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** $Id: lparser.h,v 1.74 2014/10/25 11:50:46 roberto Exp $
** Lua Parser
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#ifndef lparser_h
#define lparser_h
#include "llimits.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lzio.h"
** Expression descriptor
typedef enum {
VVOID, /* no value */
VK, /* info = index of constant in 'k' */
VKFLT, /* nval = numerical float value */
VKINT, /* ival = numerical integer value */
VNONRELOC, /* info = result register */
VLOCAL, /* info = local register */
VUPVAL, /* info = index of upvalue in 'upvalues' */
VINDEXED, /* t = table register/upvalue; idx = index R/K */
VJMP, /* info = instruction pc */
VRELOCABLE, /* info = instruction pc;
OP_GETTABUP,OP_GETTABLE,OP_NOT,Code for binary and unary expressions
that produce values (arithmetic operations, bitwise operations,
concat, length)
VCALL, /* info = instruction pc */
VVARARG /* info = instruction pc */
} expkind;
#define vkisvar(k) (VLOCAL <= (k) && (k) <= VINDEXED)
#define vkisinreg(k) ((k) == VNONRELOC || (k) == VLOCAL)
typedef struct expdesc {
expkind k;
union {
struct { /* for indexed variables (VINDEXED) */
short idx; /* index (R/K) */
lu_byte t; /* table (register or upvalue) */
lu_byte vt; /* whether 't' is register (VLOCAL) or upvalue (VUPVAL) */
ravitype_t key_type; /* key type */
} ind;
int info; /* for generic use */
lua_Number nval; /* for VKFLT */
lua_Integer ival; /* for VKINT */
} u;
int t; /* patch list of 'exit when true' */
int f; /* patch list of 'exit when false' */
ravitype_t ravi_type; /* RAVI change: type of the expression if known, else RAVI_TANY */
} expdesc;
/* description of active local variable */
typedef struct Vardesc {
short idx; /* variable index in stack */
} Vardesc;
/* description of pending goto statements and label statements */
typedef struct Labeldesc {
TString *name; /* label identifier */
int pc; /* position in code */
int line; /* line where it appeared */
lu_byte nactvar; /* local level where it appears in current block */
} Labeldesc;
/* list of labels or gotos */
typedef struct Labellist {
Labeldesc *arr; /* array */
int n; /* number of entries in use */
int size; /* array size */
} Labellist;
/* dynamic structures used by the parser */
typedef struct Dyndata {
/* The actvar structure appears to represent the stack. It is used
* in a single parsing run - as part of an implicit function that
* wraps the parsed code. As the code is parsed the stack grows and
* shrinks.
struct { /* list of active local variables */
Vardesc *arr;
int n; /* tracks the top of the stack where the next item will go */
int size; /* number of arr objects allocated (memory) */
} actvar;
Labellist gt; /* list of pending gotos */
Labellist label; /* list of active labels */
} Dyndata;
/* control of blocks */
struct BlockCnt; /* defined in lparser.c */
/* State needed to generate code for a given function.
Functions have a register window on the stack.
The stack is represented in LexState->dyd.actvar (Dyndata)
structure (see llex.h). The register window of the function
starts from LexState->dyd.actvar.arr[firstlocal].
The 'active' local variables of the function extend
upto LexState->dyd.actvar.arr[nactvar-1].
Note that when parsing a 'local' declaration statement
the 'nactvar' is adjusted at the end of the statement
so that during parsing of the statement the 'nactvar'
covers locals upto the start of the statement. This means that
local variables come into scope (become 'active') after
the local statement ends. However, if the local statement
defines a function then the variable becomes 'active'
before the function body is parsed.
A tricky thing to note is that while 'nactvar' is adjusted
at the end of the statement - the 'stack' as represented
by LexState->dyd.actvar.arr is extended to the required
size as the local variables are created by new_localvar().
When a function is the topmost function being parsed, the
registers between LexState->dyd.actvar.arr[nactvar]
and LexState->dyd.actvar.arr[freereg-1]
are used by the parser for evaluating expressions.
Note that function parameters are handled in the
same way as local variables.
Example of what all this means:
Let's say we are parsing following chunk of code
function testfunc()
-- at this stage 'nactvar' is 0 (no active variables)
-- 'firstlocal' is set to current top of the variables stack
-- LexState->dyd.actvar.n (i.e. excluding registers used for expression evaluation)
-- LexState->dyd.actvar.n = 0 at this stage
local function tryme()
-- Since we are inside the local statement and 'tryme' is a local variable,
-- the LexState->dyd.actvar.n goes to 1. As this is a function definition
-- the local variable declaration is deemed to end here, so 'nactvar' for testfunc()
-- is gets set to 1 (making 'tryme' an active variable).
-- A new FuncState is created for 'tryme' function.
