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This is the code generator for the Lua/Ravi VM. It uses dynasm as the assembler.
The overall approach is:
The overall approach is:
* For each bytecode create an assembler routine
* Create a dispatch table with pointers to the assembler routines; the dispatch table is stored in the Lua global_State structure
but this could change in future
* Each assembler routine will (after completing its action) fetch the next bytecode instruction and jump to the next
assembler routine using the dispatch table
* The assembler routines are not full fledged C functions - they are part of one whole program. Hence they make assumptions about
register usage which will be documented below. The VM as a whole will have a fixed set of register allocations so that most
important information is held in registers.
Implementation Considerations
* The dispatch table is stored in global_State - it is not clear yet whether it is worth making a local stack copy of it when the
VM starts executing.
Register Allocations
The VM will use a fixed set of registers mostly with some register usage varying across routines. The following table shows the
planned usage.
* cs - callee saved, if we call a C function then after it returns we can rely on these registers
* v - volatile, these registers may be overridden by a called function so do not rely on them after function call
* `(n)` - used to pass arg n to function
+ Windows X64 reg | Linux X64 reg | Assignment | Notes |
+ rbx (cs) | rbx (cs) | PC | Pointer to next bytecode |
+ rbp (cs) | rbp (cs) | L | Pointer to lua_State |
+ rdi (cs) | rdi (v) (1) | | |
+ rsi (cs) | rsi (v) (2) | | |
+ rsp (cs) | rsp | | Stack pointer |
+ r12 (cs) | r12 (cs) | CI | CallInfo (Lua frame) |
+ r13 (cs) | r13 (cs) | LCL | Current function's LClosure |
+ r14 (cs) | r14 (cs) | DISPATCH | Ptr to Dispatch table |
+ r15 (cs) | r15 (cs) | KBASE | Ptr to constants table in Proto |
+ rax (v) | rax (v) | RCa | Scratch - upon entry to subroutine eax |
+ | | | will have the B,C portion of bytecode |
+ rcx (v) (1) | rcx (v) (4) | RAa | Scratch - upon entry to subroutine ecx |
+ | | | will have the value of A in bytecode |
+ rdx (v) (2) | rdx (v) (3) | RBa | Scratch - upon entry to subroutine edx |
+ | | | will have the OpCode |
+ r8 (v) (3) | r8 (v) (5) | BASE | Pointer to Lua stack base |
+ r9 (v) (4) | r9 (v) (6) | TMP3 | Scratch |
+ r10 (v) | r10 (v) | TMP1 | Scratch |
+ r11 (v) | r11 (v) | TMP2 | Scratch |
Stack space
On Win64 every function gets a 32-byte shadow space for the 4 register arguments, which we can use. But we also need
to provide a shadow space for function calls inside the VM. Basically these 4 stack positions cancel out if we make use
of the slots provided by the caller.
|.arch x64
|.section code_op, code_sub
|.actionlist build_actionlist
|.globals GLOB_
|.globalnames globnames
|.externnames extnames
|.define X64, 1
|.if WIN
|.define X64WIN, 1
|// Fixed register assignments for the interpreter.
|// BASE caches the Lua function's base pointer (start of Lua registers)
|// This is volatile, i.e. must be refetched after any call that can
|// reallocate the Lua stack (typically any Lua api call)
|// KBASE caches the Lua function proto's constant table, this does not
|// change during the execution
|// PC caches the program counter (current bytecode location)
|// We need to ensure that the PC is saved to CI->u.l.savedpc before calling certain functions
|// DISPATCH points to the dispatch table which is located in the
|// global_State structure defined in lstate.h - this contains the computed goto
|// destinations
|.define BASE, r8 // Not C callee-save, refetched anyway.
|.define KBASE, r15 // C callee-save.
|.define PC, rbx // C callee-save.
|.define DISPATCH, r14 // C callee-save.
