You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1410 lines
48 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2015 Dibyendu Majumdar
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifdef USE_LLVM
#include "ravi_llvm.h"
#include "ravi_jit.h"
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// TODO we probably do not need all the headers
// below
#define LUA_CORE
#include "lprefix.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lua.h"
#include "ldebug.h"
#include "ldo.h"
#include "lfunc.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lopcodes.h"
#include "lstate.h"
#include "lstring.h"
#include "ltable.h"
#include "lvm.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace ravi {
** Lua typecode have certain bits that are used to
** indicate variants or subtypes, or whether the type
** is collectible. The enumerated values below
** reflect the way these type codes get set within
** Lua values - these are the codes the JIT code must
** use.
enum LuaTypeCode {
// All LLVM definitions for
// Lua types are gathered here
struct LuaLLVMTypes {
LuaLLVMTypes(llvm::LLVMContext &context);
void addCommonGCHeader(std::vector<llvm::Type *> &elements);
void dump();
// Following are standard C types
// Must ensure that these types match
// between JIT and the C compiler
llvm::Type *C_voidT;
llvm::Type *C_floatT;
llvm::Type *C_doubleT;
llvm::Type *C_intptr_t;
llvm::Type *C_size_t;
llvm::PointerType *C_psize_t; /* pointer to size_t */
llvm::Type *C_ptrdiff_t;
llvm::Type *C_int64_t;
llvm::Type *C_shortT;
llvm::Type *C_intT;
llvm::PointerType *C_pintT; /* pointer to int */
llvm::PointerType *C_pcharT; /* pointer to char */
llvm::Type *lua_NumberT;
llvm::PointerType *plua_NumberT;
llvm::PointerType *pplua_NumberT;
// WARNING: We currently assume that lua_Integer is
// 64-bit
llvm::Type *lua_IntegerT;
llvm::PointerType *plua_IntegerT;
llvm::PointerType *pplua_IntegerT;
// WARNING: We currently assume that lua_Unsigned is
// 64-bit
llvm::Type *lua_UnsignedT;
llvm::Type *lua_LuaTypeT;
llvm::Type *lua_KContextT;
llvm::FunctionType *lua_CFunctionT;
llvm::PointerType *plua_CFunctionT;
llvm::FunctionType *lua_KFunctionT;
llvm::PointerType *plua_KFunctionT;
llvm::FunctionType *lua_HookT;
llvm::PointerType *plua_HookT;
llvm::FunctionType *lua_AllocT;
llvm::PointerType *plua_AllocT;
llvm::Type *l_memT;
llvm::Type *lu_memT;
llvm::Type *tmsT;
llvm::Type *lu_byteT;
llvm::Type *L_UmaxalignT;
llvm::StructType *lua_StateT;
llvm::PointerType *plua_StateT;
llvm::StructType *global_StateT;
llvm::PointerType *pglobal_StateT;
llvm::StructType *ravi_StateT;
llvm::PointerType *pravi_StateT;
llvm::StructType *GCObjectT;
llvm::PointerType *pGCObjectT;
llvm::StructType *ValueT;
llvm::StructType *TValueT;
llvm::PointerType *pTValueT;
llvm::StructType *TStringT;
llvm::PointerType *pTStringT;
llvm::PointerType *ppTStringT;
llvm::StructType *UdataT;
llvm::StructType *RaviArrayT;
llvm::PointerType* pRaviArrayT;
llvm::PointerType* ppRaviArrayT;
llvm::StructType *TableT;
llvm::PointerType *pTableT;
llvm::PointerType *ppTableT;
llvm::StructType *UpvaldescT;
llvm::PointerType *pUpvaldescT;
llvm::Type *ravitype_tT;
llvm::StructType *LocVarT;
llvm::PointerType *pLocVarT;
llvm::Type *InstructionT;
llvm::PointerType *pInstructionT;
llvm::StructType *LClosureT;
llvm::PointerType *pLClosureT;
llvm::PointerType *ppLClosureT;
llvm::PointerType *pppLClosureT;
llvm::StructType *RaviJITProtoT;
llvm::StructType *ProtoT;
llvm::PointerType *pProtoT;
llvm::PointerType *ppProtoT;
llvm::StructType *UpValT;
llvm::PointerType *pUpValT;
llvm::StructType *CClosureT;
llvm::PointerType *pCClosureT;
llvm::StructType *TKeyT;
llvm::PointerType *pTKeyT;
llvm::StructType *NodeT;
llvm::PointerType *pNodeT;
llvm::StructType *lua_DebugT;
llvm::PointerType *plua_DebugT;
llvm::StructType *lua_longjumpT;
llvm::PointerType *plua_longjumpT;
llvm::StructType *MbufferT;
llvm::StructType *stringtableT;
llvm::PointerType *StkIdT;
llvm::StructType *CallInfoT;
llvm::StructType *CallInfo_cT;
llvm::StructType *CallInfo_lT;
llvm::PointerType *pCallInfoT;
llvm::FunctionType *jitFunctionT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaC_upvalbarrierT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaD_poscallT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaD_precallT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaD_callT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaF_closeT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaG_runerrorT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaH_getintT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaH_setintT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaH_getstrT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaT_trybinTMT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_equalobjT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_lessthanT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_lessequalT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_forlimitT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_tonumberT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_tointegerT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_modT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_objlenT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_divT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_executeT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_gettableT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_settableT;
llvm::FunctionType *luaV_finishgetT;
// Following are functions that handle specific bytecodes
// We cheat for these bytecodes by calling the function that
// implements it
