2021-09-08 16:13:12 +05:00

897 lines
59 KiB

// DBChatHistoryStore.swift
// Siskin IM
// Copyright (C) 2016 "Tigase, Inc." <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. Look for COPYING file in the top folder.
// If not, see
import Foundation
import Shared
import TigaseSwift
import TigaseSwiftOMEMO
public class DBChatHistoryStore {
static let MESSAGE_NEW = Notification.Name("messageAdded");
static let MESSAGES_MARKED_AS_READ = Notification.Name("messagesMarkedAsRead");
static let MESSAGE_UPDATED = Notification.Name("messageUpdated");
static let MESSAGE_REMOVED = Notification.Name("messageRemoved");
static var instance: DBChatHistoryStore = DBChatHistoryStore.init();
fileprivate let appendMessageStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO chat_history (account, jid, timestamp, item_type, data, stanza_id, state, author_nickname, author_jid, recipient_nickname, participant_id, error, encryption, fingerprint, appendix, server_msg_id, remote_msg_id, master_id) VALUES (:account, :jid, :timestamp, :item_type, :data, :stanza_id, :state, :author_nickname, :author_jid, :recipient_nickname, :participant_id, :error, :encryption, :fingerprint, :appendix, :server_msg_id, :remote_msg_id, :master_id)");
// if server has MAM:2 then use server_msg_id for checking
// if there is no result, try to match using origin-id/stanza-id (if there is one in a form of UUID) and update server_msg_id if message is found
// if there is was no origin-id/stanza-id then use old check with timestamp range and all of that..
// fileprivate let findItemFallback: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM chat_history WHERE account = :account AND jid = :jid AND timestamp BETWEEN :ts_from AND :ts_to AND item_type = :item_type AND (:data IS NULL OR data = :data) AND (:stanza_id IS NULL OR (stanza_id IS NOT NULL AND stanza_id = :stanza_id)) AND (state % 2 == :direction) AND (:author_nickname is null OR author_nickname = :author_nickname) order by timestamp desc");
fileprivate let findItemByServerMsgId: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM chat_history WHERE account = :account AND server_msg_id = :server_msg_id");
fileprivate let findItemByOriginId: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM chat_history WHERE account = :account AND jid = :jid AND (stanza_id = :stanza_id OR correction_stanza_id = :stanza_id) AND (:author_nickname IS NULL OR author_nickname = :author_nickname) AND (:participant_id IS NULL OR participant_id = :participant_id) ORDER BY timestamp DESC");
fileprivate let updateServerMsgId: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET server_msg_id = :server_msg_id WHERE id = :id AND server_msg_id is null");
fileprivate let markAsReadStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET state = case state when \(MessageState.incoming_error_unread.rawValue) then \(MessageState.incoming_error.rawValue) when \(MessageState.outgoing_error_unread.rawValue) then \(MessageState.outgoing_error.rawValue) else \(MessageState.incoming.rawValue) end WHERE account = :account AND jid = :jid AND state in (\(MessageState.incoming_unread.rawValue), \(MessageState.incoming_error_unread.rawValue), \(MessageState.outgoing_error_unread.rawValue))");
fileprivate let markAsReadBeforeStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET state = case state when \(MessageState.incoming_error_unread.rawValue) then \(MessageState.incoming_error.rawValue) when \(MessageState.outgoing_error_unread.rawValue) then \(MessageState.outgoing_error.rawValue) else \(MessageState.incoming.rawValue) end WHERE account = :account AND jid = :jid AND timestamp <= :before AND state in (\(MessageState.incoming_unread.rawValue), \(MessageState.incoming_error_unread.rawValue), \(MessageState.outgoing_error_unread.rawValue))");
fileprivate let markMessageAsReadStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET state = case state when \(MessageState.incoming_error_unread.rawValue) then \(MessageState.incoming_error.rawValue) when \(MessageState.outgoing_error_unread.rawValue) then \(MessageState.outgoing_error.rawValue) else \(MessageState.incoming.rawValue) end WHERE id = :id AND account = :account AND jid = :jid AND state in (\(MessageState.incoming_unread.rawValue), \(MessageState.incoming_error_unread.rawValue), \(MessageState.outgoing_error_unread.rawValue))");
fileprivate let updateItemStateStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET state = :newState, timestamp = COALESCE(:newTimestamp, timestamp) WHERE id = :id AND (:oldState IS NULL OR state = :oldState)");
fileprivate let updateItemStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET appendix = :appendix WHERE id = :id");
fileprivate let markAsErrorStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET state = :state, error = :error WHERE id = :id");
fileprivate let countItemsStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT count(id) FROM chat_history WHERE account = :account AND jid = :jid")
fileprivate let getItemIdByStanzaId: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM chat_history WHERE account = :account AND jid = :jid AND stanza_id = :stanza_id ORDER BY timestamp DESC");
fileprivate let getChatMessagesStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id, author_nickname, author_jid, recipient_nickname, participant_id, timestamp, item_type, data, state, preview, encryption, fingerprint, error, appendix FROM chat_history WHERE account = :account AND jid = :jid AND (:showLinkPreviews OR item_type IN (\(ItemType.message.rawValue), \(ItemType.attachment.rawValue))) ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset");
fileprivate let getChatMessageWithIdStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id, account, jid, author_nickname, author_jid, recipient_nickname, participant_id, timestamp, item_type, data, state, preview, encryption, fingerprint, error, appendix, correction_stanza_id FROM chat_history WHERE id = :id");
fileprivate let getChatAttachmentsStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id, author_nickname, author_jid, recipient_nickname, participant_id, timestamp, item_type, data, state, preview, encryption, fingerprint, error, appendix FROM chat_history WHERE account = :account AND jid = :jid AND item_type = \(ItemType.attachment.rawValue) ORDER BY timestamp DESC");
fileprivate let getChatMessagePosition: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT count(id) FROM chat_history WHERE account = :account AND jid = :jid AND id <> :msgId AND (:showLinkPreviews OR item_type IN (\(ItemType.message.rawValue), \(ItemType.attachment.rawValue))) AND timestamp > (SELECT timestamp FROM chat_history WHERE id = :msgId)")
fileprivate let removeChatHistoryStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM chat_history WHERE account = :account AND (:jid IS NULL OR jid = :jid)");