|// TODO following is based on what LuaJIT does but could change
|.define RA, ecx
|.define RAH, ch
|.define RAL, cl
|.define RAa, rcx
|.define RB, edx
|.define RBW, dx
|.define RBH, dh
|.define RBL, dl
|.define RBa, rdx
|.define OP, RB
|.define RC, eax // volatile
|.define RCH, ah
|.define RCL, al
|.define RCW, ax
|.define RCa, rax
|.define TMP1, r10
|.define TMP1d, r10d
|.define TMP2, r11
|.define TMP3, r9
|.define TMP3d, r9d
|.if X64WIN
| // On Win64, the first four integer arguments are passed in registers. Integer values are passed
| // (in order left to right) in RCX, RDX, R8, and R9. Arguments five and higher are passed
| // on the stack. All arguments are right-justified in registers. This is done so the callee
| // can ignore the upper bits of the register if need be and can access only the portion
| // of the register necessary.
| // Floating-point and double-precision arguments are passed in XMM0 - XMM3 (up to 4)
| // with the integer slot (RCX, RDX, R8, and R9) that would normally be used for that cardinal
| // slot being ignored (see example below) and vice versa.
| // func3(int a, double b, int c, float d);
| // a in RCX, b in XMM1, c in R8, d in XMM3
| // For functions not fully prototyped, the caller will pass integer values as integers
| // and floating-point values as double precision. For floating-point values only, both
| // the integer register and the floating-point register will contain the float value
| // in case the callee expects the value in the integer registers.
|.define CARG1, rcx // x64/WIN64 C call arguments.
|.define CARG2, rdx
|.define CARG3, r8
|.define CARG4, r9
|.define CARG1d, ecx
|.define CARG2d, edx
|.define CARG3d, r8d
|.define CARG4d, r9d
|.define CARG1, rdi // x64/POSIX C call arguments.
|.define CARG2, rsi
|.define CARG3, rdx
|.define CARG4, rcx
|.define CARG5, r8
|.define CARG6, r9
|.define CARG1d, edi
|.define CARG2d, esi
|.define CARG3d, edx
|.define CARG4d, ecx
|.define CARG5d, r8d
|.define CARG6d, r9d
|// Type definitions.
|// We associate a default register with some of the types
|.type L, lua_State, rbp
|.type GL, global_State
|.type TOP, TValue // L->top (calls/open ops).
|.type CI, CallInfo, r12 // L->ci (calls, locally).
|.type LCL, LClosure, r13 // func->value (calls).
|// Type definitions with local validity.
|.type LUASTATE, lua_State
|.type TVALUE, TValue
|.type VALUE, Value
|.type CINFO, CallInfo
|.type GCOBJECT, GCObject
|.type TSTRING, TString
|.type TABLE, Table
|.type CCLOSURE, CClosure
|.type LCLOSURE, LClosure
|.type PROTO, Proto
|.type UPVAL, UpVal
|.type NODE, Node
|// Stack layout while in interpreter.
|.if X64WIN // x64/Windows stack layout
|// CFRAME_SPACE defines how much space we allocate on the stack.
|// Note that on windows this includes the shadow space of 32 bytes we need
|// to provide when calling functions; but since we were also given 32 bytes
|// it all cancels out and we can keep stack allocation size the same
|// across Windows and Linux.
|.define CFRAME_SPACE, aword*5 // Delta for rsp (see <--).
|.macro saveregs
| // The registers RBX, RBP, RDI, RSI, RSP, R12, R13, R14, and R15 are considered nonvolatile
| // and must be saved and restored by a function that uses them.
| // There is always space to hold all parameters in the parameter area of the stack
| // so that each register parameter has a home address. Even if a function has less
| // than 4 parameters, at least 4 stack locatons is guaranteed and is owned by the
| // called function even if it doesn't use it
| // All memory beyond the current address of RSP is considered volatile.
| // A frame function is a function that allocates stack space, calls other functions,
| // saves nonvolatile registers, or uses exception handling. It also requires a
| // function table entry. A frame function requires a prolog and an epilog.