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_newarrayintT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_newarrayfloatT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_setlistT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_newtableT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_loadnilT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_concatT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_closureT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_varargT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_addT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_subT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_mulT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_divT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_shrT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_shlT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_borT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_bxorT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_bandT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_bnotT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_setupvaliT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_setupvalfT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_setupvalaiT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_setupvalafT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_setupvaltT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_gettable_sskeyT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_settable_sskeyT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_gettable_iT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_settable_iT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_totypeT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviV_op_deferT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviH_set_intT;
llvm::FunctionType *raviH_set_floatT;
#if 0
llvm::FunctionType *ravi_dump_valueT;
llvm::FunctionType *ravi_dump_stackT;
llvm::FunctionType *ravi_dump_stacktopT;
llvm::FunctionType *ravi_debug_traceT;
std::array<llvm::Constant *, 256> kInt;
std::array<llvm::Constant *, 21> kluaInteger;
llvm::Constant *kFalse;
// To allow better optimization we need to decorate the
// LLVM Load/Store instructions with type information.
// For this we need to construct tbaa metadata
llvm::MDBuilder mdbuilder;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_root;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_charT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_pcharT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_shortT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_pshortT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_intT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_pintT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_longlongT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_plonglongT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_doubleT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_pdoubleT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_pointerT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_ppointerT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_CallInfo_lT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_CallInfoT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_luaStateT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_luaState_ciT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_luaState_ci_baseT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_CallInfo_funcT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_CallInfo_func_LClosureT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_CallInfo_topT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_CallInfo_jitstatusT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_CallInfo_callstatusT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_CallInfo_savedpcT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_LClosureT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_LClosure_pT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_LClosure_upvalsT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_ProtoT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Proto_kT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Proto_sizepT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Proto_codeT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_TValueT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_TValue_nT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_TValue_hT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_TValue_ttT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_luaState_topT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_UpValT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_UpVal_vT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_RaviArrayT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_TableT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_RaviArray_typeT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_RaviArray_dataT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_RaviArray_lenT;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_TString_hash;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Table_lsizenode;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Table_node;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Table_sizearray;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Table_array;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Table_flags;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Table_metatable;
llvm::MDNode *tbaa_Table_hmask;
// The hierarchy of objects
// used to represent LLVM artifacts is as
// follows
// RaviJITState - Root, held in Lua state; wraps llvm::Context
// +- RaviJITModule - wraps llvm::Module
// +- RaviJITFunction - wraps llvm::Function
// The RaviJITFunction is held within the
// Lua Proto structure - and garbage collected along
// with the Lua function. Each RaviJITFunction
// holds a reference to the owning RaviJITModule
// via a shared_ptr. This ensures that RaviJITModule gets
// released when no longer referenced.
class RaviJITState;
class RaviJITModule;
class RaviJITFunction;
class RaviJITStateFactory {
static std::unique_ptr<RaviJITState> newJITState();
// Ravi's LLVM JIT State
// All of the JIT information is held here
class RaviJITState {
friend class RaviJITModule;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::ExecutionSession> ES;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer> ObjectLayer;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::IRCompileLayer> CompileLayer;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::IRTransformLayer> OptimizeLayer;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::DataLayout> DL;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::MangleAndInterner> Mangle;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::ThreadSafeContext> Ctx;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> TM;
llvm::orc::JITDylib *MainJD;
// The LLVM Context
std::unique_ptr<llvm::LLVMContext> context_;
// From LLVM version5 onwards we use the new ORC apis
// The main benefit is that memory management is tighter,
// all the IR in modules get released after compilation
// MCJIT is also likely to be removed at some time in
// future so we needed to migrate anyway
// We don't use ORC apis in earlier versions because
// the apis have changed over the releases so it
// is simpler to use them in 5.0 and above.
