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#include "lua_hdr.h"
The following represents a C version of the Lua function:
local function x()
local j = 0
for i=1,5 do
j = i
return j
The Lua byte codes are:
function <(string):1,1> (9 instructions at 00000014E5C8E3
0 params, 5 slots, 0 upvalues, 5 locals, 3 constants, 0 f
1 [1] LOADK 0 -1 ; 0
2 [1] LOADK 1 -2 ; 1
3 [1] LOADK 2 -3 ; 5
4 [1] LOADK 3 -2 ; 1
5 [1] FORPREP 1 1 ; to 7
6 [1] MOVE 0 4
7 [1] FORLOOP 1 -2 ; to 6
8 [1] RETURN 0 2
9 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (3) for 00000014E5C8E380:
1 0
2 1
3 5
locals (5) for 00000014E5C8E380:
0 j 2 10
1 (for index) 5 8
2 (for limit) 5 8
3 (for step) 5 8
4 i 6 7
upvalues (0) for 00000014E5C8E380:
extern int printf(const char *, ...);
void testfunc(struct GCObject *obj) { printf("value = %d\n", obj->tt); }
extern int luaD_poscall(struct lua_State *L, struct TValue *ra);
extern int forlimit(const struct TValue *obj, long long int *p, long long int step,
int *stopnow);
extern int luaV_tonumber_(const struct TValue *obj, double *n);
void test1(struct lua_State *L) {
/* This is the function prologue */
struct CallInfoLua *ci;
struct LClosure *cl;
struct TValue *k;
struct TValue *base;
struct CallInfoL *cil;
//struct TValue *ra, *rb, *rc;
int b;
ci = L->ci;
base = ci->l.base;
cl = (struct LClosure *)(ci->func->value_.gc);
k = cl->p->k;
// // 1[1] LOADK 0 -1; 0
// ra = base + 0;
// rb = k + 0;
// *ra = *rb;
// // 2[1] LOADK 1 -2; 1
// ra = base + 1;
// rb = k + 1;
// *ra = *rb;
// // 3[1] LOADK 2 -3; 5
// ra = base + 2;
// rb = k + 2;
// *ra = *rb;
// // 4[1] LOADK 3 -2; 1
// ra = base + 3;
// rb = k + 1;
// *ra = *rb;
// 5[1] FORPREP 1 1; to 7
//TValue *init = ra;
//TValue *plimit = ra + 1;
//TValue *pstep = ra + 2;
//lua_Integer ilimit;
//int stopnow;
//if (ttisinteger(init) && ttisinteger(pstep) &&
// forlimit(plimit, &ilimit, ivalue(pstep), &stopnow)) {
// /* all values are integer */
// lua_Integer initv = (stopnow ? 0 : ivalue(init));
// setivalue(plimit, ilimit);
// setivalue(init, initv - ivalue(pstep));
//else { /* try making all values floats */
// lua_Number ninit; lua_Number nlimit; lua_Number nstep;
// if (!tonumber(plimit, &nlimit))
// luaG_runerror(L, "'for' limit must be a number");
// setfltvalue(plimit, nlimit);
// if (!tonumber(pstep, &nstep))
// luaG_runerror(L, "'for' step must be a number");
// setfltvalue(pstep, nstep);
// if (!tonumber(init, &ninit))
// luaG_runerror(L, "'for' initial value must be a number");
// setfltvalue(init, luai_numsub(L, ninit, nstep));
//ci->u.l.savedpc += GETARG_sBx(i);
int A, A1, A2;
A = 1;
A1 = A+1;
A2 = A+2;
struct TValue *init = base + A;
struct TValue *plimit = base + A1;
struct TValue *pstep = base + A2;
long long int ilimit;
int stopnow;
#define LUA_NUMINT (3 | 1 << 4)
#define LUA_NUMFLT (3)
int init_is_integer = init->tt_ == LUA_NUMINT;
int pstep_is_integer = pstep->tt_ == LUA_NUMINT;
int fl = forlimit(plimit, &ilimit, pstep->value_.i, &stopnow);
if (init_is_integer && pstep_is_integer && fl) {
