You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

564 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Dibyendu Majumdar
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <ravi_omrjit.h>
#include <ravijit.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define LUA_CORE
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lstate.h"
#include "lua.h"
static const char *errortext[] = {"integer expected",
"number expected",
"integer[] expected",
"number[] expected",
"table expected",
"upvalue of integer type, cannot be set to non integer value",
"upvalue of number type, cannot be set to non number value",
"upvalue of integer[] type, cannot be set to non integer[] value",
"upvalue of number[] type, cannot be set to non number[] value",
"upvalue of table type, cannot be set to non table value",
"for llimit must be a number",
"for step must be a number",
"for initial value must be a number",
"array index is out of bounds",
"string expected",
"closure expected",
"type mismatch: wrong userdata type",
static void raise_error(lua_State *L, int errorcode) {
assert(errorcode >= 0 && errorcode <= Error_type_mismatch);
luaG_runerror(L, errortext[errorcode]);
static void register_builtin_arg1(JIT_ContextRef module, const char *name,
void *fp, JIT_Type return_type,
JIT_Type arg1) {
JIT_Type args[1];
args[0] = arg1;
JIT_RegisterFunction(module, name, return_type, 1, args, fp);
static void register_builtin_arg2(JIT_ContextRef module, const char *name,
void *fp, JIT_Type return_type,
JIT_Type arg1,
JIT_Type arg2) {
JIT_Type args[2];
args[0] = arg1;
args[1] = arg2;
JIT_RegisterFunction(module, name, return_type, 2, args, fp);
static void register_builtin_arg3(JIT_ContextRef module, const char *name,
void *fp, JIT_Type return_type,
JIT_Type arg1,
JIT_Type arg2,
JIT_Type arg3) {
JIT_Type args[3];
args[0] = arg1;
args[1] = arg2;
args[2] = arg3;
JIT_RegisterFunction(module, name, return_type, 3, args, fp);
static void register_builtin_arg4(JIT_ContextRef module, const char *name,
void *fp, JIT_Type return_type,
JIT_Type arg1,
JIT_Type arg2,
JIT_Type arg3,
JIT_Type arg4) {
JIT_Type args[4];
args[0] = arg1;
args[1] = arg2;
args[2] = arg3;
args[3] = arg4;
JIT_RegisterFunction(module, name, return_type, 4, args, fp);
static void register_builtin_arg5(JIT_ContextRef module, const char *name,
void *fp, JIT_Type return_type,
JIT_Type arg1,
JIT_Type arg2,
JIT_Type arg3,
JIT_Type arg4,
JIT_Type arg5) {
JIT_Type args[5];
args[0] = arg1;
args[1] = arg2;
args[2] = arg3;
args[3] = arg4;
args[4] = arg5;
JIT_RegisterFunction(module, name, return_type, 5, args, fp);
6 years ago
#error OMRJIT is currently only supported on X64 architecture
// Initialize the JIT State and attach it to the
// Global Lua State
// If a JIT State already exists then this function
// will return -1
int raviV_initjit(struct lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (G->ravi_state != NULL) return -1;
ravi_State *jit = (ravi_State *)calloc(1, sizeof(ravi_State));
jit->auto_ = 0;
jit->enabled_ = 1;
jit->min_code_size_ = 150;
jit->min_exec_count_ = 50;
jit->opt_level_ = 1;
// The parameter true means we will be dumping stuff as we compile
jit->jit = JIT_CreateContext();
6 years ago
// FIXME Portability - following needs to handle 32-bit arch
//extern void luaF_close (lua_State *L, StkId level);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "luaF_close", luaF_close, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "raise_error", raise_error, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//extern int luaV_tonumber_(const TValue *obj, lua_Number *n);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "luaV_tonumber_", luaV_tonumber_, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//extern int luaV_tointeger(const TValue *obj, lua_Integer *p, int mode);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "luaV_tointeger", luaV_tointeger, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//extern int luaD_poscall (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, StkId firstResult, int nres);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "luaD_poscall", luaD_poscall, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//extern int luaV_equalobj(lua_State *L, const TValue *t1, const TValue *t2);\n"
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "luaV_equalobj", luaV_equalobj, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//extern int luaV_lessthan(lua_State *L, const TValue *l, const TValue *r);\n"
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "luaV_lessthan", luaV_lessthan, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//extern int luaV_lessequal(lua_State *L, const TValue *l, const TValue *r);\n"
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "luaV_lessequal", luaV_lessequal, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//extern int luaV_execute(lua_State *L);
register_builtin_arg1(jit->jit, "luaV_execute", luaV_execute, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
//extern void luaV_gettable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val)
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "luaV_gettable", luaV_gettable, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//extern void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "luaV_settable", luaV_settable, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//int luaD_precall (lua_State *L, StkId func, int nresults, int op_call);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "luaD_precall", luaD_precall, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32);
//extern void raviV_op_newtable(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, TValue *ra, int b, int c)
register_builtin_arg5(jit->jit, "raviV_op_newtable", raviV_op_newtable, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32);
//extern void luaO_arith (lua_State *L, int op, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2, TValue *res);
register_builtin_arg5(jit->jit, "luaO_arith", luaO_arith, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//extern void raviV_op_newarrayint(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, TValue *ra);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "raviV_op_newarrayint", raviV_op_newarrayint, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//extern void raviV_op_newarrayfloat(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, TValue *ra);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "raviV_op_newarrayfloat", raviV_op_newarrayfloat, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//LUAI_FUNC void raviV_op_setlist(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, TValue *ra, int b, int c);
