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-- This small demo creates a compiled function
-- takes a string parameter and calls puts() to
-- print this
-- ensure that LLVM bindings are available
-- Get the LLVM context - right now this is the
-- global context
context = llvm.context()
-- The bindings provide a number of predefined types that
-- are Lua specific plus some standard C types such as 'int',
-- 'double', 'int64_t', etc.
types = context:types()
-- Create a lua_CFunction instance
-- At this stage the function will get a module and
-- execution engine but no body
myfunc = context:lua_CFunction("myfunc")
-- Get a new IRBuilder intance
-- this will be garbage collected by Lua
irbuilder = context:irbuilder()
-- Create a basic block
block = context:basicblock("entry")
-- Add it to the end of the function
-- Set this as the next instruction point
-- get declaration for luaL_checklstring
luaL_checklstring = myfunc:extern("luaL_checklstring")
-- Get the L parameter of myfunc
L = myfunc:arg(1)
-- get the first argument as a string
str = irbuilder:call(luaL_checklstring,
{L, context:intconstant(1),
-- declare puts
puts_type = context:functiontype(, {types.pchar})
puts = myfunc:extern("puts", puts_type);
-- Call puts
irbuilder:call(puts, {str})
-- add CreateRet(0)
-- **************************************************/
-- what did we get?
-- JIT compile the function
-- returns a C Closure
runnable = myfunc:compile()
assert(not runnable('hello world\n'))