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1158 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2015 Dibyendu Majumdar
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "ravi_gccjit.h"
bool ravi_setup_lua_types(ravi_gcc_context_t *ravi) {
ravi->types = (ravi_gcc_types_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(ravi_gcc_types_t));
if (!ravi->types)
return false;
#ifdef LUA_32BITS
#error 32-bit number is not supported for gcc jit
ravi_gcc_types_t *t = ravi->types;
t->C_boolT = gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_BOOL);
t->C_doubleT = gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_DOUBLE);
t->lua_NumberT = t->C_doubleT;
t->plua_NumberT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->lua_NumberT);
t->pplua_NumberT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->plua_NumberT);
t->lua_IntegerT =
gcc_jit_context_get_int_type(ravi->context, sizeof(lua_Integer), 1);
t->plua_IntegerT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->lua_IntegerT);
t->pplua_IntegerT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->plua_IntegerT);
// t->clua_IntegerT = gcc_jit_type_get_const(t->lua_IntegerT);
t->lua_UnsignedT =
gcc_jit_context_get_int_type(ravi->context, sizeof(lua_Unsigned), 0);
t->C_intptr_t =
gcc_jit_context_get_int_type(ravi->context, sizeof(intptr_t), 1);
t->C_size_t = gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_SIZE_T);
t->C_ptrdiff_t =
gcc_jit_context_get_int_type(ravi->context, sizeof(ptrdiff_t), 1);
t->C_int64_t =
gcc_jit_context_get_int_type(ravi->context, sizeof(int64_t), 1);
t->C_intT = gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_INT);
t->C_pintT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->C_intT);
t->C_shortT = gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_SHORT);
t->C_unsigned_shortT =
gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT);
t->C_unsigned_intT =
gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
t->lu_memT = t->C_size_t;
t->l_memT = t->C_ptrdiff_t;
t->tmsT = t->C_intT;
t->L_UmaxalignT = t->C_doubleT;
t->lu_byteT =
gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_CHAR);
t->C_charT = gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_CHAR);
t->C_pcharT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->C_charT);
t->C_pconstcharT =
gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_CONST_CHAR_PTR);
t->C_voidT = gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_VOID);
t->C_pvoidT = gcc_jit_context_get_type(ravi->context, GCC_JIT_TYPE_VOID_PTR);
/* typedef unsigned int Instruction */
t->InstructionT = t->C_unsigned_intT;
t->pInstructionT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->InstructionT);
t->ravitype_tT =
gcc_jit_context_get_int_type(ravi->context, sizeof(ravitype_t), 1);
t->lua_StateT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_lua_State");
t->plua_StateT =
t->lua_KContextT = t->C_ptrdiff_t;
gcc_jit_type *elements[32];
** Type for C functions registered with Lua
* typedef int (*lua_CFunction) (lua_State *L);
elements[0] = t->plua_StateT;
t->plua_CFunctionT = gcc_jit_context_new_function_ptr_type(
ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, 1, elements, 0);
** Type for continuation functions
* typedef int (*lua_KFunction) (lua_State *L, int status, lua_KContext ctx);
elements[0] = t->plua_StateT;
elements[1] = t->C_intT;
elements[2] = t->lua_KContextT;
t->plua_KFunctionT = gcc_jit_context_new_function_ptr_type(
ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, 3, elements, 0);
** Type for memory-allocation functions
* typedef void * (*lua_Alloc) (void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t
elements[0] = t->C_pvoidT;
elements[1] = t->C_pvoidT;
elements[2] = t->C_size_t;
elements[3] = t->C_size_t;
t->plua_AllocT = gcc_jit_context_new_function_ptr_type(
ravi->context, NULL, t->C_voidT, 4, elements, 0);
t->lua_DebugT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_lua_Debug");
t->plua_DebugT =
/* typedef void (*lua_Hook) (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar); */
elements[0] = t->plua_StateT;
elements[1] = t->plua_DebugT;
t->plua_HookT = gcc_jit_context_new_function_ptr_type(
ravi->context, NULL, t->C_pvoidT, 2, elements, 0);
gcc_jit_field *fields[32];
// struct GCObject {
// GCObject *next;
// lu_byte tt;
// lu_byte marked
// };
t->GCObjectT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_GCObject");
t->pGCObjectT =
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "next");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "tt");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "marked");
gcc_jit_struct_set_fields(t->GCObjectT, NULL, 3, fields);
// union Value {
// GCObject *gc; /* collectable objects */
// void *p; /* light userdata */
// int b; /* booleans */
// lua_CFunction f; /* light C functions */
// lua_Integer i; /* integer numbers */
// lua_Number n; /* float numbers */
// };
t->Value_value_gc = fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "gc");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_pvoidT, "p");
t->Value_value_b = fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "b");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_CFunctionT, "f");
t->Value_value_i = fields[4] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_IntegerT, "i");
