5.3 bytecode reference

Dibyendu Majumdar 7 years ago
parent b2ab1c2465
commit b07b37b873

@ -2125,8 +2125,8 @@ while 'a' is the name of the global variable.
Line [1] assigns the number 40 to global 'a'. Line [2] assigns the value in global 'a'
to the register 0 which is the local 'b'.
CONCAT instruction
OP_CONCAT instruction
@ -2203,4 +2203,478 @@ there is no string constant folding. Lines [1] through [3] loads the three
constants in the correct order for concatenation; the ``CONCAT`` on line [4]
performs the concatenation itself and assigns the result to local 'a'.
OP_LEN instruction
LEN A B R(A) := length of R(B)
Returns the length of the object in R(B). For strings, the string length is
returned, while for tables, the table size (as defined in Lua) is returned.
For other objects, the metamethod is called. The result, which is a number,
is placed in R(A).
The ``LEN`` operation implements the # operator. If # operates on a constant,
then the constant is loaded in advance using ``LOADK``. The ``LEN`` instruction
is currently not optimized away using compile time evaluation, even if it is
operating on a constant string or table::
f=load('local a,b; a = #b; a= #"foo"')
Results in::
main <(string):0,0> (5 instructions at 000001DC21778C60)
0+ params, 3 slots, 1 upvalue, 2 locals, 1 constant, 0 functions
1 [1] LOADNIL 0 1
2 [1] LEN 0 1
3 [1] LOADK 2 -1 ; "foo"
4 [1] LEN 0 2
5 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (1) for 000001DC21778C60:
1 "foo"
locals (2) for 000001DC21778C60:
0 a 2 6
1 b 2 6
upvalues (1) for 000001DC21778C60:
0 _ENV 1 0
In the above example, ``LEN`` operates on local b in line [2], leaving the result in
local a. Since ``LEN`` cannot operate directly on constants, line [3] first loads the
constant “foo” into a temporary local, and only then ``LEN`` is executed.
OP_MOVE instruction
MOVE A B R(A) := R(B)
Copies the value of register R(B) into register R(A). If R(B) holds a table,
function or userdata, then the reference to that object is copied. ``MOVE`` is often used
for moving values into place for the next operation.
The most straightforward use of MOVE is for assigning a local to another local::
f=load('local a,b = 10; b = a')
main <(string):0,0> (4 instructions at 000001DC217566D0)
0+ params, 2 slots, 1 upvalue, 2 locals, 1 constant, 0 functions
1 [1] LOADK 0 -1 ; 10
2 [1] LOADNIL 1 0
3 [1] MOVE 1 0
4 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (1) for 000001DC217566D0:
1 10
locals (2) for 000001DC217566D0:
0 a 3 5
1 b 3 5
upvalues (1) for 000001DC217566D0:
0 _ENV 1 0
You wont see ``MOVE`` instructions used in arithmetic expressions
because they are not needed by arithmetic operators. All arithmetic operators are
in 2- or 3-operand style: the entire local stack frame is already visible
to operands R(A), R(B) and R(C) so there is no need for any extra
``MOVE`` instructions.
Other places where you will see ``MOVE`` are:
* When moving parameters into place for a function call.
* When moving values into place for certain instructions where stack order
is important, e.g. ``GETTABLE``, ``SETTABLE`` and ``CONCAT``.
* When copying return values into locals after a function call.
OP_LOADNIL instruction
LOADNIL A B R(A), R(A+1), ..., R(A+B) := nil
Sets a range of registers from R(A) to R(B) to nil. If a single register is to
be assigned to, then R(A) = R(B). When two or more consecutive locals need to
be assigned nil values, only a single ``LOADNIL`` is needed.
``LOADNIL`` uses the operands A and B to mean a range of register locations.
