// // MLOMEMO.m // Monal // // Created by Friedrich Altheide on 21.06.20. // Copyright © 2020 Monal.im. All rights reserved. // #import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h> #import <stdlib.h> #import "MLOMEMO.h" #import "MLXMPPConnection.h" #import "MLHandler.h" #import "xmpp.h" #import "XMPPMessage.h" #import "SignalAddress.h" #import "MLSignalStore.h" #import "SignalContext.h" #import "AESGcm.h" #import "HelperTools.h" #import "XMPPIQ.h" #import "xmpp.h" #import "MLPubSub.h" #import "DataLayer.h" #import "MLNotificationQueue.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN static const size_t MIN_OMEMO_KEYS = 25; static const size_t MAX_OMEMO_KEYS = 100; static const int KEY_SIZE = 16; @interface MLOMEMO () { OmemoState* _state; } @property (nonatomic, weak) xmpp* account; @property (nonatomic, strong) MLSignalStore* monalSignalStore; @property (nonatomic, strong) SignalContext* signalContext; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableSet<NSNumber*>* ownDeviceList; @end @implementation MLOMEMO -(MLOMEMO*) initWithAccount:(xmpp*) account; { self = [super init]; self.account = account; self.monalSignalStore = [[MLSignalStore alloc] initWithAccountID:self.account.accountID andAccountJid:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid]; SignalStorage* signalStorage = [[SignalStorage alloc] initWithSignalStore:self.monalSignalStore]; self.signalContext = [[SignalContext alloc] initWithStorage:signalStorage]; self.openBundleFetchCnt = 0; self.closedBundleFetchCnt = 0; //_state is intentionally left unset and will be updated from [xmpp readState] before [self activate] is called //(but only if the state wasn't invalidated, in which case [self activate] will create a new empty state) return self; } -(void) activate { if(self->_state == nil) self->_state = [OmemoState new]; //read own devicelist from database self.ownDeviceList = [[self knownDevicesForAddressName:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid] mutableCopy]; DDLogVerbose(@"Own devicelist for account %@ is now: %@", self.account, self.ownDeviceList); DDLogVerbose(@"Deviceid of this device: %@", @(self.monalSignalStore.deviceid)); [self createLocalIdentiyKeyPairIfNeeded]; //init pubsub devicelist handler [self.account.pubsub registerForNode:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist" withHandler:$newHandler(self, devicelistHandler)]; //register notification handler [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleContactRemoved:) name:kMonalContactRemoved object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleHasLoggedIn:) name:kMLIsLoggedInNotice object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleResourceBound:) name:kMLResourceBoundNotice object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleCatchupDone:) name:kMonalFinishedCatchup object:nil]; } -(void) dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; } -(void) setState:(OmemoState*) state { [self->_state updateWith:state]; } -(OmemoState*) state { return self->_state; } //updateIfIdNotEqual(self.contactJid, contact.contactJid); -(NSSet<NSNumber*>*) knownDevicesForAddressName:(NSString*) addressName { return [NSSet setWithArray:[self.monalSignalStore knownDevicesForAddressName:addressName]]; } -(void) notifyKnownDevicesUpdated:(NSString*) jid { [[MLNotificationQueue currentQueue] postNotificationName:kMonalOmemoStateUpdated object:self.account userInfo:@{ @"jid": jid }]; } -(BOOL) createLocalIdentiyKeyPairIfNeeded { if(self.monalSignalStore.deviceid == 0) { //signal key helper SignalKeyHelper* signalHelper = [[SignalKeyHelper alloc] initWithContext:self.signalContext]; //Generate a new device id do { self.monalSignalStore.deviceid = [signalHelper generateRegistrationId]; } while(self.monalSignalStore.deviceid == 0 || [self.ownDeviceList containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:self.monalSignalStore.deviceid]]); //Create identity key pair self.monalSignalStore.identityKeyPair = [signalHelper generateIdentityKeyPair]; self.monalSignalStore.signedPreKey = [signalHelper generateSignedPreKeyWithIdentity:self.monalSignalStore.identityKeyPair signedPreKeyId:1]; SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid deviceId:self.monalSignalStore.deviceid]; [self.monalSignalStore saveIdentity:address identityKey:self.monalSignalStore.identityKeyPair.publicKey]; //do everything done in MLSignalStore init not already mimicked above [self.monalSignalStore cleanupKeys]; [self.monalSignalStore reloadCachedPrekeys]; [self notifyKnownDevicesUpdated:address.name]; //we generated a new identity DDLogWarn(@"Created new omemo identity with deviceid: %@", @(self.monalSignalStore.deviceid)); //don't alert on new deviceids we could never see before because this is our first connection (otherwise, we'd already have our own deviceid) //this has to be a property of the xmpp class to persist it even across state resets self.account.hasSeenOmemoDeviceListAfterOwnDeviceid = NO; return YES; } //we did not generate a new identity //keep the value of hasSeenOmemoDeviceListAfterOwnDeviceid in this case return NO; } -(void) handleContactRemoved:(NSNotification*) notification { #ifndef DISABLE_OMEMO MLContact* removedContact = notification.userInfo[@"contact"]; DDLogVerbose(@"Got kMonalContactRemoved event for contact: %@", removedContact); if(removedContact == nil || removedContact.accountID.intValue != self.account.accountID.intValue) return; [self checkIfSessionIsStillNeeded:removedContact.contactJid isMuc:removedContact.isMuc]; #endif } -(void) handleHasLoggedIn:(NSNotification*) notification { //this event will be called as soon as we are successfully authenticated, but BEFORE handleResourceBound: will be called //NOTE: handleResourceBound: won't be called for smacks resumptions at all #ifndef DISABLE_OMEMO if(self.account.accountID.intValue == ((xmpp*)notification.object).accountID.intValue) { //mark catchup as running (will be smacks catchup or mam catchup) //this will queue any session repair attempts and key transport elements self.state.catchupDone = NO; } #endif } -(void) handleResourceBound:(NSNotification*) notification { //this event will be called as soon as we are bound, but BEFORE mam catchup happens //NOTE: this event won't be called for smacks resumes! #ifndef DISABLE_OMEMO if(self.account.accountID.intValue == ((xmpp*)notification.object).accountID.intValue) { DDLogInfo(@"We did a non-smacks-resume reconnect, resetting some of our state..."); DDLogVerbose(@"Current state: %@", self.state); //we bound a new xmpp session --> reset our whole state self.openBundleFetchCnt = 0; self.closedBundleFetchCnt = 0; self.state.openBundleFetches = [NSMutableDictionary new]; self.state.openDevicelistFetches = [NSMutableSet new]; self.state.openDevicelistSubscriptions = [NSMutableSet new]; self.ownDeviceList = [[self knownDevicesForAddressName:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid] mutableCopy]; DDLogVerbose(@"Own devicelist for account %@ is now: %@", self.account, self.ownDeviceList); //we will get our own devicelist when sending our first presence after being bound (because we are using +notify for the devicelist) self.state.hasSeenDeviceList = NO; //the catchup is still pending after being bound (mam catchup) self.state.catchupDone = NO; DDLogVerbose(@"New state: %@", self.state); } #endif } -(void) handleCatchupDone:(NSNotification*) notification { #ifndef DISABLE_OMEMO //this event will be called as soon as mam OR smacks catchup on our account is done, it does not wait for muc mam catchups! if(self.account.accountID.intValue == ((xmpp*)notification.object).accountID.intValue) { DDLogInfo(@"Catchup done now, handling omemo stuff..."); DDLogVerbose(@"Current state: %@", self.state); //the catchup completed now self.state.catchupDone = YES; //if we did not see our own devicelist until now that means the server does not have any devicelist stored //OR: our own devicelist could have been delayed by the server having to do a disco query to us to discover