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Ravi Debug Adapter for VSCode
The aim is to provide a debug adapter that allows Microsoft's Visual Studio Code to step through Ravi or
Lua code.
Implementation Notes
The approach is to create a standalone executable that can be invoked by VSCode. VSCode communicates
with the adapter via stdin/stdout. This means that Lua cannot use stdin/stdout - but for now nothing is done
to prevent Lua access to these.
VSCode communicates with the adapter using a JSON wire protocol.
This is work in progress but the basic debugger is working with following features.
* Launch a Ravi/Lua program and stop on entry
* Step through code
* Set breakpoints at line/source level
Only source files that are available on disk can be debugged
Only tested on Windows 10 so far.
To install first build Ravi.
You should see a binary named `ravidebug.exe` built.
Install the debugger extension as follows:
1. Create a directory named `.vscode/extensions/dibyendumajumdar.ravi-debug-0.0.1/bin` under the home directory.
2. Copy the `ravidebug` executable to the bin folder.
3. Copy the file `vscode-debugger/vscode/extensions/dibyendumajumdar.ravi-debug-0.0.1/package.json` to the directory `.vscode/extensions/dibyendumajumdar.ravi-debug-0.0.1`.
Now when you open a directory containing Lua programs VSCode should allow you to launch a debug session. You will need to change the launch parameters as required but note that right now `LUA_PATH` and `LUA_CPATH` are not passed on to the debugger.
.. figure:: ../readthedocs/debugger-screenshot1.jpg
:alt: Ravi Debugger screenshot