issue #169 Update MIR to latest version

Dibyendu Majumdar 4 years ago
parent 788cd0d92d
commit 5f4989fa68

@ -71,108 +71,106 @@ typedef struct LuaFunc {
void *ptr;
} LuaFunc;
static LuaFunc Lua_functions[] = {
{ "luaF_close", luaF_close },
{ "raise_error", raise_error },
{ "raise_error_with_info", raise_error_with_info },
{ "luaV_tonumber_", luaV_tonumber_ },
{ "luaV_tointeger", luaV_tointeger },
{ "luaV_shiftl", luaV_shiftl },
{ "luaD_poscall", luaD_poscall },
{ "luaV_equalobj", luaV_equalobj },
{ "luaV_lessthan", luaV_lessthan },
{ "luaV_lessequal", luaV_lessequal },
{ "luaV_execute", luaV_execute },
{ "luaV_gettable", luaV_gettable },
{ "luaV_settable", luaV_settable },
{ "luaD_precall", luaD_precall },
{ "raviV_op_newtable", raviV_op_newtable },
{ "luaO_arith", luaO_arith },
{ "raviV_op_newarrayint", raviV_op_newarrayint },
{ "raviV_op_newarrayfloat", raviV_op_newarrayfloat },
{ "raviV_op_setlist", raviV_op_setlist },
{ "raviV_op_concat", raviV_op_concat },
{ "raviV_op_closure", raviV_op_closure },
{ "raviV_op_vararg", raviV_op_vararg },
{ "luaV_objlen", luaV_objlen },
{ "luaV_forlimit", luaV_forlimit },
{ "raviV_op_setupval", raviV_op_setupval },
{ "raviV_op_setupvali", raviV_op_setupvali },
{ "raviV_op_setupvalf", raviV_op_setupvalf },
{ "raviV_op_setupvalai", raviV_op_setupvalai },
{ "raviV_op_setupvalaf", raviV_op_setupvalaf },
{ "raviV_op_setupvalt", raviV_op_setupvalt },
{ "luaD_call", luaD_call },
{ "raviH_set_int", raviH_set_int },
{ "raviH_set_float", raviH_set_float },
{ "raviV_check_usertype", raviV_check_usertype },
{ "luaT_trybinTM", luaT_trybinTM },
{ "raviV_gettable_sskey", raviV_gettable_sskey },
{ "raviV_settable_sskey", raviV_settable_sskey },
{ "raviV_gettable_i", raviV_gettable_i },
{ "raviV_settable_i", raviV_settable_i },
{ "raviV_op_defer", raviV_op_defer },
{ "raviV_op_bnot", raviV_op_bnot},
{ "lua_absindex", lua_absindex },
{ "lua_gettop", lua_gettop },
{ "lua_pushvalue", lua_pushvalue },
{ "lua_isnumber", lua_isnumber },
{ "lua_isstring", lua_isstring },
{ "lua_iscfunction", lua_iscfunction },
{ "lua_isinteger", lua_isinteger },
{ "lua_isuserdata", lua_isuserdata },
{ "lua_type", lua_type },
{ "lua_typename", (void*)lua_typename },
{ "ravi_typename", (void*)ravi_typename },
{ "lua_tonumberx", lua_tonumberx },
{ "lua_tointegerx", lua_tointegerx },
{ "lua_toboolean", lua_toboolean },
{ "lua_tolstring", (void*)lua_tolstring },
{ "lua_rawlen", lua_rawlen },
{ "lua_tocfunction", lua_tocfunction },
{ "lua_touserdata", lua_touserdata },
{ "lua_tothread", lua_tothread },
{ "lua_topointer", (void *)lua_topointer },
{ "lua_arith", lua_arith },
{ "lua_rawequal", lua_rawequal },
{ "lua_compare", lua_compare },
{ "lua_pushnil", lua_pushnil },
{ "lua_pushnumber", lua_pushnumber },
{ "lua_pushinteger", lua_pushinteger },
{ "lua_pushlstring", (void*)lua_pushlstring },
{ "lua_pushstring", (void*)lua_pushstring },
{ "lua_pushcclosure", lua_pushcclosure },
{ "lua_pushboolean", lua_pushboolean },
{ "lua_pushlightuserdata", lua_pushlightuserdata },
{ "lua_pushthread", lua_pushthread },
{ "lua_getglobal", lua_getglobal },
{ "lua_gettable", lua_gettable },
{ "lua_getfield", lua_getfield },
{ "lua_geti", lua_geti },
{ "lua_rawget", lua_rawget },
{ "lua_rawgeti", lua_rawgeti },
{ "lua_rawgetp", lua_rawgetp },
{ "lua_createtable", lua_createtable },
{ "lua_newuserdata", lua_newuserdata },
{ "lua_getmetatable", lua_getmetatable },
{ "lua_getuservalue", lua_getuservalue },
{ "lua_setglobal", lua_setglobal },
{ "lua_settable", lua_settable },
{ "lua_setfield", lua_setfield },
{ "lua_seti", lua_seti },
{ "lua_rawset", lua_rawset },
{ "lua_rawseti", lua_rawseti },
{ "lua_rawsetp", lua_rawsetp },
{ "lua_setmetatable", lua_setmetatable },
{ "lua_setuservalue", lua_setuservalue },
static LuaFunc Lua_functions[] = {{"luaF_close", luaF_close},
