reply, nil, oob, isCarbon, requestReceipt)
func SendMessageWithOOB(to string, from string, body string, id string, component *xmpp.Component, reply *Reply, oob, replaceId string, isCarbon, requestReceipt bool) {
sendMessageWrapper(to, from, body, id, component, reply, nil, oob, replaceId, isCarbon, requestReceipt)
// SendMessageMarker creates and sends a message stanza with a XEP-0333 marker
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ func SendMessageMarker(to string, from string, component *xmpp.Component, marker
sendMessageWrapper(to, from, "", "", component, nil, &marker{
Type: markerType,
Id: markerId,
}, "", false, false)
}, "", "", false, false)
func sendMessageWrapper(to string, from string, body string, id string, component *xmpp.Component, reply *Reply, marker *marker, oob string, isCarbon, requestReceipt bool) {
func sendMessageWrapper(to string, from string, body string, id string, component *xmpp.Component, reply *Reply, marker *marker, oob, replaceId string, isCarbon, requestReceipt bool) {
toJid, err := stanza.NewJid(to)
if err != nil {
@ -153,6 +153,9 @@ func sendMessageWrapper(to string, from string, body string, id string, componen
if requestReceipt {
message.Extensions = append(message.Extensions, stanza.Markable{})
if replaceId != "" {
message.Extensions = append(message.Extensions, extensions.Replace{Id: replaceId})
if isCarbon {
carbonMessage := extensions.ClientMessage{

@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ func HandleMessage(s xmpp.Sender, p stanza.Packet) {
err = gateway.IdsDB.Set(session.Session.Login, bare, toID, tgMessageId, msg.Id)
if err == nil {
session.AddToOutbox(msg.Id, resource)
session.UpdateLastChatMessageId(toID, msg.Id)
} else {
log.Errorf("Failed to save ids %v/%v %v", toID, tgMessageId, msg.Id)
