512 lines
18 KiB
512 lines
18 KiB
import Foundation
import GRDB
import Martin
import MartinOMEMO
final class ClientMartinOMEMO {
let credentials: Credentials
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "SignalPreKeyRemovalQueue")
private var preKeysMarkedForRemoval: [UInt32] = []
init(_ credentials: Credentials) {
self.credentials = credentials
var signal: (SignalStorage, SignalContext) {
let signalStorage = SignalStorage(sessionStore: self, preKeyStore: self, signedPreKeyStore: self, identityKeyStore: self, senderKeyStore: self)
// swiftlint:disable:next force_unwrapping
let signalContext = SignalContext(withStorage: signalStorage)!
signalStorage.setup(withContext: signalContext)
return (signalStorage, signalContext)
// func regenerateKeys(wipe: Bool = false) -> Bool {
// if wipe {
// wipeSignedPreKeys()
// }
// }
// if wipe {
// DBOMEMOStore.instance.wipe(forAccount: context!.sessionObject.userBareJid!)
// }
// let hasKeyPair = identityKeyStore.keyPair() != nil
// if wipe || identityKeyStore.localRegistrationId() == 0 || !hasKeyPair {
// let regId: UInt32 = signalContext.generateRegistrationId()
// AccountSettings.omemoRegistrationId(for: context!.sessionObject.userBareJid!, value: regId)
// let keyPair = SignalIdentityKeyPair.generateKeyPair(context: signalContext)
// if !identityKeyStore.save(identity: SignalAddress(name: context!.sessionObject.userBareJid!.stringValue, deviceId: Int32(identityKeyStore.localRegistrationId())), key: keyPair) {}
// }
// return true
// }
// MARK: - Session
extension ClientMartinOMEMO: SignalSessionStoreProtocol {
func sessionRecord(forAddress address: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Data? {
do {
let data = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchOne(
sql: "SELECT key FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account AND name = :name AND device_id = :deviceId",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "name": address.name, "deviceId": address.deviceId]
return data?["key"]
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return nil
func allDevices(for name: String, activeAndTrusted: Bool) -> [Int32] {
do {
let sql = activeAndTrusted ?
SELECT s.device_id
FROM omemo_sessions s
LEFT JOIN omemo_identities i
ON s.account = i.account
AND s.name = i.name
AND s.device_id = i.device_id
WHERE s.account = :account
AND s.name = :name
AND ((i.status >= 0 AND i.status % 2 = 0) OR i.status IS NULL)
"SELECT device_id FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account AND name = :name"
let data = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchAll(
sql: sql,
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "name": name]
return data.map { $0["device_id"] }
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return []
func storeSessionRecord(_ data: Data, forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
do {
try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try db.execute(
sql: "INSERT INTO omemo_sessions (account, name, device_id, key) VALUES (:account, :name, :deviceId, :key)",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "name": forAddress.name, "deviceId": forAddress.deviceId, "key": data]
return true
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func containsSessionRecord(forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
do {
let rec = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchOne(
sql: "SELECT key FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account AND name = :name AND device_id = :deviceId",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "name": forAddress.name, "deviceId": forAddress.deviceId]
return rec != nil
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func deleteSessionRecord(forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
do {
try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try db.execute(
sql: "DELETE FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account AND name = :name AND device_id = :deviceId",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "name": forAddress.name, "deviceId": forAddress.deviceId]
return true
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func deleteAllSessions(for name: String) -> Bool {
do {
try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try db.execute(
sql: "DELETE FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account AND name = :name",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "name": name]
return true
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func sessionsWipe() {
do {
try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try db.execute(
sql: "DELETE FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid]
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// MARK: - PreKey
extension ClientMartinOMEMO: SignalPreKeyStoreProtocol {
func currentPreKeyId() -> UInt32 {
do {
let data = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchOne(
sql: "SELECT max(id) FROM omemo_pre_keys WHERE account = :account",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid]
return data?["id"] ?? 0
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return 0
func loadPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Data? {
do {
let data = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchOne(
sql: "SELECT key FROM omemo_pre_keys WHERE account = :account AND id = :id",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "id": withId]
return data?["key"]
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return nil
func storePreKey(_ data: Data, withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
do {
try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try db.execute(
sql: "INSERT INTO omemo_pre_keys (account, id, key) VALUES (:account, :id, :key)",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "id": withId, "key": data]
return true
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func containsPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
do {
let rec = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchOne(
sql: "SELECT key FROM omemo_pre_keys WHERE account = :account AND id = :id",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "id": withId]
return rec != nil
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func deletePreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
queue.async {
print("queueing prekey with id \(withId) for removal..")
return true
// TODO: Check logic of this function carefully!!!