t->Value_value_n = fields[5] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_NumberT, "n");
t->ValueT = gcc_jit_context_new_union_type(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_Value",
6, fields);
// NOTE: Following structure changes when NaN tagging is enabled
// struct TValue {
// union Value value_;
// int tt_;
// };
t->Value_value = fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->ValueT, "value_");
t->Value_tt = fields[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "tt_");
t->TValueT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(ravi->context, NULL,
"ravi_TValue", 2, fields);
t->pTValueT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->TValueT));
t->cTValueT = gcc_jit_type_get_const(gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->TValueT));
t->pcTValueT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->cTValueT);
t->StkIdT = t->pTValueT;
// typedef struct TString {
// GCObject *next;
// lu_byte tt;
// lu_byte marked
// lu_byte extra; /* reserved words for short strings; "has hash" for longs
// */
// lu_byte shrlen; /* length for short strings */
// unsigned int hash;
// union {
// size_t lnglen; /* length for long strings */
// struct TString *hnext; /* linked list for hash table */
// } u;
// } TString;
t->TStringT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_TString");
t->pTStringT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->TStringT));
t->ppTStringT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->pTStringT);
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "next");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "tt");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "marked");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "extra");
fields[4] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "shrlen");
fields[5] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_unsigned_intT,
/* union not mapped */
fields[6] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_size_t, "lnglen");
gcc_jit_struct_set_fields(t->TStringT, NULL, 7, fields);
// Table
t->TableT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_Table");
t->pTableT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->TableT));
t->ppTableT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->pTableT);
// typedef struct Udata {
// GCObject *next;
// lu_byte tt;
// lu_byte marked
// lu_byte ttuv_; /* user value's tag */
// struct Table *metatable;
// size_t len; /* number of bytes */
// union Value user_; /* user value */
//} Udata;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "next");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "tt");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "marked");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "ttuv_");
fields[4] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTableT, "metatable");
fields[5] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_size_t, "len");
fields[6] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->ValueT, "user_");
t->UdataT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_Udata",
7, fields);
// typedef struct Upvaldesc {
// TString *name; /* upvalue name (for debug information) */
// ravitype_t type;
// lu_byte instack; /* whether it is in stack */
// lu_byte idx; /* index of upvalue (in stack or in outer function's list)
// */
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTStringT, "name");
fields[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->ravitype_tT, "type");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "instack");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "idx");
t->UpvaldescT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(ravi->context, NULL,
"ravi_Upvaldesc", 4, fields);
t->pUpvaldescT =
// typedef struct LocVar {
// TString *varname;
// int startpc; /* first point where variable is active */
// int endpc; /* first point where variable is dead */
// ravitype_t ravi_type; /* RAVI type of the variable - RAVI_TANY if unknown
// */
//} LocVar;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTStringT, "varname");
fields[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "startpc");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "endpc");
fields[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->ravitype_tT,
t->LocVarT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(ravi->context, NULL,
"ravi_LocVar", 4, fields);
t->pLocVarT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->LocVarT));
t->LClosureT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_LClosure");
t->pLClosureT =
t->ppLClosureT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->pLClosureT);
t->pppLClosureT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->ppLClosureT);
// typedef struct RaviJITProto {
// lu_byte jit_status; /* 0=not compiled, 1=can't compile, 2=compiled,
// 3=freed */
// lu_byte jit_flags;
// unsigned short execution_count; /* how many times has function been
// executed */
// void *jit_data;
// lua_CFunction jit_function;
//} RaviJITProto;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "jit_status");
fields[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "jit_flags");