{"raise_error", raise_error},
{"raise_error_with_info", raise_error_with_info},
{"luaV_tonumber_", luaV_tonumber_},
{"luaV_tointeger", luaV_tointeger},
{"luaV_shiftl", luaV_shiftl},
{"luaD_poscall", luaD_poscall},
{"luaV_equalobj", luaV_equalobj},
{"luaV_lessthan", luaV_lessthan},
{"luaV_lessequal", luaV_lessequal},
{"luaV_execute", luaV_execute},
{"luaV_gettable", luaV_gettable},
{"luaV_settable", luaV_settable},
{"luaD_precall", luaD_precall},
{"raviV_op_newtable", raviV_op_newtable},
{"luaO_arith", luaO_arith},
{"raviV_op_newarrayint", raviV_op_newarrayint},
{"raviV_op_newarrayfloat", raviV_op_newarrayfloat},
{"raviV_op_setlist", raviV_op_setlist},
{"raviV_op_concat", raviV_op_concat},
{"raviV_op_closure", raviV_op_closure},
{"raviV_op_vararg", raviV_op_vararg},
{"luaV_objlen", luaV_objlen},
{"luaV_forlimit", luaV_forlimit},
{"raviV_op_setupval", raviV_op_setupval},
{"raviV_op_setupvali", raviV_op_setupvali},
{"raviV_op_setupvalf", raviV_op_setupvalf},
{"raviV_op_setupvalai", raviV_op_setupvalai},
{"raviV_op_setupvalaf", raviV_op_setupvalaf},
{"raviV_op_setupvalt", raviV_op_setupvalt},
{"luaD_call", luaD_call},
{"raviH_set_int", raviH_set_int},
{"raviH_set_float", raviH_set_float},
{"raviV_check_usertype", raviV_check_usertype},
{"luaT_trybinTM", luaT_trybinTM},
{"raviV_gettable_sskey", raviV_gettable_sskey},
{"raviV_settable_sskey", raviV_settable_sskey},
{"raviV_gettable_i", raviV_gettable_i},
{"raviV_settable_i", raviV_settable_i},
{"raviV_op_defer", raviV_op_defer},
{"raviV_op_bnot", raviV_op_bnot},
{"lua_absindex", lua_absindex},
{"lua_gettop", lua_gettop},
{"lua_pushvalue", lua_pushvalue},
{"lua_isnumber", lua_isnumber},
{"lua_isstring", lua_isstring},
{"lua_iscfunction", lua_iscfunction},
{"lua_isinteger", lua_isinteger},
{"lua_isuserdata", lua_isuserdata},
{"lua_type", lua_type},
{"lua_typename", (void *)lua_typename},
{"ravi_typename", (void *)ravi_typename},
{"lua_tonumberx", lua_tonumberx},
{"lua_tointegerx", lua_tointegerx},
{"lua_toboolean", lua_toboolean},
{"lua_tolstring", (void *)lua_tolstring},
{"lua_rawlen", lua_rawlen},
{"lua_tocfunction", lua_tocfunction},
{"lua_touserdata", lua_touserdata},
{"lua_tothread", lua_tothread},
{"lua_topointer", (void *)lua_topointer},
{"lua_arith", lua_arith},
{"lua_rawequal", lua_rawequal},
{"lua_compare", lua_compare},
{"lua_pushnil", lua_pushnil},
{"lua_pushnumber", lua_pushnumber},
{"lua_pushinteger", lua_pushinteger},
{"lua_pushlstring", (void *)lua_pushlstring},
{"lua_pushstring", (void *)lua_pushstring},
{"lua_pushcclosure", lua_pushcclosure},
{"lua_pushboolean", lua_pushboolean},
{"lua_pushlightuserdata", lua_pushlightuserdata},
{"lua_pushthread", lua_pushthread},
{"lua_getglobal", lua_getglobal},
{"lua_gettable", lua_gettable},
{"lua_getfield", lua_getfield},
{"lua_geti", lua_geti},
{"lua_rawget", lua_rawget},
{"lua_rawgeti", lua_rawgeti},
{"lua_rawgetp", lua_rawgetp},
{"lua_createtable", lua_createtable},
{"lua_newuserdata", lua_newuserdata},
{"lua_getmetatable", lua_getmetatable},
{"lua_getuservalue", lua_getuservalue},
{"lua_setglobal", lua_setglobal},
{"lua_settable", lua_settable},
{"lua_setfield", lua_setfield},
{"lua_seti", lua_seti},
{"lua_rawset", lua_rawset},
{"lua_rawseti", lua_rawseti},
{"lua_rawsetp", lua_rawsetp},
{"lua_setmetatable", lua_setmetatable},
{"lua_setuservalue", lua_setuservalue},
// Initialize the JIT State and attach it to the
// Global Lua State
@ -180,7 +178,8 @@ static LuaFunc Lua_functions[] = {
// will return -1
int raviV_initjit(struct lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (G->ravi_state != NULL) return -1;
if (G->ravi_state != NULL)
return -1;
ravi_State *jit = (ravi_State *)calloc(1, sizeof(ravi_State));
jit->auto_ = 0;
jit->enabled_ = 1;
@ -196,7 +195,8 @@ int raviV_initjit(struct lua_State *L) {
// Free up the JIT State
