You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
5.4 KiB

#include "protocol.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int test_initreq() {
char testdata[200] =
ProtocolMessage msg;
int msgtype = vscode_parse_message(testdata, strlen(testdata), &msg, stderr);
if (msgtype != VSCODE_INITIALIZE_REQUEST || msg.seq != 1 ||
msg.type != VSCODE_REQUEST ||
strcmp(msg.u.Request.command, "initialize") != 0 ||
msg.u.Request.request_type != VSCODE_INITIALIZE_REQUEST ||
strcmp(msg.u.Request.u.InitializeRequest.adapterID, "lua") != 0 ||
msg.u.Request.u.InitializeRequest.columnsStartAt1 != 1 ||
msg.u.Request.u.InitializeRequest.linesStartAt1 != 1 ||
strcmp(msg.u.Request.u.InitializeRequest.pathFormat, "path") != 0) {
return 1;
ProtocolMessage res;
vscode_make_error_response(&msg, &res, VSCODE_INITIALIZE_RESPONSE,
"unable to initialize");
//char buf[1024];
membuff_t mb;
membuff_init(&mb, 0);
vscode_serialize_response_new(&mb, &res);
const char *expected =
"\"success\":false,\"message\":\"unable to initialize\"}";
if (strcmp(expected, mb.buf) != 0) {
return 1;
vscode_make_success_response(&msg, &res, VSCODE_INITIALIZE_RESPONSE);
vscode_serialize_response_new(&mb, &res);
const char *expected2 =
if (strcmp(expected2, mb.buf) != 0) {
return 1;
char testdata2[] = "{\"type\":\"request\",\"seq\":2,\"command\":\"setBreakpoints\",\"arguments\":{\"source\":{\"path\":\"c:\\\\github\\\\ravi\\\\ravi-tests\\\\simple.lua\"},\"lines\" : [6],\"breakpoints\" : [{\"line\":6}]} }";
msgtype = vscode_parse_message(testdata2, strlen(testdata2), &msg, stderr);
if (msgtype != VSCODE_SET_BREAKPOINTS_REQUEST || msg.seq != 2 ||
msg.type != VSCODE_REQUEST ||
strcmp(msg.u.Request.command, "setBreakpoints") != 0 ||
msg.u.Request.request_type != VSCODE_SET_BREAKPOINTS_REQUEST ||
strcmp(msg.u.Request.u.SetBreakpointsRequest.source.path, "c:/github/ravi/ravi-tests/simple.lua") != 0 ||
msg.u.Request.u.SetBreakpointsRequest.breakpoints[0].line != 6) {
return 1;
return 0;
int test_json_stringify() {
char src[] = "string\n";
char small_buf[8] = { 0 };
char bigger_buf[9] = { 0 };
vscode_json_stringify(src, small_buf, sizeof small_buf);
vscode_json_stringify(src, bigger_buf, sizeof bigger_buf);
if (strcmp(small_buf, "string") != 0) return 1;
if (strcmp(bigger_buf, "string\\n") != 0) return 1;
return 0;
int test_membuff() {
membuff_t mb;
membuff_init(&mb, 0);
if (mb.allocated_size != 0 || mb.pos != 0 || mb.buf != NULL)
return 1;
membuff_resize(&mb, 5);
if (mb.allocated_size != 5 || mb.pos != 0 || mb.buf == NULL)
return 1;
const char *string1 = "hello world!";
size_t len = strlen(string1);
membuff_add_string(&mb, string1);
if (mb.allocated_size != len + 1 || mb.pos != len || strcmp(mb.buf, string1) != 0)
return 1;
const char *string2 = "hello world!true42";
len = strlen(string2);
membuff_add_bool(&mb, true);
membuff_add_int(&mb, 42);
if (mb.allocated_size != len + 1 || mb.pos != len || strcmp(mb.buf, string2) != 0)
return 1;
if (mb.allocated_size != len + 1 || mb.pos != 0 || strcmp(mb.buf, string2) != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
int test_intpacking() {
int64_t ix = 4503599627370495;
int64_t i1 = 9007199254740991;
double d = (double) i1;
int64_t i2 = (int64_t) d;
//fprintf(stderr, "%lld, %0.15f, %lld\n", i1, d, i2);
if (i1 != i2)
return 1;
PackedInteger pi;
pi.x8[0] = 0xFF;
pi.x8[1] = 0xFF;
pi.x8[2] = 0xFF;
pi.x8[3] = 0xFF;
pi.x8[4] = 0xFF;
pi.depth = 0xFF;
pi.vartype = 0x0F;
int64_t i3 = vscode_pack(&pi);
d = (double) i3;
i2 = (int64_t) d;
//fprintf(stderr, "%lld, %0.15f, %lld\n", i3, d, i2);
if (i3 != ix)
return 1;
PackedInteger p2;
memset(&p2, 0, sizeof p2);
vscode_unpack(i3, &p2);
if (memcmp(&pi, &p2, sizeof(PackedInteger)) != 0)
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "%x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", p2.x8[0], p2.x8[1], p2.x8[2], p2.x8[3], p2.x8[4], p2.depth, p2.vartype);
pi.x8[0] = 127;
pi.x8[1] = 212;
pi.x8[2] = 13;
pi.x8[3] = 55;
pi.x8[4] = 220;
pi.depth = 0;
pi.vartype = 15;
i3 = vscode_pack(&pi);
d = (double)i3;
i2 = (int64_t)d;
//fprintf(stderr, "%lld, %0.15f, %lld\n", i3, d, i2);
if (i3 != i2)
return 1;
vscode_unpack(i3, &p2);
fprintf(stderr, "%u %u %u %u %u %u %u\n", p2.x8[0], p2.x8[1], p2.x8[2], p2.x8[3], p2.x8[4], p2.depth, p2.vartype);
if (memcmp(&pi, &p2, sizeof(PackedInteger)) != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
int main(void) {
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
int rc = 0;
rc += test_intpacking();
rc += test_initreq();
rc += test_json_stringify();
rc += test_membuff();
if (rc == 0) printf("OK\n");
return rc == 0 ? 0 : 1;