The example for ``MOVE`` earlier shows ``LOADNIL`` used to set a single register to ``nil``.
f=load('local a,b,c,d,e = nil,nil,0')
main <(string):0,0> (4 instructions at 000001DC21780390)
0+ params, 5 slots, 1 upvalue, 5 locals, 1 constant, 0 functions
1 [1] LOADNIL 0 1
2 [1] LOADK 2 -1 ; 0
3 [1] LOADNIL 3 1
4 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (1) for 000001DC21780390:
1 0
locals (5) for 000001DC21780390:
0 a 4 5
1 b 4 5
2 c 4 5
3 d 4 5
4 e 4 5
upvalues (1) for 000001DC21780390:
0 _ENV 1 0
Line [1] nils locals a and b.
Local c is explicitly initialized with the value 0.
Line [3] nils d and e.
OP_LOADK instruction
LOADK A Bx R(A) := Kst(Bx)
Loads constant number Bx into register R(A). Constants are usually numbers
or strings. Each function prototype has its own constant list, or pool.
``LOADK`` loads a constant from the constant list into a register or local.
Constants are indexed starting from 0. Some instructions, such as arithmetic
instructions, can use the constant list without needing a ``LOADK``.
Constants are pooled in the list, duplicates are eliminated. The list can
hold nils, booleans, numbers or strings.
> f=load('local a,b,c,d = 3,"foo",3,"foo"')
Leads to::
main <(string):0,0> (5 instructions at 000001DC21780B50)
0+ params, 4 slots, 1 upvalue, 4 locals, 2 constants, 0 functions
1 [1] LOADK 0 -1 ; 3
2 [1] LOADK 1 -2 ; "foo"
3 [1] LOADK 2 -1 ; 3
4 [1] LOADK 3 -2 ; "foo"
5 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (2) for 000001DC21780B50:
1 3
2 "foo"
locals (4) for 000001DC21780B50:
0 a 5 6
1 b 5 6
2 c 5 6
3 d 5 6
upvalues (1) for 000001DC21780B50:
0 _ENV 1 0
The constant 3 and the constant “foo” are both written twice in the source
snippet, but in the constant list, each constant has a single location.
Binary operators
Lua 5.3 implements a bunch of binary operators for arithmetic and bitwise
manipulation of variables. These insructions have a common form.
ADD A B C R(A) := RK(B) + RK(C)
SUB A B C R(A) := RK(B) - RK(C)
MUL A B C R(A) := RK(B) * RK(C)
MOD A B C R(A) := RK(B) % RK(C)
POW A B C R(A) := RK(B) ^ RK(C)
DIV A B C R(A) := RK(B) / RK(C)
IDIV A B C R(A) := RK(B) // RK(C)
BAND A B C R(A) := RK(B) & RK(C)
BOR A B C R(A) := RK(B) | RK(C)
BXOR A B C R(A) := RK(B) ~ RK(C)
SHL A B C R(A) := RK(B) << RK(C)
SHR A B C R(A) := RK(B) >> RK(C)
Binary operators (arithmetic operators and bitwise operators with two inputs.)
The result of the operation between RK(B) and RK(C) is placed into R(A).
These instructions are in the classic 3-register style.
RK(B) and RK(C) may be either registers or constants in the constant pool.
| Opcode | Description |
| ADD | Addition operator |
| SUB | Subtraction operator |
| MUL | Multiplication operator |
| MOD | Modulus (remainder) operator |
| POW | Exponentation operator |
| DIV | Division operator |
| IDIV | Integer division operator |
| BAND | Bit-wise AND operator |
| BOR | Bit-wise OR operator |
| BXOR | Bit-wise Exclusive OR operator |
| SHL | Shift bits left |
| SHR | Shift bits right |
The source operands, RK(B) and RK(C), may be constants. If a constant is out
of range of field B or field C, then the constant will be loaded into a
temporary register in advance.