our +notify //for the devicelist (e.g. either we are the first omemo capable client, or the devicelist has just been delayed) //--> forcefully fetch devicelist to be sure (but don't subscribe, we are +notify and have a presence subscription to our own account) //If our device is not listed in this devicelist node, that fetch and the headline push eventually coming in //may both trigger a devicelist publish, but that should not do any harm if(self.state.hasSeenDeviceList == NO) { DDLogInfo(@"We did not see any devicelist during catchup since last non-smacks-resume reconnect, forcefully fetching own devicelist..."); [self queryOMEMODevices:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid withSubscribe:NO]; } else { [self generateNewKeysIfNeeded]; //generate new prekeys if needed and publish them [self repairQueuedSessions]; } } #endif } -(void) handleOwnDevicelistFetchError { //devicelist could neither be fetched explicitly nor by using +notify --> publish own devicelist by faking an empty server-sent devicelist //self.state.hasSeenDeviceList will be set to YES once the published devicelist gets returned to us by a pubsub headline echo //(e.g. once the devicelist was safely stored on our server) DDLogInfo(@"Could not fetch own devicelist, faking empty devicelist to publish our own deviceid..."); [self processOMEMODevices:[NSSet<NSNumber*> new] from:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid]; [self repairQueuedSessions]; } -(void) repairQueuedSessions { DDLogInfo(@"Own devicelist was handled, now trying to repair queued sessions..."); //send all needed key transport elements now (added by incoming catchup messages or bundle fetches) //the queue is needed to make sure we won't send multiple key transport messages to a single contact/device //only because we received multiple messages from this user in the catchup or fetched multiple bundles //queuedKeyTransportElements will survive any smacks or non-smacks resumptions and eventually trigger key transport elements //once the catchup could be finished (could take several smacks resumptions to finish the whole (mam) catchup) //has to be synchronized because [xmpp sendMessage:] could be called from main thread @synchronized(self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements) { DDLogDebug(@"Replaying queuedKeyTransportElements for all jids: %@", self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements); for(NSString* jid in [self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements allKeys]) [self retriggerKeyTransportElementsForJid:jid]; } //handle all broken sessions now (e.g. reestablish them by fetching their bundles and sending key transport elements afterwards) //the code handling the fetched bundle will check for an entry in queuedSessionRepairs and send //a key transport element if such an entry can be found //it removes the entry in queuedSessionRepairs afterwards, so no need to remove it here //queuedSessionRepairs will survive a non-smacks relogin and trigger these dropped bundle fetches again to complete them //has to be synchronized because [xmpp sendMessage:] could be called from main thread @synchronized(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs) { DDLogDebug(@"Replaying queuedSessionRepairs: %@", self.state.queuedSessionRepairs); for(NSString* jid in self.state.queuedSessionRepairs) for(NSNumber* rid in self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[jid]) [self queryOMEMOBundleFrom:jid andDevice:rid]; } //check bundle fetch status and inform ui if we are now catchupDone *and* all bundles are fetched //(this method is only called by the catchupDone handler above or by the devicelist fetch triggered by the catchupDone handler) [self checkBundleFetchCount]; DDLogVerbose(@"New state: %@", self.state); } -(void) retriggerKeyTransportElementsForJid:(NSString*) jid { //send all needed key transport elements now (added by incoming catchup messages or bundle fetches) //the queue is needed to make sure we won't send multiple key transport messages to a single contact/device //only because we received multiple messages from this user in the catchup or fetched multiple bundles //queuedKeyTransportElements will survive any smacks or non-smacks resumptions and eventually trigger key transport elements //once the catchup could be finished (could take several smacks resumptions to finish the whole (mam) catchup) //has to be synchronized because [xmpp sendMessage:] could be called from main thread @synchronized(self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements) { NSMutableSet* rids = self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements[jid]; if(rids == nil) { DDLogVerbose(@"No key transport elements queued for %@", jid); return; } DDLogDebug(@"Replaying queuedKeyTransportElements for %@: %@", jid, rids); //rids can be added back by sendKeyTransportElement: if the sending is still blocked by open bundle fetches etc. [self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements removeObjectForKey:jid]; [self sendKeyTransportElement:jid forRids:rids]; } } $$instance_handler(devicelistHandler, account.omemo, $$ID(xmpp*, account), $$ID(NSString*, node), $$ID(NSString*, jid), $$ID(NSString*, type), $_ID((NSDictionary<NSString*, MLXMLNode*>*), data)) //type will be "publish", "retract", "purge" or "delete". "publish" and "retract" will have the data dictionary filled with id --> data pairs //the data for "publish" is the item node with the given id, the data for "retract" is always @YES MLAssert([node isEqualToString:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist"], @"pep node must be 'eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist'"); NSSet<NSNumber*>* deviceIds = [NSSet new]; //default value used for retract, purge and delete if([type isEqualToString:@"publish"]) { MLXMLNode* publishedDevices = [data objectForKey:@"current"]; if(publishedDevices == nil && data.count == 1) { DDLogInfo(@"Client does not use 'current' as item id for it's bundle! keys=%@", [data allKeys]); //some clients do not use <item id="current"> publishedDevices = [[data allValues] firstObject]; } else if(publishedDevices == nil && data.count > 1) DDLogWarn(@"More than one devicelist item found from %@, ignoring all items!", jid); if(publishedDevices != nil) deviceIds = [[NSSet<NSNumber*> alloc] initWithArray:[publishedDevices find:@"{eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl}list/device@id|uint"]]; } //this will add our own deviceid if the devicelist is our own and our deviceid is missing [self processOMEMODevices:deviceIds from:jid]; //mark our own devicelist as received (e.g. not empty on the server) if([jid isEqualToString:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid]) { DDLogInfo(@"Marking our own devicelist as seen now..."); self.state.hasSeenDeviceList = YES; } $$ -(void) queryOMEMODevices:(NSString*) jid withSubscribe:(BOOL) subscribe { //don't fetch devicelist twice (could be triggered by multiple useractions in a row) if([self.state.openDevicelistFetches containsObject:jid]) DDLogInfo(@"Deduplicated devicelist fetches from %@", jid); else { //fetch newest devicelist (this is needed even after a subscribe on at least prosody) [self.account.pubsub fetchNode:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist" from:jid withItemsList:nil andHandler:$newHandlerWithInvalidation(self, handleDevicelistFetch, handleDevicelistFetchInvalidation, $BOOL(subscribe))]; [self.state.openDevicelistFetches addObject:jid]; [self sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:jid]; } } $$instance_handler(handleDevicelistSubscribeInvalidation, account.omemo, $$ID(xmpp*, account), $$ID(NSString*, jid)) //mark devicelist subscription as done [self.state.openDevicelistSubscriptions removeObject:jid]; [self sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:jid]; $$ $$instance_handler(handleDevicelistSubscribe, account.omemo, $$ID(xmpp*, account), $$ID(NSString*, jid), $$BOOL(success), $_ID(XMPPIQ*, errorIq), $_ID(NSString*, errorReason)) [self.state.openDevicelistSubscriptions