| // home location for RCX is [RSP + 8]
| // home location for RDX is [RSP + 16]
| // home location for R8 is [RSP + 24]
| // home location for R9 is [RSP + 32]
| push rbp; push rdi; push rsi; push rbx
| push r12; push r13; push r14; push r15;
| sub rsp, CFRAME_SPACE
|.macro restoreregs
| add rsp, CFRAME_SPACE
| pop r15; pop r14; pop r13; pop r12;
| pop rbx; pop rsi; pop rdi; pop rbp
|// IMPORTANT: On Win64 the prologue above must be recorded in an UNWIND_INFO
|// structure in the object file - this is done in buildvm_peobj.c. Therefore any change
|// to the prologue or stack allocation needs to be kept consistent between above and
|// the UNWIND_INFO structure.
|.else // x64/POSIX stack layout
|.define CFRAME_SPACE, aword*5 // Delta for rsp (see <--).
|.macro saveregs
| push rbp; push rbx; push r15; push r14
| push r13; push r12
| sub rsp, CFRAME_SPACE
|.macro restoreregs
| add rsp, CFRAME_SPACE
| pop r12; pop r13
| pop r14; pop r15; pop rbx; pop rbp
|// Stack layout - total size is 16-byte aligned
|// All locations are relative to rsp
|// MEM1 to MEM5 are 8 byte stack slots we can use (40 bytes)
|// SAVE_* represent the locations of saved registers by function prologue
|.if X64WIN
|.define MEM5, aword [rsp+aword*17] // Caller provided shadow space, we can use
|.define MEM4, aword [rsp+aword*16] // Caller provided shadow space, we can use
|.define MEM3, aword [rsp+aword*15] // Caller provided shadow space, we can use
|.define MEM2, aword [rsp+aword*14] // Caller provided shadow space, we can use
|.define SAVE_RET, aword [rsp+aword*13] // return address, <-- rsp when we entered ravi_luaV_interp(), before prologue
|.define SAVE_R8, aword [rsp+aword*12] // pushed register
|.define SAVE_R7, aword [rsp+aword*11] // Pushed regsiter
|.define SAVE_R6, aword [rsp+aword*10] // pushed register
|.define SAVE_R5, aword [rsp+aword*9] // Pushed regsiter
|.define SAVE_R4, aword [rsp+aword*8] // Pushed register (prologue)
|.define SAVE_R3, aword [rsp+aword*7] // pushed register
|.define SAVE_R2, aword [rsp+aword*6] // Pushed regsiter
|.define SAVE_R1, aword [rsp+aword*5] // Pushed register (prologue)
|.define MEM1, aword [rsp+aword*4] // First stack location we can use (8 bytes)
|// Following four stack locations are the 32-byte shadow space for function calls
|// These stack locations may be over-written by any C function we call
|.define SHADOW4, aword [rsp+aword*3] //Shadow register arg
|.define SHADOW3, aword [rsp+aword*2] //Shadow register arg
|.define SHADOW2, aword [rsp+aword*1] //Shadow register arg
|.define SHADOW1, aword [rsp] //Shadow register arg, not to be used by VM, <-- rsp after interpreter prologue
|.define SAVE_RET, aword [rsp+aword*13] // return address, <-- rsp when we entered ravi_luaV_interp(), before prologue
|.define SAVE_R8, aword [rsp+aword*12] // pushed register
|.define SAVE_R7, aword [rsp+aword*11] // Pushed regsiter
|.define SAVE_R6, aword [rsp+aword*10] // pushed register
|.define SAVE_R5, aword [rsp+aword*9] // Pushed regsiter
|.define SAVE_R4, aword [rsp+aword*8] // Pushed register (prologue)
|.define SAVE_R3, aword [rsp+aword*7] // pushed register
|.define SAVE_R2, aword [rsp+aword*6] // Pushed regsiter
|.define SAVE_R1, aword [rsp+aword*5] // Pushed register (prologue)
|.define MEM5, aword [rsp+aword*4] // Stack space we can use
|.define MEM4, aword [rsp+aword*3] // Stack space we can use
|.define MEM3, aword [rsp+aword*2] // Stack space we can use
|.define MEM2, aword [rsp+aword*1] // Stack space we can use
|.define MEM1, aword [rsp] // First stack location we can use (8 bytes), <-- rsp after interpreter prologue
|.define OPSIZE, 4 // sizeof(Instruction)
|.define PTRSIZE, 8 // sizeof(void *)
|.define VALUESIZE, 16 // sizeof(TValue)
|//The bytecode layout here uses LuaJIT inspired format.
