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9 years ago
Ravi JIT Compilation Status
Ravi uses LLVM for JIT compilation.
Benefits of using LLVM
* LLVM has a well documented intermediate representation called LLVM IR.
* The LLVM ``IRBuilder`` implements type checks so that when LLVM code is being generated, basic type errors are caught by the builder.
* LLVM provides a verifier to check that the generated IR is valid. This allows the IR to be validated prior to machine code generation.
* All of the LLVM optimization passes can be used.
* The Clang compiler supports generating LLVM IR so that if you want to know what the LLVM IR should look like for a particular piece of code, you can write a small C snippet and have Clang generate the IR for you.
* There is great momentum behind LLVM.
* The LLVM license is not based on GPL, so it is not viral.
* LLVM is much better documented than other products that aim to cover similar ground.
* LLVM's API is well designed and has a layered architecture.
Drawbacks of LLVM
* LLVM is huge in size. Lua on its own is tiny - but when linked to LLVM the resulting binary is a monster.
* There is a cost to compiling in LLVM so the benefit of compilation accrues only when a Lua function will be used again and again.
* LLVM cannot be linked as a shared library on Windows and a shared library configuration is not recommended on other platforms as well.
* LLVM's API keeps changing so that with every release of LLVM one has to revise the way it is used.
The Architecture of Ravi's JIT Compilation
* The unit of compilation is a Lua function
* Each Lua function is compiled to a Module/Function in LLVM parlance
* The compiled code is attached to the Lua function prototype
* The compiled code is garbage collected as normal by Lua
* The Lua runtime coordinates function calls - so anytime a Lua function is called it goes via the Lua infrastructure.
* The decision to call a JIT compiled version is made in the Lua Infrastructure (specifically in ``luaD_precall()`` function in ``ldo.c``)
* The JIT compiler translates Lua/Ravi bytecode to LLVM IR - i.e. it does not translate Lua source code.
* There is no inlining of Lua functions.
* Generally the JIT compiler implements the same instructions as in ``lvm.c`` - however for some bytecodes the code calls a C function rather than generating inline IR. These opcodes are OP_LOADNIL, OP_NEWTABLE, OP_RAVI_NEW_IARRAYNT, OP_RAVI_NEW_FARRAYLT, OP_SETLIST, OP_CONCAT, OP_CLOSURE, OP_VARARG, OP_RAVI_SHL_II, OP_RAVI_SHR_II.
9 years ago
* Ravi represents Lua values as done by Lua 5.3 - i.e. in a 16 byte structure.
* Ravi compiler generates type specifc opcodes which result in simpler and higher performance LLVM IR.
Limitations of JIT compilation
* Coroutines are not supported - JITed functions cannot yield
* The Debug API relies upon a field called ``savedpc`` which tracks the current instruction being executed by Lua interpreter. As this is not updated by the JIT code the Debug API can only provide a subset of normal functionality. The Debug API is not yet fully tested.
* The Lua VM supports infinite tail recursion. The JIT compiler treats OP_TAILCALL as normal OP_CALL so that recursion is limited to about 110 levels.
* The Lua C API has not yet been tested against the Ravi extensions - especially static typing and array types. Do not use the C API for now - as you could break the type system of Ravi.
9 years ago
* Bit-wise operators are JIT compiled only when the variables are known to be integers (specialized byte codes are used).
JIT Status of Lua/Ravi Bytecodes
9 years ago
The JIT compilation status of the Lua and Ravi bytecodes are given below.
9 years ago
This information was last updated on 25th July 2015. As new bytecodes are being added to the JIT compiler on a regular basis
9 years ago
the status information below may be slightly out of date.
9 years ago
Note that if a Lua functions contains a bytecode that cannot be be JITed then the function cannot be JITed.
