You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package xmpp_test
import (
func TestGeneratePresence(t *testing.T) {
presence := xmpp.NewPresence(xmpp.Attrs{From: "admin@localhost", To: "test@localhost", Id: "1"})
presence.Show = xmpp.PresenceShowChat
data, err := xml.Marshal(presence)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot marshal xml structure")
var parsedPresence xmpp.Presence
if err = xml.Unmarshal(data, &parsedPresence); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unmarshal(%s) returned error", data)
if !xmlEqual(parsedPresence, presence) {
t.Errorf("non matching items\n%s", cmp.Diff(parsedPresence, presence))
func TestPresenceSubElt(t *testing.T) {
// Test structure to ensure that show, status and priority are correctly defined as presence
// package sub-elements
type pres struct {
Show xmpp.PresenceShow `xml:"show"`
Status string `xml:"status"`
Priority int8 `xml:"priority"`
presence := xmpp.NewPresence(xmpp.Attrs{From: "admin@localhost", To: "test@localhost", Id: "1"})
presence.Show = xmpp.PresenceShowXA
presence.Status = "Coding"
presence.Priority = 10
data, err := xml.Marshal(presence)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot marshal xml structure")
var parsedPresence pres
if err = xml.Unmarshal(data, &parsedPresence); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unmarshal(%s) returned error", data)
if parsedPresence.Show != presence.Show {
t.Errorf("cannot read 'show' as presence subelement (%s)", parsedPresence.Show)
if parsedPresence.Status != presence.Status {
t.Errorf("cannot read 'status' as presence subelement (%s)", parsedPresence.Status)
if parsedPresence.Priority != presence.Priority {
t.Errorf("cannot read 'priority' as presence subelement (%d)", parsedPresence.Priority)