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X86-64 calling sequence
On Windows 64-bit calling sequence requires caller to reserve 32 bytes (for 4 register parameters). See below sequence for example::
subq $32, %rsp
movq %rcx, %rsi
movq 32(%rsi), %rdi
movq (%rdi), %rax
movq 32(%rdi), %rbx
movq (%rax), %rax
movq 24(%rax), %rax
cmpl $0, 32(%rax)
jle .LBB0_2
movabsq $luaF_close, %rax
movq %rsi, %rcx
movq %rbx, %rdx
callq *%rax
movabsq $luaD_poscall, %rax
xorl %r9d, %r9d
movq %rsi, %rcx
movq %rdi, %rdx
movq %rbx, %r8
addq $32, %rsp
* `X86-64 Calling conventions <>`_
* `Windows X86-64 Conventions <>`_
Windows Unwind Data
* `Manual Stack Reconstruction <>`_.
* `X84 Deep Dive <>`_ - has useful depiction of unwind info on Win64.