|//+ B | C | A | Op |
|//+ Bx | A | Op |
|//+ Ax | Op |
|// Thus we can directly access Op and A using AL and AH registers
|// Then we shift the value >> 16 which allows direct access to B, and C using AH, AL
|// or Bx using AX
|// Instruction decode+dispatch
|.macro dispatchNext
| mov RC, [PC] // Fetch next instruction
| movzx OP, RCL // OP = OpCode
| add PC, OPSIZE // PC++
| jmp aword [DISPATCH+OP*8] // jump to assembly routine
|// Following macros decode the bytecode values A, B, C, etc.
|// They assume that RC holds the bytecode
|// Note that below we expect the bytecode layout to be like LuaJIT's
|// and ot Lua's - see lopcodes.h for details.
|.macro ins_ABC
| movzx RA, RCH // RA = A
| shr RC, 16 // RC = RC >> 16, now contains B,C
| movzx RB, RCH
| movzx RC, RCL;
|.macro ins_ABx
| movzx RA, RCH // RA = A
| shr RC, 16 // RC = RC >> 16, now contains Bx
| movzx RB, RCW
|.macro ins_AB_
| movzx RA, RCH // RA = A
| shr RC, 16 // RC = RC >> 16, now contains B,-
| movzx RB, RCH
|.macro ins_A_C
| movzx RA, RCH // RA = A
| shr RC, 16 // RC = RC >> 16, now contains -,C
| movzx RC, RCL
|.macro ins_A__
| movzx RA, RCH // RA = A
|.macro ins_Bx
| shr RC, 16 // RC = RC >> 16, now contains Bx
| movzx RB, RCW
|// Load effective address of BASE[reg*16] into dest
|.macro loadRegPtr, dest, reg
| shl reg, 4 // Multiply by 16, 2^4 = 16
| lea dest, [BASE+reg]
|// Load effective address of K[reg*16] into dest
|.macro loadKonstPtr, dest, reg
| shl reg, 4 // Multiply by 16, 2^4 = 16
| lea dest, [KBASE+reg]
|// Copy value from src to dst, using tmpq (64-bit) and tmpd (32-bit) registers as temporaries
|.macro copyValue, dst, src, tmpq, tmpd
| mov tmpq, TVALUE:src->value_.gc
| mov tmpd, TVALUE:src->tt_
| mov TVALUE:dst->value_.gc, tmpq
| mov TVALUE:dst->tt_, tmpd
|// Computes signed shift to the PC
|.macro branchPC, reg
| lea PC, [PC+reg*4-MAXARG_sBx*4] // 131072 = MAXARG_sBx*4
/* Generate subroutines used by opcodes and other parts of the VM. */
/* The .code_sub section should be last to help static branch prediction. */
static void build_subroutines(BuildCtx *ctx)
|//-- VM entry point
| saveregs // prologue, save regs and adjust stack pointer
| mov L, CARG1 // save L (arg1)
| mov DISPATCH, L->l_G // retrieve global_State
| add DISPATCH, DISPATCH_OFFSET // retrieve the dispatch table
| mov CI, L->ci // save L->ci
| or word CI->callstatus, CIST_FRESH // ci->callstatus |= CIST_FRESH
|->new_frame: // OP_RETURN jumps to here after returning from Lua function
| mov TVALUE:TMP1, CI->func // Get ci->func
