package stanza import ( "encoding/xml" ) /* Support for: - XEP-0184 - Message Delivery Receipts: */ const NSMsgReceipts = "urn:xmpp:receipts" // Used on outgoing message, to tell the recipient that you are requesting a message receipt / ack. type ReceiptRequest struct { MsgExtension XMLName xml.Name `xml:"urn:xmpp:receipts request"` } type ReceiptReceived struct { MsgExtension XMLName xml.Name `xml:"urn:xmpp:receipts received"` ID string `xml:"id,attr"` } func init() { TypeRegistry.MapExtension(PKTMessage, xml.Name{Space: NSMsgReceipts, Local: "request"}, ReceiptRequest{}) TypeRegistry.MapExtension(PKTMessage, xml.Name{Space: NSMsgReceipts, Local: "received"}, ReceiptReceived{}) }