// The ORC usage here is heavily based upon the kaleidoscope
// sample, with some adjustments.
using ObjectLayerT = llvm::orc::LegacyRTDyldObjectLinkingLayer;
using CompileLayerT = llvm::orc::LegacyIRCompileLayer<ObjectLayerT, llvm::orc::SimpleCompiler>;
using OptimizeFunction = std::function<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>)>;
using OptimizerLayerT = llvm::orc::LegacyIRTransformLayer<CompileLayerT, OptimizeFunction>;
using ModuleHandle = llvm::orc::VModuleKey;
using CODLayerT = llvm::orc::LegacyCompileOnDemandLayer<OptimizerLayerT>;
using ObjectLayerT = llvm::orc::RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer;
using CompileLayerT = llvm::orc::IRCompileLayer<ObjectLayerT, llvm::orc::SimpleCompiler>;
using OptimizeFunction = std::function<std::shared_ptr<llvm::Module>(std::shared_ptr<llvm::Module>)>;
using OptimizerLayerT = llvm::orc::IRTransformLayer<CompileLayerT, OptimizeFunction>;
using ModuleHandle = OptimizerLayerT::ModuleHandleT;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> TM;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::DataLayout> DL;
std::unique_ptr<ObjectLayerT> ObjectLayer;
std::unique_ptr<CompileLayerT> CompileLayer;
std::unique_ptr<OptimizerLayerT> OptimizeLayer;
std::map<ModuleHandle, std::shared_ptr<llvm::orc::SymbolResolver> > Resolvers;
std::shared_ptr<llvm::orc::SymbolStringPool> StringPool;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::ExecutionSession> ES;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::JITCompileCallbackManager> CompileCallbackManager;
std::unique_ptr<CODLayerT> CompileOnDemandLayer;
// Not ORC_JIT
// The LLVM Context
std::unique_ptr<llvm::LLVMContext> context_;
#endif // USE_ORCv2_JIT
// The triple represents the host target
std::string triple_;
// Lua type definitions
std::unique_ptr<LuaLLVMTypes> types_;
// Should we auto compile what we can?
unsigned int auto_ : 1;
// Is JIT enabled
unsigned int enabled_ : 1;
// Optimizer level (LLVM PassManagerBuilder)
unsigned int opt_level_ : 2;
// Size level (LLVM PassManagerBuilder)
unsigned int size_level_ : 2;
// Verbosity
unsigned int verbosity_ : 3;
// enable calls to luaG_traceexec() at every bytecode
// instruction; this is expensive!
unsigned int tracehook_enabled_ : 1;
// Enable extra validation such as IR verification
// May slow down compilation
unsigned int validation_ : 1;
// min code size for compilation
int min_code_size_;
// min execution count for compilation
int min_exec_count_;
// Count of modules allocated
// Used to debug module deallocation
size_t allocated_modules_;
// flag to help avoid recursion
int compiling_;
llvm::LLVMContext &context() { return *Ctx->getContext(); }
llvm::Expected<llvm::orc::ThreadSafeModule> optimizeModule(llvm::orc::ThreadSafeModule TSM,
const llvm::orc::MaterializationResponsibility &R);
llvm::Error addModule(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> M);
llvm::Expected<llvm::JITEvaluatedSymbol> findSymbol(llvm::StringRef Name) {
return ES->lookup({MainJD}, (*Mangle)(Name.str()));
return ES->lookup({&ES->getMainJITDylib()}, (*Mangle)(Name.str()));
const llvm::DataLayout &getDataLayout() const { return *DL; }
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> optimizeModule(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> M);
std::shared_ptr<llvm::Module> optimizeModule(std::shared_ptr<llvm::Module> M);
llvm::TargetMachine &getTargetMachine() { return *TM; }
ModuleHandle addModule(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> M);
llvm::JITSymbol findSymbol(const std::string &Name);
void removeModule(ModuleHandle H);
llvm::LLVMContext &context() { return *context_; }
// Not ORC JIT
llvm::LLVMContext &context() { return *context_; }
void addGlobalSymbol(const std::string &name, void *address);
void dump();
LuaLLVMTypes *types() const { return types_.get(); }
const std::string &triple() const { return triple_; }
bool is_auto() const { return auto_; }
void set_auto(bool value) { auto_ = value; }
bool is_enabled() const { return enabled_; }
void set_enabled(bool value) { enabled_ = value; }
int get_optlevel() const { return opt_level_; }
void set_optlevel(int value) {
if (value >= 0 && value <= 3)
opt_level_ = value;
int get_sizelevel() const { return size_level_; }
void set_sizelevel(int value) {
if (value >= 0 && value <= 2)
size_level_ = value;
int get_verbosity() const { return verbosity_; }
void set_verbosity(int value) {
if (value >= 0 && value <= 3)
verbosity_ = value;
int get_mincodesize() const { return min_code_size_; }
void set_mincodesize(int value) { min_code_size_ = value > 0 ? value : min_code_size_; }
int get_minexeccount() const { return min_exec_count_; }
void set_minexeccount(int value) { min_exec_count_ = value > 0 ? value : min_exec_count_; }
int get_validation() const { return validation_; }
void set_validation(bool value) { validation_ = value; }