register_builtin_arg5(jit->jit, "raviV_op_setlist", raviV_op_setlist, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32);
//LUAI_FUNC void raviV_op_concat(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, int a, int b, int c);
register_builtin_arg5(jit->jit, "raviV_op_concat", raviV_op_concat, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32);
//LUAI_FUNC void raviV_op_closure(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, LClosure *cl, int a, int Bx);
register_builtin_arg5(jit->jit, "raviV_op_closure", raviV_op_closure, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32);
//LUAI_FUNC void raviV_op_vararg(lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, LClosure *cl, int a, int b);
register_builtin_arg5(jit->jit, "raviV_op_vararg", raviV_op_vararg, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32);
// void luaV_objlen (lua_State *L, StkId ra, const TValue *rb)
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "luaV_objlen", luaV_objlen, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//int luaV_forlimit(const TValue *obj, lua_Integer *p, lua_Integer step, int *stopnow);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "luaV_forlimit", luaV_forlimit, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int64, JIT_Address);
// void raviV_op_setupval(lua_State *L, LClosure *cl, TValue *ra, int b);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_op_setupval", raviV_op_setupval, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_op_setupvali", raviV_op_setupvali, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_op_setupvalf", raviV_op_setupvalf, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_op_setupvalai", raviV_op_setupvalai, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_op_setupvalaf", raviV_op_setupvalaf, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_op_setupvalt", raviV_op_setupvalt, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//extern void luaD_call (lua_State *L, StkId func, int nResults);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "luaD_call", luaD_call, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//"extern void raviH_set_int(lua_State *L, Table *t, lua_Unsigned key, lua_Integer value);\n"
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviH_set_int", raviH_set_int, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int64, JIT_Int64);
//"extern void raviH_set_float(lua_State *L, Table *t, lua_Unsigned key, lua_Number value);\n"
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviH_set_float", raviH_set_float, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int64, JIT_Double);
//int raviV_check_usertype(lua_State *L, TString *name, const TValue *o);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "raviV_check_usertype", raviV_check_usertype, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
// void luaT_trybinTM (lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2, TValue *res, TMS event);
register_builtin_arg5(jit->jit, "luaT_trybinTM", luaT_trybinTM, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
// void raviV_gettable_sskey(lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_gettable_sskey", raviV_gettable_sskey, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
// void raviV_settable_sskey(lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_settable_sskey", raviV_settable_sskey, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
// void raviV_gettable_i(lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_gettable_i", raviV_gettable_i, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
// void raviV_settable_i(lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "raviV_settable_i", raviV_settable_i, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
6 years ago
//LUA_API int (lua_absindex)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_absindex", lua_absindex, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_gettop)(lua_State *L);
register_builtin_arg1(jit->jit, "lua_gettop", lua_gettop, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API void (lua_pushvalue)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_pushvalue", lua_pushvalue, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
6 years ago
//LUA_API int (lua_isnumber)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_isnumber", lua_isnumber, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_isstring)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_isstring", lua_isstring, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_iscfunction)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_iscfunction", lua_iscfunction, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_isinteger)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_isinteger", lua_isinteger, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_isuserdata)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_isuserdata", lua_isuserdata, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_type)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_type", lua_type, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API const char *(lua_typename)(lua_State *L, int tp);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_typename", (void*)lua_typename, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API const char * (ravi_typename)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "ravi_typename", (void*)ravi_typename, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API lua_Number(lua_tonumberx) (lua_State *L, int idx, int *isnum);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_tonumberx", lua_tonumberx, JIT_Double, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API lua_Integer(lua_tointegerx) (lua_State *L, int idx, int *isnum);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_tointegerx", lua_tointegerx, JIT_Int64, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API int (lua_toboolean)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_toboolean", lua_toboolean, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API const char *(lua_tolstring)(lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_tolstring", (void*)lua_tolstring, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API size_t(lua_rawlen) (lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_rawlen", lua_rawlen, JIT_Int64, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API lua_CFunction(lua_tocfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_tocfunction", lua_tocfunction, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void *(lua_touserdata)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_touserdata", lua_touserdata, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API lua_State *(lua_tothread)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_tothread", lua_tothread, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API const void *(lua_topointer)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_topointer", (void *)lua_topointer, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void (lua_arith)(lua_State *L, int op);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_arith", lua_arith, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_rawequal)(lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_rawequal", lua_rawequal, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_compare)(lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2, int op);
register_builtin_arg4(jit->jit, "lua_compare", lua_compare, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void (lua_pushnil)(lua_State *L);
register_builtin_arg1(jit->jit, "lua_pushnil", lua_pushnil, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API void (lua_pushnumber)(lua_State *L, lua_Number n);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_pushnumber", lua_pushnumber, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Double);
//LUA_API void (lua_pushinteger)(lua_State *L, lua_Integer n);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_pushinteger", lua_pushinteger, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int64);
//LUA_API const char *(lua_pushlstring)(lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t len);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_pushlstring", (void*)lua_pushlstring, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int64);
//LUA_API const char *(lua_pushstring)(lua_State *L, const char *s);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_pushstring", (void*)lua_pushstring, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API void (lua_pushcclosure)(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_pushcclosure", lua_pushcclosure, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
// LUA_API void (lua_pushboolean)(lua_State *L, int b);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_pushboolean", lua_pushboolean, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void (lua_pushlightuserdata)(lua_State *L, void *p);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_pushlightuserdata", lua_pushlightuserdata, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API int (lua_pushthread)(lua_State *L);
register_builtin_arg1(jit->jit, "lua_pushthread", lua_pushthread, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
6 years ago
//LUA_API int (lua_getglobal)(lua_State *L, const char *name);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_getglobal", lua_getglobal, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API int (lua_gettable)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_gettable", lua_gettable, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_getfield)(lua_State *L, int idx, const char *k);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_getfield", lua_getfield, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API int (lua_geti)(lua_State *L, int idx, lua_Integer n);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_geti", lua_geti, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int64);
//LUA_API int (lua_rawget)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_rawget", lua_rawget, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_rawgeti)(lua_State *L, int idx, lua_Integer n);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_rawgeti", lua_rawgeti, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int64);
//LUA_API int (lua_rawgetp)(lua_State *L, int idx, const void *p);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_rawgetp", lua_rawgetp, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API void (lua_createtable)(lua_State *L, int narr, int nrec);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_createtable", lua_createtable, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void *(lua_newuserdata)(lua_State *L, size_t sz);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_newuserdata", lua_newuserdata, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Int64);
//LUA_API int (lua_getmetatable)(lua_State *L, int objindex);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_getmetatable", lua_getmetatable, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API int (lua_getuservalue)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_getuservalue", lua_getuservalue, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void (lua_setglobal)(lua_State *L, const char *name);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_setglobal", lua_setglobal, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API void (lua_settable)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_settable", lua_settable, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void (lua_setfield)(lua_State *L, int idx, const char *k);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_setfield", lua_setfield, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API void (lua_seti)(lua_State *L, int idx, lua_Integer n);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_seti", lua_seti, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int64);
//LUA_API void (lua_rawset)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_rawset", lua_rawset, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void (lua_rawseti)(lua_State *L, int idx, lua_Integer n);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_rawseti", lua_rawseti, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Int64);
//LUA_API void (lua_rawsetp)(lua_State *L, int idx, const void *p);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "lua_rawsetp", lua_rawsetp, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address);
//LUA_API int (lua_setmetatable)(lua_State *L, int objindex);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_setmetatable", lua_setmetatable, JIT_Int32, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void (lua_setuservalue)(lua_State *L, int idx);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "lua_setuservalue", lua_setuservalue, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Int32);
//LUA_API void raviV_op_defer(lua_State *L, TValue *ra);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "raviV_op_defer", raviV_op_defer, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
//LUAI_FUNC lua_Integer luaV_shiftl (lua_Integer x, lua_Integer y);
register_builtin_arg2(jit->jit, "luaV_shiftl", luaV_shiftl, JIT_Int64, JIT_Int64, JIT_Int64);
// extern void raviV_op_bnot(lua_State *L, TValue *ra, TValue *rb);
register_builtin_arg3(jit->jit, "raviV_op_bnot", raviV_op_bnot, JIT_NoType, JIT_Address, JIT_Address, JIT_Address);
6 years ago
G->ravi_state = jit;
return 0;
// Free up the JIT State
void raviV_close(struct lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (G->ravi_state == NULL) return;
// All compiled functions will be deleted at this stage
// Dump the intermediate C code
void raviV_dumpIR(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (G->ravi_state == NULL)
membuff_t buf;
membuff_init(&buf, 4096);
char fname[30];
snprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "%s", "jit_function");
ravi_compile_options_t options;
memset(&options, 0, sizeof options);
options.codegen_type = RAVI_CODEGEN_ALL;
if (raviJ_codegen(L, p, &options, fname, &buf)) {
ravi_writestring(L, buf.buf, strlen(buf.buf));
// Dump the LLVM ASM
void raviV_dumpASM(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p) {
void raviV_setminexeccount(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
G->ravi_state->min_exec_count_ = value;
int raviV_getminexeccount(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
return G->ravi_state->min_exec_count_;
void raviV_setmincodesize(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
G->ravi_state->min_code_size_ = value;
int raviV_getmincodesize(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
return G->ravi_state->min_code_size_;
void raviV_setauto(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
G->ravi_state->auto_ = value;
int raviV_getauto(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
return G->ravi_state->auto_;
// Turn on/off the JIT compiler
void raviV_setjitenabled(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
G->ravi_state->enabled_ = value;
int raviV_getjitenabled(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
return G->ravi_state->enabled_;
void raviV_setoptlevel(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
G->ravi_state->opt_level_ = value;
int raviV_getoptlevel(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
return G->ravi_state->opt_level_;
void raviV_setsizelevel(lua_State *L, int value) {
int raviV_getsizelevel(lua_State *L) {
return 0;
void raviV_setvalidation(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
G->ravi_state->validation_ = value;
int raviV_getvalidation(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
return G->ravi_state->validation_;
void raviV_setverbosity(lua_State *L, int value) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return;
G->ravi_state->verbosity_ = value;
int raviV_getverbosity(lua_State *L) {
global_State *G = G(L);
if (!G->ravi_state) return 0;
return G->ravi_state->verbosity_;
void raviV_setgcstep(lua_State *L, int value) {
int raviV_getgcstep(lua_State *L) {
return 0;
// Turn on/off the JIT compiler
void raviV_settraceenabled(lua_State *L, int value) {
int raviV_gettraceenabled(lua_State *L) {
return 0;
int raviV_compile_n(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p[], int n,
ravi_compile_options_t *options) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (raviV_compile(L, p[i], options)) count++;
return count > 0;
// Compile a Lua function
// If JIT is turned off then compilation is skipped
// Compilation occurs if either auto compilation is ON (subject to some
// thresholds)
// or if a manual compilation request was made
// Returns true if compilation was successful
int raviV_compile(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p, ravi_compile_options_t *options) {
if (p->ravi_jit.jit_status == RAVI_JIT_COMPILED)
return true;
else if (p->ravi_jit.jit_status == RAVI_JIT_CANT_COMPILE)
return false;
if (options == NULL) return false;
global_State *G = G(L);
if (G->ravi_state == NULL) return false;
JIT_ContextRef context = G->ravi_state->jit;
if (context == NULL) return false;
bool doCompile = (bool)(options && options->manual_request != 0);
if (!doCompile && G->ravi_state->auto_) {
if (p->ravi_jit.jit_flags == RAVI_JIT_FLAG_HASFORLOOP) /* function has fornum loop, so compile */
doCompile = true;
else if (p->sizecode > G->ravi_state->min_code_size_) /* function is long so compile */
doCompile = true;
else {
if (p->ravi_jit.execution_count < G->ravi_state->min_exec_count_) /* function has been executed many
times so compile */
doCompile = true;
if (!doCompile) { return false; }
if (!raviJ_cancompile(p)) {
p->ravi_jit.jit_status = RAVI_JIT_CANT_COMPILE;
return false;
if (G->ravi_state->compiling_) return false;
G->ravi_state->compiling_ = 1;
membuff_t buf;
membuff_init(&buf, 4096);
int (*fp)(lua_State * L) = NULL;
char fname[30];
snprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "jit%lld", G->ravi_state->id++);
char *argv[] = { fname, "-O1", NULL };
if (!raviJ_codegen(L, p, options, fname, &buf)) {
p->ravi_jit.jit_status = RAVI_JIT_CANT_COMPILE;
goto Lerror;
if (options->manual_request && G->ravi_state->verbosity_) {
ravi_writestring(L, buf.buf, strlen(buf.buf));
int opt_level = G->ravi_state->opt_level_;
if (opt_level == 0)
argv[1] = "-O0";
else if (opt_level >= 2)
argv[1] = "-O2";
if (!dmrC_omrcompile(2, argv, context, buf.buf)) {
p->ravi_jit.jit_status = RAVI_JIT_CANT_COMPILE;
else {
fp = JIT_GetFunction(context, fname);
if (fp != NULL) {
p->ravi_jit.jit_data = NULL;
p->ravi_jit.jit_function = fp;
p->ravi_jit.jit_status = RAVI_JIT_COMPILED;
G->ravi_state->compiling_ = 0;
return fp != NULL;
// Free the JIT compiled function
// Note that this is called by the garbage collector
void raviV_freeproto(struct lua_State *L, struct Proto *p) {