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// DataLayer.m
// SworIM
// Created by Anurodh Pokharel on 3/28/09.
// Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "DataLayer.h"
#import "xmpp.h"
#import "MLSQLite.h"
#import "HelperTools.h"
#import "MLXMLNode.h"
#import "XMPPPresence.h"
#import "XMPPMessage.h"
#import "XMPPIQ.h"
#import "XMPPDataForm.h"
#import "MLFiletransfer.h"
#import "DataLayerMigrations.h"
#import "MLContactSoftwareVersionInfo.h"
#import "MLXMPPManager.h"
@interface DataLayer()
@property (readonly, strong) MLSQLite* db;
@implementation DataLayer
NSString* const kAccountID = @"account_id";
NSString* const kAccountState = @"account_state";
//used for account rows
NSString *const kDomain = @"domain";
NSString *const kEnabled = @"enabled";
NSString *const kNeedsPasswordMigration = @"needs_password_migration";
NSString *const kPlainActivated = @"plain_activated";
NSString *const kServer = @"server";
NSString *const kPort = @"other_port";
NSString *const kResource = @"resource";
NSString *const kDirectTLS = @"directTLS";
NSString *const kRosterName = @"rosterName";
NSString *const kUsername = @"username";
NSString *const kMessageTypeStatus = @"Status";
NSString *const kMessageTypeMessageDraft = @"MessageDraft";
NSString *const kMessageTypeText = @"Text";
NSString *const kMessageTypeGeo = @"Geo";
NSString *const kMessageTypeUrl = @"Url";
NSString *const kMessageTypeFiletransfer = @"Filetransfer";
static NSString* dbPath;
static NSDateFormatter* dbFormatter;
+(void) initialize
NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString* writableDBPath = [[HelperTools getContainerURLForPathComponents:@[@"sworim.sqlite"]] path];
//the file does not exist (e.g. fresh install) --> copy default database to app group path
if(![fileManager fileExistsAtPath:writableDBPath])
DDLogInfo(@"initialize: copying default DB to: %@", writableDBPath);
NSString* defaultDBPath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"sworim.sqlite"];
NSError* error;
[fileManager copyItemAtPath:defaultDBPath toPath:writableDBPath error:&error];
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"NSError" reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", error] userInfo:@{@"error": error}];
//init global state
dbPath = writableDBPath;
dbFormatter = [NSDateFormatter new];
[dbFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"];
[dbFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]];
//we are a singleton (compatible with old code), but conceptually we could also be a static class instead
+(id) sharedInstance
static DataLayer* newInstance;
static dispatch_once_t once;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
newInstance = [self new];
return newInstance;
-(id) init
self = [super init];
//checking db version and upgrading if necessary
DDLogInfo(@"Database version check");
//set wal mode (this setting is permanent): https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode
//this is a special case because it can not be done while in a transaction!!!
[self.db enableWAL];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=on;"];
//needed for sqlite >= 3.26.0 (see https://sqlite.org/lang_altertable.html point 2)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA legacy_alter_table=on;"];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA foreign_keys=off;"];
//do db upgrades and vacuum db afterwards
if([DataLayerMigrations migrateDB:self.db withDataLayer:self])
[self.db vacuum];
//turn foreign keys on again
//needed for sqlite >= 3.26.0 (see https://sqlite.org/lang_altertable.html point 2)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA legacy_alter_table=off;"];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA foreign_keys=on;"];
DDLogInfo(@"Database version check completed");
return self;
//this is the getter of our readonly "db" property always returning the thread-local instance of the MLSQLite class
-(MLSQLite*) db
//always return thread-local instance of sqlite class (this is important for performance!)
return [MLSQLite sharedInstanceForFile:dbPath];
-(NSString* _Nullable) exportDB
NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString* temporaryFilename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"sworim_%@.db", [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] globallyUniqueString]];
NSString* temporaryFilePath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:temporaryFilename];
//checkpoint db before copying db file
[self.db checkpointWal];
//this transaction creates a new wal log and makes sure the file copy is atomic/consistent
BOOL success = [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
//copy db file to temp file
NSError* error;
[fileManager copyItemAtPath:dbPath toPath:temporaryFilePath error:&error];
DDLogError(@"Could not copy database to export location!");
return NO;
return YES;
return temporaryFilePath;
return nil;
-(void) createTransaction:(monal_void_block_t) block
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:block];
-(void) vacuum
return [self.db vacuum];
#pragma mark account commands
-(NSArray*) accountList
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM account ORDER BY account_id ASC;"];
-(NSNumber*) enabledAccountCnts
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM account WHERE enabled=1;"];
-(NSArray*) enabledAccountList
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM account WHERE enabled=1 ORDER BY account_id ASC;"];
-(BOOL) isAccountEnabled:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
return [[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT enabled FROM account WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]] boolValue];
-(NSNumber*) accountIDForUser:(NSString*) user andDomain:(NSString*) domain
if(!user && !domain)
return nil;
NSString* cleanUser = user;
NSString* cleanDomain = domain;
cleanDomain= @"";
cleanUser= @"";
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT account_id FROM account WHERE domain=? and username=?;";
NSArray* result = [self.db executeReader:query andArguments:@[cleanDomain, cleanUser]];
if(result.count > 0) {
return (NSNumber*)[result[0] objectForKey:@"account_id"];
return (NSNumber*)nil;
-(BOOL) doesAccountExistUser:(NSString*) user andDomain:(NSString *) domain