9 years ago
| name | JITed? | description |
| OP_MOVE | YES | R(A) := R(B) |
| OP_LOADK | YES | R(A) := Kst(Bx) |
| OP_LOADKX | YES | R(A) := Kst(extra arg) |
9 years ago
| OP_LOADBOOL | YES | R(A) := (Bool)B; if (C) pc++ |
| OP_LOADNIL | YES (1) | R(A), R(A+1), ..., R(A+B) := nil |
9 years ago
| OP_GETUPVAL | YES | R(A) := UpValue[B] |
9 years ago
| OP_GETTABUP | YES | R(A) := UpValue[B][RK(C)] |
9 years ago
| OP_GETTABLE | YES | R(A) := R(B)[RK(C)] |
| OP_SETTABUP | YES | UpValue[A][RK(B)] := RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_SETUPVAL | YES | UpValue[B] := R(A) |
9 years ago
| OP_SETTABLE | YES | R(A)[RK(B)] := RK(C) |
| OP_NEWTABLE | YES (1) | R(A) := {} (size = B,C) |
9 years ago
| OP_SELF | YES (1) | R(A+1) := R(B); R(A) := R(B)[RK(C)] |
9 years ago
| OP_ADD | YES | R(A) := RK(B) + RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_SUB | YES | R(A) := RK(B) - RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_MUL | YES | R(A) := RK(B) * RK(C) |
9 years ago
9 years ago
| OP_MOD | YES | R(A) := RK(B) % RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_POW | YES | R(A) := RK(B) ^ RK(C) |
9 years ago
9 years ago
| OP_DIV | YES | R(A) := RK(B) / RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_IDIV | YES | R(A) := RK(B) // RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_BAND | YES (1) | R(A) := RK(B) & RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_BOR | YES (1) | R(A) := RK(B) | RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_BXOR | YES (1) | R(A) := RK(B) ~ RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_SHL | YES (1) | R(A) := RK(B) << RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_SHR | YES (1) | R(A) := RK(B) >> RK(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_UNM | YES | R(A) := -R(B) |
9 years ago
| OP_BNOT | YES (1) | R(A) := ~R(B) |
9 years ago
9 years ago
| OP_NOT | YES | R(A) := not R(B) |
9 years ago
| OP_LEN | YES (1) | R(A) := length of R(B) |
9 years ago
| OP_CONCAT | YES (1) | R(A) := R(B).. ... ..R(C) |
9 years ago
| OP_JMP | YES | c+=sBx; if (A) close all upvalues >= R(A - 1) |
| OP_EQ | YES (1) | if ((RK(B) == RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++ |
9 years ago
| OP_LT | YES (1) | if ((RK(B) < RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++ |
9 years ago
| OP_LE | YES (1) | if ((RK(B) <= RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++ |
9 years ago
| OP_TEST | YES | if not (R(A) <=> C) then pc++ |
9 years ago
| OP_TESTSET | YES | if (R(B) <=> C) then R(A) := R(B) else pc++ |
9 years ago
9 years ago
| OP_CALL | YES | R(A), .. ,R(A+C-2) := R(A)(R(A+1), .. ,R(A+B-1)) |
9 years ago
| OP_TAILCALL | YES (2) | return R(A)(R(A+1), ... ,R(A+B-1)) |
| | | Compiled as OP_CALL so no tail call optimization |
9 years ago
| OP_RETURN | YES | return R(A), ... ,R(A+B-2) (see note) |
| OP_FORLOOP | YES | R(A)+=R(A+2); |
| | | if R(A) <?= R(A+1) then { pc+=sBx; R(A+3)=R(A) } |
| OP_FORPREP | YES | R(A)-=R(A+2); pc+=sBx |
| OP_TFORCALL | YES | R(A+3), ... ,R(A+2+C) := R(A)(R(A+1), R(A+2)); |
9 years ago
| OP_TFORLOOP | YES | if R(A+1) ~= nil then { R(A)=R(A+1); pc += sBx } |
9 years ago
| OP_SETLIST | YES (1) | R(A)[(C-1)*FPF+i] := R(A+i), 1 <= i <= B |
9 years ago
| OP_CLOSURE | YES (1) | R(A) := closure(KPROTO[Bx]) |
9 years ago
| OP_VARARG | YES (1) | R(A), R(A+1), ..., R(A+B-2) = vararg |
9 years ago
| OP_EXTRAARG | N/A | extra (larger) argument for previous opcode |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_NEW_IARRAY | YES | R(A) := array of int |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_NEW_FARRAY | YES | R(A) := array of float |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_LOADIZ | YES | R(A) := tointeger(0) |
