# Jukebox example ## Requirements - You need mpg123 installed on your computer because the example runs it as a command : [Official MPG123 website](https://mpg123.de/) Most linux distributions have a package for it. - You need a soundcloud ID to play a music from the website through mpg123. You currently cannot play music files with this example. Your user ID is available in your account settings on the [soundcloud website](https://soundcloud.com/) **One is provided for convenience.** - You need a running jabber server. You can run your local instance of [ejabberd](https://www.ejabberd.im/) for example. - You need a registered user on the running jabber server. ## Run You can edit the soundcloud ID in the example file with your own, or use the provided one : ```go const scClientID = "dde6a0075614ac4f3bea423863076b22" ``` To run the example, build it with (while in the example directory) : ``` go build xmpp_jukebox.go ``` then run it with (update the command arguments accordingly): ``` ./xmpp_jukebox -jid=MY_USERE@MY_DOMAIN/jukebox -password=MY_PASSWORD -address=MY_SERVER:MY_SERVER_PORT ``` Make sure to have a resource, for instance "/jukebox", on your jid. Then you can send the following stanza to "MY_USERE@MY_DOMAIN/jukebox" (with the resource) to play a song (update the soundcloud URL accordingly) : ```xml ```