void raviV_close(struct lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (G->ravi_state == NULL) return;
if (G->ravi_state == NULL)
// All compiled functions will be deleted at this stage
if (G->ravi_state->jit) {
@ -206,23 +206,23 @@ void raviV_close(struct lua_State *L) {
// Dump the intermediate C code
void raviV_dumpIR(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (G->ravi_state == NULL)
membuff_t buf;
membuff_init(&buf, 4096);
char fname[30];
snprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "%s", "jit_function");
ravi_compile_options_t options;
memset(&options, 0, sizeof options);
options.codegen_type = RAVI_CODEGEN_ALL;
if (raviJ_codegen(L, p, &options, fname, &buf)) {
ravi_writestring(L, buf.buf, strlen(buf.buf));
global_State *G = G(L);
if (G->ravi_state == NULL)
membuff_t buf;
membuff_init(&buf, 4096);
char fname[30];
snprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "%s", "jit_function");
ravi_compile_options_t options;
memset(&options, 0, sizeof options);
options.codegen_type = RAVI_CODEGEN_ALL;
if (raviJ_codegen(L, p, &options, fname, &buf)) {
ravi_writestring(L, buf.buf, strlen(buf.buf));
// Dump the LLVM ASM
@ -233,57 +233,67 @@ void raviV_dumpASM(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p) {
void raviV_setminexeccount(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
if (!G->ravi_state)
G->ravi_state->min_exec_count_ = value;
int raviV_getminexeccount(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
if (!G->ravi_state)
return 0;
return G->ravi_state->min_exec_count_;
void raviV_setmincodesize(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
if (!G->ravi_state)
G->ravi_state->min_code_size_ = value;
int raviV_getmincodesize(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
if (!G->ravi_state)
return 0;
return G->ravi_state->min_code_size_;
void raviV_setauto(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
if (!G->ravi_state)
G->ravi_state->auto_ = value;
int raviV_getauto(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
if (!G->ravi_state)
return 0;
return G->ravi_state->auto_;
// Turn on/off the JIT compiler
void raviV_setjitenabled(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
if (!G->ravi_state)
G->ravi_state->enabled_ = value;
int raviV_getjitenabled(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
if (!G->ravi_state)
return 0;
return G->ravi_state->enabled_;
void raviV_setoptlevel(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
if (!G->ravi_state)
G->ravi_state->opt_level_ = value;
int raviV_getoptlevel(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
if (!G->ravi_state)
return 0;
return G->ravi_state->opt_level_;
@ -298,23 +308,27 @@ int raviV_getsizelevel(lua_State *L) {
void raviV_setvalidation(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
if (!G->ravi_state)
G->ravi_state->validation_ = value;
int raviV_getvalidation(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
if (!G->ravi_state)
return 0;
return G->ravi_state->validation_;
void raviV_setverbosity(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
if (!G->ravi_state)
G->ravi_state->verbosity_ = value;
int raviV_getverbosity(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
if (!G->ravi_state)
return 0;
return G->ravi_state->verbosity_;
@ -328,16 +342,16 @@ int raviV_gettraceenabled(lua_State *L) {
return 0;
int raviV_compile_n(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p[], int n,
ravi_compile_options_t *options) {
int raviV_compile_n(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p[], int n, ravi_compile_options_t *options) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (raviV_compile(L, p[i], options)) count++;
if (raviV_compile(L, p[i], options))
return count > 0;
static void* import_resolver(const char *name) {
