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346 lines
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// AddContactMenu.swift
// Monal
// Created by Jan on 27.10.22.
// Copyright © 2022 monal-im.org. All rights reserved.
import MobileCoreServices
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
struct AddContactMenu: View {
var delegate: SheetDismisserProtocol
private static let jidFaultyPattern = "^([^@]+@)?.+(\\..{2,})?$"
@State private var enabledAccounts: [xmpp]
@State private var selectedAccount: Int
@State private var scannedFingerprints: [NSNumber: Data]? = nil
@State private var importScannedFingerprints: Bool = false
@State private var toAdd: String = ""
@State private var showInvitationError = false
@State private var showAlert = false
// note: dismissLabel is not accessed but defined at the .alert() section
@State private var alertPrompt = AlertPrompt(dismissLabel: Text("Close"))
@State private var invitationResult: [String: AnyObject]? = nil
@StateObject private var overlay = LoadingOverlayState()
@State private var showQRCodeScanner = false
@State private var success = false
@State private var newContact: MLContact?
@State private var isEditingJid = false
private let dismissWithNewContact: (MLContact) -> Void
private let preauthToken: String?
init(delegate: SheetDismisserProtocol, dismissWithNewContact: @escaping (MLContact) -> Void, prefillJid: String = "", preauthToken: String? = nil, prefillAccount: xmpp? = nil, omemoFingerprints: [NSNumber: Data]? = nil) {
self.delegate = delegate
self.dismissWithNewContact = dismissWithNewContact
// self.toAdd = State(wrappedValue: prefillJid)
toAdd = prefillJid
self.preauthToken = preauthToken
// only display omemo ui part if there are any fingerprints (the checks below test for nil, not for 0)
if omemoFingerprints?.count ?? 0 > 0 {
scannedFingerprints = omemoFingerprints
let enabledAccounts = MLXMPPManager.sharedInstance().connectedXMPP as! [xmpp]
self.enabledAccounts = enabledAccounts
selectedAccount = enabledAccounts.first != nil ? 0 : -1
if let prefillAccount = prefillAccount {
for index in enabledAccounts.indices {
if enabledAccounts[index].accountID.isEqual(to: prefillAccount.accountID) {
selectedAccount = index
// FIXME: duplicate code from WelcomeLogIn.swift, maybe move to SwiftuiHelpers
private var toAddEmptyAlert: Bool {
alertPrompt.title = Text("No Empty Values!")
alertPrompt.message = Text("Please make sure you have entered a valid jid.")
return toAddEmpty
private var toAddInvalidAlert: Bool {
alertPrompt.title = Text("Invalid Credentials!")
alertPrompt.message = Text("The jid you want to add should be in in the format user@domain.tld.")
return toAddInvalid
private func errorAlert(title: Text, message: Text = Text("")) {
alertPrompt.title = title
alertPrompt.message = message
showAlert = true
private func successAlert(title: Text, message: Text) {
alertPrompt.title = title
alertPrompt.message = message
success = true // < dismiss entire view on close
showAlert = true
private var toAddEmpty: Bool {
private var toAddInvalid: Bool {
toAdd.range(of: AddContactMenu.jidFaultyPattern, options: .regularExpression) == nil
func trustFingerprints(_ fingerprints: [NSNumber: Data]?, for jid: String, on account: xmpp) {
// we don't untrust other devices not included in here, because conversations only exports its own fingerprint
if let fingerprints = fingerprints {
for (deviceId, fingerprint) in fingerprints {
let address = SignalAddress(name: jid, deviceId: deviceId.int32Value)
let knownDevices = Array(account.omemo.knownDevices(forAddressName: jid))
if !knownDevices.contains(deviceId) {
account.omemo.addIdentityManually(address, identityKey: fingerprint)
assert(account.omemo.getIdentityFor(address) == fingerprint, "The stored and created fingerprint should match")
// trust device/fingerprint if fingerprints match
let knownFingerprintHex = HelperTools.signalHexKey(with: account.omemo.getIdentityFor(address))
let addedFingerprintHex = HelperTools.signalHexKey(with: fingerprint)
if knownFingerprintHex.uppercased() == addedFingerprintHex.uppercased() {
account.omemo.updateTrust(true, for: address)
func addJid(jid: String) {
let account = enabledAccounts[selectedAccount]
let contact = MLContact.createContact(fromJid: jid, andAccountID: account.accountID)
if contact.isInRoster {
newContact = contact
// import omemo fingerprints as manually trusted, if requested
trustFingerprints(importScannedFingerprints ? scannedFingerprints : [:], for: jid, on: account)
// only alert of already known contact if we did not import the omemo fingerprints
if !importScannedFingerprints || scannedFingerprints?.count ?? 0 == 0 {
if enabledAccounts.count > 1 {
success = true
successAlert(title: Text("Already present"), message: Text("This contact is already in the contact list of the selected account"))
} else {
success = true
successAlert(title: Text("Already present"), message: Text("This contact is already in your contact list"))
showPromisingLoadingOverlay(overlay, headline: NSLocalizedString("Adding...", comment: ""), description: "") {
}.done { type in
let type = type as! String
if type == "account" {
let contact = MLContact.createContact(fromJid: jid, andAccountID: account.accountID)
self.newContact = contact
MLXMPPManager.sharedInstance().add(contact, withPreauthToken: preauthToken)
// import omemo fingerprints as manually trusted, if requested
trustFingerprints(self.importScannedFingerprints ? self.scannedFingerprints : [:], for: jid, on: account)
successAlert(title: Text("Permission Requested"), message: Text("The new contact will be added to your contacts list when the person you've added has approved your request."))