removeObject:jid]; if(success == NO) { // TODO: improve error handling if(errorIq) DDLogError(@"Error while subscribe to omemo deviceslist from: %@ - %@", jid, errorIq); else DDLogError(@"Error while subscribe to omemo deviceslist from: %@ - %@", jid, errorReason); } [self sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:jid]; $$ $$instance_handler(handleDevicelistFetchInvalidation, account.omemo, $$ID(xmpp*, account), $$ID(NSString*, jid)) //mark devicelist fetch as done [self.state.openDevicelistFetches removeObject:jid]; //our own devicelist fetch can't be invalidated because of a iq timeout introduced by a slow s2s connection //--> the only reason for such an invalidation can be a disconnect/bind and in this case we don't need to do something // because the fetch will be retriggered after the next catchup //[self handleOwnDevicelistFetchError]; //retrigger queued key transport elements for this jid (if any) [self retriggerKeyTransportElementsForJid:jid]; [self sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:jid]; $$ $$instance_handler(handleDevicelistFetch, account.omemo, $$ID(xmpp*, account), $$BOOL(subscribe), $$ID(NSString*, jid), $$BOOL(success), $_ID(XMPPIQ*, errorIq), $_ID(NSString*, errorReason), $_ID((NSDictionary<NSString*, MLXMLNode*>*), data)) //mark devicelist fetch as done [self.state.openDevicelistFetches removeObject:jid]; if(success == NO) { if(errorIq) DDLogError(@"Error while fetching omemo devices: jid: %@ - %@", jid, errorIq); else DDLogError(@"Error while fetching omemo devices: jid: %@ - %@", jid, errorReason); if([self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid isEqualToString:jid]) [self handleOwnDevicelistFetchError]; else { // TODO: improve error handling } } else { if(subscribe && ![self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid isEqualToString:jid]) { DDLogInfo(@"Successfully fetched devicelist, now subscribing to this node for updates..."); //don't subscribe devicelist twice (could be triggered by multiple useractions in a row) if([self.state.openDevicelistSubscriptions containsObject:jid]) DDLogInfo(@"Deduplicated devicelist subscribe from %@", jid); else [self.account.pubsub subscribeToNode:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist" onJid:jid withHandler:$newHandlerWithInvalidation(self, handleDevicelistSubscribe, handleDevicelistSubscribeInvalidation)]; } MLXMLNode* publishedDevices = [data objectForKey:@"current"]; if(publishedDevices == nil && data.count == 1) { DDLogInfo(@"Client does not use 'current' as item id for it's bundle! keys=%@", [data allKeys]); //some clients do not use <item id="current"> publishedDevices = [[data allValues] firstObject]; } else if(publishedDevices == nil && data.count > 1) DDLogWarn(@"More than one devicelist item found from %@, ignoring all items!", jid); if(publishedDevices) { NSSet<NSNumber*>* deviceSet = [[NSSet<NSNumber*> alloc] initWithArray:[publishedDevices find:@"{eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl}list/device@id|uint"]]; [self processOMEMODevices:deviceSet from:jid]; } } if([self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid isEqualToString:jid]) [self repairQueuedSessions]; //now try to repair all broken sessions (our catchup is now really done) else [self retriggerKeyTransportElementsForJid:jid]; //retrigger queued key transport elements for this jid (if any) [self sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:jid]; $$ -(void) processOMEMODevices:(NSSet<NSNumber*>*) receivedDevices from:(NSString*) source { DDLogVerbose(@"Processing omemo devices from %@: %@", source, receivedDevices); NSMutableSet<NSNumber*>* existingDevices = [[self knownDevicesForAddressName:source] mutableCopy]; // ensure that we refetch bundles of devices with broken bundles again after some time NSSet<NSNumber*>* existingDevicesReqPendingFetch = [NSSet setWithArray:[self.monalSignalStore knownDevicesWithPendingBrokenSessionHandling:source]]; [existingDevices minusSet:existingDevicesReqPendingFetch]; NSMutableSet<NSNumber*>* removedDevices = [existingDevices mutableCopy]; [removedDevices minusSet:receivedDevices]; DDLogVerbose(@"Removed devices detected: %@", removedDevices); //iterate through all received deviceids and query the corresponding bundle, if we don't know that deviceid yet for(NSNumber* deviceId in receivedDevices) { //remove mark that the device was not found in the devicelist (if that mark was present) [self.monalSignalStore removeDeviceDeletedMark:[[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:source deviceId:deviceId.unsignedIntValue]]; //fetch bundle of this device if it's a new device or if the session to this device is broken, but only do this for remote devices //this will automatically send a key transport element to this device, once the bundle arrives and the session is still broken if(![existingDevices containsObject:deviceId] && deviceId.unsignedIntValue != self.monalSignalStore.deviceid) { DDLogDebug(@"Device new or session broken, fetching bundle %@ (again)...", deviceId); [self queryOMEMOBundleFrom:source andDevice:deviceId]; } } //remove devices from our signalStorage when they are no longer published for(NSNumber* deviceId in removedDevices) { //only delete other devices from signal store but keep the entry for this device if(![source isEqualToString:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid] || deviceId.unsignedIntValue != self.monalSignalStore.deviceid) { DDLogDebug(@"Removing device %@", deviceId); SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:source deviceId:deviceId.unsignedIntValue]; [self.monalSignalStore markDeviceAsDeleted:address]; } } //remove deviceids from queuedSessionRepairs list if these devices are no longer available @synchronized(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs) { if(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[source] != nil) for(NSNumber* brokenRid in [self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[source] copy]) if(![receivedDevices containsObject:brokenRid]) { DDLogDebug(@"Removing deviceid %@ on jid %@ from queuedSessionRepairs...", brokenRid, source); [self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[source] removeObject:brokenRid]; } } //handle our own devicelist if([self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid isEqualToString:source]) [self handleOwnDevicelistUpdate:receivedDevices]; else [self notifyKnownDevicesUpdated:source]; } -(void) handleOwnDevicelistUpdate:(NSSet<NSNumber*>*) receivedDevices { //check for new deviceids not previously known, but only if this isn't the first login we see a devicelist //this has to be a property of the xmpp class to persist it even across state resets if(self.account.hasSeenOmemoDeviceListAfterOwnDeviceid) { NSMutableSet<NSNumber*>* newDevices = [receivedDevices mutableCopy]; [newDevices minusSet:self.ownDeviceList]; //alert for all devices now still listed in newDevices for(NSNumber* device in newDevices) if([device unsignedIntValue] != self.monalSignalStore.deviceid) { DDLogWarn(@"Got new deviceid %@ for own account %@", device, self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid); UNMutableNotificationContent* content = [UNMutableNotificationContent new]; content.title = NSLocalizedString(@"New omemo device", @"");; content.subtitle = self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid; content.body = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Detected a new omemo device on your account: %@", @""), device]; content.sound = [UNNotificationSound defaultSound]; content.categoryIdentifier = @"simple"; UNNotificationRequest* request = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"newOwnOmemoDevice::%@::%@", self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid, device] content:content trigger:nil]; NSError* error = [HelperTools postUserNotificationRequest:request]; if(error) DDLogError(@"Error posting new deviceid notification: %@", error); } } //update