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import Foundation
import monalxmpp
final class MonalXmppWrapper: ObservableObject {
@Published private(set) var accountsAvailability: AccountsAvailability = .noAccounts
@Published private(set) var accounts: [Account] = []
@Published private(set) var contacts: [Contact] = []
@Published private(set) var activeChats: [Chat] = []
private let xmpp: MLXMPPManager
private let db: DataLayer
private var notificationObservers: [AnyObject] = []
init() {
// here is some inits (just for now)
MLProcessLock.initialize(forProcess: "MainApp")
// init monalxmpp components
xmpp = MLXMPPManager.sharedInstance()
db = DataLayer.sharedInstance()
// subscribe to monalxmpp notifications and fire notification for update
subscribeToUpdates() Notification.Name(kMonalRefresh), object: nil)
deinit {
notificationObservers.forEach { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver($0) }
// MARK: - Public
extension MonalXmppWrapper {
func tryLogin(_ login: String, _ password: String) async throws {
let loginObject = LoginTry(xmpp: xmpp)
let result = await loginObject.tryLogin(login, password)
if !result {
throw AimErrors.loginError
} else { Notification.Name(kMonalRefresh), object: nil)
func addContact(contactJid: String, forAccountID: Int) async {
let contact = MLContact.createContact(fromJid: contactJid, andAccountID: NSNumber(value: forAccountID))
func deleteContact(_ contact: Contact) async throws {
if let mlContact = db.contactList().first(where: { $0.contactJid == contact.contactJid }) {
} else {
throw AimErrors.contactRemoveError
// MARK: - Try login from Login screen
private final class LoginTry {
weak var xmpp: MLXMPPManager?
var successObserver: AnyObject?
var failureObserver: AnyObject?
init(xmpp: MLXMPPManager) {
self.xmpp = xmpp
// TODO: Добавить автовключение отключенных аккаунтов при попытке ввести тот же JID
// Обработать кейс когда бесячий monalxmpp возвращает nil при попытке добавить тот же JID
func tryLogin(_ login: String, _ password: String) async -> Bool {
async let notify = await withCheckedContinuation { [weak self] continuation in
self?.successObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: Notification.Name("kMLResourceBoundNotice"), object: nil, queue: .main) { notification in
continuation.resume(returning: true)
self?.failureObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: Notification.Name("kXMPPError"), object: nil, queue: .main) { notification in
continuation.resume(returning: false)
defer {
if let successObserver {
if let failureObserver {
let accountNumber = xmpp?.login(login, password: password)
let result = await notify
if let accountNumber, !result {
xmpp?.removeAccount(forAccountID: accountNumber)
return result
// MARK: - Handle notifications
private extension MonalXmppWrapper {
func subscribeToUpdates() {
// General
let generalRefresh = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: Notification.Name(kMonalRefresh), object: nil, queue: .main) { [weak self] _ in
// For contacts
let contactRefresh = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: Notification.Name(kMonalContactRefresh), object: nil, queue: .main) { [weak self] _ in
let contactRemove = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: Notification.Name(kMonalContactRemoved), object: nil, queue: .main) { [weak self] _ in
notificationObservers.append(contentsOf: [contactRefresh, contactRemove])
// For chats
// ???
func refreshAccounts() {
let accounts = db.accountList()
.compactMap { dict -> Account? in
guard let dict = dict as? NSDictionary else { return nil }
return Account(dict)
self.accounts = accounts
// mark accounts availability
if accounts.isEmpty {
accountsAvailability = .noAccounts
} else if accounts.filter({ $0.isEnabled }).isEmpty {
accountsAvailability = .allDisabled
} else {
accountsAvailability = .someEnabled
func refreshContacts() {
contacts = db.contactList()
.filter { $0.isSubscribedTo || $0.hasOutgoingContactRequest || $0.isSubscribedFrom }
.filter { !$0.isSelfChat } // removed for now
.compactMap { Contact($0) }
func refreshChats() {
activeChats = db.activeContacts(withPinned: false)
.compactMap {
guard let contact = $0 as? MLContact else { return nil }
return Chat(contact)