#!/usr/bin/env python3 import requests import io from pypdf import PdfReader import re import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-7s] %(name)s {%(threadName)s} %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Quicksy_Country: def __init__(self, alpha2mapping, name, alpha2, code, pattern): self.alpha2mapping = alpha2mapping self.name = name self.alpha2 = alpha2 self.code = code self.pattern = pattern def __repr__(self): # map ITU country names to wikidata names itu2wikidata = { "Ireland": "Republic of Ireland", "China": "People's Republic of China", "Taiwan, China": "Taiwan", "Hong Kong, China": "Hong Kong", "Gambia": "The Gambia", "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Falkland Islands", "Dominican Rep.": "Dominican Republic", "Dem. Rep. of the Congo": "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Congo": "Republic of the Congo", "Czech Rep.": "Czech Republic", "Dem. People's Rep. of Korea": "North Korea", "Central African Rep.": "Central African Republic", "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)": "Bolivia", "Bahamas": "The Bahamas", "Korea (Rep. of)": "South Korea", "Iran (Islamic Republic of)": "Iran", "Lao P.D.R.": "Laos", "Moldova (Republic of)": "Moldova", "Micronesia": "Federated States of Micronesia", "Netherlands": "Kingdom of the Netherlands", "Russian Federation": "Russia", "Syrian Arab Republic": "Syria", "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia": "North Macedonia", "United States": "United States of America", "Vatican": "Vatican City", "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)": "Venezuela", "Viet Nam": "Vietnam", "Swaziland": "Eswatini", "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Sint Maarten", "Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei", "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Caribbean Netherlands", "Côte d'Ivoire": "Ivory Coast", "Sao Tome and Principe": "São Tomé and Príncipe", "Timor-Leste": "East Timor", "Northern Marianas": "Northern Mariana Islands", } country = self.name if country in itu2wikidata: country = itu2wikidata[country] # map ITU country names to wikidata names and return swift code with alpha-2 country code instead of localizable name if country in alpha2mapping: return f"[[Quicksy_Country alloc] initWithName:nil alpha2:@\"{alpha2mapping[country]}\" code:@\"{self.code}\" pattern:@\"{self.pattern}\"]," # return swift code with localizable name for every country we don't know the alpha-2 code for return f"[[Quicksy_Country alloc] initWithName:NSLocalizedString(@\"{self.name}\", @\"quicksy country\") alpha2:nil code:@\"{self.code}\" pattern:@\"{self.pattern}\"]," def parse_pdf(pdf_data, alpha2mapping): logger.info("Parsing PDF...") country_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P<country>[^0-9]+)[ ]{32}(?P<code>[0-9]+)[ ]{32}(?P<international_prefix>.+)[ ]{32}(?P<national_prefix>.+)[ ]{32}(?P<format>.+ digits)[ ]{32}(?P<end>.*)$') country_end_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P<dst>.*)([ ]{32}(?P<notes>.+))?$') countries = {} pdf = PdfReader(io.BytesIO(pdf_data)) pagenum = 0 last_entry = None for page in pdf.pages: pagenum += 1 countries[pagenum] = [] logger.info(f"Starting to analyze page {pagenum}...") text = page.extract_text(extraction_mode="layout", layout_mode_space_vertically=False) if text and "Country/geographical area" in text and "Country" in text and "International" in text and "National" in text and "National (Significant)" in text and "UTC/DST" in text and "Note" in text: for line in text.split("\n"): #this is faster than having a "{128,} in the compiled country_regex match = country_regex.match(re.sub("[ ]{128,}", " "*32, line)) if match == None: # check if this is just a linebreak in the country name and append the value to the previous country if re.sub("[ ]{128,}", " "*32, line) == line.strip() and last_entry != None and "Annex to ITU" not in line: logger.debug(f"Adding to last country name: {line=}") countries[pagenum][last_entry].name += f" {line.strip()}" else: last_entry = None # don't append line continuations of non-real countries to a real country else: match = match.groupdict() | {"dst": None, "notes": None} if match["end"] and match["end"].strip() != "": end_splitting = match["end"].split(" "*32) if len(end_splitting) >= 1: match["dst"] = end_splitting[0] if len(end_splitting) >= 