fields[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, t->C_unsigned_shortT, "execution_count");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_pvoidT, "jit_data");
fields[4] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_CFunctionT,
t->RaviJITProtoT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(
ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_RaviJITProto", 5, fields);
// typedef struct Proto {
// CommonHeader;
// lu_byte numparams; /* number of fixed parameters */
// lu_byte is_vararg;
// lu_byte maxstacksize; /* maximum stack used by this function */
// int sizeupvalues; /* size of 'upvalues' */
// int sizek; /* size of 'k' */
// int sizecode;
// int sizelineinfo;
// int sizep; /* size of 'p' */
// int sizelocvars;
// int linedefined;
// int lastlinedefined;
// TValue *k; /* constants used by the function */
// Instruction *code;
// struct Proto **p; /* functions defined inside the function */
// int *lineinfo; /* map from opcodes to source lines (debug information) */
// LocVar *locvars; /* information about local variables (debug information)
// */
// Upvaldesc *upvalues; /* upvalue information */
// struct LClosure *cache; /* last created closure with this prototype */
// TString *source; /* used for debug information */
// GCObject *gclist;
// /* RAVI */
// RaviJITProto *ravi_jit;
//} Proto;
t->ProtoT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_Proto");
t->pProtoT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->ProtoT));
t->ppProtoT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->pProtoT);
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "next");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "tt");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "marked");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "numparams");
fields[4] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "is_vararg");
fields[5] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT,
fields[6] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "sizeupvalues");
fields[7] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "sizek");
fields[8] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "sizecode");
fields[9] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "sizelineinfo");
t->Proto_sizep = fields[10] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "sizep");
fields[11] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "sizelocvars");
fields[12] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "linedefined");
fields[13] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT,
t->LClosure_p_k = fields[14] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "k");
fields[15] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pInstructionT, "code");
fields[16] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->ppProtoT, "p");
fields[17] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_pintT, "lineinfo");
fields[18] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pLocVarT, "locvars");
fields[19] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pUpvaldescT,
fields[20] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pLClosureT, "cache");
fields[21] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTStringT, "source");
fields[22] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "gclist");
fields[23] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->RaviJITProtoT),
gcc_jit_struct_set_fields(t->ProtoT, NULL, 24, fields);
// typedef struct UpVal UpVal;
t->UpValT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_UpVal");
t->pUpValT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->UpValT));
//#define ClosureHeader CommonHeader; lu_byte nupvalues; GCObject *gclist
// typedef struct CClosure {
// ClosureHeader;
// lua_CFunction f;
// TValue upvalue[1]; /* list of upvalues */
//} CClosure;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "next");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "tt");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "marked");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "nupvalues");
fields[4] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "gclist");
fields[5] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_CFunctionT, "f");
fields[6] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL,
gcc_jit_context_new_array_type(ravi->context, NULL,
gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->TValueT), 1),
t->CClosureT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(ravi->context, NULL,
"ravi_CClosure", 7, fields);
t->pCClosureT =
// typedef struct LClosure {
// ClosureHeader;
// struct Proto *p;
// UpVal *upvals[1]; /* list of upvalues */
//} LClosure;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "next");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "tt");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "marked");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "nupvalues");
fields[4] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "gclist");
t->LClosure_p = fields[5] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pProtoT, "p");
t->LClosure_upvals = fields[6] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL,
gcc_jit_context_new_array_type(ravi->context, NULL, t->pUpValT, 1),
gcc_jit_struct_set_fields(t->LClosureT, NULL, 7, fields);
// typedef union Closure {
// CClosure c;
