--- name: ConversationsClassic options: postGenCommand: swiftgen packages: MartinOMEMO: url: https://github.com/tigase/MartinOMEMO majorVersion: 2.2.3 KeychainAccess: url: https://github.com/kishikawakatsumi/KeychainAccess.git majorVersion: 4.2.2 GRDB: url: https://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift.git branch: master # GRDBQuery: # url: https://github.com/groue/GRDBQuery.git # branch: main settings: DEVELOPMENT_TEAM: U6CKGHL5VR targets: # Notification service here... # # Sharing service here... # # iOS App ConversationsClassic: type: application platform: iOS deploymentTarget: 16.0 scheme: {} info: path: Info.plist properties: UISupportedInterfaceOrientations: [UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait] UILaunchStoryboardName: launchscreen.storyboard NSAppTransportSecurity: NSAllowsArbitraryLoads: true NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription: Allow app to send photo from gallery in attachments NSCameraUsageDescription: Allow app to take picture from camera and send it in atachments NSMicrophoneUsageDescription: Allow app to take sound from microphone for attachment video NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription: Allow app to take your geo to send it in attachment NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription: Allow app to take your geo to send it in attachment # UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance: NO # UIStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyleLightContent # NSFaceIDUsageDescription: Required for accessing to account info # UIUserInterfaceStyle: Light CFBundleDisplayName: Conversations sources: - path: ConversationsClassic excludes: - .nvim settings: TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY: 1 DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT: dwarf-with-dsym PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER: imt.narayana.ConversationsClassic.ios DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING: true # CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS: ConversationsClassic/ConversationsClassic.entitlements # entitlements: # path: ConversationsClassic/ConversationsClassic.entitlements # properties: # com.apple.security.application-groups: group.ConversationsClassic.engine # keychain-access-groups: imt.narayana.ConversationsClassic.ios dependencies: - sdk: Security.framework # - framework: Lib/WebRTC.xcframework # - target: Engine - package: MartinOMEMO link: true - package: KeychainAccess limk: true - package: GRDB link: true # - package: GRDBQuery # link: true preBuildScripts: - script: swiftlint name: Swiftlint basedOnDependencyAnalysis: false - script: ./.swiftgen/bin/swiftgen name: SwiftGen basedOnDependencyAnalysis: false parallelizeBuild: true