Wrap inline code in single backticks

Bohdan Horbeshko 2 years ago
parent f6e62fe1fd
commit cdbd960ff4

@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ type InsertionStack []*Insertion
var boldRunesMarkdown = []rune("**")
var boldRunesXEP0393 = []rune("*")
var italicRunes = []rune("_")
var codeRunes = []rune("\n```\n")
var codeRunes = []rune("`")
var preRuneStart = []rune("```\n")
var preRuneEnd = []rune("\n```")
// rebalance pumps all the values until the given offset to current stack (growing
// from start) from given stack (growing from end); should be called
@ -131,8 +133,10 @@ func EntityToMarkdown(entity *client.TextEntity) (*Insertion, *Insertion) {
return markupBraces(entity, boldRunesMarkdown, boldRunesMarkdown)
case client.TypeTextEntityTypeItalic:
return markupBraces(entity, italicRunes, italicRunes)
case client.TypeTextEntityTypeCode, client.TypeTextEntityTypePre:
case client.TypeTextEntityTypeCode:
return markupBraces(entity, codeRunes, codeRunes)
case client.TypeTextEntityTypePre:
return markupBraces(entity, preRuneStart, preRuneEnd)
case client.TypeTextEntityTypePreCode:
preCode, _ := entity.Type.(*client.TextEntityTypePreCode)
return markupBraces(entity, []rune("\n```"+preCode.Language+"\n"), codeRunes)
@ -155,11 +159,13 @@ func EntityToXEP0393(entity *client.TextEntity) (*Insertion, *Insertion) {
return markupBraces(entity, boldRunesXEP0393, boldRunesXEP0393)
case client.TypeTextEntityTypeItalic:
return markupBraces(entity, italicRunes, italicRunes)
case client.TypeTextEntityTypeCode, client.TypeTextEntityTypePre:
case client.TypeTextEntityTypeCode:
// inline code is non-standard
return markupBraces(entity, codeRunes, codeRunes)
case client.TypeTextEntityTypePre:
return markupBraces(entity, preRuneStart, preRuneEnd)
case client.TypeTextEntityTypePreCode:
preCode, _ := entity.Type.(*client.TextEntityTypePreCode)
// TODO: inline code support (non-standard too)
return markupBraces(entity, []rune("\n```"+preCode.Language+"\n"), codeRunes)
case client.TypeTextEntityTypeTextUrl:
textURL, _ := entity.Type.(*client.TextEntityTypeTextUrl)

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func TestFormattingAdjacentAndNested(t *testing.T) {
Type: &client.TextEntityTypeItalic{},
}, EntityToMarkdown)
if markup != "\n```\n**👙**🐧\n```\n_🐖_" {
if markup != "```\n**👙**🐧\n```_🐖_" {
t.Errorf("Wrong adjacent&nested formatting: %v", markup)
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ func TestFormattingXEP0393AdjacentAndNested(t *testing.T) {
Type: &client.TextEntityTypeItalic{},
}, EntityToXEP0393)
if markup != "\n```\n*👙*🐧\n```\n_🐖_" {
if markup != "```\n*👙*🐧\n```_🐖_" {
t.Errorf("Wrong adjacent&nested formatting: %v", markup)
@ -348,3 +348,21 @@ func TestFormattingXEP0393Intersecting(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Wrong intersecting formatting: %v", markup)
func TestFormattingXEP0393InlineCode(t *testing.T) {
markup := Format("Is Gajim a thing?\n\necho 'Hello'\necho 'world'\n\nhruck(", []*client.TextEntity{
Offset: 3,
Length: 5,
Type: &client.TextEntityTypeCode{},
Offset: 19,
Length: 25,
Type: &client.TextEntityTypePre{},
}, EntityToXEP0393)
if markup != "Is `Gajim` a thing?\n\n```\necho 'Hello'\necho 'world'\n```\n\nhruck(" {
t.Errorf("Wrong intersecting formatting: %v", markup)