// fileprivate let searchHistoryStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT as id, chat_history.account as account, chat_history.jid as jid, author_nickname, author_jid, participant_id, chat_history.timestamp as timestamp, item_type, as data, state, preview, chat_history.encryption as encryption, fingerprint FROM chat_history INNER JOIN chat_history_fts_index ON = chat_history_fts_index.rowid LEFT JOIN chats ON chats.account = chat_history.account AND chats.jid = chat_history.jid WHERE ( IS NOT NULL OR chat_history.author_nickname is NULL) AND chat_history_fts_index MATCH :query AND (:account IS NULL OR chat_history.account = :account) AND (:jid IS NULL OR chat_history.jid = :jid) AND item_type = \(ItemType.message.rawValue) ORDER BY chat_history.timestamp DESC")
fileprivate let getUnsentMessagesForAccountStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT ch.account as account, ch.jid as jid, ch.item_type as item_type, as data, ch.stanza_id as stanza_id, ch.encryption as encryption FROM chat_history ch WHERE ch.account = :account AND ch.state = \(MessageState.outgoing_unsent.rawValue) ORDER BY timestamp ASC");
fileprivate lazy var countUnsentMessagesStmt: DBStatement! = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT count(id) FROM chat_history WHERE state = \(MessageState.outgoing_unsent.rawValue)");
fileprivate let removeItemStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM chat_history WHERE id = :id");
private let correctLastMessageStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET data = :data, state = :state, correction_stanza_id = :correction_stanza_id, correction_timestamp = :correction_timestamp, remote_msg_id = :remote_msg_id, server_msg_id = COALESCE(:server_msg_id, server_msg_id) WHERE id = :id AND (correction_stanza_id IS NULL OR correction_stanza_id <> :correction_stanza_id) AND (correction_timestamp IS NULL OR correction_timestamp < :correction_timestamp)");
private let retractMessageStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET item_type = :item_type, correction_stanza_id = :correction_stanza_id, correction_timestamp = :correction_timestamp, remote_msg_id = :remote_msg_id, server_msg_id = COALESCE(:server_msg_id, server_msg_id) WHERE id = :id AND (correction_stanza_id IS NULL OR correction_stanza_id <> :correction_stanza_id) AND (correction_timestamp IS NULL OR correction_timestamp < :correction_timestamp)");
fileprivate let dispatcher: QueueDispatcher;
static func convertToAttachments() {
let diskCacheUrl = FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!.appendingPathComponent(Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!).appendingPathComponent("download", isDirectory: true);
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: diskCacheUrl.path) else {
let previewsToConvert = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM chat_history WHERE preview IS NOT NULL").query(map: { cursor -> Int in
return cursor["id"]!;
let convertStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id, account, jid, author_nickname, author_jid, timestamp, item_type, data, state, preview, encryption, fingerprint, error, appendix, preview, stanza_id FROM chat_history WHERE id = ?");
let removePreviewStmt: DBStatement = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("UPDATE chat_history SET preview = NULL WHERE id = ?");
previewsToConvert.forEach { id in
guard let (item, previews, stanzaId) = try! convertStmt.findFirst(id, map: { (cursor) -> (ChatMessage, [String:String], String?)? in
let account: BareJID = cursor["account"]!;
let jid: BareJID = cursor["jid"]!;
let stanzaId: String? = cursor["stanza_id"];
guard let item = DBChatHistoryStore.instance.itemFrom(cursor: cursor, for: account, with: jid) as? ChatMessage, let previewStr: String = cursor["preview"] else {
return nil;
var previews: [String:String] = [:];
previewStr.split(separator: "\n").forEach { (line) in
let tmp = line.split(separator: "\t").map({String($0)});
if (!tmp[1].starts(with: "ERROR")) && (tmp[1] != "NONE") {
previews[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];
return (item, previews, stanzaId);
}) else {
if previews.isEmpty {
_ = try! removePreviewStmt.update(;
} else {
print("converting for:", item.account, "with:", item.jid, "previews:", previews);
if previews.count == 1 {
let isAttachmentOnly = URL(string: item.message) != nil;
if isAttachmentOnly {
let appendix = ChatAttachmentAppendix();
DBChatHistoryStore.instance.appendItem(for: item.account, with: item.jid, state: item.state, authorNickname: item.authorNickname, authorJid: item.authorJid, recipientNickname: nil, participantId: nil, type: .attachment, timestamp: item.timestamp, stanzaId: stanzaId, serverMsgId: nil, remoteMsgId: nil, data: item.message, encryption: item.encryption, encryptionFingerprint: item.encryptionFingerprint, appendix: appendix, linkPreviewAction: .none, masterId: nil, completionHandler: { newId in
DBChatHistoryStore.instance.remove(item: item);
} else {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
DBChatHistoryStore.instance.appendItem(for: item.account, with: item.jid, state: item.state, authorNickname: item.authorNickname, authorJid: item.authorJid, recipientNickname: nil, participantId: nil, type: .linkPreview, timestamp: item.timestamp, stanzaId: stanzaId, serverMsgId: nil, remoteMsgId: nil, data: previews.keys.first ?? item.message, encryption: item.encryption, encryptionFingerprint: item.encryptionFingerprint, linkPreviewAction: .none, masterId: nil, completionHandler: { newId in
_ = try! removePreviewStmt.update(;
} else {
_ = try! removePreviewStmt.update(;
} else {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
let group = DispatchGroup();
group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main, execute: {
_ = try! removePreviewStmt.update(;
for (url, _) in previews {
DBChatHistoryStore.instance.appendItem(for: item.account, with: item.jid, state: item.state, authorNickname: item.authorNickname, authorJid: item.authorJid, recipientNickname: nil, participantId: nil, type: .linkPreview, timestamp: item.timestamp, stanzaId: stanzaId, serverMsgId: nil, remoteMsgId: nil, data: url, encryption: item.encryption, encryptionFingerprint: item.encryptionFingerprint, linkPreviewAction: .none, masterId: nil, completionHandler: { newId in
} else {
_ = try! removePreviewStmt.update(;
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: diskCacheUrl);
public init() {
dispatcher = QueueDispatcher(label: "chat_history_store");
open func process(chatState: ChatState, for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID) {
dispatcher.async {
DBChatStore.instance.process(chatState: chatState, for: account, with: jid);
public enum MessageSource {
case stream
case archive(source: BareJID, version: MessageArchiveManagementModule.Version, messageId: String, timestamp: Date)
case carbons(action: MessageCarbonsModule.Action)
open func append(for account: BareJID, message: Message, source: MessageSource) {
let direction: MessageDirection = account == message.from?.bareJid ? .outgoing : .incoming;
guard let jidFull = direction == .outgoing ? : message.from else {
// sender jid should always be there..
