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-- This program demonstrates creating a
-- recursive fibonacci calc function in LLVM
-- Example based upon
-- ensure that LLVM bindings are available
-- Generate the fibonacci function
local function makefib(context, module, types)
-- The goal of this snippet is to create in the memory the LLVM module
-- consisting of one function as follow:
-- int fib(int x) {
-- if(x<=2) return 1;
-- return fib(x-1)+fib(x-2);
-- }
-- Create the fib function and insert it into module M. This function is said
-- to return an int and take an int parameter.
local fibtype = context:functiontype(, {})
local FibF = module:newfunction("fib", fibtype)
-- Get a new IRBuilder intance
-- this will be garbage collected by Lua
local ir = context:irbuilder()
-- Add a basic block to the function.
local BB = context:basicblock("EntryBlock");
-- Get pointers to the constants.
local One = context:intconstant(1);
local Two = context:intconstant(2);
-- Get pointer to the integer argument of the add1 function...
local ArgX = FibF:arg(1); -- Get the arg.
-- Create the true_block.
local RetBB = context:basicblock("return");
-- Create an exit block.
local RecurseBB = context:basicblock("recurse");
-- Create the "if (arg <= 2) goto exitbb"
local CondInst = ir:icmpsle(ArgX, Two);
ir:condbr(CondInst, RetBB, RecurseBB);
-- Create: ret int 1
-- create fib(x-1)
local Sub = ir:nswsub(ArgX, One);
local CallFibX1 = ir:call(FibF, {Sub}, {tailcall=true});
-- create fib(x-2)
Sub = ir:nswsub(ArgX, Two);
local CallFibX2 = ir:call(FibF, {Sub}, {tailcall=true});
-- fib(x-1)+fib(x-2)
local Sum = ir:nswadd(CallFibX1, CallFibX2);
-- Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block
return FibF
-- Get the LLVM context - right now this is the
-- global context
local context = llvm.context()
-- The bindings provide a number of predefined types that
-- are Lua specific plus some standard C types such as 'int',
-- 'double', 'int64_t', etc.
local types = context:types()
-- Create a lua_CFunction instance
-- At this stage the function will get a module and
-- execution engine but no body
local mainfunc = context:lua_CFunction("demofib")
-- Get hold of the module
-- as we will create the fib function as an
-- iternal function
local module = mainfunc:module()
-- The actual fibonacci function is an internal
-- function so that it is pure native function
local fib = makefib(context, module, types)
-- Get a new IRBuilder
local ir = context:irbuilder()
-- Our main Lua function has only one block
local BB = context:basicblock("entry")
-- Declare prototypes
local luaL_checkinteger = mainfunc:extern("luaL_checkinteger")
local lua_pushinteger = mainfunc:extern("lua_pushinteger")
-- Get lua_State*
local L = mainfunc:arg(1)
-- We are expecting one integer parameter
local intparam = ir:call(luaL_checkinteger, {L, context:intconstant(1)})
-- cast from 64 to 32 bit
intparam = ir:truncorbitcast(intparam,
-- Call the fib calculator
local result = ir:call(fib, {intparam})
-- Extend from 32 to 64 bit
result = ir:zext(result, types.lua_Integer)
-- Push the final integer result
ir:call(lua_pushinteger, {L, result})
-- Return 1
---- We are done! ---
-- Dump the module for info
-- compile the Lua callable function
local runnable = mainfunc:compile()
assert(runnable(11) == 89)
print 'Ok'