f=load('local a,b = 2,4; a = a + 4 * b - a / 2 ^ b % 3')
main <(string):0,0> (9 instructions at 000001DC21781DD0)
0+ params, 4 slots, 1 upvalue, 2 locals, 3 constants, 0 functions
1 [1] LOADK 0 -1 ; 2
2 [1] LOADK 1 -2 ; 4
3 [1] MUL 2 -2 1 ; 4 - (loc2 = 4 * b)
4 [1] ADD 2 0 2 (loc2 = A + loc2)
5 [1] POW 3 -1 1 ; 2 - (loc3 = 2 ^ b)
6 [1] DIV 3 0 3 (loc3 = a / loc3)
7 [1] MOD 3 3 -3 (loc3 = loc3 % 3)
8 [1] SUB 0 2 3 (a = loc2 loc3)
9 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (3) for 000001DC21781DD0:
1 2
2 4
3 3
locals (2) for 000001DC21781DD0:
0 a 3 10
1 b 3 10
upvalues (1) for 000001DC21781DD0:
0 _ENV 1 0
In the disassembly shown above, parts of the expression is shown as additional
comments in parentheses. Each arithmetic operator translates into a single instruction.
This also means that while the statement ``count = count + 1`` is verbose, it translates
into a single instruction if count is a local. If count is a global, then two
extra instructions are required to read and write to the global (``GETTABUP`` and ``SETTABUP``),
since arithmetic operations can only be done on registers (locals) only.
The Lua parser and code generator can perform limited constant expression folding
or evaluation. Constant folding only works for binary arithmetic operators and the unary
minus operator (``UNM``, which will be covered next.) There is no equivalent
optimization for relational, boolean or string operators.
The optimization rule is simple: If both terms of a subexpression are numbers, the
subexpression will be evaluated at compile time. However, there are exceptions.
One, the code generator will not attempt to divide a number by 0 for DIV and MOD,
and two, if the result is evaluated as a NaN (Not a Number) then the optimization
will not be performed.
Also, constant folding is not done if one term is in the form of a string that need
to be coerced. In addition, expression terms are not rearranged, so not all optimization
opportunities can be recognized by the code generator. This is intentional; the Lua
code generator is not meant to perform heavy duty optimizations, as Lua is a lightweight
language. Here are a few examples to illustrate how it works (additional comments
in parentheses)::
f=load('local a = 4 + 7 + b; a = b + 4 * 7; a = b + 4 + 7')
main <(string):0,0> (8 instructions at 000001DC21781650)
0+ params, 2 slots, 1 upvalue, 1 local, 5 constants, 0 functions
1 [1] GETTABUP 0 0 -1 ; _ENV "b"
2 [1] ADD 0 -2 0 ; 11 - (a = 11 + b)
3 [1] GETTABUP 1 0 -1 ; _ENV "b"
4 [1] ADD 0 1 -3 ; - 28 (a = b + 28)
5 [1] GETTABUP 1 0 -1 ; _ENV "b"
6 [1] ADD 1 1 -4 ; - 4 (loc1 = b + 4)
7 [1] ADD 0 1 -5 ; - 7 (a = loc1 + 7)
8 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (5) for 000001DC21781650:
1 "b"
2 11
3 28
4 4
5 7
locals (1) for 000001DC21781650:
0 a 3 9
upvalues (1) for 000001DC21781650:
0 _ENV 1 0
For the first assignment statement, ``4+7`` is evaluated, thus 11 is added to b in line [2].
