package xmpp // import "" import ( "net" "testing" ) //============================================================================= // TCP Server Mock // ClientHandler is passed by the test client to provide custom behaviour to // the TCP server mock. This allows customizing the server behaviour to allow // testing clients under various scenarii. type ClientHandler func(t *testing.T, conn net.Conn) // ServerMock is a simple TCP server that can be use to mock basic server // behaviour to test clients. type ServerMock struct { t *testing.T handler ClientHandler listener net.Listener connections []net.Conn done chan struct{} } // Start launches the mock TCP server, listening to an actual address / port. func (mock *ServerMock) Start(t *testing.T, addr string, handler ClientHandler) { mock.t = t mock.handler = handler if err := mock.init(addr); err != nil { return } go mock.loop() } func (mock *ServerMock) Stop() { close(mock.done) if mock.listener != nil { mock.listener.Close() } // Close all existing connections for _, c := range mock.connections { c.Close() } } //============================================================================= // Mock Server internals // init starts listener on the provided address. func (mock *ServerMock) init(addr string) error { mock.done = make(chan struct{}) l, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr) if err != nil { mock.t.Errorf("TCPServerMock cannot listen on address: %q", addr) return err } mock.listener = l return nil } // loop accepts connections and creates a go routine per connection. // The go routine is running the client handler, that is used to provide the // real TCP server behaviour. func (mock *ServerMock) loop() { listener := mock.listener for { conn, err := listener.Accept() if err != nil { select { case <-mock.done: return default: mock.t.Error("TCPServerMock accept error:", err.Error()) } return } mock.connections = append(mock.connections, conn) // TODO Create and pass a context to cancel the handler if they are still around = avoid possible leak on complex handlers go mock.handler(mock.t, conn) } }