let jid = jidFull.bareJid;
let (decryptedBody, encryption, fingerprint) = MessageEventHandler.prepareBody(message: message, forAccount: account);
let mixInvitation = message.mixInvitation;
var itemType = MessageEventHandler.itemType(fromMessage: message);
let stanzaId = message.originId ??;
var stableIds = message.stanzaId;
var fromArchive = false;
var inTimestamp: Date?;
switch source {
case .archive(let source, let version, let messageId, let timestamp):
if version == .MAM2 {
if stableIds == nil {
stableIds = [source: messageId];
} else {
stableIds?[source] = messageId;
inTimestamp = timestamp;
if message.type == .groupchat {
fromArchive = false; //source != account;
} else {
fromArchive = true;
inTimestamp = message.delay?.stamp;
let serverMsgId: String? = stableIds?[account];
let remoteMsgId: String? = stableIds?[jid];
let (authorNickname, authorJid, recipientNickname, participantId) = MessageEventHandler.extractRealAuthor(from: message, for: account, with: jidFull);
let state = MessageEventHandler.calculateState(direction: MessageEventHandler.calculateDirection(direction: direction, for: account, with: jid, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid), isError: (message.type ?? .chat) == .error, isFromArchive: fromArchive, isMuc: message.type == .groupchat && message.mix == nil);
var appendix: AppendixProtocol? = nil;
if itemType == .message, let mixInvitation = mixInvitation {
itemType = .invitation;
appendix = ChatInvitationAppendix(mixInvitation: mixInvitation);
let timestamp = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(Int64((inTimestamp ?? Date()).timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)) / 1000);
guard let body = decryptedBody ?? (mixInvitation != nil ? "Invitation" : nil) else {
if let retractedId = message.messageRetractionId, let originId = stanzaId {
dispatcher.async {
self.retractMessageSync(for: account, with: jid, stanzaId: retractedId, authorNickname: authorNickname, participantId: participantId, retractionStanzaId: originId, retractionTimestamp: timestamp, serverMsgId: serverMsgId, remoteMsgId: remoteMsgId);
// only if carbon!!
switch source {
case .carbons(let action):
if action == .received {
if (message.type ?? .normal) != .error, let chatState = message.chatState, message.delay == nil {
DBChatHistoryStore.instance.process(chatState: chatState, for: account, with: jid);
if (message.type ?? .normal) != .error, let chatState = message.chatState, message.delay == nil {
DBChatHistoryStore.instance.process(chatState: chatState, for: account, with: jid);
dispatcher.async {
guard !state.isError || stanzaId == nil || !self.processOutgoingError(for: account, with: jid, stanzaId: stanzaId!, errorCondition: message.errorCondition, errorMessage: message.errorText) else {
if let retractedId = message.messageRetractionId, let originId = stanzaId {
self.retractMessageSync(for: account, with: jid, stanzaId: retractedId, authorNickname: authorNickname, participantId: participantId, retractionStanzaId: originId, retractionTimestamp: timestamp, serverMsgId: serverMsgId, remoteMsgId: remoteMsgId);
if let originId = stanzaId, let correctedMessageId = message.lastMessageCorrectionId, self.correctMessageSync(for: account, with: jid, stanzaId: correctedMessageId, authorNickname: authorNickname, participantId: participantId, data: body, correctionStanzaId: originId, correctionTimestamp: timestamp, serverMsgId: serverMsgId, remoteMsgId: remoteMsgId, newState: state) {
// this message was already added to the store..