// LClosure l;
//} Closure;
fields[0] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->CClosureT), "c");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->LClosureT), "l");
t->ClosureT = gcc_jit_context_new_union_type(ravi->context, NULL,
"ravi_Closure", 2, fields);
t->pCClosureT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->ClosureT);
// typedef union TKey {
// struct {
// TValuefields;
// int next; /* for chaining (offset for next node) */
// } nk;
// TValue tvk;
//} TKey;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->ValueT, "value_");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "tt_");
fields[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "next");
gcc_jit_struct *nk = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(
ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_TKey_nk", 3, fields);
fields[0] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL,
gcc_jit_struct_as_type(nk), "nk");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->TValueT), "tvk");
t->TKeyT = gcc_jit_context_new_union_type(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_TKey", 2,
t->pTKeyT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(t->TKeyT);
// typedef struct Node {
// TValue i_val;
// TKey i_key;
//} Node;
fields[0] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->TValueT), "i_val");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->TKeyT, "i_key");
t->NodeT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_Node",
2, fields);
t->pNodeT = gcc_jit_type_get_pointer(gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->NodeT));
// typedef struct RaviArray {
// char *data;
// unsigned int len; /* RAVI len specialization */
// unsigned int size; /* amount of memory allocated */
// lu_byte array_type; /* RAVI specialization */
// lu_byte array_modifier; /* Flags that affect how the array is handled */
//} RaviArray;
t->RaviArray_data = fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_pvoidT, "data");
t->RaviArray_len = fields[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_unsigned_intT, "len");
fields[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_unsigned_intT,
t->RaviArray_array_type = fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "array_type");
fields[4] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT,
t->RaviArrayT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(ravi->context, NULL,
"ravi_RaviArray", 5, fields);
// typedef struct Table {
// CommonHeader;
// lu_byte flags; /* 1<<p means tagmethod(p) is not present */
// lu_byte lsizenode; /* log2 of size of 'node' array */
// unsigned int sizearray; /* size of 'array' array */
// TValue *array; /* array part */
// Node *node;
// Node *lastfree; /* any free position is before this position */
// struct Table *metatable;
// GCObject *gclist;
// RaviArray ravi_array;
//} Table;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "next");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "tt");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "marked");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "flags");
fields[4] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "lsizenode");
fields[5] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_unsigned_intT,
fields[6] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "array");
fields[7] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pNodeT, "node");
fields[8] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pNodeT, "lastfree");
fields[9] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTableT, "metatable");
fields[10] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "gclist");
t->Table_ravi_array = fields[11] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->RaviArrayT), "ravi_array");
gcc_jit_struct_set_fields(t->TableT, NULL, 12, fields);
// struct lua_longjmp; /* defined in ldo.c */
t->lua_longjumpT = gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL,
t->plua_longjumpT =
// lzio.h
// typedef struct Mbuffer {
// char *buffer;
// size_t n;
// size_t buffsize;
//} Mbuffer;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_pcharT, "buffer");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_size_t, "n");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_size_t, "buffsize");
t->MbufferT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(ravi->context, NULL,
"ravi_Mbuffer", 3, fields);
// typedef struct stringtable {
// TString **hash;
// int nuse; /* number of elements */
// int size;
//} stringtable;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->ppTStringT, "hash");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "nuse");
fields[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "size");
t->stringtableT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(
ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_stringtable", 3, fields);
//** Information about a call.
//** When a thread yields, 'func' is adjusted to pretend that the
//** top function has only the yielded values in its stack; in that
//** case, the actual 'func' value is saved in field 'extra'.
//** When a function calls another with a continuation, 'extra' keeps
//** the function index so that, in case of errors, the continuation
//** function can be called with the correct top.
