# BACKERS Thank you to the awesome backers who supported Simple Translate! [Became a patreon](https://www.patreon.com/sienori) [Check out with PayPal](https://www.paypal.me/sienoriExt) ## Backers via Patreon - kometchtech - 準平 大坪 - Hans Zhang - Daisuke SAKAMOTO - BIlY4kgVBE - Christian Mårtensson - shintaks - Ha Do Manh - 아영 김 - ovgolovin - 忠郎 蔡 - alexey vav - REN YAMAZAKI - daniel - Salah Morabit - Khaled - [Gyurme](https://github.com/gpg-dev) - Roman - Maurizio - Sutekh Merksmer - Artem - infi ziert - 柱君 叶 - mgulick - Carol Li - James - Quinton Ashley - Petr Korolev - Shigeru Tanaka - Laura Manson - t_w - Ryan Reedy - Milen Tsigomarev - 名暉 戴 - László Dr. Gerő - Corko - Sebastian Fohler - [Olzhas Suleimen](https://github.com/ykmnkmi) - Allen.YL - Adam Ralph - Kamran Razvan ([Click & Pledge](https://clickandpledge.com/)) - Mitrakov Artem - kikuchi.takanori - yh - Vladimir Chupin - john phillips - Macaroniseahorsedogkachu - John Franks - David Hajek ([@hdavid4444](https://mobile.twitter.com/hdavid4444)) - gumil - fur