Update CrashCourseInLua.rst

Dibyendu Majumdar 7 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 4b1dcdc71e
commit cfbd7ccb57

@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ Key Features
* Functions in Lua are closures - they can capture variables from outer scope and such variables live on even though the surrounding scope
is no longer alive
* Lua's error handling is based on C setjmp/longjmp, and errors are caught via a special function call mechanism
* Lua supports operator overloading via 'meta' methods
* Lua has a meta mechanism that enables a DIY class / object system with some syntactic sugar to make it look nice; however, you cannot
explicitly declare classes in Lua
* Lua has some nice syntactic sugar for tables and functions
* Lua has a meta mechanism that enables a DIY class / object system with some syntactic sugar to make it look nice
* Lua functions can return multiple values
* You can create user defined types in C and make them available in Lua
* Lua supports operator overloading via 'meta' methods
* Although Lua has a boolean type any value that is not 0 and not ``nil`` is considered true
* The result of logical ``and`` and logical ``or`` is not true or false; these operators select one of the values
* The Lua stack is a heap allocated structure - and you can think of Lua as a library that manipulates this stack
* Lua compiles code to bytecode before execution
* Lua's compiler is designed to be fast and frugal - it generates code as it parses, there is no intermediate AST construction
@ -67,6 +68,21 @@ local variable. For example, ``math.abs()`` is a function - and following create
local print = print -- caches global print() function
print('hello world!') -- calls the same function as global print()
The Table type
Lua's only complex / aggregate data type is a table. Tables are used for many things in Lua, even internally within Lua.
Here are some examples::
local a = {} -- creates an empty table
local b = {10,20,30} -- creates a table with three array elements at positions 1,2,3
-- short cut for local b = {}
-- b[1] = 10
-- b[2] = 20
-- b[3] = 30
local c = { name='Ravi' } -- creates a table with one hash map entry
-- short cut for local c = {}
-- c['name'] = 'Ravi'