// typedef struct CallInfo {
// StkId func; /* function index in the stack */
// StkId top; /* top for this function */
// struct CallInfo *previous, *next; /* dynamic call link */
// union {
// struct { /* only for Lua functions */
// StkId base; /* base for this function */
// const Instruction *savedpc;
// } l;
// struct { /* only for C functions */
// lua_KFunction k; /* continuation in case of yields */
// ptrdiff_t old_errfunc;
// lua_KContext ctx; /* context info. in case of yields */
// } c;
// } u;
// ptrdiff_t extra;
// short nresults; /* expected number of results from this function */
// unsigned short callstatus;
// unsigned short stacklevel; /* Ravi extension - stack level, bottom level is 0 */
// lu_byte jitstatus; /* Only valid if Lua function - if 1 means JITed - RAVI extension */
//} CallInfo;
t->CallInfoT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_CallInfo");
t->pCallInfoT =
t->CallInfo_u_l_base = fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "base");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pInstructionT,
t->CallInfo_lT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(
ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_CallInfo_lua", 2, fields);
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_KFunctionT, "k");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_ptrdiff_t,
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_KContextT, "ctx");
t->CallInfo_cT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(
ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_CallInfo_C", 3, fields);
t->CallInfo_u_l = fields[0] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->CallInfo_lT), "l");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->CallInfo_cT), "c");
t->CallInfo_uT = gcc_jit_context_new_union_type(ravi->context, NULL,
"ravi_CallInfo_u", 2, fields);
t->CallInfo_func = fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "func");
t->CallInfo_top = fields[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "top");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "previous");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "next");
t->CallInfo_u = fields[4] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->CallInfo_uT, "u");
fields[5] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_ptrdiff_t, "extra");
fields[6] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_shortT, "nresults");
fields[7] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_shortT, "callstatus");
fields[8] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_shortT, "stacklevel");
fields[9] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "jitstatus");
gcc_jit_struct_set_fields(t->CallInfoT, NULL, 10, fields);
// typedef struct ravi_State ravi_State;
t->ravi_StateT =
gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_State");
t->pravi_StateT =
// typedef struct global_State global_State;
t->global_StateT = gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct(ravi->context, NULL,
t->pglobal_StateT =
//** 'per thread' state
// struct lua_State {
// CommonHeader;
// lu_byte status;
// StkId top; /* first free slot in the stack */
// global_State *l_G;
// CallInfo *ci; /* call info for current function */
// const Instruction *oldpc; /* last pc traced */
// StkId stack_last; /* last free slot in the stack */
// StkId stack; /* stack base */
// UpVal *openupval; /* list of open upvalues in this stack */
// GCObject *gclist;
// struct lua_State *twups; /* list of threads with open upvalues */
// struct lua_longjmp *errorJmp; /* current error recover point */
// CallInfo base_ci; /* CallInfo for first level (C calling Lua) */
// lua_Hook hook;
// ptrdiff_t errfunc; /* current error handling function (stack index) */
// int stacksize;
// int basehookcount;
// int hookcount;
// unsigned short nny; /* number of non-yieldable calls in stack */
// unsigned short nCcalls; /* number of nested C calls */
// lu_byte hookmask;
// lu_byte allowhook;
// unsigned short nci; /* number of items in 'ci' list */
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "next");
fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "tt");
fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "marked");
fields[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "status");
t->lua_State_top = fields[4] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "top");
fields[5] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pglobal_StateT, "l_G");
t->lua_State_ci = fields[6] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
fields[7] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pInstructionT, "oldpc");
fields[8] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "stack_last");
fields[9] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "stack");
fields[10] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pUpValT, "openupval");
fields[11] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pGCObjectT, "gclist");
fields[12] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "twups");
fields[13] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_longjumpT,
fields[14] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->CallInfoT), "base_ci");
fields[15] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_HookT, "hook");
fields[16] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_ptrdiff_t, "errfunc");
fields[17] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "stacksize");
fields[18] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT,
fields[19] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "hookcount");
fields[20] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL,
t->C_unsigned_shortT, "nny");
fields[21] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL,
t->C_unsigned_shortT, "nCcalls");
fields[22] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "hookmask");
fields[23] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_byteT, "allowhook");
fields[24] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_unsigned_shortT, "nci");
gcc_jit_struct_set_fields(t->lua_StateT, NULL, 25, fields);
// struct UpVal {
