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-- Gaussian elimination
if ravi.jit then,1)
local assert = assert
local slice, numarray, intarray = table.slice, table.numarray, table.intarray
local write = io.write
local function comp(a: number[], b: number[])
local abs = math.abs
for i = 1, #a do
if abs(a[i] - b[i]) > 1e-10 then
return false
return true
local function copy(a: number[])
local c: number[] = numarray(#a, 0.0)
for i = 1,#a do
c[i] = a[i]
return c
-- i = column
local function partial_pivot(columns: table, nrow: integer[], i: integer, n: integer)
local p: integer = i
local max: number = 0.0
local a: number[] = @number[]( columns[i] )
local max_set = false
-- find the row from i to n that has
-- max absolute value in column[i]
for row=i, n do
local value: number = a[nrow[row]]
if value < 0.0 then value = -value end
if not max_set then
max = value
max_set = true
p = row
elseif value > max then
p = row
max = value
if a[p] == 0.0 then
error("no unique solution exists")
if nrow[i] ~= nrow[p] then
write('Performing row interchange ', i, ' will be swapped with ', p, "\n")
local temp: integer = nrow[i]
nrow[i] = nrow[p]
nrow[p] = temp
local function dump_matrix(columns: table, m: integer, n: integer, nrow: integer[])
for i = 1,m do
for j = 1,n do
write(columns[j][nrow[i]], ' ')
local function gaussian_solve(A: number[], b: number[], m: integer, n: integer)
-- make copies
A = copy(A)
b = copy(b)
assert(m == n)
assert(#b == m)
-- nrow will hold the order of the rows allowing
-- easy interchange of rows
local nrow: integer[] = intarray(n)
-- As ravi matrices are column major we
-- create slices for each column for easy access
-- the vector b can also be treated as an additional
-- column thereby creating the augmented matrix
local columns: table = {}
-- we use i as the row and j a the column
-- first get the column slices
for j = 1,n do
columns[j] = slice(A, (j-1)*m+1, m)
columns[n+1] = b
-- initialize the nrow vector
for i = 1,n do
nrow[i] = i
for j = 1,n-1 do -- j is the column
partial_pivot(columns, nrow, j, m)
dump_matrix(columns, n, n+1, nrow)
for i = j+1,m do -- i is the row
-- obtain the column j
local column: number[] = @number[]( columns[j] )
local multiplier: number = column[nrow[i]]/column[nrow[j]]
write('m(' .. i .. ',' .. j .. ') = ', column[nrow[i]], ' / ', column[nrow[j]], "\n")
write('Performing R(' .. i .. ') = R(' .. i .. ') - m(' .. i .. ',' .. j .. ') * R(' .. j .. ')\n')
-- For the row i, we need to
-- do row(i) = row(i) - multipler * row(j)
for q = j,n+1 do
local col: number[] = @number[]( columns[q] )
col[nrow[i]] = col[nrow[i]] - multiplier*col[nrow[j]]
write("Post elimination column ", j, "\n")
dump_matrix(columns, n, n+1, nrow)
if columns[n][nrow[n]] == 0.0 then
error("no unique solution exists")
-- Now we do the back substitution
local x: number[] = numarray(n, 0.0)
local a: number[] = @number[]( columns[n] )
write('Performing back substitution\n')
x[n] = b[nrow[n]] / a[nrow[n]]
write('x[', n, '] = b[', n, '] / a[', n, '] = ', x[n], "\n")
for i = n-1,1,-1 do
local sum: number
for j = i+1, n do
a = @number[]( columns[j] )
sum = sum + a[nrow[i]] * x[j]
if j == i+1 then
write('sum = ')
write('sum = sum + ')
write('a[', i, ', ', j, '] * x[', j, ']', "\n")
write('sum = ', sum, '\n')
a = @number[]( columns[i] )
x[i] = (b[nrow[i]] - sum) / a[nrow[i]]
write('x[',i,'] = (b[', i, '] - sum) / a[', i, ', ', i, '] = ', x[i], "\n")
return x
local A: number[] = { 4,8,-4; 2,5,1; 1,5,10 }
local b: number[] = { 3,8,5 }
-- control (LAPACK solve)
local expectedx: number[] = { 1,-1,1 }
local x:number[] = gaussian_solve(A, b, 3, 3)
print('expected ', table.unpack(expectedx))
print('got ', table.unpack(x))
assert(comp(x, expectedx))
local A: number[] = { 2,6,4; 1,-1,3; -1,-9,1 }
local b: number[] = { 3,7,5 }
local expectedx: number[] = { 0,2,-1 }
x = gaussian_solve(A, b, 3, 3)
print('expected ', table.unpack(expectedx))
print('got ', table.unpack(x))
assert(comp(x, expectedx))
local A: number[] = { 0,1,2,1; 1,1,2,2; 1,2,4,1; 1,1,0,1 }
local b: number[] = { 1,-1,-1,2 }
local expectedx: number[] = { -1.25, 2.25, -0.75, -0.5 }
x = gaussian_solve(A, b, 4, 4)
print('expected ', table.unpack(expectedx))
print('got ', table.unpack(x))
assert(comp(x, expectedx))
print 'Ok'