// should this be here...?
if let chatState = message.chatState {
DBChatStore.instance.process(chatState: chatState, for: account, with: jid);
if let stableId = serverMsgId, let existingMessageId = self.findItemId(for: account, serverMsgId: stableId) {
if let originId = stanzaId, let existingMessageId = self.findItemId(for: account, with: jid, originId: originId, authorNickname: authorNickname, participantId: participantId) {
if let stableId = serverMsgId {
_ = try! self.updateServerMsgId.update(["id": existingMessageId, "server_msg_id": serverMsgId] as [String: Any?]);
self.appendItemSync(for: account, with: jid, state: state, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, type: itemType, timestamp: timestamp, stanzaId: stanzaId, serverMsgId: serverMsgId, remoteMsgId: remoteMsgId, data: body, chatState: message.chatState, errorCondition: message.errorCondition, errorMessage: message.errorText, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: fingerprint, appendix: appendix, linkPreviewAction: .auto, masterId: nil, completionHandler: nil);
public enum LinkPreviewAction {
case auto
case none
case only
private func findItemId(for account: BareJID, serverMsgId: String) -> Int? {
return try! self.findItemByServerMsgId.findFirst(["server_msg_id": serverMsgId, "account": account] as [String: Any?], map: { cursor -> Int? in
return cursor["id"];
private func findItemId(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, originId: String, authorNickname: String?, participantId: String?) -> Int? {
return try! self.findItemByOriginId.findFirst(["stanza_id": originId, "account": account, "jid": jid, "author_nickname": authorNickname, "participant_id": participantId] as [String: Any?], map: { cursor -> Int? in
return cursor["id"];
private func appendItemSync(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, state: MessageState, authorNickname: String?, authorJid: BareJID?, recipientNickname: String?, participantId: String?, type: ItemType, timestamp: Date, stanzaId: String?, serverMsgId: String?, remoteMsgId: String?, data: String, chatState: ChatState?, errorCondition: ErrorCondition?, errorMessage: String? , encryption: MessageEncryption, encryptionFingerprint: String?, appendix: AppendixProtocol?, linkPreviewAction: LinkPreviewAction, masterId: Int? = nil, completionHandler: ((Int) -> Void)?) {
var item: ChatViewItemProtocol?;
if linkPreviewAction != .only {
let appendixStr: String? = appendix?.string(encoding: .utf8);
let params: [String:Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid, "timestamp": timestamp, "data": data, "item_type": type.rawValue, "state": state.rawValue, "stanza_id": stanzaId, "author_nickname": authorNickname, "author_jid": authorJid, "recipient_nickname": recipientNickname, "participant_id": participantId, "encryption": encryption.rawValue, "fingerprint": encryptionFingerprint, "error": state.isError ? (errorMessage ?? errorCondition?.rawValue ?? "Unknown error") : nil, "appendix": appendixStr, "server_msg_id": serverMsgId, "remote_msg_id": remoteMsgId, "master_id": masterId];
guard let msgId = try! self.appendMessageStmt.insert(params) else {
switch type {
case .message:
item = ChatMessage(id: msgId, timestamp: timestamp, account: account, jid: jid, state: state, message: data, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: encryptionFingerprint, error: errorMessage);
case .invitation:
item = ChatInvitation(id: msgId, timestamp: timestamp, account: account, jid: jid, state: state, message: data, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: encryptionFingerprint, appendix: appendix as! ChatInvitationAppendix, error: errorMessage);
case .attachment:
item = ChatAttachment(id: msgId, timestamp: timestamp, account: account, jid: jid, state: state, url: data, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: encryptionFingerprint, appendix: (appendix as? ChatAttachmentAppendix) ?? ChatAttachmentAppendix(), error: errorMessage);
case .linkPreview:
if #available(iOS 13.0, *), Settings.linkPreviews.bool() {
item = ChatLinkPreview(id: msgId, timestamp: timestamp, account: account, jid: jid, state: state, url: data, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: encryptionFingerprint, error: errorMessage);
case .messageRetracted, .attachmentRetracted:
// nothing to do, as we do not want notifications for that (at least for now and no item of that type would be created in here!
if item != nil {
DBChatStore.instance.newMessage(for: account, with: jid, timestamp: timestamp, itemType: type, message: encryption.message() ?? data, state: state, remoteChatState: state.direction == .incoming ? chatState : nil, senderNickname: authorNickname) { DBChatHistoryStore.MESSAGE_NEW, object: item);
if linkPreviewAction != .none && type == .message, let id = item?.id {
self.generatePreviews(forItem: id, account: account, jid: jid, state: state, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, timestamp: timestamp, data: data);
open func appendItem(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, state: MessageState, authorNickname: String?, authorJid: BareJID?, recipientNickname: String?, participantId: String?, type: ItemType, timestamp: Date, stanzaId: String?, serverMsgId: String?, remoteMsgId: String?, data: String, chatState: ChatState? = nil, errorCondition: ErrorCondition? = nil, errorMessage: String? = nil, encryption: MessageEncryption, encryptionFingerprint: String?, appendix: AppendixProtocol? = nil, linkPreviewAction: LinkPreviewAction, masterId: Int? = nil, completionHandler: ((Int) -> Void)?) {
dispatcher.async {
self.appendItemSync(for: account, with: jid, state: state, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, type: type, timestamp: timestamp, stanzaId: stanzaId, serverMsgId: serverMsgId, remoteMsgId: remoteMsgId, data: data, chatState: chatState, errorCondition: errorCondition, errorMessage: errorMessage, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: encryptionFingerprint, appendix: appendix, linkPreviewAction: linkPreviewAction, masterId: masterId, completionHandler: completionHandler);
open func correctMessage(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, stanzaId: String, authorNickname: String?, participantId: String?, data: String, correctionStanzaId: String?, correctionTimestamp: Date, newState: MessageState) {
let timestamp = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(Int64((correctionTimestamp).timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)) / 1000);
dispatcher.async {
_ = self.correctMessageSync(for: account, with: jid, stanzaId: stanzaId, authorNickname: authorNickname, participantId: participantId, data: data, correctionStanzaId: correctionStanzaId, correctionTimestamp: timestamp, serverMsgId: nil, remoteMsgId: nil, newState: newState);
private func correctMessageSync(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, stanzaId: String, authorNickname: String?, participantId: String?, data: String, correctionStanzaId: String?, correctionTimestamp: Date, serverMsgId: String?, remoteMsgId: String?, newState: MessageState) -> Bool {
// we need to check participant-id/sender nickname to make it work correctly
// moreover, stanza-id should be checked with origin-id for MUC/MIX (not message id)
// MIX/MUC should send origin-id if they assume to use last message correction!
