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Tests for Component and code style fixes (#129)
4 years ago
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Fluux XMPP

Codeship Status for FluuxIO/xmpp GoDoc GoReportCard codecov

Fluux XMPP is a Go XMPP library, focusing on simplicity, simple automation, and IoT.

The goal is to make simple to write simple XMPP clients and components:

  • For automation (like for example monitoring of an XMPP service),
  • For building connected "things" by plugging them on an XMPP server,
  • For writing simple chatbot to control a service or a thing,
  • For writing XMPP servers components.

The library is designed to have minimal dependencies. For now, the library does not depend on any other library.

Configuration and connection

Allowing Insecure TLS connection during development

It is not recommended to disable the check for domain name and certificate chain. Doing so would open your client to man-in-the-middle attacks.

However, in development, XMPP servers often use self-signed certificates. In that situation, it is better to add the root CA that signed the certificate to your trusted list of root CA. It avoids changing the code and limit the risk of shipping an insecure client to production.

That said, if you really want to allow your client to trust any TLS certificate, you can customize Go standard tls.Config and set it in Config struct.

Here is an example code to configure a client to allow connecting to a server with self-signed certificate. Note the InsecureSkipVerify option. When using this tls.Config option, all the checks on the certificate are skipped.

config := xmpp.Config{
	Address:      "localhost:5222",
	Jid:          "test@localhost",
	Credential:   xmpp.Password("Test"),
	TLSConfig:    tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},

Supported specifications



Package overview

Stanza subpackage

XMPP stanzas are basic and extensible XML elements. Stanzas (or sometimes special stanzas called 'nonzas') are used to leverage the XMPP protocol features. During a session, a client (or a component) and a server will be exchanging stanzas back and forth.

At a low-level, stanzas are XML fragments. However, Fluux XMPP library provides the building blocks to interact with stanzas at a high-level, providing a Go-friendly API.

The stanza subpackage provides support for XMPP stream parsing, marshalling and unmarshalling of XMPP stanza. It is a bridge between high-level Go structure and low-level XMPP protocol.

Parsing, marshalling and unmarshalling is automatically handled by Fluux XMPP client library. As a developer, you will generally manipulates only the high-level structs provided by the stanza package.

The XMPP protocol, as the name implies is extensible. If your application is using custom stanza extensions, you can implement your own extensions directly in your own application.

To learn more about the stanza package, you can read more in the stanza package documentation.



Getting IQ response from server



We have several examples to help you get started using Fluux XMPP library.

Here is the demo "echo" client:

package main

import (


func main() {
	config := xmpp.Config{
		TransportConfiguration: xmpp.TransportConfiguration{
			Address: "localhost:5222",
		Jid:          "test@localhost",
	    Credential:   xmpp.Password("Test"),
		StreamLogger: os.Stdout,
		Insecure:     true,

	router := xmpp.NewRouter()
	router.HandleFunc("message", handleMessage)

	client, err := xmpp.NewClient(config, router)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("%+v", err)

	// If you pass the client to a connection manager, it will handle the reconnect policy
	// for you automatically.
	cm := xmpp.NewStreamManager(client, nil)

func handleMessage(s xmpp.Sender, p stanza.Packet) {
	msg, ok := p.(stanza.Message)
	if !ok {
		_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Ignoring packet: %T\n", p)

	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Body = %s - from = %s\n", msg.Body, msg.From)
	reply := stanza.Message{Attrs: stanza.Attrs{To: msg.From}, Body: msg.Body}
	_ = s.Send(reply)

Reference documentation

The code documentation is available on GoDoc: