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-- Test cases for bit operations library. Public domain.
local bit = require"bit"
local vb = {
0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 0x12345678, 0x87654321,
0x33333333, 0x77777777, 0x55aa55aa, 0xaa55aa55,
0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, 0xffffffff
local function cksum(name, s, r)
local z = 0
for i=1,#s do z = (z + string.byte(s, i)*i) % 2147483629 end
if z ~= r then
error("bit."" test failed (got "..z..", expected "..r..")", 0)
local function check_unop(name, r)
local f = bit[name]
local s = ""
if pcall(f) or pcall(f, "z") or pcall(f, true) then
error("bit."" fails to detect argument errors", 0)
for _,x in ipairs(vb) do s = s..","..tostring(f(x)) end
cksum(name, s, r)
local function check_binop(name, r)
local f = bit[name]
local s = ""
if pcall(f) or pcall(f, "z") or pcall(f, true) then
error("bit."" fails to detect argument errors", 0)
for _,x in ipairs(vb) do
for _,y in ipairs(vb) do s = s..","..tostring(f(x, y)) end
cksum(name, s, r)
local function check_binop_range(name, r, yb, ye)
local f = bit[name]
local s = ""
if pcall(f) or pcall(f, "z") or pcall(f, true) or pcall(f, 1, true) then
error("bit."" fails to detect argument errors", 0)
for _,x in ipairs(vb) do
for y=yb,ye do s = s..","..tostring(f(x, y)) end
cksum(name, s, r)
local function check_shift(name, r)
check_binop_range(name, r, 0, 31)
-- Minimal sanity checks.
assert(0x7fffffff == 2147483647, "broken hex literals")
assert(0xffffffff == -1 or 0xffffffff == 2^32-1, "broken hex literals")
assert(tostring(-1) == "-1", "broken tostring()")
assert(tostring(0xffffffff) == "-1" or tostring(0xffffffff) == "4294967295", "broken tostring()")
-- Basic argument processing.
assert(bit.tobit(1) == 1)
assert( == 1)
assert(bit.bxor(1,2) == 3)
assert(bit.bor(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128) == 255)
-- Apply operations to test vectors and compare checksums.
check_unop("tobit", 277312)
check_unop("bnot", 287870)
check_unop("bswap", 307611)
check_binop("band", 41206764)
check_binop("bor", 51253663)
check_binop("bxor", 79322427)
check_shift("lshift", 325260344)
check_shift("rshift", 139061800)
check_shift("arshift", 111364720)
check_shift("rol", 302401155)
check_shift("ror", 302316761)
check_binop_range("tohex", 47880306, -8, 8)