if let itemId = self.findItemId(for: account, with: jid, originId: stanzaId, authorNickname: authorNickname, participantId: participantId) {
if let oldItem: ChatViewItemProtocol = try! self.getChatMessageWithIdStmt.findFirst(["id": itemId] as [String: Any?], map: {
return self.itemFrom(cursor: $0, for: account, with: jid)
}) {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["id": itemId, "data": data, "state": newState.rawValue, "correction_stanza_id": correctionStanzaId, "remote_msg_id": remoteMsgId, "server_msg_id": serverMsgId, "correction_timestamp": correctionTimestamp];
let updated = try! self.correctLastMessageStmt.update(params);
if updated > 0 {
let newMessageState: MessageState = (oldItem.state.direction == .incoming) ? (oldItem.state.isUnread ? .incoming : (newState.isUnread ? .incoming_unread : .incoming)) : (.outgoing);
DBChatStore.instance.newMessage(for: account, with: jid, timestamp: oldItem.timestamp, itemType: .message, message: data, state: newMessageState, completionHandler: {
print("chat store state updated with message state:", newMessageState.rawValue, "old state:", oldItem.state.rawValue, "new state:", newState.rawValue);
print("correcing previews for master id:", itemId);
self.itemUpdated(withId: itemId, for: account, with: jid);
self.previewGenerationDispatcher.async(flags: .barrier, execute: {
self.dispatcher.sync {
print("removing previews for master id:", itemId);
self.removePreviews(idOfRelatedToItem: itemId);
if newState != .outgoing_unsent {
self.generatePreviews(forItem: itemId, account: account, jid: jid, state: newState);
return true;
} else {
return false;
public func retractMessage(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, stanzaId: String, authorNickname: String?, participantId: String?, retractionStanzaId: String?, retractionTimestamp: Date, serverMsgId: String?, remoteMsgId: String?) {
dispatcher.async {
_ = self.retractMessageSync(for: account, with: jid, stanzaId: stanzaId, authorNickname: authorNickname, participantId: participantId, retractionStanzaId: retractionStanzaId, retractionTimestamp: retractionTimestamp, serverMsgId: serverMsgId, remoteMsgId: remoteMsgId);
private func retractMessageSync(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, stanzaId: String, authorNickname: String?, participantId: String?, retractionStanzaId: String?, retractionTimestamp: Date, serverMsgId: String?, remoteMsgId: String?) -> Bool {
if let itemId = self.findItemId(for: account, with: jid, originId: stanzaId, authorNickname: authorNickname, participantId: participantId) {
if let oldItem: ChatViewItemProtocol = try! self.getChatMessageWithIdStmt.findFirst(["id": itemId] as [String: Any?], map: {
return self.itemFrom(cursor: $0, for: account, with: jid)
}) {
var itemType: ItemType = .messageRetracted;
if oldItem is ChatAttachment {
itemType = .attachmentRetracted;
let params: [String: Any?] = ["id": itemId, "item_type": itemType.rawValue, "correction_stanza_id": retractionStanzaId, "remote_msg_id": remoteMsgId, "server_msg_id": serverMsgId, "correction_timestamp": retractionTimestamp];
let updated = try! self.retractMessageStmt.update(params);
if updated > 0 {
// what should be sent to "newMessage" how to reatract message from there??
let activity: LastChatActivity = DBChatStore.instance.getLastActivity(for: account, jid: jid) ?? .message("", direction: .incoming, sender: nil);
DBChatStore.instance.newMessage(for: account, with: jid, timestamp: oldItem.timestamp, lastActivity: activity, state: oldItem.state.direction == .incoming ? .incoming : .outgoing, completionHandler: {
print("chat store state updated with message retraction");
if oldItem.state.isUnread {
DBChatStore.instance.markAsRead(for: account, with: jid, count: 1);
self.itemRemoved(withId: itemId, for: account, with: jid);
self.previewGenerationDispatcher.async(flags: .barrier, execute: {
self.dispatcher.sync {
print("removing previews for master id:", itemId);
self.removePreviews(idOfRelatedToItem: itemId);
return true;
} else {
return false;
private func generatePreviews(forItem masterId: Int, account: BareJID, jid: BareJID, state: MessageState) {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["id": masterId];
guard let item = try! self.getChatMessageWithIdStmt.findFirst(params, map: { (cursor) in
return self.itemFrom(cursor: cursor, for: account, with: jid) as? ChatMessage
}) else {
self.generatePreviews(forItem:, account: item.account, jid: item.jid, state: item.state, authorNickname: item.authorNickname, authorJid: item.authorJid, recipientNickname: item.recipientNickname, participantId: item.participantId, timestamp: item.timestamp, data: item.message);
private var previewsInProgress: [Int: UUID] = [:];
private let previewGenerationDispatcher = QueueDispatcher(label: "chat_history_store", attributes: [.concurrent]);
private func generatePreviews(forItem masterId: Int, account: BareJID, jid: BareJID, state messageState: MessageState, authorNickname: String?, authorJid: BareJID?, recipientNickname: String?, participantId: String?, timestamp: Date, data: String) {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
let state = messageState == .incoming_unread ? .incoming : messageState;
let uuid = UUID();
previewsInProgress[masterId] = uuid;
previewGenerationDispatcher.async {
// if we may have previews, we should add them here..