| OP_RAVI_LOADFZ | YES | R(A) := tonumber(0) |
| OP_RAVI_ADDFF | YES | R(A) := RK(B) + RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_ADDFI | YES | R(A) := RK(B) + RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_ADDII | YES | R(A) := RK(B) + RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_SUBFF | YES | R(A) := RK(B) - RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_SUBFI | YES | R(A) := RK(B) - RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_SUBIF | YES | R(A) := RK(B) - RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_SUBII | YES | R(A) := RK(B) - RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_MULFF | YES | R(A) := RK(B) * RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_MULFI | YES | R(A) := RK(B) * RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_MULII | YES | R(A) := RK(B) * RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_DIVFF | YES | R(A) := RK(B) / RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_DIVFI | YES | R(A) := RK(B) / RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_DIVIF | YES | R(A) := RK(B) / RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_DIVII | YES | R(A) := RK(B) / RK(C) |
| OP_RAVI_TOINT | YES | R(A) := toint(R(A)) |
| OP_RAVI_TOFLT | YES | R(A) := tofloat(R(A)) |
| OP_RAVI_TOIARRAY | YES | R(A) := to_arrayi(R(A)) |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_TOFARRAY | YES | R(A) := to_arrayf(R(A)) |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_MOVEI | YES | R(A) := R(B), check R(B) is integer |
| OP_RAVI_MOVEF | YES | R(A) := R(B), check R(B) is number |
| OP_RAVI_MOVEIARRAY | YES | R(A) := R(B), check R(B) is array of integer |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_MOVEFARRAY | YES | R(A) := R(B), check R(B) is array of numbers |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_IARRAY_GET | YES | R(A) := R(B)[RK(C)] where R(B) is array of |
9 years ago
| | | integers and RK(C) is integer |
| OP_RAVI_FARRAY_GET | YES | R(A) := R(B)[RK(C)] where R(B) is array of |
9 years ago
| | | numbers and RK(C) is integer |
| OP_RAVI_IARRAY_SET | YES | R(A)[RK(B)] := RK(C) where RK(B) is an integer |
9 years ago
| | | R(A) is array of integers, and RK(C) is an int |
| OP_RAVI_FARRAY_SET | YES | R(A)[RK(B)] := RK(C) where RK(B) is an integer |
9 years ago
| | | R(A) is array of numbers, and RK(C) is a number |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_FORLOOP_IP | YES | R(A)+=R(A+2); |
| | | if R(A) <?= R(A+1) then { pc+=sBx; R(A+3)=R(A) } |
| | | Specialization for integer step > 1 |
| OP_RAVI_FORPREP_IP | YES | R(A)-=R(A+2); pc+=sBx |
| | | Specialization for integer step > 1 |
| OP_RAVI_FORLOOP_I1 | YES | R(A)+=R(A+2); |
| | | if R(A) <?= R(A+1) then { pc+=sBx; R(A+3)=R(A) } |
| | | Specialization for integer step == 1 |
| OP_RAVI_FORPREP_I1 | YES | R(A)-=R(A+2); pc+=sBx |
| | | Specialization for integer step == 1 |
| OP_RAVI_SETUPVALI | YES (1) | UpValue[B] := tointeger(R(A)) |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_SETUPVALF | YES (1) | UpValue[B] := tonumber(R(A)) |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_SETUPVAL_IARRAY | YES (1) | UpValue[B] := toarrayint(R(A)) |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_SETUPVAL_FARRAY | YES (1) | UpValue[B] := toarrayflt(R(A)) |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_IARRAY_SETI | YES | R(A)[RK(B)] := RK(C) where RK(B) is an integer |
9 years ago
| | | R(A) is array of integers, and RK(C) is an int |
| | | No conversion as input is known to be int |