bool is_tracehook_enabled() const { return tracehook_enabled_; }
void set_tracehook_enabled(bool value) { tracehook_enabled_ = value; }
void incr_allocated_modules() { allocated_modules_++; }
void decr_allocated_modules() { allocated_modules_--; }
size_t allocated_modules() const { return allocated_modules_; }
int get_compiling_flag() const { return compiling_ > 0; }
void set_compiling_flag(bool value) {
if (value)
// A wrapper for LLVM Module
// Maintains a dedicated ExecutionEngine for the module
class RaviJITModule {
// The Context that owns this module
RaviJITState *owner_;
// The LLVM Module within which the functions will be defined
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> module_;
// The LLVM Module within which the functions will be defined
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> module_;
// With ORC, once a module is compiled (added to the JIT)
// then a handle is used to refer to it rather than the
// module, as the module may have been deleted by then
RaviJITState::ModuleHandle module_handle_;
// The LLVM Module within which the functions will be defined
llvm::Module *module_;
// The execution engine responsible for compiling the
// module
llvm::ExecutionEngine *engine_;
// List of JIT functions in this module
// We need this so that we can update the functions
// post compilation
std::vector<RaviJITFunction *> functions_;
// Keep track of external symbols added
std::map<std::string, llvm::Function *> external_symbols_;
RaviJITModule(RaviJITState *owner);
llvm::Module *module() const { return module_; }
llvm::ExecutionEngine *engine() const { return engine_; }
// Note that this can return nullptr
llvm::Module *module() const { return module_.get(); }
RaviJITState *owner() const { return owner_; }
void dump();
void dumpAssembly();
// Add the function to this module, the function will be
// saved in the functions_ array. The location of the
// function is returned which must be returned by
// f->getId()
int addFunction(RaviJITFunction *f);
// Remove a function from the array
// This calls f->getId() to get the
// functions location in the array
void removeFunction(RaviJITFunction *f);
// Runs LLVM code generation and optimization passes
// The reason for separting this from the
// finalization is that this method is also
// used to dump the generated assembly code
void runpasses(bool dumpAsm = false);
// finalize the module, and assign each function
// its function pointer
void finalize(bool doDump = false);
// Add declaration for an extern function that is not
// loaded dynamically - i.e., is part of the the executable
// and therefore not visible at runtime by name
llvm::Function *addExternFunction(llvm::FunctionType *type, void *address, const std::string &name);
// Represents a JITed or JITable function
// This object is stored in the Lua Proto structure
// and gets destroyed when the Lua function is
// garbage collected
class RaviJITFunction {
// The Module in which this function lives
// We hold a shared_ptr to the module so that
// the module will be destroyed when the
// last associated RaviJITFunction is collected
std::shared_ptr<RaviJITModule> module_;
// Unique name for the function
std::string name_;
// ID allocated by the module to this function
// This must be returned via getId()
int id_;
// The llvm Function definition
llvm::Function *function_;
// Pointer to compiled function
void *ptr_;
// A location provided by the caller where the
// compiled function will be saved
lua_CFunction *func_ptrptr_;
RaviJITFunction(lua_CFunction *p, const std::shared_ptr<RaviJITModule> &module, llvm::FunctionType *type,
llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes linkage, const std::string &name);
RaviJITFunction(lua_CFunction *p, const std::shared_ptr<RaviJITModule> &module, const std::string &name);
const std::string &name() const { return name_; }
llvm::Function *function() const { return function_; }
// Note that this can return nullptr
llvm::Module *module() const { return module_->module(); }
std::shared_ptr<RaviJITModule> raviModule() const { return module_; }
llvm::ExecutionEngine *engine() const { return module_->engine(); }
RaviJITState *owner() const { return module_->owner(); }
// This method retrieves the JITed function from the
// execution engine and sets ptr_ member
// It must be called after the module has run the
// code generation and optimization passes
void setFunctionPtr();
void dump() { module_->dump(); }
void dumpAssembly() { module_->dumpAssembly(); }
int getId() const { return id_; }
void setId(int id) { id_ = id; }
llvm::Function *addExternFunction(llvm::FunctionType *type, void *address, const std::string &name) {
return module_->addExternFunction(type, address, name);
// To optimise fornum loops
// i.e. OP_FORPREP and OP_FORLOOP instructions
// we use computed gotos to specialised
// jmp labels. Hence the 4 jmp targets.