long long int initv = (stopnow ? 0 : init->value_.i);
plimit->value_.i = ilimit; plimit->tt_ = LUA_NUMINT;
init->value_.i = initv - pstep->value_.i; init->tt_ = LUA_NUMINT;
else {
double ninit;
double nlimit;
double nstep;
int plimit_is_float = 0;
if (plimit->tt_ == LUA_NUMFLT) {
plimit_is_float = 1;
nlimit = plimit->value_.n;
else {
plimit_is_float = luaV_tonumber_(plimit, &nlimit);
if (!plimit_is_float)
luaG_runerror(L, "'for' limit must be a number");
plimit->value_.n = nlimit;
plimit->tt_ = LUA_NUMFLT;
int pstep_is_float = 0;
if (pstep->tt_ == LUA_NUMFLT) {
pstep_is_float = 1;
nstep = pstep->value_.n;
else {
pstep_is_float = luaV_tonumber_(pstep, &nstep);
if (!pstep_is_float)
luaG_runerror(L, "'for' step must be a number");
pstep->value_.n = nstep;
pstep->tt_ = LUA_NUMFLT;
int init_is_float = 0;
if (init->tt_ == LUA_NUMFLT) {
init_is_float = 1;
ninit = init->value_.n;
else {
init_is_float = luaV_tonumber_(init, &ninit);
if (!init_is_float)
luaG_runerror(L, "'for' initial value must be a number");
init->value_.n = ninit - nstep;
init->tt_ = LUA_NUMFLT;
goto label_forloop;
// label_loopbody:
// // 6[1] MOVE 0 4
// ra = base + 0;
// rb = base + 4;
// *ra = *rb;
// 7[1] FORLOOP 1 - 2; to 6
//if (ttisinteger(ra)) { /* integer loop? */
// lua_Integer step = ivalue(ra + 2);
// lua_Integer idx = ivalue(ra) + step; /* increment index */
// lua_Integer limit = ivalue(ra + 1);
// if ((0 < step) ? (idx <= limit) : (limit <= idx)) {
// ci->u.l.savedpc += GETARG_sBx(i); /* jump back */
// setivalue(ra, idx); /* update internal index... */
// setivalue(ra + 3, idx); /* ...and external index */
// }
//else { /* floating loop */
// lua_Number step = fltvalue(ra + 2);
// lua_Number idx = luai_numadd(L, fltvalue(ra), step); /* inc. index */
// lua_Number limit = fltvalue(ra + 1);
// if (luai_numlt(0, step) ? luai_numle(idx, limit)
// : luai_numle(limit, idx)) {
// ci->u.l.savedpc += GETARG_sBx(i); /* jump back */
// setfltvalue(ra, idx); /* update internal index... */
// setfltvalue(ra + 3, idx); /* ...and external index */
// }
// ra = base + 1;
// if (ra->tt_ == LUA_NUMINT) {
// rb = ra + 2;
// long long int step = rb->value_.i;
// long long int idx = ra->value_.i + step;
// rc = ra + 1;
// long long int limit = rc->value_.i;
// if ((0 < step) ? (idx <= limit) : (limit <= idx)) {
// ra->value_.i = idx;
// ra->tt_ = LUA_NUMINT;
// rc = ra + 3;
// rc->value_.i = idx;
// rc->tt_ = LUA_NUMINT;
// goto label_loopbody;
// }
// }
// else {
// rb = ra + 2;
// double step = rb->value_.n;
// double idx = ra->value_.n + step;
// rc = ra + 1;
// double limit = rc->value_.n;
// if ((0 < step) ? (idx <= limit) : (limit <= idx)) {
// ra->value_.n = idx;
// ra->tt_ = LUA_NUMFLT;
// rc = ra + 3;
// rc->value_.n = idx;
// rc->tt_ = LUA_NUMFLT;
// goto label_loopbody;
// }
// }
// // 8[1] RETURN 0 2
// b = 2;
// ra = base + 0;
// // if (b)
// L->top = ra + b - 1;
// if (cl->p->sizep > 0)
// luaF_close(L, base);
// b = luaD_poscall(L, ra);
// if (b)
// L->top = ci->top;