Next, in line [3] and [4], ``b`` and ``28`` are added together and assigned to a because multiplication
has a higher precedence and ``4*7`` is evaluated first. Finally, on lines [5] to [7],
there are two addition operations. Since addition is left-associative, code is generated for
``b+4`` first, and only after that, ``7`` is added. So in the third example,
Lua performs no optimization. This can be fixed using parentheses to explicitly change the precedence
of a subexpression::
f=load('local a = b + (4 + 7)')
And this leads to::
main <(string):0,0> (3 instructions at 000001DC21781EC0)
0+ params, 2 slots, 1 upvalue, 1 local, 2 constants, 0 functions
1 [1] GETTABUP 0 0 -1 ; _ENV "b"
2 [1] ADD 0 0 -2 ; - 11
3 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (2) for 000001DC21781EC0:
1 "b"
2 11
locals (1) for 000001DC21781EC0:
0 a 3 4
upvalues (1) for 000001DC21781EC0:
0 _ENV 1 0
Now, the ``4+7`` subexpression can be evaluated at compile time. If the
statement is written as::
local a = 7 + (4 + 7)
the code generator will generate a single ``LOADK`` instruction; Lua first evaluates
``4+7``, then ``7`` is added, giving a total of ``18``. The arithmetic expression is completely
evaluated in this case, thus no arithmetic instructions are generated.
In order to make full use of constant folding in Lua, the user just need to remember
the usual order of evaluation of an expressions elements and apply parentheses where
necessary. The following are two expressions which will not be evaluated at compile time::
f=load('local a = 1 / 0; local b = 1 + "1"')
This produces::
main <(string):0,0> (3 instructions at 000001DC21781380)
0+ params, 2 slots, 1 upvalue, 2 locals, 3 constants, 0 functions
1 [1] DIV 0 -2 -1 ; 1 0
2 [1] ADD 1 -2 -3 ; 1 "1"
3 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (3) for 000001DC21781380:
1 0
2 1
3 "1"
locals (2) for 000001DC21781380:
0 a 2 4
1 b 3 4
upvalues (1) for 000001DC21781380:
0 _ENV 1 0
The first is due to a divide-by-0, while the second is due to a string
constant that needs to be coerced into a number. In both cases, constant folding is
not performed, so the arithmetic instructions needed to perform the operations
at run time are generated instead.
TODO - examples of bitwise operators.
Unary operators
Lua 5.3 implements following unary operators in addition to ``OP_LEN``.
UNM A B R(A) := -R(B)
BNOT A B R(A) := ~R(B)
NOT A B R(A) := not R(B)
The unary operators perform an operation on R(B) and store the result in
| Opcode | Description |
| UNM | Unary minus |
| BNOT | Bit-wise NOT operator |
| NOT | Logical NOT operator |
f=load('local p,q = 10,false; q,p = -p,not q')
Results in::
main <(string):0,0> (6 instructions at 000001DC21781290)
0+ params, 3 slots, 1 upvalue, 2 locals, 1 constant, 0 functions
1 [1] LOADK 0 -1 ; 10
2 [1] LOADBOOL 1 0 0
3 [1] UNM 2 0
4 [1] NOT 0 1
5 [1] MOVE 1 2
6 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (1) for 000001DC21781290:
1 10
locals (2) for 000001DC21781290:
0 p 3 7
1 q 3 7
upvalues (1) for 000001DC21781290:
0 _ENV 1 0
As ``UNM`` and ``NOT`` do not accept a constant as a source operand, making the
``LOADK`` on line [1] and the ``LOADBOOL`` on line [2] necessary. When an unary minus
is applied to a constant number, the unary minus is optimized away. Similarly, when a
not is applied to true or false, the logical operation is optimized away.
In addition to this, constant folding is performed for unary minus, if the term is
a number. So, the expression in the following is completely evaluated at compile time::
f=load('local a = - (7 / 4)')
Results in::
main <(string):0,0> (2 instructions at 000001DC217810B0)
0+ params, 2 slots, 1 upvalue, 1 local, 1 constant, 0 functions
1 [1] LOADK 0 -1 ; -1.75
2 [1] RETURN 0 1
constants (1) for 000001DC217810B0:
1 -1.75
locals (1) for 000001DC217810B0:
0 a 2 3
upvalues (1) for 000001DC217810B0:
0 _ENV 1 0
Constant folding is performed on ``7/4`` first. Then, since the unary minus
operator is applied to the constant ``1.75``, constant folding can be performed
again, and the code generated becomes a simple ``LOADK`` (on line [1]).
TODO - example of ``BNOT``.