-- The new tryme() FunState has 'firstlocal' set to value of LexState->dyd.actvar.n, i.e., 1
local i,j = 5,6
-- After 'i' is parsed, LexState->dyd.actvar.n = 2, but 'nactvar' = 0 for tryme()
-- After 'j' is parsed, LexState->dyd.actvar.n = 3, but 'nactvar' = 0 for tryme()
-- Only after the full statement above is parsed, 'nactvar' for tryme() is set to '2'
-- This is done by adjustlocalvar().
return i,j
-- Here two things happen
-- Firstly the FuncState for tryme() is popped so that
-- FuncState for testfunc() is now at top
-- As part of this popping, leaveblock() calls removevars()
-- to adjust the LexState->dyd.actvar.n down to 1 where it was
-- at before parsing the tryme() function body.
local i, j = tryme()
-- After 'i' is parsed, LexState->dyd.actvar.n = 2, but 'nactvar' = 1 still
-- After 'j' is parsed, LexState->dyd.actvar.n = 3, but 'nactvar' = 1 still
-- At the end of the statement 'nactvar' is set to 3.
return i+j
-- As before the leaveblock() calls removevars() which resets
-- LexState->dyd.actvar.n to 0 (the value before testfunc() was parsed)
A rough debug trace of the above gives:
function testfunc()
-- open_func -> fs->firstlocal set to 0 (ls->dyd->actvar.n), and fs->nactvar reset to 0
local function tryme()
-- new_localvar -> registering var tryme fs->f->locvars[0] at ls->dyd->actvar.arr[0]
-- new_localvar -> ls->dyd->actvar.n set to 1
-- adjustlocalvars -> set fs->nactvar to 1
-- open_func -> fs->firstlocal set to 1 (ls->dyd->actvar.n), and fs->nactvar reset to 0
-- adjustlocalvars -> set fs->nactvar to 0 (no parameters)
local i,j = 5,6
-- new_localvar -> registering var i fs->f->locvars[0] at ls->dyd->actvar.arr[1]
-- new_localvar -> ls->dyd->actvar.n set to 2
-- new_localvar -> registering var j fs->f->locvars[1] at ls->dyd->actvar.arr[2]
-- new_localvar -> ls->dyd->actvar.n set to 3
-- adjustlocalvars -> set fs->nactvar to 2
return i,j
-- removevars -> reset fs->nactvar to 0
local i, j = tryme()
-- new_localvar -> registering var i fs->f->locvars[1] at ls->dyd->actvar.arr[1]
-- new_localvar -> ls->dyd->actvar.n set to 2
-- new_localvar -> registering var j fs->f->locvars[2] at ls->dyd->actvar.arr[2]
-- new_localvar -> ls->dyd->actvar.n set to 3
-- adjustlocalvars -> set fs->nactvar to 3
return i+j
-- removevars -> reset fs->nactvar to 0
typedef struct FuncState {
Proto *f; /* current function header */
struct FuncState *prev; /* enclosing function */
struct LexState *ls; /* lexical state */
struct BlockCnt *bl; /* chain of current blocks */
int pc; /* next position to code (equivalent to 'ncode') */
int lasttarget; /* 'label' of last 'jump label' */
int jpc; /* list of pending jumps to 'pc' */
int nk; /* number of elements in 'k' */
int np; /* number of elements in 'p' */
int firstlocal; /* index of first local variable (in Dyndata array) -
this marks the start of the register
window of the function i.e. register
zero is here */
short nlocvars; /* number of elements in 'f->locvars'
- i.e. number of local variables */
lu_byte nactvar; /* number of active local variables in
the function - see note above on how this works */
lu_byte nups; /* number of upvalues */
lu_byte freereg; /* first free register - this tracks the top
of the stack as parsing progresses */
} FuncState;
LUAI_FUNC LClosure *luaY_parser (lua_State *L, ZIO *z, Mbuffer *buff,
Dyndata *dyd, const char *name, int firstchar);
LUAI_FUNC const char *raviY_typename(ravitype_t tt);
/* Special printf that recognises following conversions:
* %e - expdesc *
* %v - LocVar *
* %t - Lua types
* %f - floating decimal
* %d - int
* %o - Lua Instruction
LUAI_FUNC void raviY_printf(FuncState *fs, const char *format, ...);
/* Given a local register obtain available type information - if a
* local variable is associated with the register (i.e. register <= fs->nactvar)
* in the function type info is available then the type will be returned.
* Else RAVI_TANY is returned. Note that this function only looks
* at active local variables - see note on FuncState on what this means.
LUAI_FUNC ravitype_t raviY_get_register_typeinfo(FuncState *fs, int reg);
#define DEBUG_EXPR(p) \
if ((ravi_parser_debug & 1) != 0) { \
p; \
} else { \
#define DEBUG_CODEGEN(p) \
if ((ravi_parser_debug & 2) != 0) { \
p; \
} else { \
#define DEBUG_VARS(p) \
if ((ravi_parser_debug & 4) != 0) { \
p; \
} else { \