if let detector = try? NSDataDetector(types: {
let matches = detector.matches(in: data, range: NSMakeRange(0, data.utf16.count));
guard self.dispatcher.sync(execute: {
let valid = self.previewsInProgress[masterId] == uuid;
if valid {
self.previewsInProgress.removeValue(forKey: masterId);
return valid;
}) else {
matches.forEach { match in
if let url = match.url, let scheme = url.scheme, ["https", "http"].contains(scheme) {
if (data as NSString).range(of: "http", options: .caseInsensitive, range: match.range).location == match.range.location {
DBChatHistoryStore.instance.appendItem(for: account, with: jid, state: state, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, type: .linkPreview, timestamp: timestamp, stanzaId: nil, serverMsgId: nil, remoteMsgId: nil, data: url.absoluteString, encryption: .none, encryptionFingerprint: nil, linkPreviewAction: .none, masterId: masterId, completionHandler: nil);
if let address = match.components {
let query = address.values.joined(separator: ",").addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed);
let mapUrl = URL(string: "\(query!)")!;
DBChatHistoryStore.instance.appendItem(for: account, with: jid, state: state, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, type: .linkPreview, timestamp: timestamp, stanzaId: nil, serverMsgId: nil, remoteMsgId: nil, data: mapUrl.absoluteString, encryption: .none, encryptionFingerprint: nil, linkPreviewAction: .none, masterId: masterId, completionHandler: nil);
open func removeHistory(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID?) {
dispatcher.async {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid];
_ = try! self.removeChatHistoryStmt.update(params);
fileprivate func processOutgoingError(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, stanzaId: String, errorCondition: ErrorCondition?, errorMessage: String?) -> Bool {
guard let itemId = DBChatHistoryStore.instance.getItemId(for: account, with: jid, stanzaId: stanzaId) else {
return false;
let params: [String: Any?] = ["id": itemId, "state": MessageState.outgoing_error_unread.rawValue, "error": errorMessage ?? errorCondition?.rawValue ?? "Unknown error"];
guard try! self.markAsErrorStmt.update(params) > 0 else {
return false;
DBChatStore.instance.newMessage(for: account, with: jid, timestamp: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0), itemType: nil, message: nil, state: .outgoing_error_unread) {
self.itemUpdated(withId: itemId, for: account, with: jid);
return true;
open func countUnsentMessages(completionHandler: @escaping (Int)->Void) {
dispatcher.async {
let result = try! self.countUnsentMessagesStmt.scalar() ?? 0;
open func markOutgoingAsError(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, stanzaId: String, errorCondition: ErrorCondition?, errorMessage: String?) {
dispatcher.async {
_ = self.processOutgoingError(for: account, with: jid, stanzaId: stanzaId, errorCondition: errorCondition, errorMessage: errorMessage);
open func markAsRead(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, messageId: String? = nil) {
dispatcher.async {
if let id = messageId {
if let msgId = self.findItemId(for: account, with: jid, originId: id, authorNickname: nil, participantId: nil) {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid, "id": msgId];
let updateRecords = try! self.markMessageAsReadStmt.update(params);
if updateRecords > 0 {
DBChatStore.instance.markAsRead(for: account, with: jid, count: 1);
DispatchQueue.main.async { DBChatHistoryStore.MESSAGES_MARKED_AS_READ, object: self, userInfo: ["account": account, "jid": jid]);
} else {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid];
let updateRecords = try! self.markAsReadStmt.update(params);
if updateRecords > 0 {
DBChatStore.instance.markAsRead(for: account, with: jid);
DispatchQueue.main.async { DBChatHistoryStore.MESSAGES_MARKED_AS_READ, object: self, userInfo: ["account": account, "jid": jid]);
open func markAsRead(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, before: Date, completionHandler: (()->Void)? = nil) {
dispatcher.async {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid, "before": before];
let updateRecords = try! self.markAsReadBeforeStmt.update(params);
if updateRecords > 0 {
DBChatStore.instance.markAsRead(for: account, with: jid, count: updateRecords, completionHandler: completionHandler);
DispatchQueue.main.async { DBChatHistoryStore.MESSAGES_MARKED_AS_READ, object: self, userInfo: ["account": account, "jid": jid]);
open func getItemId(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, stanzaId: String) -> Int? {
return dispatcher.sync {
return self.findItemId(for: account, with: jid, originId: stanzaId, authorNickname: nil, participantId: nil);
open func itemPosition(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, msgId: Int) -> Int? {
return dispatcher.sync {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid, "msgId": msgId, "showLinkPreviews": linkPreviews];
return try! self.getChatMessagePosition.scalar(params);
open func updateItemState(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, stanzaId: String, from oldState: MessageState, to newState: MessageState, withTimestamp timestamp: Date? = nil) {
dispatcher.async {
guard let msgId = self.getItemId(for: account, with: jid, stanzaId: stanzaId) else {
self.updateItemState(for: account, with: jid, itemId: msgId, from: oldState, to: newState, withTimestamp: timestamp);
open func updateItemState(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, itemId msgId: Int, from oldState: MessageState, to newState: MessageState, withTimestamp timestamp: Date?) {
dispatcher.async {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["id": msgId, "oldState": oldState.rawValue, "newState": newState.rawValue, "newTimestamp": timestamp];
guard (try! self.updateItemStateStmt.update(params)) > 0 else {
self.itemUpdated(withId: msgId, for: account, with: jid);
if oldState == .outgoing_unsent && newState != .outgoing_unsent {
self.generatePreviews(forItem: msgId, account: account, jid: jid, state: newState);
fileprivate var findLinkPreviewsForMessageStmt: DBStatement?;
open func remove(item: ChatViewItemProtocol) {
dispatcher.async {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["id":];
guard (try! self.removeItemStmt.update(params)) > 0 else {
self.itemRemoved(withId:, for: item.account, with: item.jid);
private func removePreviews(idOfRelatedToItem masterId: Int) {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
if self.findLinkPreviewsForMessageStmt == nil {
self.findLinkPreviewsForMessageStmt = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("SELECT id, account, jid, data FROM chat_history WHERE master_id = :master_id AND item_type = \(ItemType.linkPreview.rawValue)");
// for chat message we might have a link previews which we need to remove..