// For other instructions only the first jump
// target is used
struct RaviBranchDef {
// this field is used for all branches
// forloop int step > 0
llvm::BasicBlock *jmp1;
// forloop int step < 0
llvm::BasicBlock *jmp2;
// forloop float step > 0
llvm::BasicBlock *jmp3;
// forlook float step < 0
llvm::BasicBlock *jmp4;
// These are local variables for a fornum
// loop
llvm::Value *ilimit;
llvm::Value *istep;
llvm::Value *iidx;
llvm::Value *flimit;
llvm::Value *fstep;
llvm::Value *fidx;
// This holds the branch to which the
// loop body will jump to using a
// IndirectBr instruction
llvm::Value *forloop_branch;
// This structure holds stuff we need when compiling a single
// function
struct RaviFunctionDef {
RaviJITState *jitState;
RaviJITFunction *raviF;
llvm::Function *f;
llvm::BasicBlock *entry;
llvm::Value *L;
LuaLLVMTypes *types;
llvm::IRBuilder<> *builder;
Proto *p;
// Lua function declarations
llvm::Function *luaD_poscallF;
llvm::Function *luaD_precallF;
llvm::Function *luaD_callF;
llvm::Function *luaF_closeF;
llvm::Function *luaG_runerrorF;
llvm::Function *luaT_trybinTMF;
llvm::Function *luaV_equalobjF;
llvm::Function *luaV_lessthanF;
llvm::Function *luaV_lessequalF;
llvm::Function *luaV_forlimitF;
llvm::Function *luaV_tonumberF;
llvm::Function *luaV_tointegerF;
llvm::Function *luaV_executeF;
llvm::Function *luaV_gettableF;
llvm::Function *luaV_settableF;
llvm::Function *luaV_modF;
llvm::Function *luaV_divF;
llvm::Function *luaV_objlenF;
llvm::Function *luaC_upvalbarrierF;
llvm::Function *luaH_getstrF;
llvm::Function *luaH_getintF;
llvm::Function *luaH_setintF;
llvm::Function *luaV_finishgetF;
// Some cheats - these correspond to OPCODEs that
// are not inlined as of now
llvm::Function *raviV_op_newarrayintF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_newarrayfloatF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_setlistF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_newtableF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_loadnilF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_concatF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_closureF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_varargF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_addF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_subF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_mulF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_divF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_shrF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_shlF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_borF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_bxorF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_bandF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_bnotF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_setupvaliF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_setupvalfF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_setupvalaiF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_setupvalafF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_setupvaltF;
llvm::Function *raviV_gettable_sskeyF;
llvm::Function *raviV_settable_sskeyF;
llvm::Function *raviV_gettable_iF;
llvm::Function *raviV_settable_iF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_totypeF;
llvm::Function *raviV_op_deferF;
// array setters
llvm::Function *raviH_set_intF;
llvm::Function *raviH_set_floatF;
#if 0
// DEBUG routines
llvm::Function *ravi_dump_valueF;
llvm::Function *ravi_dump_stackF;
llvm::Function *ravi_dump_stacktopF;
llvm::Function *ravi_debug_traceF;
// standard C functions
llvm::FunctionCallee printfFunc;
llvm::FunctionCallee fmodFunc;
llvm::FunctionCallee floorFunc;
llvm::FunctionCallee powFunc;
llvm::Constant *printfFunc;
llvm::Constant *fmodFunc;
llvm::Constant *floorFunc;
llvm::Constant *powFunc;
// Jump targets in the function
std::vector<RaviBranchDef> jmp_targets;
// Load pointer to proto
llvm::Value *proto; // gep
llvm::Instruction *proto_ptr;
// Obtain pointer to Proto->k
llvm::Value *proto_k;
// Load pointer to Proto->k; this does not change
llvm::Instruction *k_ptr;
// Load L->ci
llvm::Value *L_ci; // This is the GEP for L->ci
llvm::Instruction *ci_val;
// Pointer to ci->u.l.base
llvm::Value *Ci_base; // This is the GEP for ci->u.l.base
llvm::Instruction *base_ptr;
// Pointer to LClosure
llvm::Value *p_LClosure;
// This class is responsible for compiling Lua byte code
// to LLVM IR
class RaviCodeGenerator {
RaviCodeGenerator(RaviJITState *jitState);
// Compile given function if possible
// The p->ravi_jit structure will be updated
// Note that if a function fails to compile then
// a flag is set so that it doesn't get compiled again
bool compile(lua_State *L, Proto *p, std::shared_ptr<RaviJITModule> module, ravi_compile_options_t *options);
// We can only compile a subset of op codes
// and not all features are supported
bool canCompile(Proto *p);
// Create a unique function name in the context
// of this generator
const char *unique_function_name();
// Create the prologue of the JIT function
// Argument will be named L
// Initial BasicBlock will be created
// int func(lua_State *L) {
std::unique_ptr<RaviJITFunction> create_function(Proto *p, std::shared_ptr<RaviJITModule> module,
llvm::IRBuilder<> &builder, RaviFunctionDef *def);
// Save proto->code[pc] into savedpc
void emit_update_savedpc(RaviFunctionDef *def, int pc);
llvm::CallInst *CreateCall1(llvm::IRBuilder<> *builder, llvm::Value *func, llvm::Value *arg1);
llvm::CallInst *CreateCall2(llvm::IRBuilder<> *builder, llvm::Value *func, llvm::Value *arg1, llvm::Value *arg2);
llvm::CallInst *CreateCall3(llvm::IRBuilder<> *builder, llvm::Value *func, llvm::Value *arg1, llvm::Value *arg2,
llvm::Value *arg3);
llvm::CallInst *CreateCall4(llvm::IRBuilder<> *builder, llvm::Value *func, llvm::Value *arg1, llvm::Value *arg2,
llvm::Value *arg3, llvm::Value *arg4);
llvm::CallInst *CreateCall5(llvm::IRBuilder<> *builder, llvm::Value *func, llvm::Value *arg1, llvm::Value *arg2,
llvm::Value *arg3, llvm::Value *arg4, llvm::Value *arg5);
void attach_branch_weights(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Instruction *ins, uint32_t true_branch, uint32_t false_branch);