| OP_RAVI_FARRAY_SETF | YES | R(A)[RK(B)] := RK(C) where RK(B) is an integer |
9 years ago
| | | R(A) is array of numbers, and RK(C) is a number |
| | | No conversion as input is known to be float |
| OP_RAVI_BAND_II | YES | R(A) := RK(B) & RK(C), operands are int |
| OP_RAVI_BOR_II | YES | R(A) := RK(B) | RK(C), operands are int |
| OP_RAVI_BXOR_II | YES | R(A) := RK(B) ~ RK(C), operands are int |
| OP_RAVI_SHL_II | YES (5) | R(A) := RK(B) << RK(C), operands are int |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_SHR_II | YES (5) | R(A) := RK(B) >> RK(C), operands are int |
9 years ago
| OP_RAVI_BNOT_I | YES | R(A) := ~R(B), int operand |
| OP_RAVI_EQ_II | YES | if ((RK(B) == RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++ |
| OP_RAVI_EQ_FF | YES | if ((RK(B) == RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++ |
| OP_RAVI_LT_II | YES | if ((RK(B) < RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++ |
| OP_RAVI_LT_FF | YES | if ((RK(B) < RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++ |
| OP_RAVI_LE_II | YES | if ((RK(B) <= RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++ |
| OP_RAVI_LE_FF | YES | if ((RK(B) <= RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++ |
| OP_RAVI_GETI | YES | R(A) := R(B)[RK(C)], integer key |
| OP_RAVI_TABLE_GETFIELD | YES | R(A) := R(B)[RK(C)], string key |
| OP_RAVI_GETFIELD | YES | R(A) := R(B)[RK(C)], string key |
| OP_RAVI_SETI | YES (4) | R(A)[RK(B)] := RK(C), integer key |
| OP_RAVI_TABLE_SETFIELD | YES (3) | R(A)[RK(B)] := RK(C), string key |
| OP_RAVI_SETFIELD | YES | R(A)[RK(B)] := RK(C), string key |
| OP_RAVI_TOTAB | YES | R(A) := to_table(R(A)) |
| OP_RAVI_MOVETAB | YES | R(A) := R(B), check R(B) is a table |
| OP_RAVI_SETUPVALT | YES (1) | UpValue[B] := to_table(R(A)) |
| OP_RAVI_SELF_SK | YES | R(A+1) := R(B); R(A) := R(B)[RK(C)] |
| OP_RAVI_TABLE_SELF_SK | YES | R(A+1) := R(B); R(A) := R(B)[RK(C)] |
| OP_RAVI_GETTABUP_SK | YES | R(A) := UpValue[B][RK(C)] |
1. These bytecoes are handled via function calls rather than inline code generation
2. Tail calls are the same as ordinary calls.
3. The _SK variant is generated
4. Generates generic SETTABLE
5. Inline code is generated only when operand is a constant integer
Ravi's LLVM JIT compiler source
The LLVM JIT implementation is in following sources:
* ravillvm.h - includes LLVM headers and defines the generic JIT State and Function interfaces
* ravijit.h - defines the JIT API
* ravi_llvmcodegen.h - defines the types used by the code generator
* ravijit.cpp - Non implementation specific JIT API functions
* ravi_llvmjit.cpp - basic LLVM infrastructure and Ravi API definition
* ravi_llvmtypes.cpp - contains LLVM type definitions for Lua objects
* ravi_llvmcodegen.cpp - LLVM JIT compiler - main driver for compiling Lua bytecodes into LLVM IR
* ravi_llvmload.cpp - implements OP_LOADK and OP_MOVE, and related operations, also OP_LOADBOOL
* ravi_llvmcomp.cpp - implements OP_EQ, OP_LT, OP_LE, OP_TEST and OP_TESTSET.
* ravi_llvmreturn.cpp - implements OP_RETURN
* ravi_llvmforprep.cpp - implements OP_FORPREP
* ravi_llvmforloop.cpp - implements OP_FORLOOP
* ravi_llvmtforcall.cpp - implements OP_TFORCALL and OP_TFORLOOP
* ravi_llvmarith1.cpp - implements various type specialized arithmetic operations - these are Ravi extensions
* ravi_llvmarith2.cpp - implements Lua opcodes such as OP_ADD, OP_SUB, OP_MUL, OP_DIV, OP_POW, OP_IDIV, OP_MOD, OP_UNM
* ravi_llvmcall.cpp - implements OP_CALL, OP_JMP
* ravi_llvmtable.cpp - implements OP_GETTABLE, OP_SETTABLE and various other table operations, OP_SELF, and also upvalue operations
* ravi_llvmrest.cpp - OP_CLOSURE, OP_VARARG, OP_CONCAT