/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Gultsch All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package eu.siacs.conversations.utils; import android.util.LruCache; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Emoticons { private static final UnicodeRange MISC_SYMBOLS_AND_PICTOGRAPHS = new UnicodeRange(0x1F300,0x1F5FF); private static final UnicodeRange SUPPLEMENTAL_SYMBOLS = new UnicodeRange(0x1F900,0x1F9FF); private static final UnicodeRange EMOTICONS = new UnicodeRange(0x1F600,0x1F64F); private static final UnicodeRange TRANSPORT_SYMBOLS = new UnicodeRange(0x1F680,0x1F6FF); private static final UnicodeRange MISC_SYMBOLS = new UnicodeRange(0x2600,0x26FF); private static final UnicodeRange DINGBATS = new UnicodeRange(0x2700,0x27BF); private static final UnicodeRange ENCLOSED_ALPHANUMERIC_SUPPLEMENT = new UnicodeRange(0x1F100,0x1F1FF); private static final UnicodeRange ENCLOSED_IDEOGRAPHIC_SUPPLEMENT = new UnicodeRange(0x1F200,0x1F2FF); private static final UnicodeRange REGIONAL_INDICATORS = new UnicodeRange(0x1F1E6,0x1F1FF); private static final UnicodeRange GEOMETRIC_SHAPES = new UnicodeRange(0x25A0,0x25FF); private static final UnicodeRange LATIN_SUPPLEMENT = new UnicodeRange(0x80,0xFF); private static final UnicodeRange MISC_TECHNICAL = new UnicodeRange(0x2300,0x23FF); private static final UnicodeRange TAGS = new UnicodeRange(0xE0020,0xE007F); private static final UnicodeList CYK_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION = new UnicodeList(0x3030,0x303D); private static final UnicodeList LETTERLIKE_SYMBOLS = new UnicodeList(0x2122,0x2139); private static final UnicodeBlocks KEYCAP_COMBINEABLE = new UnicodeBlocks(new UnicodeList(0x23),new UnicodeList(0x2A),new UnicodeRange(0x30,0x39)); private static final UnicodeBlocks SYMBOLIZE = new UnicodeBlocks( GEOMETRIC_SHAPES, LATIN_SUPPLEMENT, CYK_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION, LETTERLIKE_SYMBOLS, KEYCAP_COMBINEABLE); private static final UnicodeBlocks EMOJIS = new UnicodeBlocks( MISC_SYMBOLS_AND_PICTOGRAPHS, SUPPLEMENTAL_SYMBOLS, EMOTICONS, TRANSPORT_SYMBOLS, MISC_SYMBOLS, DINGBATS, ENCLOSED_ALPHANUMERIC_SUPPLEMENT, ENCLOSED_IDEOGRAPHIC_SUPPLEMENT, MISC_TECHNICAL); private static final int MAX_EMOIJS = 42; private static final int ZWJ = 0x200D; private static final int VARIATION_16 = 0xFE0F; private static final int COMBINING_ENCLOSING_KEYCAP = 0x20E3; private static final int BLACK_FLAG = 0x1F3F4; private static final UnicodeRange FITZPATRICK = new UnicodeRange(0x1F3FB,0x1F3FF); private static final LruCache CACHE = new LruCache<>(256); private static List parse(String input) { List symbols = new ArrayList<>(); Builder builder = new Builder(); boolean needsFinalBuild = false; for (int cp, i = 0; i < input.length(); i += Character.charCount(cp)) { cp = input.codePointAt(i); if (builder.offer(cp)) { needsFinalBuild = true; } else { symbols.add(builder.build()); builder = new Builder(); if (builder.offer(cp)) { needsFinalBuild = true; } } } if (needsFinalBuild) { symbols.add(builder.build()); } return symbols; } public static Pattern getEmojiPattern(CharSequence input) { Pattern pattern = CACHE.get(input); if (pattern == null) { pattern = generatePattern(input); CACHE.put(input, pattern); } return pattern; } private static Pattern generatePattern(CharSequence input) { final HashSet emojis = new HashSet<>(); int i = 0; for(Symbol symbol : parse(input.toString())) { if (symbol instanceof Emoji) { emojis.add(symbol.toString()); if (++i >= MAX_EMOIJS) { return Pattern.compile(""); } } } final StringBuilder pattern = new StringBuilder(); for(String emoji : emojis) { if (pattern.length() != 0) { pattern.append('|'); } pattern.append(Pattern.quote(emoji)); } return