| mov LCL, TVALUE:TMP1->value_.gc // LCL = (LClosure *)(ci->func->value_.gc)
| mov BASE, CI->u.l.base // BASE = ci->u.l.base (volatile)
| mov PC, LCL->p // KBASE = LCL->p->k
| mov KBASE, PROTO:PC->k //
| mov PC, CI->u.l.savedpc // PC = CI->u.l.savedpc, type is Instruction*
| dispatchNext // Fetch instruction, increment PC and go to fetched instruction's label
|//-- Return handling ----------------------------------------------------
| restoreregs
| ret
static void build_OP_RETURN(BuildCtx *ctx)
|// Our goal is to generate following
|// vmcase(OP_RETURN) {
|// int b = GETARG_B(i);
|// if (cl->p->sizep > 0) luaF_close(L, base);
|// savepc(L);
|// int nres = (b != 0 ? b - 1 : cast_int(L->top - ra));
|// b = luaD_poscall(L, ci, ra, nres);
|// if (ci->callstatus & CIST_FRESH) {
|// return b;
|// }
|// else {
|// ci = L->ci;
|// if (b) L->top = ci->top;
|// goto newframe; /* restart luaV_execute over new Lua function */
|// }
|// }
|// Upon entry RC has bytecode and OP has opcode
| mov PROTO:TMP1, LCL->p // TMP1 = ci->p
| cmp dword PROTO:TMP1->sizep, 0 // Test ci->p->sizep == 0
| jz >1 // Skip call to luaF_close
| // Call luaF_close
| mov KBASE, RCa // Save the bytecode into KBASE as we don't need KBASE anymore
| mov LCL, BASE // Don't need LCL anymore so use it to save BASE
| mov CARG1, L // arg1 = L
| mov CARG2, BASE // arg2 = base
| call extern luaF_close // call luaF_close
| mov BASE, LCL // restore BASE
| mov RCa, KBASE // Restore bytecode to RC
| mov CI->u.l.savedpc, PC // CI->u.l.savedpc = PC i.e. savepc(L)
| ins_AB_ // Decode bytecode, RA = A, RB = B
| mov TMP1d, RA // save RA, as CARG4 conflicts with RA on Linux (we could do this conditionally)
| test RB, RB // To test if RB (b) is zero
| je >2 // If b == 0 then jump to 2
| dec RB // RB = b - 1
| mov CARG4d, RB // CARG4 will be zero extended as RB=b is 32-bit operand, b cannnot be < 0
| loadRegPtr CARG3, TMP1d // CARG3 = ptr to Lua reg A, CARG3 conflicts with RB on Linux, TMP1 = RA here
| jmp >3
| loadRegPtr CARG3, TMP1d // CARG3 = ptr to Lua reg A, CARG3 conflicts with RB on Linux, TMP1 = RA here
| mov CARG4, L->top // CARG4 = L->top
| sub CARG4, CARG3 // CARG4 = L->top - R(A)
| shr CARG4, 4 // Divide by 16 as sizeof(TValue) = 16, use macro here?
| mov CARG1, L // CARG1 = L
| mov CARG2, CI // CARG2 = CI
| call extern luaD_poscall
| test word CI->callstatus, CIST_FRESH // callstatus & CIT_FRESH?
| jne ->vm_return // CI->callstatus & CIST_FRESH so return RAX which has b
| mov CI, L->ci
| test eax, eax // Is b == 0?