// struct TValue *v; /* points to stack or to its own value */
// lu_mem refcount; /* reference counter */
// union {
// struct { /* (when open) */
// struct UpVal *next; /* linked list */
// int touched; /* mark to avoid cycles with dead threads */
// } open;
// struct TValue value; /* the value (when closed) */
// } u;
fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pUpValT, "next");
fields[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "touched");
t->UpVal_u_openT = gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type(
ravi->context, NULL, "ravi_UpVal_u_open", 2, fields);
fields[0] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->UpVal_u_openT), "open");
t->UpVal_u_value = fields[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_field(
ravi->context, NULL, gcc_jit_struct_as_type(t->TValueT), "value");
t->UpVal_uT = gcc_jit_context_new_union_type(ravi->context, NULL,
"ravi_UpVal_u", 2, fields);
t->UpVal_v = fields[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "v");
fields[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->lu_memT, "refcount");
t->UpVal_u = fields[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_field(ravi->context, NULL, t->UpVal_uT, "u");
gcc_jit_struct_set_fields(t->UpValT, NULL, 3, fields);
gcc_jit_param *params[12];
// int luaD_poscall (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, StkId firstResult, int nres);
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "firstResult");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "nres");
t->luaD_poscallT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT, "luaD_poscall",
4, params, 0);
// void luaC_upvalbarrier_ (lua_State *L, UpVal *uv)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pUpValT, "uv");
t->luaC_upvalbarrierT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"luaC_upvalbarrier_", 2, params, 0);
// int luaD_precall (lua_State *L, StkId func, int nresults, int op_call);
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "func");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "nresults");
params[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "op_call");
t->luaD_precallT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT, "luaD_precall",
4, params, 0);
// void luaD_call (lua_State *L, StkId func, int nResults)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "func");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "nresults");
t->luaD_callT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT, "luaD_call", 3,
params, 0);
// void luaV_execute(lua_State L);
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
t->luaV_executeT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT, "luaV_execute",
1, params, 0);
// void luaF_close (lua_State *L, StkId level)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "level");
t->luaF_closeT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT, "luaF_close",
2, params, 0);
// TODO const
// int luaV_equalobj (lua_State *L, const TValue *t1, const TValue *t2)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "t1");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "t2");
t->luaV_equalobjT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT,
"luaV_equalobj", 3, params, 0);
// TODO const
// int luaV_lessthan (lua_State *L, const TValue *l, const TValue *r)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "l");
params[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "r");
t->luaV_lessthanT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT,
"luaV_lessthan", 3, params, 0);
// TODO const
// int luaV_lessequal (lua_State *L, const TValue *l, const TValue *r)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "l");
params[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "r");
t->luaV_lessequalT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT,
"luaV_lessequal", 3, params, 0);
// TODO const
// l_noret luaG_runerror (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_pconstcharT, "fmt");
t->luaG_runerrorT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"luaG_runerror", 2, params, 1);
// TODO const
// int luaV_forlimit (const TValue *obj, lua_Integer *p, lua_Integer step,
// int *stopnow)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "obj");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_IntegerT, "p");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_IntegerT, "step");
params[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_pintT, "stopnow");
t->luaV_forlimitT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT,
"luaV_forlimit", 4, params, 0);
// TODO const
// int luaV_tonumber_ (const TValue *obj, lua_Number *n)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "obj");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_NumberT, "n");
t->luaV_tonumberT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT,
"luaV_tonumber_", 2, params, 0);
// TODO const
// int luaV_tointeger_ (const TValue *obj, lua_Integer *p)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "obj");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_IntegerT, "p");
t->luaV_tointegerT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_intT,
"luaV_tointeger_", 2, params, 0);
// TODO const
// void luaV_objlen (lua_State *L, StkId ra, const TValue *rb)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "ra");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "rb");
t->luaV_objlenT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT, "luaV_objlen",
3, params, 0);
// TODO const
// void luaV_gettable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "t");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "key");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "val");
t->luaV_gettableT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"luaV_gettable", 4, params, 0);
// TODO const
// void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "t");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "key");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "val");
t->luaV_settableT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"luaV_settable", 4, params, 0);