own devicelist (this can be an empty list, if the list on our server is empty) self.ownDeviceList = [receivedDevices mutableCopy]; //this has to be a property of the xmpp class to persist it even across state resets self.account.hasSeenOmemoDeviceListAfterOwnDeviceid = YES; DDLogVerbose(@"Own devicelist for account %@ is now: %@", self.account, self.ownDeviceList); //make sure to add our own deviceid to the devicelist if it's not yet there if(![self.ownDeviceList containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:self.monalSignalStore.deviceid]]) { [self.ownDeviceList addObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:self.monalSignalStore.deviceid]]; //generate new prekeys (piggyback the prekey refill onto the bundle push already needed because our device was unknown before) //publishing our prekey bundle must be done BEFORE publishing a new devicelist containing our deviceid DDLogDebug(@"Publishing own OMEMO bundle..."); //in this case (e.g. deviceid unknown) we can't be sure our bundle is saved on the server already //--> publish bundle even if generateNewKeysIfNeeded did not publish a bundle if([self generateNewKeysIfNeeded] == NO) [self sendOMEMOBundle]; //publish own devicelist directly after publishing our bundle [self publishOwnDeviceList]; } [self notifyKnownDevicesUpdated:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid]; } -(void) publishOwnDeviceList { DDLogInfo(@"Publishing own OMEMO device list..."); MLXMLNode* listNode = [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"list" andNamespace:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl"]; for(NSNumber* deviceNum in self.ownDeviceList) [listNode addChildNode:[[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"device" withAttributes:@{kId: [deviceNum stringValue]} andChildren:@[] andData:nil]]; [self.account.pubsub publishItem:[[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"item" withAttributes:@{kId: @"current"} andChildren:@[ listNode, ] andData:nil] onNode:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist" withConfigOptions:@{ @"pubsub#persist_items": @"true", @"pubsub#access_model": @"open" }]; } -(void) queryOMEMOBundleFrom:(NSString*) jid andDevice:(NSNumber*) deviceid { //don't fetch bundle twice (could be triggered by multiple devicelist pushes in a row) if(self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] != nil && [self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] containsObject:deviceid]) { DDLogInfo(@"Deduplicated bundle fetches of deviceid %@ from %@", jid, deviceid); return; } //update bundle fetch status self.openBundleFetchCnt++; [[MLNotificationQueue currentQueue] postNotificationName:kMonalUpdateBundleFetchStatus object:self userInfo:@{ @"accountID": self.account.accountID, @"completed": @(self.closedBundleFetchCnt), @"all": @(self.openBundleFetchCnt + self.closedBundleFetchCnt) }]; NSString* bundleNode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.bundles:%@", deviceid]; [self.account.pubsub fetchNode:bundleNode from:jid withItemsList:nil andHandler:$newHandlerWithInvalidation(self, handleBundleFetchResult, handleBundleFetchInvalidation, $ID(jid), $ID(rid, deviceid))]; if(self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] == nil) self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] = [NSMutableSet new]; [self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] addObject:deviceid]; [self sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:jid]; } //don't mark any devices as deleted in this invalidation handler (like we do for an error in the normal handler below), //because a timeout could mean a very slow s2s connection and a disconnect will invalidate all handlers, too //--> we don't want to delete the device in this cases $$instance_handler(handleBundleFetchInvalidation, account.omemo, $$ID(xmpp*, account), $$ID(NSString*, jid), $$ID(NSNumber*, rid)) //mark bundle fetch as done if(self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] != nil && [self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] containsObject:rid]) [self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] removeObject:rid]; if(self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] != nil && self.state.openBundleFetches[jid].count == 0) [self.state.openBundleFetches removeObjectForKey:jid]; //update bundle fetch status (this has to be done even in error cases!) [self decrementBundleFetchCount]; //retrigger queued key transport elements for this jid (if any) [self retriggerKeyTransportElementsForJid:jid]; [self sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:jid]; $$ $$instance_handler(handleBundleFetchResult, account.omemo, $$ID(xmpp*, account), $$ID(NSString*, jid), $$BOOL(success), $_ID(XMPPIQ*, errorIq), $_ID(NSString*, errorReason), $_ID((NSDictionary<NSString*, MLXMLNode*>*), data), $$ID(NSNumber*, rid)) //mark bundle fetch as done if(self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] != nil && [self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] containsObject:rid]) [self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] removeObject:rid]; if(self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] != nil && self.state.openBundleFetches[jid].count == 0) [self.state.openBundleFetches removeObjectForKey:jid]; if(!success) { if(errorIq) { DDLogError(@"Could not fetch bundle from %@: rid: %@ - %@", jid, rid, errorIq); //delete this device for all non-wait errors if(![errorIq check:@"error<type=wait>"]) { [self handleBundleWithInvalidEntryForJid:jid andRid:rid]; } } //don't delete this device for errorReasons (normally server bugs or transient problems inside monal) else if(errorReason) DDLogError(@"Could not fetch bundle from %@: rid: %@ - %@", jid, rid, errorReason); } else { //check that a corresponding buddy exists -> prevent foreign key errors MLXMLNode* receivedKeys = data[@"current"]; if(receivedKeys == nil && data.count == 1) { DDLogInfo(@"Client does not use 'current' as item id for it's bundle! rid=%@, keys=%@", rid, [data allKeys]); //some clients do not use <item id="current"> receivedKeys = [[data allValues] firstObject]; } else if(receivedKeys == nil && data.count > 1) DDLogWarn(@"More than one bundle item found from %@ rid: %@, ignoring all items!", jid, rid); if(receivedKeys) [self processOMEMOKeys:receivedKeys forJid:jid andRid:rid]; else { DDLogWarn(@"Could not find any bundle in pubsub data from %@ rid: %@, data=%@", jid, rid, data); [self handleBundleWithInvalidEntryForJid:jid andRid:rid]; } } //update bundle fetch status (this has to be done even in error cases!) [self decrementBundleFetchCount]; //retrigger queued key transport elements for this jid (if any) [self retriggerKeyTransportElementsForJid:jid]; [self sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:jid]; $$ -(void) handleBundleWithInvalidEntryForJid:(NSString*) jid andRid:(NSNumber*) rid { SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:jid deviceId:rid.unsignedIntValue]; DDLogInfo(@"Marking device %@ bundle as broken, due to a invalid bundle", rid); [self.monalSignalStore markBundleAsBroken:address]; if([jid isEqualToString:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid] && rid.unsignedIntValue != self.monalSignalStore.deviceid) { DDLogInfo(@"Removing device %@ from own device list, due to a invalid bundle", rid); [self.monalSignalStore markDeviceAsDeleted:address]; // removing this device from own bundle [self.ownDeviceList removeObject:rid]; // publish updated device list [self publishOwnDeviceList]; } } -(BOOL) checkBundleFetchCount { if(self.openBundleFetchCnt == 0 && self.state.catchupDone) { //update bundle fetch status (e.g. complete) self.openBundleFetchCnt = 0; self.closedBundleFetchCnt = 0; [[MLNotificationQueue currentQueue] postNotificationName:kMonalFinishedOmemoBundleFetch object:self userInfo:@{ @"accountID": self.account.accountID, }]; return YES; } return NO; } -(void) decrementBundleFetchCount { //update bundle fetch status (e.g. pending) self.openBundleFetchCnt--; self.closedBundleFetchCnt++; //check if we should send a bundle fetch status update or if checkBundleFetchCount already sent the final finished notification for us if(![self checkBundleFetchCount]) { [[MLNotificationQueue currentQueue] postNotificationName:kMonalUpdateBundleFetchStatus object:self userInfo:@{ @"accountID": self.account.accountID, @"completed": @(self.closedBundleFetchCnt), @"all": @(self.openBundleFetchCnt + self.closedBundleFetchCnt), }]; } } -(void) processOMEMOKeys:(MLXMLNode*) item forJid:(NSString*) jid andRid:(NSNumber*) rid { MLAssert(self.signalContext != nil, @"self.signalContext must not be nil"); //there should only be one bundle per device //ignore all bundles, if this requirement is not met, to make sure we don't enter some //strange "omemo loop" with a broken remote software NSArray* bundles = [item find:@"{eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl}bundle"]; if([bundles count] != 1) { DDLogWarn(@"bundle count != 1, ignoring: %@", bundles); return; } MLXMLNode* bundle = [bundles firstObject]; //extract bundle data NSData* signedPreKeyPublic = [bundle findFirst:@"signedPreKeyPublic#|base64"]; NSNumber* signedPreKeyPublicId = [bundle findFirst:@"signedPreKeyPublic@signedPreKeyId|uint"]; NSData* signedPreKeySignature = [bundle findFirst:@"signedPreKeySignature#|base64"]; NSData* identityKey = [bundle findFirst:@"identityKey#|base64"]; //ignore bundles not conforming to the standard if(signedPreKeyPublic == nil || signedPreKeyPublicId == nil || signedPreKeySignature == nil || identityKey == nil) { DDLogWarn(@"Bundle not conforming to omemo standard, ignoring: signedPreKeyPublic=%@, signedPreKeyPublicId=%@, signedPreKeySignature=%@, identityKey=%@", signedPreKeyPublic, signedPreKeyPublicId, signedPreKeySignature, identityKey); return; } uint32_t deviceId = (uint32_t)rid.unsignedIntValue; SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:jid deviceId:deviceId]; SignalSessionBuilder* builder = [[SignalSessionBuilder alloc] initWithAddress:address context:self.signalContext]; NSArray<NSNumber*>* preKeyIds = [bundle find:@"prekeys/preKeyPublic@preKeyId|uint"]; if(preKeyIds == nil || preKeyIds.count == 0) { DDLogWarn(@"Could not create array of preKeyIds, ignoring: preKeyIds=%@ %lu", preKeyIds, (unsigned long)preKeyIds.count); return; } //parse preKeys unsigned long processedKeys = 0; do { // select random preKey and try to import it const uint32_t preKeyIdxToTest = arc4random_uniform((uint32_t)preKeyIds.count); // load preKey NSNumber* preKeyId = preKeyIds[preKeyIdxToTest]; if(preKeyId == nil) continue;; NSData* key = [bundle findFirst:@"prekeys/preKeyPublic<preKeyId=%@>#|base64", preKeyId]; if(!key) continue; DDLogDebug(@"Generating keyBundle for jid: %@ rid: %u and key id %@...", jid, deviceId, preKeyId); NSError* error; SignalPreKeyBundle* keyBundle = [[SignalPreKeyBundle alloc] initWithRegistrationId:0 deviceId:deviceId preKeyId:[preKeyId unsignedIntValue] preKeyPublic:key signedPreKeyId:signedPreKeyPublicId.unsignedIntValue signedPreKeyPublic:signedPreKeyPublic signature:signedPreKeySignature identityKey:identityKey error:&error]; if(error || !keyBundle) { DDLogWarn(@"Error creating preKeyBundle: %@", error); continue; } [builder processPreKeyBundle:keyBundle error:&error]; if(error) { DDLogWarn(@"Error adding preKeyBundle: %@", error); continue; } // mark session as functional SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:jid deviceId:(uint32_t)rid.unsignedIntValue]; [self.monalSignalStore markBundleAsFixed:address]; //found and imported a working key --> try to (re)build a new session proactively (or repair a broken one) [self sendKeyTransportElement:jid forRids:[NSSet setWithArray:@[rid]]]; //this will remove the queuedSessionRepairs entry, if any [self notifyKnownDevicesUpdated:jid]; return; } while(++processedKeys < preKeyIds.count); DDLogError(@"Could not import a single prekey from bundle for rid %@ (tried %lu keys)", rid, processedKeys); //TODO: should we blacklist this device id? @synchronized(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs) { //remove this jid-rid combinations from queuedSessionRepairs if(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[jid] != nil) { DDLogDebug(@"Removing deviceid %@ on jid %@ from queuedSessionRepairs...", rid, jid); [self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[jid] removeObject:rid]; } } } -(void) rebuildSessionWithJid:(NSString*) jid forRid:(NSNumber*) rid { //don't rebuild session to ourselves (MUST be scoped by jid for omemo 2) if(rid.unsignedIntValue == self.monalSignalStore.deviceid) return; //mark session as broken SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:jid deviceId:(uint32_t)rid.unsignedIntValue]; [self.monalSignalStore markSessionAsBroken:address]; //queue all actions until the catchup was done if(!self.state.catchupDone) { DDLogDebug(@"Adding deviceid %@ for jid %@ to queuedSessionRepairs...", rid, jid); @synchronized(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs) { if(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[jid] == nil) self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[jid] = [NSMutableSet new]; [self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[jid] addObject:rid]; } return; } //this will query the bundle and send a key transport element to rebuild the session afterwards DDLogDebug(@"Trying to repair session with deviceid %@ on jid %@...", rid, jid); [self queryOMEMOBundleFrom:jid andDevice:rid]; } -(void) sendKeyTransportElement:(NSString*) jid forRids:(NSSet<NSNumber*>*) rids { //queue all actions until the catchup was done //OR //queue all actions until all devicelists and bundles of this jid are fetched if(!self.state.catchupDone || ([self.state.openDevicelistFetches containsObject:jid] || (self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] != nil && self.state.openBundleFetches[jid].count > 0))) { @synchronized(self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements) { if(self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements[jid] == nil) self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements[jid] = [NSMutableSet new]; [self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements[jid] unionSet:rids]; } return; } //generate new prekeys if needed and publish them //this is important to empower the remote device to build a new session for us using prekeys, if needed [self generateNewKeysIfNeeded]; //send key-transport element for all known rids (e.g. devices) to recover broken sessions //this will remove any queued key transport elements for rids used to encrypt so that we only send one key transport element DDLogDebug(@"Sending KeyTransportElement to jid: %@", jid); XMPPMessage* messageNode = [[XMPPMessage alloc] initWithType:kMessageChatType to:jid]; [self encryptMessage:messageNode withMessage:nil toContact:jid]; [self.account send:messageNode]; @synchronized(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs) { //remove this jid-rid combinations from queuedSessionRepairs for(NSNumber* rid in rids) if(rid != nil && self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[jid] != nil) { DDLogDebug(@"Removing deviceid %@ on jid %@ from queuedSessionRepairs...", rid, jid); [self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[jid] removeObject:rid]; } } } -(void) removeQueuedKeyTransportElementsFor:(NSString*) jid andDevices:(NSSet*) devices { @synchronized(self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements) { if(self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements[jid] != nil) { [self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements[jid] minusSet:devices]; if(self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements[jid].count == 0) [self.state.queuedKeyTransportElements removeObjectForKey:jid]; } } } -(void) sendOMEMOBundle { MLAssert(self.monalSignalStore.deviceid > 0, @"Tried to publish own bundle without knowing my own deviceid!"); MLXMLNode* prekeyNode = [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"prekeys"]; for(SignalPreKey* prekey in [self.monalSignalStore readPreKeys]) [prekeyNode addChildNode:[[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"preKeyPublic" withAttributes:@{ @"preKeyId": [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u", prekey.preKeyId], } andChildren:@[] andData:[HelperTools encodeBase64WithData:prekey.keyPair.publicKey]]]; //publish whole bundle via pubsub interface [self.account.pubsub publishItem:[[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"item" withAttributes:@{kId: @"current"} andChildren:@[ [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"bundle" andNamespace:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl" withAttributes:@{} andChildren:@[ [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"signedPreKeyPublic" withAttributes:@{ @"signedPreKeyId": [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u",self.monalSignalStore.signedPreKey.preKeyId] } andChildren:@[] andData:[HelperTools encodeBase64WithData:self.monalSignalStore.signedPreKey.keyPair.publicKey]], [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"signedPreKeySignature" withAttributes:@{} andChildren:@[] andData:[HelperTools encodeBase64WithData:self.monalSignalStore.signedPreKey.signature]], [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"identityKey" withAttributes:@{} andChildren:@[] andData:[HelperTools encodeBase64WithData:self.monalSignalStore.identityKeyPair.publicKey]], prekeyNode, ] andData:nil] ] andData:nil] onNode:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.bundles:%u", self.monalSignalStore.deviceid] withConfigOptions:@{ @"pubsub#persist_items": @"true", @"pubsub#access_model": @"open" }]; } /* * generates new omemo keys if we have less than MIN_OMEMO_KEYS left * returns YES if keys were generated and the new omemo bundle was send */ -(BOOL) generateNewKeysIfNeeded { // generate new keys if less than MIN_OMEMO_KEYS are available unsigned int preKeyCount = [self.monalSignalStore getPreKeyCount]; if(preKeyCount < MIN_OMEMO_KEYS) { SignalKeyHelper* signalHelper = [[SignalKeyHelper alloc] initWithContext:self.signalContext]; // Generate new keys so that we have a total of MAX_OMEMO_KEYS keys again int lastPreyKedId = [self.monalSignalStore getHighestPreyKeyId]; if(MAX_OMEMO_KEYS < preKeyCount) { DDLogWarn(@"OMEMO MAX_OMEMO_KEYs has changed: MAX: %zu current: %u", MAX_OMEMO_KEYS, preKeyCount); return NO; } size_t cntKeysNeeded = MAX_OMEMO_KEYS - preKeyCount; if(cntKeysNeeded == 0) { DDLogWarn(@"No new prekeys needed"); return NO; } // Start generating with keyId > last send key id self.monalSignalStore.preKeys = [signalHelper generatePreKeysWithStartingPreKeyId:(lastPreyKedId + 1) count:cntKeysNeeded]; [self.monalSignalStore saveValues]; // send out new omemo bundle [self sendOMEMOBundle]; return YES; } return NO; } -(MLXMLNode* _Nullable) encryptString:(NSString* _Nullable) message toDeviceids:(NSDictionary<NSString*, NSSet<NSNumber*>*>*) contactDeviceMap { MLXMLNode* encrypted = [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"encrypted" andNamespace:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl"]; MLEncryptedPayload* encryptedPayload; if(message) { // Encrypt message encryptedPayload = [AESGcm encrypt:[message dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] keySize:KEY_SIZE]; if(encryptedPayload == nil) { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Could not encrypt normal message: AESGcm error"); return nil; } [encrypted addChildNode:[[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"payload" andData:[HelperTools encodeBase64WithData:encryptedPayload.body]]]; } else { //there is no message that can be encrypted -> create new session keys (e.g. this is a key transport message) NSData* newKey = [AESGcm genKey:KEY_SIZE]; NSData* newIv = [AESGcm genIV]; if(newKey == nil || newIv == nil) { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Could not create key or iv"); return nil; } encryptedPayload = [[MLEncryptedPayload alloc] initWithKey:newKey iv:newIv]; if(encryptedPayload == nil) { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Could not encrypt transport message: AESGcm error"); return nil; } } //add crypto header with our own deviceid MLXMLNode* header = [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"header" withAttributes:@{ @"sid": [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u", self.monalSignalStore.deviceid], } andChildren:@[ [[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"iv" andData:[HelperTools encodeBase64WithData:encryptedPayload.iv]], ] andData:nil]; //add encryption for all given contacts' devices for(NSString* recipient in contactDeviceMap) { DDLogVerbose(@"Adding encryption for devices of %@: %@", recipient, contactDeviceMap[recipient]); [self addEncryptionKeyForAllDevices:contactDeviceMap[recipient] encryptForJid:recipient withEncryptedPayload:encryptedPayload withXMLHeader:header]; } [encrypted addChildNode:header]; return encrypted; } -(void) encryptMessage:(XMPPMessage*) messageNode withMessage:(NSString* _Nullable) message toContact:(NSString*) toContact { MLAssert(self.signalContext != nil, @"signalContext should be initiated."); //add xmpp message fallback body (needed to make clear that this is not a key transport message) //don't remove this, message contains the cleartext message! if(message) [messageNode setBody:@"[This message is OMEMO encrypted]"]; else { //KeyTransportElements don't contain a body --> force storage to MAM nonetheless [messageNode setStoreHint]; } NSMutableSet<NSString*>* recipients = [NSMutableSet new]; if([[DataLayer sharedInstance] isBuddyMuc:toContact forAccount:self.account.accountID]) for(NSDictionary* participant in [[DataLayer sharedInstance] getMembersAndParticipantsOfMuc:toContact forAccountID:self.account.accountID]) { if(participant[@"participant_jid"]) [recipients addObject:participant[@"participant_jid"]]; else if(participant[@"member_jid"]) [recipients addObject:participant[@"member_jid"]]; } else [recipients addObject:toContact]; //remove own jid from recipients (our own devices get special treatment via myDevices NSSet below) [recipients removeObject:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid]; NSMutableDictionary<NSString*, NSSet<NSNumber*>*>* contactDeviceMap = [NSMutableDictionary new]; for(NSString* recipient in recipients) { //contactDeviceMap NSMutableSet<NSNumber*>* recipientDevices = [NSMutableSet new]; [recipientDevices addObjectsFromArray:[self.monalSignalStore knownDevicesWithValidSession:recipient]]; // add devices with known but old broken session to trigger a bundle refetch [recipientDevices addObjectsFromArray:[self.monalSignalStore knownDevicesWithPendingBrokenSessionHandling:recipient]]; if(recipientDevices && recipientDevices.count > 0) contactDeviceMap[recipient] = recipientDevices; } //check if we found omemo keys of at least one of the recipients or more than 1 own device, otherwise don't encrypt anything NSSet<NSNumber*>* myDevices = [self knownDevicesForAddressName:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid]; if(contactDeviceMap.count > 0 || myDevices.count > 1) { //add encryption for all of our own devices to contactDeviceMap DDLogVerbose(@"Adding encryption for OWN (%@) devices to contactDeviceMap: %@", self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid, myDevices); contactDeviceMap[self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid] = myDevices; //now encrypt everything to all collected deviceids MLXMLNode* envelope = [self encryptString:message toDeviceids:contactDeviceMap]; if(envelope == nil) { DDLogError(@"Got nil envelope!"); return; } [messageNode addChildNode:envelope]; } } -(NSNumber* _Nullable) getTrustLevelForJid:(NSString*) jid andDeviceId:(NSNumber*) deviceid { SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:jid deviceId:(uint32_t)deviceid.unsignedIntValue]; NSData* identity = [self.monalSignalStore getIdentityForAddress:address]; if(!identity) { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Could