void emit_raise_lua_error(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *str);
// Add extern declarations for Lua functions we need to call
void emit_extern_declarations(RaviFunctionDef *def);
// Retrieve the proto->sizep
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_proto_sizep(RaviFunctionDef *def);
// Store lua_Number or lua_Integer
llvm::Instruction *emit_store_local_n(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *src, llvm::Value *dest);
// Load lua_Number or lua_Integer
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_local_n(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *src);
// Store int
llvm::Instruction *emit_store_local_int(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *src, llvm::Value *dest);
// Load int
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_local_int(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *src);
// Test if value type is of specific Lua type
// Value_type should have been obtained by emit_load_type()
// The Lua typecode to check must be in lua_typecode
// The return value is a boolean type as a result of
// integer comparison result which is i1 in LLVM
llvm::Value *emit_is_value_of_type(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value_type, LuaTypeCode lua_typecode,
const char *varname = "value.typeof");
// Test if value type is NOT of specific Lua type
// Value_type should have been obtained by emit_load_type()
// The Lua typecode to check must be in lua_typecode
// The return value is a boolean type as a result of
// integer comparison result which is i1 in LLVM
llvm::Value *emit_is_not_value_of_type(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value_type, LuaTypeCode lua_typecode,
const char *varname = "value.not.typeof");
// Test if value type is NOT of specific Lua type class
// i.e. variants are ignore
// Value_type should have been obtained by emit_load_type()
// The Lua typecode to check must be in lua_typecode
// The return value is a boolean type as a result of
// integer comparison result which is i1 in LLVM
llvm::Value *emit_is_not_value_of_type_class(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value_type, int lua_typecode,
const char *varname = "value.not.typeof");
// emit code for LClosure *cl = clLvalue(ci->func)
// this is same as:
// emit code for (LClosure *)ci->func->value_.gc
llvm::Instruction *emit_gep_ci_func_value_gc_asLClosure(RaviFunctionDef *def);
llvm::Value *emit_gep(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *name, llvm::Value *s, int arg1);
llvm::Value *emit_gep(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *name, llvm::Value *s, int arg1, int arg2);
llvm::Value *emit_gep(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *name, llvm::Value *s, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3);
llvm::Value *emit_gep(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *name, llvm::Value *ptr, llvm::Value *arg1, int arg2,
int arg3);
llvm::Value *emit_gep(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *name, llvm::Value *ptr, llvm::Value *arg1, int arg2);
// emit code for &ptr[offset]
llvm::Value *emit_array_get(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ptr, int offset);
// emit code to load pointer L->ci->u.l.base
void emit_load_base(RaviFunctionDef *def);
llvm::Value *emit_load_ci(RaviFunctionDef *def);
// emit code to obtain address of register at location A
llvm::Value *emit_gep_register(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A);
// emit code to obtain address of register or constant at location B
llvm::Value *emit_gep_register_or_constant(RaviFunctionDef *def, int B);
// emit code to obtain address of constant at locatiion B
llvm::Value *emit_gep_constant(RaviFunctionDef *def, int B);
#if 0
llvm::Value *emit_is_jit_call(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ci);
llvm::Value *emit_ci_is_Lua(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ci);
// obtain address of L->top
llvm::Value *emit_gep_L_top(RaviFunctionDef *def);
// (int)(L->top - ra)
llvm::Value *emit_num_stack_elements(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ra);
// Load a register or constant - if constant is int then return a direct LLVM
// constant
llvm::Value *emit_load_register_or_constant_i(RaviFunctionDef *def, int K);
// Load a register or constant - if constant is int then return a direct LLVM
// constant
llvm::Value *emit_load_register_or_constant_n(RaviFunctionDef *def, int K);
// emit code to load the lua_Number value from register
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_reg_n(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ra);
// emit code to load the lua_Integer value from register
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_reg_i(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *rb);
// emit code to load the boolean value from register
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_reg_b(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ra);
// emit code to load the table value from register
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_reg_h(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ra);
// emit code to load the RaviArray value from register
llvm::Instruction* emit_load_reg_arr(RaviFunctionDef* def, llvm::Value* ra);
// Gets the size of the hash table
// This is the sizenode() macro in lobject.h
llvm::Value *emit_table_get_hashsize(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *table);
// Gets the location of the hash node for given string key
// return value is the offset into the node array
llvm::Value *emit_table_get_hashstr(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *table, TString *key);
// Gets access to the Table's node array (t->node)
llvm::Value *emit_table_get_nodearray(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *table);
// Given a pointer to table's node array (node = t->node) and
// the location of the hashed key (index), this method retrieves the
// type of the value stored at the node - return value is of type int
// and is the type information stored in TValue->tt field.