| je >4 // Yes, so skip next step
| mov LCL, CI->top // Using LCL as a temp register here as we don't need LCL anymore
| mov L->top, LCL // b != 0 therefore L->top = ci->top
| jmp ->new_frame // Resume the function (L and CI set)
static void build_OP_LOADK(BuildCtx *ctx)
|// TValue *rb = k + GETARG_Bx(i);
|// setobj2s(L, ra, rb);
| ins_ABx // RA = A, RB = Bx
| loadKonstPtr TMP1, RB // TMP1 = ptr to K[RB]
| loadRegPtr TMP2, RA // TMP2 = ptr to BASE[RA]
| copyValue TMP2, TMP1, RCa, TMP3d // Copy value at TMP1 to TMP2, using RCa, TMP3d as temp registers
| dispatchNext
static void build_OP_MOVE(BuildCtx *ctx)
|// setobjs2s(L, ra, RB(i));
| ins_AB_ // RA = A, RB = B
| loadRegPtr TMP1, RB // TMP1 = ptr to BASE[RB]
| loadRegPtr TMP2, RA // TMP2 = ptr to BASE[RA]
| copyValue TMP2, TMP1, RCa, TMP3d // Copy value at TMP1 to TMP2, using RCa, TMP3d as temp registers
| dispatchNext
static void build_OP_FORPREP_IP(BuildCtx *ctx, OpCode op)
|// vmcase(OP_RAVI_FORPREP_IP)
|// vmcase(OP_RAVI_FORPREP_I1) {
|// TValue *pinit = ra;
|// TValue *pstep = RAVI_LIKELY((op == OP_RAVI_FORPREP_I1)) ? NULL : ra + 2;
|// lua_Integer initv = ivalue(pinit);
|// lua_Integer istep = RAVI_LIKELY((op == OP_RAVI_FORPREP_I1)) ? 1 : ivalue(pstep);
|// setivalue(pinit, initv - istep);
|// pc += GETARG_sBx(i);
|// vmbreak;
|// }
| ins_ABx // RA = A, RB = Bx
| loadRegPtr RCa, RA // RCa is now pinit, we don't need RA anymore
| mov TMP1, TVALUE:RCa->value_.i // Load ivalue(pinit), TMP1 is now initv
if (op == OP_RAVI_FORPREP_I1) {
| dec TMP1 // step is 1
else {
| sub TMP1, [RCa+32] // idx = idx - ivalue(pstep), we rely upon TValue having data first
| mov TVALUE:RCa->value_.i, TMP1 // setivalue(pinit, initv - istep)
| branchPC RBa // pc += sBx
| dispatchNext // jump to next instruction
static void build_OP_FORLOOP_IP(BuildCtx *ctx, OpCode op)
|// vmcase(OP_RAVI_FORLOOP_IP)
|// vmcase(OP_RAVI_FORLOOP_I1) {
|// lua_Integer step = op == OP_RAVI_FORLOOP_I1 ? 1 : ivalue(ra + 2);
|// lua_Integer idx = ivalue(ra) + step; /* increment index */
|// lua_Integer limit = ivalue(ra + 1);
|// if (idx <= limit) {
|// pc += GETARG_sBx(i); /* jump back */
|// chgivalue(ra, idx); /* update internal index... */
|// setivalue(ra + 3, idx); /* ...and external index */
|// }
|// vmbreak;
|// }
|// RC holds the instruction
| ins_A__ // RA = A, RCa still needed for later
| loadRegPtr TMP3, RA // TMP3 now points to RA (idx)
| mov TMP1, TVALUE:TMP3->value_.i // Load ivalue(pinit), TMP1 is now idx
if (op == OP_RAVI_FORLOOP_I1) {
| inc TMP1 // step is 1
else {
| add TMP1, [TMP3+32] // Add step which is at ra+2, 32 = 2*sizeof(TValue); we rely on TValue having data first
| cmp TMP1, [TMP3+16] // compare idx with limit (ra+1), 16 = 1*sizeof(TValue); we rely on TValue having data first
| jg >1 // Our index has crossed the limit so we are done looping
| mov TVALUE:TMP3->value_.i, TMP1 // update index for internal var
| lea TMP2, [TMP3+48] // TMP2 now points to ra+3, 48 = 3*sizeof(TValue)
| mov TVALUE:TMP2->value_.i, TMP1 // External idx
| mov word TVALUE:TMP2->tt_, LUA_TNUMINT // Set type of external idx
| ins_Bx // RB = Bx, RCa used here
| branchPC RBa // PC += sBx
| dispatchNext
/* Generate the code for a single instruction. */
static void build_ins(BuildCtx *ctx, OpCode op, int defop)
int vk = 0;
switch (op) {
case OP_LOADK:
case OP_MOVE:
build_OP_FORLOOP_IP(ctx, op);
build_OP_FORPREP_IP(ctx, op);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
| dispatchNext
static int build_backend(BuildCtx *ctx)
int op;
dasm_growpc(Dst, NUM_OPCODES);
for (op = 0; op < NUM_OPCODES; op++)
build_ins(ctx, (OpCode)op, op);