not get Identity for: %@ device id %@", jid, deviceid); return nil; } return [self getTrustLevel:address identityKey:identity]; } -(void) addEncryptionKeyForAllDevices:(NSSet<NSNumber*>*) devices encryptForJid:(NSString*) encryptForJid withEncryptedPayload:(MLEncryptedPayload*) encryptedPayload withXMLHeader:(MLXMLNode*) xmlHeader { NSMutableSet* usedRids = [NSMutableSet new]; //encrypt message for all given deviceids for(NSNumber* device in devices) { //do not encrypt for our own device (MUST be scoped by jid for omemo 2) if(device.unsignedIntValue == self.monalSignalStore.deviceid) continue; if(self.state.openBundleFetches[encryptForJid] != nil && [self.state.openBundleFetches[encryptForJid] containsObject:device]) { DDLogWarn(@"Ignoring deviceid %@ of %@ for KeyTransportElement: bundle fetch still pending...", device, encryptForJid); continue; } SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:encryptForJid deviceId:(uint32_t)device.unsignedIntValue]; NSData* identity = [self.monalSignalStore getIdentityForAddress:address]; if(!identity) { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Could not get Identity for: %@ device id %@", encryptForJid, device); //TODO: is it correct to rebuild broken(?) session here, too? [self rebuildSessionWithJid:encryptForJid forRid:device]; continue; } //only encrypt for devices that are trusted (tofu or explicitly) if([self.monalSignalStore isTrustedIdentity:address identityKey:identity]) { SignalSessionCipher* cipher = [[SignalSessionCipher alloc] initWithAddress:address context:self.signalContext]; NSError* error; SignalCiphertext* deviceEncryptedKey = [cipher encryptData:encryptedPayload.key error:&error]; if(error) { //only show errors not being of type "unknown error" if(![error.domain isEqualToString:@"org.whispersystems.SignalProtocol"] || error.code != 0) showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Error while adding encryption key for jid: %@ device: %@ error: %@", encryptForJid, device, error); [self rebuildSessionWithJid:encryptForJid forRid:device]; continue; } [xmlHeader addChildNode:[[MLXMLNode alloc] initWithElement:@"key" withAttributes:@{ @"rid": [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", device], @"prekey": (deviceEncryptedKey.type == SignalCiphertextTypePreKeyMessage ? @"1" : @"0"), } andChildren:@[] andData:[HelperTools encodeBase64WithData:deviceEncryptedKey.data]]]; //record this deviceid as used for encryption (it doesn't need any further key transport element potentially already queued) [usedRids addObject:device]; } } //remove queued key transport element entry [self removeQueuedKeyTransportElementsFor:encryptForJid andDevices:usedRids]; } -(NSString* _Nullable) decryptOmemoEnvelope:(MLXMLNode*) envelope forSenderJid:(NSString*) senderJid andReturnErrorString:(BOOL) returnErrorString { DDLogVerbose(@"OMEMO envelope: %@", envelope); if(![envelope check:@"header"]) { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"decryptOmemoEnvelope called but the envelope has no encryption header"); return nil; } BOOL isKeyTransportElement = ![envelope check:@"payload"]; NSNumber* sid = [envelope findFirst:@"header@sid|uint"]; SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:senderJid deviceId:(uint32_t)sid.unsignedIntValue]; if(!self.signalContext) { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Missing signal context in decrypt!"); return !returnErrorString ? nil : NSLocalizedString(@"Error decrypting message", @""); } //don't try to decrypt our own messages (could be mirrored by MUC etc.) if([senderJid isEqualToString:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid] && sid.unsignedIntValue == self.monalSignalStore.deviceid) return nil; NSData* messageKey = [envelope findFirst:@"header/key<rid=%u>#|base64", self.monalSignalStore.deviceid]; BOOL devicePreKey = [[envelope findFirst:@"header/key<rid=%u>@prekey|bool", self.monalSignalStore.deviceid] boolValue]; DDLogVerbose(@"Decrypting using:\nrid=%u --> messageKey=%@\nrid=%u --> isPreKey=%@", self.monalSignalStore.deviceid, messageKey, self.monalSignalStore.deviceid, bool2str(devicePreKey)); if(!messageKey && isKeyTransportElement) { DDLogVerbose(@"Received KeyTransportElement without our own rid included --> Ignore it"); return nil; } else if(!messageKey) { DDLogError(@"Message was not encrypted for this device: %u", self.monalSignalStore.deviceid); [self rebuildSessionWithJid:senderJid forRid:sid]; return !returnErrorString ? nil : [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Message was not encrypted for this device. Please make sure the sender trusts deviceid %u.", @""), self.monalSignalStore.deviceid]; } else { SignalSessionCipher* cipher = [[SignalSessionCipher alloc] initWithAddress:address context:self.signalContext]; SignalCiphertextType messagetype; //check if message is encrypted with a prekey if(devicePreKey) messagetype = SignalCiphertextTypePreKeyMessage; else messagetype = SignalCiphertextTypeMessage; NSData* decoded = messageKey; SignalCiphertext* ciphertext = [[SignalCiphertext alloc] initWithData:decoded type:messagetype]; NSError* error; NSData* decryptedKey = [cipher decryptCiphertext:ciphertext error:&error]; if(error != nil) { DDLogError(@"Could not decrypt to obtain key: %@", error); //don't report error or try to rebuild session, if this was just a duplicated message if([@"org.whispersystems.SignalProtocol" isEqualToString:error.domain] && error.code == 3) { DDLogDebug(@"Deduplicated %@ message via omemo...", isKeyTransportElement ? @"key transport" : @"normal"); return nil; } [self rebuildSessionWithJid:senderJid forRid:sid]; #ifdef IS_ALPHA if(isKeyTransportElement) return !returnErrorString ? nil : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"There was an error decrypting this encrypted KEY TRANSPORT message (Signal error). To resolve this, try sending an encrypted message to this person. (%@)", error]; #endif if(!isKeyTransportElement) return !returnErrorString ? nil : [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"There was an error decrypting this encrypted message (Signal error). To resolve this, try sending an encrypted message to this person. (%@)", @""), error]; return nil; } NSData* key; NSData* auth; if(decryptedKey == nil) { DDLogError(@"Could not decrypt to obtain key (returned nil)"); [self rebuildSessionWithJid:senderJid forRid:sid]; #ifdef IS_ALPHA if(isKeyTransportElement) return !returnErrorString ? nil : @"There was an error decrypting this encrypted KEY TRANSPORT message (Signal error). To resolve this, try sending an encrypted message to this person."; #endif if(!isKeyTransportElement) return !returnErrorString ? nil : NSLocalizedString(@"There was an error decrypting this encrypted message (Signal error). To resolve this, try sending an encrypted message to this person.", @""); return nil; } else { if(messagetype == SignalCiphertextTypePreKeyMessage) { //(re)build session [self sendKeyTransportElement:senderJid forRids:[NSSet setWithArray:@[sid]]]; } //save last successfull decryption time and remove possibly queued session repair [self.monalSignalStore updateLastSuccessfulDecryptTime:address]; @synchronized(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs) { if(self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[senderJid] != nil) { DDLogDebug(@"Removing deviceid %@ on jid %@ from queuedSessionRepairs (we successfully decrypted a message)...", sid, senderJid); [self.state.queuedSessionRepairs[senderJid] removeObject:sid]; } } //key transport elements have an empty payload --> nothing to return as decrypted if(isKeyTransportElement) { DDLogInfo(@"KeyTransportElement received from jid: %@ device: %@", senderJid, sid); #ifdef IS_ALPHA return !returnErrorString ? nil : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ALPHA_DEBUG_MESSAGE: KeyTransportElement received from jid: %@ device: %@", senderJid, sid]; #else return nil; #endif } //some clients have the auth parameter in the ciphertext? if(decryptedKey.length == 16 * 2) { key = [decryptedKey subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 16)]; auth = [decryptedKey subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(16, 16)]; } else key = decryptedKey; if(key != nil) { NSData* iv = [envelope findFirst:@"header/iv#|base64"]; NSData* decodedPayload = [envelope findFirst:@"payload#|base64"]; if(iv == nil || iv.length != 12) { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Could not decrypt message: iv length: %lu", (unsigned long)iv.length); return !returnErrorString ? nil : NSLocalizedString(@"Error while decrypting: iv.length != 12", @""); } if(decodedPayload == nil) { return !returnErrorString ? nil : NSLocalizedString(@"Error: Received OMEMO message is empty", @""); } NSData* decData = [AESGcm decrypt:decodedPayload withKey:key andIv:iv withAuth:auth]; if(decData == nil) { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Could not decrypt message with key that was decrypted. (GCM error)"); return !returnErrorString ? nil : NSLocalizedString(@"Encrypted message was sent in an older format Monal can't decrypt. Please ask them to update their client. (GCM error)", @""); } else DDLogInfo(@"Successfully decrypted message, passing back cleartext string..."); return [[NSString alloc] initWithData:decData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } else { showErrorOnAlpha(self.account, @"Could not get omemo decryption key"); return !returnErrorString ? nil : NSLocalizedString(@"Could not decrypt message", @""); } } } } -(NSString* _Nullable) decryptMessage:(XMPPMessage*) messageNode withMucParticipantJid:(NSString* _Nullable) mucParticipantJid { NSString* senderJid = nil; if([messageNode check:@"/<type=groupchat>"]) { if(mucParticipantJid == nil) { DDLogError(@"Could not get muc participant jid and corresponding signal address of muc participant '%@': %@", messageNode.from, mucParticipantJid); #ifdef IS_ALPHA return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Could not get muc participant jid and corresponding signal address of muc participant '%@': %@", messageNode.from, mucParticipantJid]; #else return nil; #endif } else senderJid = mucParticipantJid; } else senderJid = messageNode.fromUser; return [self decryptOmemoEnvelope:[messageNode findFirst:@"{eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl}encrypted"] forSenderJid:senderJid andReturnErrorString:YES]; } $$instance_handler(handleDevicelistUnsubscribe, account.omemo, $$ID(xmpp*, account), $$ID(NSString*, jid), $$BOOL(success), $_ID(XMPPIQ*, errorIq), $_ID(NSString*, errorReason)) if(success == NO) { if(errorIq) DDLogError(@"Error while unsubscribing omemo deviceslist from: %@ - %@", jid, errorIq); else DDLogError(@"Error while unsubscribing omemo deviceslist from: %@ - %@", jid, errorReason); } // TODO: improve error handling $$ //called after new contact was added via roster or a new MUC member was added by MLMucProcessor -(void) subscribeAndFetchDevicelistIfNoSessionExistsForJid:(NSString*) buddyJid { if([self.monalSignalStore sessionsExistForBuddy:buddyJid] == NO) { DDLogVerbose(@"No omemo session for %@", buddyJid); MLContact* contact = [MLContact createContactFromJid:buddyJid andAccountID:self.account.accountID]; //only subscribe if we don't receive automatic headline pushes of the devicelist DDLogVerbose(@"Fetching devicelist %@ from contact: %@", !contact.isSubscribedTo ? @"with subscribe" : @"without subscribe", contact); [self queryOMEMODevices:buddyJid withSubscribe:!contact.isSubscribedTo]; } else { //make sure we don't show the omemo key fetching hud forever [self sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:buddyJid]; } } //called after a buddy was deleted from roster OR by MLMucProcessor after a MUC member was removed -(void) checkIfSessionIsStillNeeded:(NSString*) buddyJid isMuc:(BOOL) isMuc { NSMutableSet<NSString*>* danglingJids = [NSMutableSet new]; if(isMuc == YES) danglingJids = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithSet:[self.monalSignalStore removeDanglingMucSessions]]; else if([self.monalSignalStore checkIfSessionIsStillNeeded:buddyJid] == NO) [danglingJids addObject:buddyJid]; DDLogVerbose(@"Unsubscribing from dangling jids: %@", danglingJids); for(NSString* jid in danglingJids) [self.account.pubsub unsubscribeFromNode:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist" forJid:jid withHandler:$newHandler(self, handleDevicelistUnsubscribe)]; [self notifyKnownDevicesUpdated:buddyJid]; } //interfaces for UI -(BOOL) isTrustedIdentity:(SignalAddress*) address identityKey:(NSData*) identityKey { return [self.monalSignalStore isTrustedIdentity:address identityKey:identityKey]; } -(NSNumber*) getTrustLevel:(SignalAddress*) address identityKey:(NSData*) identityKey { return [self.monalSignalStore getTrustLevel:address identityKey:identityKey]; } // add OMEMO identity manually to our signalstore // only intended to be called from OMEMO QR scan UI -(void) addIdentityManually:(SignalAddress*) address identityKey:(NSData* _Nonnull) identityKey { [self.monalSignalStore saveIdentity:address identityKey:identityKey]; [self notifyKnownDevicesUpdated:address.name]; } -(void) updateTrust:(BOOL) trust forAddress:(SignalAddress*)address { [self.monalSignalStore updateTrust:trust forAddress:address]; } -(void) untrustAllDevicesFrom:(NSString*) jid { [self.monalSignalStore untrustAllDevicesFrom:jid]; } -(NSData*) getIdentityForAddress:(SignalAddress*) address { return [self.monalSignalStore getIdentityForAddress:address]; } -(BOOL) isSessionBrokenForJid:(NSString*) jid andDeviceId:(NSNumber*) rid { return [self.monalSignalStore isSessionBrokenForJid:jid andDeviceId:rid]; } -(NSNumber*) getDeviceId { return [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:self.monalSignalStore.deviceid]; } -(void) deleteDeviceForSource:(NSString*) source andRid:(NSNumber*) rid { //we should not delete our own device if([source isEqualToString:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid] && rid.unsignedIntValue == self.monalSignalStore.deviceid) return; //handle removal of own deviceids if([source isEqualToString:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid]) { [self.ownDeviceList removeObject:rid]; [self publishOwnDeviceList]; } SignalAddress* address = [[SignalAddress alloc] initWithName:source deviceId:rid.unsignedIntValue]; [self.monalSignalStore deleteDeviceforAddress:address]; [self.monalSignalStore deleteSessionRecordForAddress:address]; [self notifyKnownDevicesUpdated:address.name]; } //debug button in contactdetails ui -(void) clearAllSessionsForJid:(NSString*) jid { NSSet<NSNumber*>* devices = [self knownDevicesForAddressName:jid]; for(NSNumber* device in devices) { [self deleteDeviceForSource:jid andRid:device]; } [self sendOMEMOBundle]; [self.account.pubsub fetchNode:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist" from:self.account.connectionProperties.identity.jid withItemsList:nil andHandler:$newHandlerWithInvalidation(self, handleDevicelistFetch, handleDevicelistFetchInvalidation, $BOOL(subscribe, NO))]; [self.account.pubsub fetchNode:@"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist" from:jid withItemsList:nil andHandler:$newHandlerWithInvalidation(self, handleDevicelistFetch, handleDevicelistFetchInvalidation, $BOOL(subscribe, NO))]; } -(void) sendFetchUpdateNotificationForJid:(NSString*) jid { BOOL isFetching = self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] != nil || [self.state.openDevicelistFetches containsObject:jid] || [self.state.openDevicelistSubscriptions containsObject:jid]; [[MLNotificationQueue currentQueue] postNotificationName:kMonalOmemoFetchingStateUpdate object:self.account userInfo:@{ @"jid": jid, @"isFetching": @(isFetching), @"fetchingBundle": @(self.state.openBundleFetches[jid] != nil), @"fetchingDevicelist": @([self.state.openDevicelistFetches containsObject:jid]), @"subscribingDevicelist": @([self.state.openDevicelistSubscriptions containsObject:jid]), }]; } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END