let linkParams: [String: Any?] = ["master_id": masterId];
guard let linkPreviews = try? self.findLinkPreviewsForMessageStmt?.query(linkParams, map: { cursor -> (Int, BareJID, BareJID)? in
guard let id: Int = cursor["id"], let account: BareJID = cursor["account"], let jid: BareJID = cursor["jid"] else {
return nil;
return (id, account, jid);
}), !linkPreviews.isEmpty else {
for (id, account, jid) in linkPreviews {
// this is a preview and needs to be removed..
let removeLinkParams: [String: Any?] = ["id": id];
if (try! self.removeItemStmt.update(removeLinkParams)) > 0 {
self.itemRemoved(withId: id, for: account, with: jid);
func originId(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, id: Int, completionHandler: @escaping (String)->Void ){
dispatcher.async {
let stmt = try! DBConnection.main.prepareStatement("select stanza_id from chat_history where id = ?");
if let stanzaId: String = try! stmt.findFirst(id, map: { $0["stanza_id"] }) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
open func updateItem(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, id: Int, updateAppendix updateFn: @escaping (inout ChatAttachmentAppendix)->Void) {
dispatcher.async {
var params: [String: Any?] = ["id": id];
guard let item = try! self.getChatMessageWithIdStmt.findFirst(params, map: { (cursor) in
return self.itemFrom(cursor: cursor, for: account, with: jid)
}) as? ChatAttachment else {
if let data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(item.appendix), let dataStr = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
params["appendix"] = dataStr;
_ = try! self.updateItemStmt.update(params)
DispatchQueue.main.async { DBChatHistoryStore.MESSAGE_UPDATED, object: item);
open func updateItem(id: Int, updateAppendix updateFn: @escaping (inout ChatAttachmentAppendix)->Void) {
dispatcher.async {
var params: [String: Any?] = ["id": id];
guard let item = try! self.getChatMessageWithIdStmt.findFirst(params, map: { (cursor) -> ChatViewItemProtocol? in
let account: BareJID = cursor["account"]!;
let jid: BareJID = cursor["jid"]!;
return self.itemFrom(cursor: cursor, for: account, with: jid)
}) as? ChatAttachment else {
if let data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(item.appendix), let dataStr = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
params["appendix"] = dataStr;
_ = try! self.updateItemStmt.update(params)
DispatchQueue.main.async { DBChatHistoryStore.MESSAGE_UPDATED, object: item);
func loadUnsentMessage(for account: BareJID, completionHandler: @escaping (BareJID,BareJID,String,String,MessageEncryption,String?,ItemType)->Void) {
dispatcher.async {
try! self.getUnsentMessagesForAccountStmt.query(["account": account] as [String : Any?], forEach: { (cursor) in
let jid: BareJID = cursor["jid"]!;
let type = ItemType(rawValue: cursor["item_type"]!)!;
let data: String = cursor["data"]!;
let stanzaId: String = cursor["stanza_id"]!;
let encryption: MessageEncryption = MessageEncryption(rawValue: cursor["encryption"] ?? 0) ?? .none;
let correctionStanzaId: String? = cursor["correction_stanza_id"];
completionHandler(account, jid, data, stanzaId, encryption, correctionStanzaId, type);
open func itemUpdated(withId id: Int, for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID) {
dispatcher.async {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["id": id]
try! self.getChatMessageWithIdStmt.query(params, forEach: { (cursor) in
guard let item = self.itemFrom(cursor: cursor, for: account, with: jid) else {
} DBChatHistoryStore.MESSAGE_UPDATED, object: item);
fileprivate func itemRemoved(withId id: Int, for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID) {
dispatcher.async { DBChatHistoryStore.MESSAGE_REMOVED, object: DeletedMessage(id: id, account: account, jid: jid));
open func history(for account: BareJID, jid: BareJID, before: Int? = nil, limit: Int, completionHandler: @escaping (([ChatViewItemProtocol]) -> Void)) {
dispatcher.async {
if before != nil {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid, "msgId": before!, "showLinkPreviews": self.linkPreviews];
let offset = try! self.getChatMessagePosition.scalar(params)!;
completionHandler(self.history(for: account, jid: jid, offset: offset, limit: limit));
} else {
completionHandler(self.history(for: account, jid: jid, offset: 0, limit: limit));
open func history(for account: BareJID, jid: BareJID, before: Int? = nil, limit: Int) -> [ChatViewItemProtocol] {
return dispatcher.sync {
if before != nil {
let offset = try! getChatMessagePosition.scalar(["account": account, "jid": jid, "msgId": before!, "showLinkPreviews": linkPreviews])!;
return history(for: account, jid: jid, offset: offset, limit: limit);
} else {
return history(for: account, jid: jid, offset: 0, limit: limit);
// open func searchHistory(for account: BareJID? = nil, with jid: BareJID? = nil, search: String, completionHandler: @escaping ([ChatViewItemProtocol])->Void) {
// dispatcher.async {
// let tokens = search.unicodeScalars.split(whereSeparator: { (c) -> Bool in
// return CharacterSet.punctuationCharacters.contains(c) || CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines.contains(c);
// }).map({ (s) -> String in
// return String(s) + "*";
// });
// let query = tokens.joined(separator: " + ");
// print("searching for:", tokens, "query:", query);
// let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid, "query": query];
// let items = (try? self.searchHistoryStmt.query(params, map: { (cursor) -> ChatViewItemProtocol? in
// guard let account: BareJID = cursor["account"], let jid: BareJID = cursor["jid"] else {
// return nil;
// }
// return self.itemFrom(cursor: cursor, for: account, with: jid);
// })) ?? [];
// completionHandler(items);
