package stanza import "encoding/xml" // ============================================================================ // Generic / unknown content // Node is a generic structure to represent XML data. It is used to parse // unreferenced or custom stanza payload. type Node struct { XMLName xml.Name Attrs []xml.Attr `xml:"-"` Content string `xml:",cdata"` Nodes []Node `xml:",any"` } func (n *Node) Namespace() string { return n.XMLName.Space } // Attr represents generic XML attributes, as used on the generic XML Node // representation. type Attr struct { K string V string } // UnmarshalXML is a custom unmarshal function used by xml.Unmarshal to // transform generic XML content into hierarchical Node structure. func (n *Node) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { // Assign "n.Attrs = start.Attr", without repeating xmlns in attributes: for _, attr := range start.Attr { // Do not repeat xmlns, it is already in XMLName if attr.Name.Local != "xmlns" { n.Attrs = append(n.Attrs, attr) } } type node Node return d.DecodeElement((*node)(n), &start) } // MarshalXML is a custom XML serializer used by xml.Marshal to serialize a // Node structure to XML. func (n Node) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) (err error) { start.Attr = n.Attrs start.Name = n.XMLName err = e.EncodeToken(start) e.EncodeElement(n.Nodes, xml.StartElement{Name: n.XMLName}) if n.Content != "" { e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData(n.Content)) } return e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: start.Name}) }