issue #98 Start work generating linear IR

Dibyendu Majumdar 4 years ago
parent 79b558fed4
commit 21310c9162

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ b) Perform type checking (Ravi enhancement)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define MAXVARS 125
@ -158,12 +159,12 @@ struct ast_node {
} local_stmt; /* local declarations */
struct {
struct ast_node_list *var_expr_list; /* Optional var expressions, comma separated */
struct ast_node_list *expr_list; /* Comma separated expressions */
struct ast_node_list *expr_list; /* Comma separated expressions */
} expression_stmt; /* Also covers assignments */
struct {
struct ast_node *name; /* base symbol to be looked up */
struct ast_node_list *selectors; /* Optional */
struct ast_node *method_name; /* Optional */
struct ast_node *method_name; /* Optional */
struct ast_node *function_expr; /* Function's AST */
} function_stmt;
struct {
@ -255,24 +256,17 @@ struct ast_node {
* overwrite the type of the variables in an inconsistent way.
struct var_type type;
TString *method_name; /* Optional method_name */
TString *method_name; /* Optional method_name */
struct ast_node_list *arg_list; /* Call arguments */
} function_call_expr;
#define set_typecode(vt, t) \
(vt).type_code = t
#define set_type(vt, t) \
(vt).type_code = t, \
(vt).type_name = NULL
#define set_typename(vt, t, name) \
(vt).type_code = t, \
(vt).type_name = (name)
#define set_typecode(vt, t) (vt).type_code = t
#define set_type(vt, t) (vt).type_code = t, (vt).type_name = NULL
#define set_typename(vt, t, name) (vt).type_code = t, (vt).type_name = (name)
#define is_type_same(a, b) ((a).type_code == (b).type_code && (a).type_name == (b).type_name)
#define copy_type(a, b) \
(a).type_code = (b).type_code, \
(a).type_name = (b).type_name
#define copy_type(a, b) (a).type_code = (b).type_code, (a).type_name = (b).type_name
struct parser_state {
LexState *ls;
@ -283,54 +277,85 @@ struct parser_state {
LUAMOD_API int raviopen_ast_library(lua_State *L);
void raviA_print_ast_node(membuff_t *buf, struct ast_node *node, int level); /* output the AST structure recusrively */
void raviA_ast_typecheck(struct ast_container *container); /* Perform type checks and assign types to AST */
void raviA_print_ast_node(membuff_t *buf, struct ast_node *node, int level); /* output the AST structure recusrively */
void raviA_ast_typecheck(struct ast_container *container); /* Perform type checks and assign types to AST */
struct instruction;
struct node;
struct basic_block;
struct edge;
struct pseudo;
struct cfg;
struct proc;
DECLARE_PTR_LIST(instruction_list, struct instruction);
DECLARE_PTR_LIST(edge_list, struct edge);
DECLARE_PTR_LIST(pseudo_list, struct pseudo);
DECLARE_PTR_LIST(proc_list, struct proc);
enum opcode {
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ((type *)((char *)(ptr)-offsetof(type, member)))
struct pseudo {
unsigned regnum : 16;
enum opcode { OP_NOP };
/* pseudo represents a pseudo (virtual) register */
struct pseudo {
unsigned regnum : 16;
/* single instruction */
struct instruction {
unsigned opcode:8;
unsigned opcode : 8;
struct edge {
struct basic_block* from;
struct basic_block* to;
struct node *from;
struct node *to;
#define NODE_FIELDS \
uint32_t index; \
struct edge_list *pred; \
struct edge_list *succ
struct node {
/* Basic block is a specialization of node */
struct basic_block {
struct edge_list *pred;
struct edge_list *succ;
struct instruction_list *insns;
#define CFG_FIELDS \
struct node *entry; \
struct node *exit
struct cfg {
/* proc is a type of cfg */
struct proc {
struct proc_list* procs; /* procs defined in this proc */
struct proc* parent; /* enclosing proc */
static inline struct basic_block * n2bb(struct node *n) { return (struct basic_block *)n; }
static inline struct node * bb2n(struct basic_block *bb) { return (struct node *)bb; }
struct linearizer {
struct allocator instruction_allocator;
struct allocator edge_allocator;
struct allocator pseudo_allocator;
struct allocator ptrlist_allocator;
struct ast_container *ast_container;
struct proc* main_proc; /* The root of the compiled chunk of code */

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Dibyendu Majumdar
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
/* Linearizer - WIP */
void raviA_init_linearizer(struct linearizer *linearizer, struct ast_container *container) {