Pattern.compile(pattern.toString()); } public static boolean isEmoji(String input) { List symbols = parse(input); return symbols.size() == 1 && symbols.get(0).isEmoji(); } public static boolean isOnlyEmoji(String input) { List symbols = parse(input); for(Symbol symbol : symbols) { if (!symbol.isEmoji()) { return false; } } return symbols.size() > 0; } private static abstract class Symbol { private final String value; public Symbol(List codepoints) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for(Integer codepoint : codepoints) { builder.appendCodePoint(codepoint); } this.value = builder.toString(); } abstract boolean isEmoji(); @Override public String toString() { return value; } } public static class Emoji extends Symbol { public Emoji(List codepoints) { super(codepoints); } @Override boolean isEmoji() { return true; } } public static class Other extends Symbol { public Other(List codepoints) { super(codepoints); } @Override boolean isEmoji() { return false; } } private static class Builder { private final List codepoints = new ArrayList<>(); public boolean offer(int codepoint) { boolean add = false; if (this.codepoints.size() == 0) { if (SYMBOLIZE.contains(codepoint)) { add = true; } else if (REGIONAL_INDICATORS.contains(codepoint)) { add = true; } else if (EMOJIS.contains(codepoint) && !FITZPATRICK.contains(codepoint) && codepoint != ZWJ) { add = true; } } else { int previous = codepoints.get(codepoints.size() -1); if (codepoints.get(0) == BLACK_FLAG) { add = TAGS.contains(codepoint); } else if (COMBINING_ENCLOSING_KEYCAP == codepoint) { add = KEYCAP_COMBINEABLE.contains(previous) || previous == VARIATION_16; } else if (SYMBOLIZE.contains(previous)) { add = codepoint == VARIATION_16; } else if (REGIONAL_INDICATORS.contains(previous) && REGIONAL_INDICATORS.contains(codepoint)) { add = codepoints.size() == 1; } else if (previous == VARIATION_16) { add = isMerger(codepoint); } else if (FITZPATRICK.contains(previous)) { add = codepoint == ZWJ; } else if (ZWJ == previous) { add = EMOJIS.contains(codepoint); } else if (isMerger(codepoint)) { add = true; } else if (codepoint == VARIATION_16 && EMOJIS.contains(previous)) { add = true; } } if (add) { codepoints.add(codepoint); return true; } else { return false; } } private static boolean isMerger(int codepoint) { return codepoint == ZWJ || FITZPATRICK.contains(codepoint); } public Symbol build() { if (codepoints.size() > 0 && SYMBOLIZE.contains(codepoints.get(codepoints.size() - 1))) { return new Other(codepoints); } else if (codepoints.size() > 1 && KEYCAP_COMBINEABLE.contains(codepoints.get(0)) && codepoints.get(codepoints.size() - 1) != COMBINING_ENCLOSING_KEYCAP) { return new Other(codepoints); } return codepoints.size() == 0 ? new Other(codepoints): new Emoji(codepoints); } } public static class UnicodeBlocks implements UnicodeSet { final UnicodeSet[] unicodeSets; public UnicodeBlocks(UnicodeSet... sets) { this.unicodeSets = sets; } @Override public boolean contains(int codepoint) { for(UnicodeSet unicodeSet : unicodeSets) { if (unicodeSet.contains(codepoint)) { return true; } } return false; } } public interface UnicodeSet { boolean contains(int codepoint); } public static class UnicodeList implements UnicodeSet { private final List list; public UnicodeList(Integer... codes) { this.list = Arrays.asList(codes); } @Override public boolean contains(int codepoint) { return this.list.contains(codepoint); } } public static class UnicodeRange implements UnicodeSet { private final int lower; private final int upper; UnicodeRange(int lower, int upper) { this.lower = lower; this.upper = upper; } public boolean contains(int codePoint) { return codePoint >= lower && codePoint <= upper; } } }