// }
// }
fileprivate func history(for account: BareJID, jid: BareJID, offset: Int, limit: Int) -> [ChatViewItemProtocol] {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid, "offset": offset, "limit": limit, "showLinkPreviews": linkPreviews];
return try! getChatMessagesStmt.query(params) { (cursor) -> ChatViewItemProtocol? in
return itemFrom(cursor: cursor, for: account, with: jid);
// public func checkItemAlreadyAdded(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, authorNickname: String?, type: ItemType, timestamp: Date, direction: MessageDirection, stanzaId: String?, data: String?) -> Bool {
// let range = stanzaId == nil ? 5.0 : 60.0;
// let ts_from = timestamp.addingTimeInterval(-60 * range);
// let ts_to = timestamp.addingTimeInterval(60 * range);
// let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid, "ts_from": ts_from, "ts_to": ts_to, "item_type": type.rawValue, "direction": direction.rawValue, "stanza_id": stanzaId, "data": data, "author_nickname": authorNickname];
// return (try! checkItemAlreadyAddedStmt.scalar(params) ?? 0) > 0;
// }
public func loadAttachments(for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID, completionHandler: @escaping ([ChatAttachment])->Void) {
let params: [String: Any?] = ["account": account, "jid": jid];
dispatcher.async {
let attachments: [ChatAttachment] = try! self.getChatAttachmentsStmt.query(params, map: { cursor -> ChatAttachment? in
return self.itemFrom(cursor: cursor, for: account, with: jid) as? ChatAttachment;
fileprivate var linkPreviews: Bool {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
return Settings.linkPreviews.bool();
} else {
return false;
func itemFrom(cursor: DBCursor, for account: BareJID, with jid: BareJID) -> ChatViewItemProtocol? {
let id: Int = cursor["id"]!;
let stateInt: Int = cursor["state"]!;
let timestamp: Date = cursor["timestamp"]!;
guard let entryType = ItemType(rawValue: cursor["item_type"]!) else {
return nil;
let authorNickname: String? = cursor["author_nickname"];
let authorJid: BareJID? = cursor["author_jid"];
let recipientNickname: String? = cursor["recipient_nickname"];
let participantId: String? = cursor["participant_id"];
let encryption: MessageEncryption = MessageEncryption(rawValue: cursor["encryption"] ?? 0) ?? .none;
let encryptionFingerprint: String? = cursor["fingerprint"];
let error: String? = cursor["error"];
//let appendix: String? = cursor["appendix"];
// maybe we should have a "supplement" object which would provide additional info? such as additional data, etc..
switch entryType {
case .message:
let message: String = cursor["data"]!;
var preview: [String: String]? = nil;
if let previewStr: String = cursor["preview"] {
preview = [:];
previewStr.split(separator: "\n").forEach { (line) in
let tmp = line.split(separator: "\t");
preview?[String(tmp[0])] = String(tmp[1]);
return ChatMessage(id: id, timestamp: timestamp, account: account, jid: jid, state: MessageState(rawValue: stateInt)!, message: message, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: encryptionFingerprint, error: error);
case .invitation:
let message: String? = cursor["data"];
guard let appendix = ChatInvitationAppendix.decode(ChatInvitationAppendix.self, fromString: cursor["appendix"]) else {
return nil;
return ChatInvitation(id: id, timestamp: timestamp, account: account, jid: jid, state: MessageState(rawValue: stateInt)!, message: message, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: encryptionFingerprint, appendix: appendix, error: error)
case .attachment:
let url: String = cursor["data"]!;
let appendix = parseAttachmentAppendix(string: cursor["appendix"]);
return ChatAttachment(id: id, timestamp: timestamp, account: account, jid: jid, state: MessageState(rawValue: stateInt)!, url: url, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: encryptionFingerprint, appendix: appendix, error: error);
case .linkPreview:
let url: String = cursor["data"]!;
return ChatLinkPreview(id: id, timestamp: timestamp, account: account, jid: jid, state: MessageState(rawValue: stateInt)!, url: url, authorNickname: authorNickname, authorJid: authorJid, recipientNickname: recipientNickname, participantId: participantId, encryption: encryption, encryptionFingerprint: encryptionFingerprint, error: error)
case .messageRetracted, .attachmentRetracted:
// nothing in here, as were are removing retracted messages from the UI
return nil;
fileprivate func parseAttachmentAppendix(string: String?) -> ChatAttachmentAppendix {
guard let appendix = ChatAttachmentAppendix.decode(ChatAttachmentAppendix.self, fromString: string) else {
return ChatAttachmentAppendix();
return appendix;
public enum ItemType: Int {
case message = 0
case attachment = 1
// how about new type called link preview? this way we would have a far less data kept in a single item..
// we could even have them separated to the new item/entry during adding message to the store..
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
case linkPreview = 2
// with that in place we can have separate metadata kept "per" message as it is only one, so message id can be id of associated metadata..
case invitation = 3
case messageRetracted = 4
case attachmentRetracted = 5;
class DeletedMessage: ChatViewItemProtocol {
let id: Int;
let account: BareJID;
let jid: BareJID;
let timestamp: Date = Date();
let state: MessageState = .outgoing;
let encryption: MessageEncryption = .none;
let encryptionFingerprint: String? = nil;
init(id: Int, account: BareJID, jid: BareJID) { = id;
self.account = account;
self.jid = jid;
func isMergeable(with item: ChatViewItemProtocol) -> Bool {
return false;
func copyText(withTimestamp: Bool, withSender: Bool) -> String? {
return nil;