2: match["notes"] = end_splitting[1] match = {key: (value.strip() if value != None else None) for key, value in match.items()} # logger.debug("****************") # logger.debug(f"{match['country'] = }") # logger.debug(f"{match['code'] = }") # logger.debug(f"{match['international_prefix'] = }") # logger.debug(f"{match['national_prefix'] = }") # logger.debug(f"{match['format'] = }") # logger.debug(f"{match['dst'] = }") # logger.debug(f"{match['notes'] = }") if match["dst"] == None: # all real countries have a dst entry last_entry = None # don't append line continuations of non-real countries to a real country else: country_code = f"+{match['code']}" pattern = subpattern_matchers(match['format'], True) superpattern = matcher(pattern, r"(\([0-9/]+\))[ ]*\+[ ]*(.+)[ ]+digits", match['format'], lambda result: result) if pattern == None and superpattern != None: #logger.debug(f"Trying superpattern: '{match['format']}' --> '{superpattern.group(1)}' ## '{superpattern.group(2)}'") subpattern = subpattern_matchers(superpattern.group(2), False) if subpattern != None: pattern = re.sub("/", "|", superpattern.group(1)) + subpattern if pattern == None: logger.warning(f"Unknown format description for {match['country']} ({country_code}): '{match['format']}'") pattern = "[0-9]+" country = Quicksy_Country(alpha2mapping, match['country'], None, country_code, f"^{pattern}$") countries[pagenum].append(country) last_entry = len(countries[pagenum]) - 1 logger.info(f"Page {pagenum}: Found {len(countries[pagenum])} countries so far...") logger.info(f"Parsing finished: Extracted {sum([len(cs) for cs in countries.values()])} countries...") return [c for cs in countries.values() for c in cs] def matcher(previous_result, regex, text, closure): if previous_result != None: return previous_result matches = re.match(regex, text) if matches == None: return None else: return closure(matches) def subpattern_matchers(text, should_end_with_unit): if should_end_with_unit: if text[-6:] != "digits": logger.error(f"should_end_with_unit set but not ending in 'digits': {text[-6:] = }") return None text = text[:-6] def subdef(result): retval = f"[0-9]{{" grp1 = result.group(1) if result.group(1) != "up" else "1" retval += f"{grp1}" if result.group(3) != None: retval += f",{result.group(3)}" retval += f"}}" return retval pattern = [] parts = [x.strip() for x in text.split(",")] for part in parts: result = matcher(None, r"(up|[0-9]+)([ ]*to[ ]*([0-9]+)[ ]*)?", part, subdef) #logger.debug(f"{part=} --> {result=}") if result != None: pattern.append(result) if len(pattern) == 0: return None return "(" + "|".join(pattern) + ")" def get_sparql_results(query): import sys from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON user_agent = "monal-im itu pdf parser/%s.%s" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) sparql = SPARQLWrapper("https://query.wikidata.org/sparql", agent=user_agent) sparql.setQuery(query) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) return sparql.query().convert() logger.info("Downloading Wikidata country names to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes mapping...") results = get_sparql_results("""SELECT ?country ?countryLabel ?code WHERE { ?country wdt:P297 ?code . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" } }""") alpha2mapping = {result["countryLabel"]["value"]: result["code"]["value"] for result in results["results"]["bindings"]} logger.info("Downloading PDF...") response = requests.get("https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/opb/sp/T-SP-E.164C-2011-PDF-E.pdf") countries = parse_pdf(response.content, alpha2mapping) # output complete swift code print("""// This file was automatically generated by scripts/itu_pdf_to_objc.py // Please run this python script again to update this file // Example ../scripts/itu_pdf_to_objc.py >Classes/HelperTools+Quicksy_CountryCodes.m #import "Quicksy_Country.h" #import "HelperTools.h" NSArray* _Nonnull COUNTRY_CODES = @[]; //will be replaced by actual values in +load below @implementation HelperTools (CountryCodes) //see https://stackoverflow.com/a/13326633 and https://fek.io/blog/method-swizzling-in-obj-c-and-swift/ +(void) load { if(self == HelperTools.self) { static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ COUNTRY_CODES = @[""") for country in countries: print(f" {country}") print(""" ]; }); } } @end""")