llvm::Value *emit_table_get_keytype(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *node, llvm::Value *index);
// Given a pointer to table's node array (node = t->node) and
// the location of the hashed key (index), this method retrieves the
// the string value stored at the node - return value is of type TString*
llvm::Value *emit_table_get_strkey(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *node, llvm::Value *index);
// Given a pointer to table's node array (node = t->node) and
// the location of the hashed key (index), this method retrieves the
// the pointer to value stored at the node - return value is of type TValue*
llvm::Value *emit_table_get_value(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *node, llvm::Value *index);
// Gets the size of the table's array part
llvm::Value *emit_table_get_arraysize(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *table);
llvm::Value *emit_table_get_array(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *table);
llvm::Value *emit_table_no_metamethod(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *table, TMS event);
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_reg_s(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *rb);
// emit code to load pointer to int array
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_reg_h_intarray(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Instruction *ra);
// emit code to load pointer to double array
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_reg_h_floatarray(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Instruction *ra);
// emit code to store lua_Number value into register
void emit_store_reg_n(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value, llvm::Value *dest_ptr);
void emit_store_reg_n_withtype(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value, llvm::Value *dest_ptr);
// emit code to store lua_Integer value into register
void emit_store_reg_i(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value, llvm::Value *dest_ptr);
void emit_store_reg_i_withtype(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value, llvm::Value *dest_ptr);
// emit code to store bool value into register
void emit_store_reg_b(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value, llvm::Value *dest_ptr);
void emit_store_reg_b_withtype(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value, llvm::Value *dest_ptr);
// emit code to set the type in the register
void emit_store_type_(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value, int type);
// emit code to load the type from a register
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_type(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value);
// emit code to load the array type
// Disabled as it is now broken
//llvm::Instruction *emit_load_ravi_arraytype(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value);
// emit code to load the array length
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_ravi_arraylength(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *value);
// TValue assign
void emit_assign(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ra, llvm::Value *rb);
// Get &upvals[offset] from LClosure
llvm::Value *emit_gep_upvals(RaviFunctionDef *def, int offset);
// Load the &upvals[offset] -> result is UpVal*
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_pupval(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ppupval);
// Get &upval->v
llvm::Value *emit_gep_upval_v(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Instruction *pupval);
// Load upval->v
llvm::Instruction *emit_load_upval_v(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Instruction *pupval);
// Get &upval->value -> result is TValue *
llvm::Value *emit_gep_upval_value(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Instruction *pupval);
// isnil(reg) || isboolean(reg) && reg.value == 0
// !(isnil(reg) || isboolean(reg) && reg.value == 0)
llvm::Value *emit_boolean_testfalse(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *reg, bool donot);
llvm::Instruction *emit_tointeger(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *reg);
llvm::Instruction *emit_tofloat(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *reg);
// L->top = ci->top
// ci is passed as the def->ci_val may be stale
void emit_refresh_L_top(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ci);
// L->top = R(B)
void emit_set_L_top_toreg(RaviFunctionDef *def, int B);
void debug_printf(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *str);
void debug_printf1(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *str, llvm::Value *arg1);
void debug_printf2(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *str, llvm::Value *arg1, llvm::Value *arg2);
void debug_printf3(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *str, llvm::Value *arg1, llvm::Value *arg2, llvm::Value *arg3);
void debug_printf4(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *str, llvm::Value *arg1, llvm::Value *arg2, llvm::Value *arg3,
llvm::Value *arg4);
#if 0
void emit_dump_stack(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *str);
void emit_dump_stacktop(RaviFunctionDef *def, const char *str);
bool emit_debug_trace(RaviFunctionDef *def, int opCode, int pc);
// Look for Lua bytecodes that are jump targets and allocate
// a BasicBlock for each such target in def->jump_targets.