func flushDeletedPreKeys() -> Bool {
// !queue.sync { () -> [UInt32] in
// defer {
// preKeysMarkedForRemoval.removeAll()
// }
// print("removing queued prekeys: \(preKeysMarkedForRemoval)")
// do {
// Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
// try db.execute(
// sql: "DETLETE FROM omemo_pre_keys WHERE account = :account AND id IN (:ids)",
// arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "ids": preKeysMarkedForRemoval]
// )
// }
// } catch {
// logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// return [0]
// }
// // return preKeysMarkedForRemoval.filter { id in DBOMEMOStore.instance.deletePreKey(forAccount: context!.sessionObject.userBareJid!, withId: id) }
// }.isEmpty
// do {
// try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
// try db.execute(
// sql: """
// DELETE FROM omemo_pre_keys
// WHERE account = :account
// AND id IN (
// SELECT id
// FROM omemo_pre_keys
// WHERE account = :account
// AND id NOT IN (
// SELECT id
// FROM omemo_pre_keys
// WHERE account = :account
// LIMIT 100)
// )
// """,
// arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid]
// )
// }
// return true
// } catch {
// logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// return false
// }
func preKeysWipe() {
do {
try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try db.execute(
sql: "DELETE FROM omemo_pre_keys WHERE account = :account",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid]
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// MARK: - SignedPreKey
extension ClientMartinOMEMO: SignalSignedPreKeyStoreProtocol {
func countSignedPreKeys() -> Int {
do {
let data = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchOne(
sql: "SELECT count(1) FROM omemo_signed_pre_keys WHERE account = :account",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid]
return data?["count(1)"] ?? 0
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return 0
func loadSignedPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Data? {
do {
let data = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchOne(
sql: "SELECT key FROM omemo_signed_pre_keys WHERE account = :account AND id = :id",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "id": withId]
return data?["key"]
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return nil
func storeSignedPreKey(_ data: Data, withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
do {
try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try db.execute(
sql: "INSERT INTO omemo_signed_pre_keys (account, id, key) VALUES (:account, :id, :key)",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "id": withId, "key": data]
return true
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func containsSignedPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
do {
let rec = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchOne(
sql: "SELECT key FROM omemo_signed_pre_keys WHERE account = :account AND id = :id",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "id": withId]
return rec != nil
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func deleteSignedPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
do {
try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try db.execute(
sql: "DELETE FROM omemo_signed_pre_keys WHERE account = :account AND id = :id",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "id": withId]
return true
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func wipeSignedPreKeys() {
do {
try Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try db.execute(
sql: "DELETE FROM omemo_signed_pre_keys WHERE account = :account",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid]
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// MARK: - Identity
extension ClientMartinOMEMO: SignalIdentityKeyStoreProtocol {
func keyPair() -> (any MartinOMEMO.SignalIdentityKeyPairProtocol)? {
// guard let deviceId = localRegistrationId(forAccount: account) else {
// return nil
// }
// guard
// let data = try! Database.main.reader({ database in
// try database.select(query: .omemoKeyPairForAccount, params: ["account": account, "name": account.stringValue, "deviceId": deviceId]).mapFirst { $0.data(for: "key") }
// })
// else {
// return nil
// }
// return SignalIdentityKeyPair(fromKeyPairData: data)
func localRegistrationId() -> UInt32 {
func save(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, key: (any MartinOMEMO.SignalIdentityKeyProtocol)?) -> Bool {
print(identity, key)
return false
func save(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, publicKeyData: Data?) -> Bool {
print(identity, publicKeyData)
return false
func isTrusted(identity _: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, key _: (any MartinOMEMO.SignalIdentityKeyProtocol)?) -> Bool {
func isTrusted(identity _: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, publicKeyData _: Data?) -> Bool {
func setStatus(_ status: MartinOMEMO.IdentityStatus, forIdentity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
print(status, forIdentity)
return false
func setStatus(active: Bool, forIdentity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
print(active, forIdentity)
return false
func identities(forName name: String) -> [MartinOMEMO.Identity] {
do {
return try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchAll(
sql: "SELECT * FROM omemo_identities WHERE account = :account AND name = :name",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "name": name]
}.compactMap { row in
let fingerprint = row["fingerprint"] as? String,
let statusInt = row["status"] as? Int,
let status = MartinOMEMO.IdentityStatus(rawValue: statusInt),
let deviceId = row["device_id"] as? Int32,
let own = row["own"] as? Int,
let key = row["key"] as? Data
else {
return nil
return MartinOMEMO.Identity(address: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress(name: name, deviceId: deviceId), status: status, fingerprint: fingerprint, key: key, own: own > 0)
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return []
func identityFingerprint(forAddress address: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> String? {
do {
let data = try Database.shared.dbQueue.read { db in
try Row.fetchOne(
sql: "SELECT fingerprint FROM omemo_identities WHERE account = :account AND name = :name AND device_id = :deviceId",
arguments: ["account": credentials.bareJid, "name": address.name, "deviceId": address.deviceId]
return data?["fingerprint"]
} catch {
logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return nil
// MARK: - SenderKey
extension ClientMartinOMEMO: SignalSenderKeyStoreProtocol {
func storeSenderKey(_: Data, address _: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress?, groupId _: String?) -> Bool {
func loadSenderKey(forAddress _: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress?, groupId _: String?) -> Data? {