static void *import_resolver(const char *name) {
for (int i = 0; Lua_functions[i].name != NULL; i++) {
if (strcmp(name, Lua_functions[i].name) == 0)
return Lua_functions[i].ptr;
@ -350,7 +364,7 @@ struct ReadBuffer {
const char *Source_code; /* points to buffer containing source Source_code */
static int t_getc (void *data) {
static int t_getc(void *data) {
struct ReadBuffer *buffer = data;
int c = buffer->Source_code[buffer->Current_char];
@ -361,26 +375,23 @@ static int t_getc (void *data) {
return c;
/* Searches within a Module for a function by name */
/* Searches within a Module for a function by name */
static MIR_item_t find_function(MIR_module_t module, const char *func_name) {
MIR_item_t func, main_func = NULL;
for (func = DLIST_HEAD (MIR_item_t, module->items); func != NULL;
func = DLIST_NEXT (MIR_item_t, func)) {
if (func->item_type == MIR_func_item && strcmp (func->u.func->name, func_name) == 0)
for (func = DLIST_HEAD(MIR_item_t, module->items); func != NULL; func = DLIST_NEXT(MIR_item_t, func)) {
if (func->item_type == MIR_func_item && strcmp(func->u.func->name, func_name) == 0)
main_func = func;
return main_func;
void *MIR_compile_C_module(
struct c2mir_options *options,
MIR_context_t ctx,
const char *inputbuffer, /* Code to be compiled */
const char *func_name, /* Name of the function, must be unique */
void *(Import_resolver_func)(const char *name)) /* Resolve external symbols */
void *MIR_compile_C_module(struct c2mir_options *options, MIR_context_t ctx,
const char *inputbuffer, /* Code to be compiled */
const char *func_name, /* Name of the function, must be unique */
void *(Import_resolver_func)(const char *name)) /* Resolve external symbols */
int ret_code = 0;
int (*fun_addr) (void *) = NULL;
int (*fun_addr)(void *) = NULL;
struct ReadBuffer read_buffer = {.Current_char = 0, .Source_code = inputbuffer};
MIR_module_t module = NULL;
@ -391,9 +402,9 @@ void *MIR_compile_C_module(
else {
/* The module just compiled will be at the end of the list */
module = DLIST_TAIL (MIR_module_t, *MIR_get_module_list (ctx));
module = DLIST_TAIL(MIR_module_t, *MIR_get_module_list(ctx));
if (ret_code == 0 && !module) {
if (ret_code == 0 && !module) {
ret_code = 1;
if (ret_code == 0 && module) {
@ -402,14 +413,14 @@ void *MIR_compile_C_module(
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Compiled function %s not found\n", func_name);
MIR_load_module (ctx, module);
MIR_gen_init (ctx);
MIR_gen_set_optimize_level (ctx, 3);
MIR_link (ctx, MIR_set_gen_interface, Import_resolver_func);
fun_addr = MIR_gen (ctx, main_func);
MIR_gen_finish (ctx);
MIR_load_module(ctx, module);
MIR_gen_set_optimize_level(ctx, 3);
MIR_link(ctx, MIR_set_gen_interface, Import_resolver_func);
fun_addr = MIR_gen(ctx, main_func);
c2mir_finish (ctx);
return fun_addr;
@ -424,11 +435,14 @@ int raviV_compile(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p, ravi_compile_options_t *
return true;
else if (p->ravi_jit.jit_status == RAVI_JIT_CANT_COMPILE)
return false;
if (options == NULL) return false;
if (options == NULL)
return false;
global_State *G = G(L);
if (G->ravi_state == NULL) return false;
if (G->ravi_state->jit == NULL) return false;
if (G->ravi_state == NULL)
return false;
if (G->ravi_state->jit == NULL)
return false;
bool doCompile = (bool)(options && options->manual_request != 0);
if (!doCompile && G->ravi_state->auto_) {
@ -444,13 +458,16 @@ int raviV_compile(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p, ravi_compile_options_t *
doCompile = true;
if (!doCompile) { return false; }
if (!doCompile) {
return false;
if (!raviJ_cancompile(p)) {
p->ravi_jit.jit_status = RAVI_JIT_CANT_COMPILE;
return false;
if (G->ravi_state->compiling_) return false;
if (G->ravi_state->compiling_)
return false;
G->ravi_state->compiling_ = 1;
membuff_t buf;
