2024-12-16 08:19:58 +01:00

113 lines
3.6 KiB

// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen —
{% if files %}
{% set accessModifier %}{% if param.publicAccess %}public{% else %}internal{% endif %}{% endset %}
import Foundation
// swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command
// swiftlint:disable file_length
// MARK: - JSON Files
{% macro fileBlock file %}
{% call documentBlock file file.document %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro documentBlock file document %}
{% set rootType %}{% call typeBlock document.metadata %}{% endset %}
{% if document.metadata.type == "Array" %}
{{accessModifier}} static let items: {{rootType}} = objectFromJSON(at: "{% call transformPath file.path %}")
{% elif document.metadata.type == "Dictionary" %}
private static let _document = JSONDocument(path: "{% call transformPath file.path %}")
{% for key,value in %}
{{accessModifier}} {% call propertyBlock key value %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{{accessModifier}} static let value: {{rootType}} = objectFromJSON(at: "{% call transformPath file.path %}")
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro typeBlock metadata %}{% filter removeNewlines:"leading" %}
{% if metadata.type == "Array" %}
[{% call typeBlock metadata.element %}]
{% elif metadata.type == "Dictionary" %}
[String: Any]
{% elif metadata.type == "Optional" %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfilter %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro propertyBlock key metadata %}{% filter removeNewlines:"leading" %}
{% set propertyName %}{{key|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|lowerFirstWord|escapeReservedKeywords}}{% endset %}
{% set propertyType %}{% call typeBlock metadata %}{% endset %}
static let {{propertyName}}: {{propertyType}} = _document["{{key}}"]
{% endfilter %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro transformPath path %}{% filter removeNewlines %}
{% if param.preservePath %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfilter %}{% endmacro %}
// swiftlint:disable identifier_name line_length type_body_length
{{accessModifier}} enum {{param.enumName|default:"JSONFiles"}} {
{% if files.count > 1 or param.forceFileNameEnum %}
{% for file in files %}
{{accessModifier}} enum {{|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|escapeReservedKeywords}} {
{% filter indent:2 %}{% call fileBlock file %}{% endfilter %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% call fileBlock files.first %}
{% endif %}
// swiftlint:enable identifier_name line_length type_body_length
// MARK: - Implementation Details
private func objectFromJSON<T>(at path: String) -> T {
{% if param.lookupFunction %}
guard let url = {{param.lookupFunction}}(path),
{% else %}
guard let url = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}.url(forResource: path, withExtension: nil),
{% endif %}
let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: Data(contentsOf: url), options: []),
let result = json as? T else {
fatalError("Unable to load JSON at path: \(path)")
return result
private struct JSONDocument {
let data: [String: Any]
init(path: String) { = objectFromJSON(at: path)
subscript<T>(key: String) -> T {
guard let result = data[key] as? T else {
fatalError("Property '\(key)' is not of type \(T.self)")
return result
{% if not param.bundle and not param.lookupFunction %}
// swiftlint:disable convenience_type
private final class BundleToken {
static let bundle: Bundle = {
return Bundle.module
return Bundle(for: BundleToken.self)
// swiftlint:enable convenience_type
{% endif %}
{% else %}
// No files found
{% endif %}