} else if type == "muc" {
showPromisingLoadingOverlay(overlay, headlineView: Text("Adding Group/Channel..."), descriptionView: Text("")) {
promisifyMucAction(account: account, mucJid: jid) {
}.done { _ in
self.newContact = MLContact.createContact(fromJid: jid, andAccountID: account.accountID)
successAlert(title: Text("Success!"), message: Text("Successfully joined group/channel \(jid)!"))
}.catch { error in
errorAlert(title: Text("Error entering group/channel!"), message: Text("\(String(describing: error))"))
}.catch { error in
errorAlert(title: Text("Error"), message: Text(error.localizedDescription))
var body: some View {
let account = enabledAccounts[selectedAccount]
let splitJid = HelperTools.splitJid(account.connectionProperties.identity.jid)
Form {
if enabledAccounts.isEmpty {
Text("Please make sure at least one account has connected before trying to add a contact or channel.")
} else {
if DataLayer.sharedInstance().allContactRequests().count > 0 {
Section(header: Text("Contact and Group/Channel Jids are usually in the format: name@domain.tld")) {
if enabledAccounts.count > 1 {
Picker("Use account", selection: $selectedAccount) {
ForEach(Array(self.enabledAccounts.enumerated()), id: \.element) { idx, account in
TextField(NSLocalizedString("Contact-, Group- or Channel-Jid", comment: "placeholder when adding jid"), text: $toAdd, onEditingChanged: { isEditingJid = $0 })
.addClearButton(isEditing: isEditingJid, text: $toAdd)
.disabled(scannedFingerprints != nil)
.foregroundColor(scannedFingerprints != nil ? .secondary : .primary)
.onChange(of: toAdd) { _ in toAdd = toAdd.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "") }
if scannedFingerprints != nil && !scannedFingerprints!.isEmpty {
Section(header: Text("A contact was scanned through the QR code scanner")) {
Toggle(isOn: $importScannedFingerprints) {
Text("Import and trust OMEMO fingerprints from QR code")
if scannedFingerprints != nil {
Button(action: {
toAdd = ""
importScannedFingerprints = true
scannedFingerprints = nil
}, label: {
Text("Clear scanned contact")
HStack {
Button(action: {
showAlert = toAddEmptyAlert || toAddInvalidAlert
if !showAlert {
let jidComponents = HelperTools.splitJid(toAdd)
if jidComponents["host"] == nil || jidComponents["host"]!.isEmpty {
errorAlert(title: Text("Error"), message: Text("Something went wrong while parsing your input..."))
showAlert = true
// use the canonized jid from now on (lowercased, resource removed etc.)
addJid(jid: jidComponents["user"]!)
}) {
scannedFingerprints == nil ? Text("Add") : Text("Add scanned contact")
.disabled(toAddEmpty || toAddInvalid)
if DataLayer.sharedInstance().allContactRequests().count == 0 {
Section {
.alert(isPresented: $showAlert) {
Alert(title: alertPrompt.title, message: alertPrompt.message, dismissButton: .default(Text("Close"), action: {
showAlert = false
if self.success == true {
if self.newContact != nil {
} else {
.richAlert(isPresented: $invitationResult, title: Text("Invitation for \(splitJid["host"]!) created")) { data in
VStack {
Image(uiImage: createQrCode(value: data["landing"] as! String))
.aspectRatio(1, contentMode: .fit)
if let expires = data["expires"] as? Date {
Text("This invitation will expire on \(expires.formatted(date: .numeric, time: .shortened))")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
} buttons: { data in
Button(action: {
UIPasteboard.general.setValue(data["landing"] as! String, forPasteboardType: UTType.utf8PlainText.identifier as String)
invitationResult = nil
}) {
ShareLink("Share invitation link", item: URL(string: data["landing"] as! String)!)
Button(action: {
invitationResult = nil
}) {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.sheet(isPresented: $showQRCodeScanner) {
NavigationStack {
MLQRCodeScanner(handleClose: {
self.showQRCodeScanner = false
.navigationTitle("QR-Code Scanner")
.toolbar(content: {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading, content: {
Button(action: {
self.showQRCodeScanner = false
}, label: {
.navigationBarTitle(Text("Add Contact or Channel"), displayMode: .inline)
.toolbar(content: {
ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
if account.connectionProperties.discoveredAdhocCommands["urn:xmpp:invite#invite"] != nil {
Button(action: {
DDLogVerbose("Trying to create invitation for: \(String(describing: splitJid["host"]!))")
showLoadingOverlay(overlay, headline: NSLocalizedString("Creating invitation...", comment: ""))
account.createInvitation(completion: {
let result = $0 as! [String: AnyObject]
DispatchQueue.main.async {
DDLogVerbose("Got invitation result: \(String(describing: result))")
if result["success"] as! Bool == true {
invitationResult = result
} else {
errorAlert(title: Text("Failed to create invitation for \(splitJid["host"]!)"), message: Text(result["error"] as! String))
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
Button(action: {
self.showQRCodeScanner = true
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "camera.fill")
struct AddContactMenu_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var delegate = SheetDismisserProtocol()
static var previews: some View {
AddContactMenu(delegate: delegate, dismissWithNewContact: { _ in