// The BasicBlocks are not inserted into the function until later
// but having them created allows rest of the code to insert
// branch instructions
void scan_jump_targets(RaviFunctionDef *def, Proto *p);
// Should be called before processing a Lua OpCode
// This function checks if a new block should be started
// and links in the new block
void link_block(RaviFunctionDef *def, int pc);
void emit_CONCAT(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_CLOSURE(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int Bx, int pc);
void emit_VARARG(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_LOADNIL(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_LOADFZ(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int pc);
void emit_LOADIZ(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int pc);
void emit_LOADBOOL(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int j, int pc);
// Code size priority so go via function calls
void emit_ARITH_calls(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, OpCode op, TMS tms, int pc);
// integer arith priority over floating
void emit_ARITH_intpriority(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, OpCode op, TMS tms, int pc);
// floating arith priority over integer
void emit_ARITH_floatpriority(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, OpCode op, TMS tms, int pc);
inline void emit_ARITH(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, OpCode op, TMS tms, int pc) {
emit_ARITH_floatpriority(def, A, B, C, op, tms, pc);
emit_ARITH_intpriority(def, A, B, C, op, tms, pc);
void emit_MOD(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_IDIV(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_POW(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_UNM(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_UNMF(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_UNMI(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_ADDFF(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_ADDFI(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_ADDII(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_SUBFF(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_SUBFI(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_SUBIF(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_SUBII(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_MULFF(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_MULFI(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_MULII(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_DIVFF(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_DIVFI(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_DIVIF(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_DIVII(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_LOADK(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int Bx, int pc);
void emit_RETURN(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_CALL(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_JMP(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int j, int pc);
void emit_iFORPREP(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int sBx, int step_one, int pc);
void emit_iFORLOOP(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int sBx, RaviBranchDef &b, int step_one, int pc);
void emit_FORPREP(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int sBx, int pc);
void emit_FORLOOP(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int sBx, int pc);
void emit_FORPREP2(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int sBx, int pc);
void emit_FORLOOP2(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int sBx, RaviBranchDef &b, int pc);
void emit_MOVE(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_MOVEI(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_MOVEF(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_TOINT(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int pc);
void emit_TOFLT(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int pc);
void emit_TOSTRING(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int pc);
void emit_TOCLOSURE(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int pc);
void emit_TOTYPE(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int Bx, int pc);
void emit_LEN(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_SETTABLE(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_SETI(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_SETFIELD(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_GETTABLE(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_GETTABLE_S(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc, TString *key);
void emit_GETFIELD(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc, TString *key);
void emit_GETI(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_finish_GETTABLE(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *phi, llvm::Value *t, llvm::Value *ra, llvm::Value *rb,
llvm::Value *rc);
void emit_SELF(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_TABLE_SELF_SK(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc, TString *key);
void emit_SELF_SK(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_common_GETTABLE_S(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, TString *key);
void emit_common_GETTABLE_S_(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, llvm::Value *rb, int C, TString *key);
void emit_GETUPVAL(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_SETUPVAL(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_SETUPVAL_Specific(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc, OpCode op, llvm::Function *f);
void emit_GETTABUP(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_GETTABUP_SK(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_SETTABUP(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_SETTABUP_SK(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_NEWARRAYINT(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int pc);
void emit_NEWARRAYFLOAT(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int pc);
void emit_NEWTABLE(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_SETLIST(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_NOT(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
// Emit code for OP_EQ, OP_LT and OP_LE
// The callee parameter should be luaV_equalobj, luaV_lessthan and
// luaV_lessequal
// respectively
// A, B, C must be operands of the OP_EQ/OP_LT/OP_LE instructions
// j must be the jump target (offset of the code to which we need to jump to)
// jA must be the A operand of the jump instruction
void emit_EQ(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int j, int jA, llvm::Constant *callee, OpCode opCode, int pc);
// OP_TEST is followed by a OP_JMP instruction - both are handled
// together
// A, B, C must be operands of the OP_TEST instruction
// j must be the jump target (offset of the code to which we need to jump to)
// jA must be the A operand of the jump instruction
void emit_TEST(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int j, int jA, int pc);
// OP_TESTSET is followed by a OP_JMP instruction - both are handled
// together
// A, B, C must be operands of the OP_TESTSET instruction
// j must be the jump target (offset of the code to which we need to jump to)
// jA must be the A operand of the jump instruction
void emit_TESTSET(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int j, int jA, int pc);
void emit_TFORCALL(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, int j, int jA, int pc);
void emit_TFORLOOP(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int j, int pc);
void emit_FARRAY_GET(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, bool omitArrayGetRangeCheck, int pc);
void emit_IARRAY_GET(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, bool omitArrayGetRangeCheck, int pc);
void emit_FARRAY_SET(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, bool known_int, int pc);
void emit_IARRAY_SET(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int C, bool known_float, int pc);
void emit_MOVEIARRAY(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_MOVEFARRAY(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_MOVETAB(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_TOARRAY(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int array_type_expected, const char *errmsg, int pc);
void emit_BITWISE_BINARY_OP(RaviFunctionDef *def, OpCode op, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_BITWISE_SHIFT_OP(RaviFunctionDef *def, OpCode op, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_BNOT_I(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_BOR_BXOR_BAND(RaviFunctionDef *def, OpCode op, int A, int B, int C, int pc);
void emit_BNOT(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int B, int pc);
void emit_DEFER(RaviFunctionDef *def, int A, int pc);
void emit_bitwise_shiftl(RaviFunctionDef *def, llvm::Value *ra, int B, lua_Integer y);
RaviJITState *jitState_;
char temp_[31]; // for name
int id_; // for name
} // namespace ravi
struct ravi_State {
ravi::RaviJITState *jit;
ravi::RaviCodeGenerator *code_generator;
#define RaviJIT(L) ((ravi::RaviJITState *)G(L)->ravi_state->jit)