// TODO const
// void luaT_trybinTM (lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2,
// StkId res, TMS event);
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "p1");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pcTValueT, "p2");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->StkIdT, "res");
params[4] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->tmsT, "event");
t->luaT_trybinTMT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"luaT_trybinTM", 5, params, 0);
// void raviV_op_loadnil(CallInfo *ci, int a, int b)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
params[1] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "a");
params[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "b");
t->raviV_op_loadnilT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviV_op_loadnil", 3, params, 0);
// void raviV_op_newarrayint(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, TValue *ra)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
params[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "ra");
t->raviV_op_newarrayintT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviV_op_newarrayint", 3, params, 0);
// void raviV_op_newarrayfloat(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, TValue *ra)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
params[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "ra");
t->raviV_op_newarrayfloatT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviV_op_newarrayfloat", 3, params, 0);
// void raviV_op_newtable(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, TValue *ra, int b, int
// c)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
params[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "ra");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "b");
params[4] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "c");
t->raviV_op_newtableT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviV_op_newtable", 5, params, 0);
// void raviV_op_setlist(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, TValue *ra, int b, int c)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
params[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "ra");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "b");
params[4] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "c");
t->raviV_op_setlistT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviV_op_setlist", 5, params, 0);
// lua_Integer luaV_div (lua_State *L, lua_Integer m, lua_Integer n)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_IntegerT, "m");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_IntegerT, "n");
t->luaV_divT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->lua_IntegerT,
"luaV_div", 3, params, 0);
// lua_Integer luaV_mod (lua_State *L, lua_Integer m, lua_Integer n)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_IntegerT, "m");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_IntegerT, "n");
t->luaV_modT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->lua_IntegerT,
"luaV_mod", 3, params, 0);
// void raviV_op_concat(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, int a, int b, int c)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
params[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "a");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "b");
params[4] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "c");
t->raviV_op_concatT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviV_op_concat", 5, params, 0);
// void raviV_op_closure(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, LClosure *cl, int a, int
// Bx)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pLClosureT, "cl");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "a");
params[4] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "Bx");
t->raviV_op_closureT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviV_op_closure", 5, params, 0);
// void raviV_op_vararg(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, LClosure *cl, int a, int
// b)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pCallInfoT, "ci");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pLClosureT, "cl");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "a");
params[4] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "b");
t->raviV_op_varargT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviV_op_vararg", 5, params, 0);
// void raviH_set_int(lua_State *L, Table *t, lua_Unsigned key, lua_Integer
// value);
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTableT, "table");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_UnsignedT, "key");
params[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_IntegerT, "value");
t->raviH_set_intT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviH_set_int", 4, params, 0);
// void raviH_set_float(lua_State *L, Table *t, lua_Unsigned key, lua_Number
// value);
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTableT, "table");
params[2] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_UnsignedT, "key");
params[3] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->lua_NumberT, "value");
t->raviH_set_floatT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviH_set_float", 4, params, 0);
// void raviV_op_setupval(lua_State *L, LClosure *cl, TValue *ra, int b)
params[0] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->plua_StateT, "L");
params[1] =
gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pLClosureT, "cl");
params[2] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->pTValueT, "ra");
params[3] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_intT, "b");
t->raviV_op_setupvalT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(
ravi->context, NULL, GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_IMPORTED, t->C_voidT,
"raviV_op_setupval", 4, params, 0);
params[0] = gcc_jit_context_new_param(ravi->context, NULL, t->C_pconstcharT,
t->printfT = gcc_jit_context_new_function(ravi->context, NULL,
t->C_intT, "printf", 1, params, 1);
return ravi_jit_has_errored(ravi) ? false : true;