issue #157 fix build error on windows

Dibyendu Majumdar 4 years ago
parent 793e5a2383
commit 98bb862279

@ -639,6 +639,9 @@ LUA_API int ravi_list_code(lua_State *L);
/* Returns a table with various system limits */
LUA_API int ravi_get_limits(lua_State *L);
/* Options */
LUA_API const char *raviV_options(struct lua_State *L);
/* Following are for debugging purposes only */
LUAI_DDEC int ravi_parser_debug;
LUA_API void ravi_set_debuglevel(int level);

@ -96,9 +96,6 @@ void raviV_dumpASM(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p);
/* Return JIT backend identifier */
const char *raviV_jit_id(struct lua_State *L);
/* Options */
const char *raviV_options(struct lua_State *L);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -148,43 +148,6 @@ else -- compatible coercion
assert(tostring(-1203 + 0.0) == "-1203")
do -- tests for '%p' format
-- not much to test, as C does not specify what '%p' does.
-- ("The value of the pointer is converted to a sequence of printing
-- characters, in an implementation-defined manner.")
local null = "(null)" -- nulls are formatted by Lua
assert(string.format("%p", 4) == null)
assert(string.format("%p", true) == null)
assert(string.format("%p", nil) == null)
assert(string.format("%p", {}) ~= null)
assert(string.format("%p", print) ~= null)
assert(string.format("%p", coroutine.running()) ~= null)
assert(string.format("%p", io.stdin) ~= null)
assert(string.format("%p", io.stdin) == string.format("%p", io.stdin))
assert(string.format("%p", print) == string.format("%p", print))
assert(string.format("%p", print) ~= string.format("%p", assert))
assert(#string.format("%90p", {}) == 90)
assert(#string.format("%-60p", {}) == 60)
assert(string.format("%10p", false) == string.rep(" ", 10 - #null) .. null)
assert(string.format("%-12p", 1.5) == null .. string.rep(" ", 12 - #null))
local t1 = {}; local t2 = {}
assert(string.format("%p", t1) ~= string.format("%p", t2))
do -- short strings are internalized
local s1 = string.rep("a", 10)
local s2 = string.rep("aa", 5)
assert(string.format("%p", s1) == string.format("%p", s2))
do -- long strings aren't internalized
local s1 = string.rep("a", 300); local s2 = string.rep("a", 300)
--assert(string.format("%p", s1) ~= string.format("%p", s2))
x = '"ílo"\n\\'
assert(string.format('%q%s', x, x) == '"\\"ílo\\"\\\n\\\\""ílo"\n\\')
@ -412,68 +375,5 @@ do
assert(co() == "2")
if T==nil then
(Message or print)
("\n >>> testC not active: skipping 'pushfstring' tests <<<\n")
print"testing 'pushfstring'"
-- formats %U, %f, %I already tested elsewhere
local blen = 400 -- internal buffer length in 'luaO_pushfstring'
local function callpfs (op, fmt, n)
local x = {T.testC("pushfstring" .. op .. "; return *", fmt, n)}
-- stack has code, 'fmt', 'n', and result from operation
assert(#x == 4) -- make sure nothing else was left in the stack
return x[4]
local function testpfs (op, fmt, n)
assert(callpfs(op, fmt, n) == string.format(fmt, n))
testpfs("I", "", 0)
testpfs("I", string.rep("a", blen - 1), 0)
testpfs("I", string.rep("a", blen), 0)
testpfs("I", string.rep("a", blen + 1), 0)
local str = string.rep("ab", blen) .. "%d" .. string.rep("d", blen / 2)
testpfs("I", str, 2^14)
testpfs("I", str, -2^15)
str = "%d" .. string.rep("cd", blen)
testpfs("I", str, 2^14)
testpfs("I", str, -2^15)
str = string.rep("c", blen - 2) .. "%d"
testpfs("I", str, 2^14)
testpfs("I", str, -2^15)
for l = 12, 14 do
local str1 = string.rep("a", l)
for i = 0, 500, 13 do
for j = 0, 500, 13 do
str = string.rep("a", i) .. "%s" .. string.rep("d", j)
testpfs("S", str, str1)
testpfs("S", str, str)
str = "abc %c def"
testpfs("I", str, string.byte("A"))
testpfs("I", str, 255)
str = string.rep("a", blen - 1) .. "%p" .. string.rep("cd", blen)
testpfs("P", str, {})
str = string.rep("%%", 3 * blen) .. "%p" .. string.rep("%%", 2 * blen)
testpfs("P", str, {})