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT * FROM account WHERE domain=? AND username=?;";
NSArray* result = [self.db executeReader:query andArguments:@[domain, user]];
return (BOOL)(result.count > 0);
-(NSMutableDictionary*) detailsForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSArray* result = [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM account WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
if(result != nil && [result count])
DDLogVerbose(@"count: %lu", (unsigned long)[result count]);
return (NSMutableDictionary*)result[0];
DDLogError(@"account list is empty or failed to read");
return (NSMutableDictionary*)nil;
-(BOOL) updateAccounWithDictionary:(NSDictionary*) dictionary
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
DDLogVerbose(@"Updating account with: %@", dictionary);
NSString* query = @"UPDATE account SET server=?, other_port=?, username=?, resource=?, domain=?, enabled=?, directTLS=?, rosterName=?, statusMessage=?, needs_password_migration=? WHERE account_id=?;";
NSString* server = (NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:kServer];
NSString* port = (NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:kPort];
if ([port isEqual:@""])
port = nil;
NSArray* params = @[
nilDefault(server, @""),
nilDefault(port, @"5222"),
((NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:kUsername]),
((NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:kResource]),
((NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:kDomain]),
[dictionary objectForKey:kEnabled],
[dictionary objectForKey:kDirectTLS],
[dictionary objectForKey:kRosterName] ? ((NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:kRosterName]) : @"",
[dictionary objectForKey:@"statusMessage"] ? ((NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:@"statusMessage"]) : @"",
[dictionary objectForKey:kNeedsPasswordMigration],
[dictionary objectForKey:kAccountID],
BOOL retval = [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
[self addSelfChatForAccount:dictionary[kAccountID]];
return retval;
-(NSNumber*) addAccountWithDictionary:(NSDictionary*) dictionary
return [self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"INSERT INTO account (server, other_port, resource, domain, enabled, directTLS, username, rosterName, statusMessage, plain_activated) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
NSString* server = (NSString*) [dictionary objectForKey:kServer];
NSString* port = (NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:kPort];
if ([port isEqual:@""])
port = nil;
NSArray* params = @[
nilDefault(server, @""),
nilDefault(port, @"5222"),
((NSString *)[dictionary objectForKey:kResource]),
((NSString *)[dictionary objectForKey:kDomain]),
[dictionary objectForKey:kEnabled] ,
[dictionary objectForKey:kDirectTLS],
((NSString *)[dictionary objectForKey:kUsername]),
[dictionary objectForKey:kRosterName] ? ((NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:kRosterName]) : @"",
[dictionary objectForKey:@"statusMessage"] ? ((NSString*)[dictionary objectForKey:@"statusMessage"]) : @"",
[dictionary objectForKey:kPlainActivated] != nil ? [dictionary objectForKey:kPlainActivated] : [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO],
BOOL result = [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
// return the accountID
if(result == YES) {
NSNumber* accountID = [self.db lastInsertId];
DDLogInfo(@"Added account %@ to account table with accountID %@", [dictionary objectForKey:kUsername], accountID);
[self addSelfChatForAccount:accountID];
return accountID;
} else {
return (NSNumber*)nil;
-(BOOL) removeAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
// remove all other traces of the account_id in one transaction
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
// enable secure delete
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=on;"];
// delete transfered files from local device
NSArray* messageHistoryIDs = [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE messageType=? AND account_id=?;" andArguments:@[kMessageTypeFiletransfer, accountID]];
for(NSNumber* historyId in messageHistoryIDs)
[MLFiletransfer deleteFileForMessage:[self messageForHistoryID:historyId]];
// delete account and all entries with the same account_id (CASCADE DELETE)
BOOL accountDeleted = [self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM account WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
// disable secure delete again
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=off;"];
return accountDeleted;
-(BOOL) disableAccountForPasswordMigration:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
[self persistState:[xmpp invalidateState:[self readStateForAccount:accountID]] forAccount:accountID];
return [self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET enabled=0, needs_password_migration=1, resource=? WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[[HelperTools encodeRandomResource], accountID]];
-(NSArray*) accountListNeedingPasswordMigration
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM account WHERE NOT enabled AND needs_password_migration ORDER BY account_id ASC;"];
-(BOOL) isPlainActivatedForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSNumber* plainActivated = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT plain_activated FROM account WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
if(plainActivated == nil)
return NO;
return [plainActivated boolValue];
-(BOOL) deactivatePlainForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET plain_activated=0 WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
-(NSMutableDictionary*) readStateForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil)
return nil;
NSString* query = @"SELECT state from account where account_id=?";
NSArray* params = @[accountID];
NSData* data = (NSData*)[self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:params];
return [HelperTools unserializeData:data];
return nil;
-(void) persistState:(NSDictionary*) state forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil || !state)
NSData* data = [HelperTools serializeObject:state];
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE account SET state=? WHERE account_id=?;";
NSArray* params = @[data, accountID];
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
#pragma mark contact Commands
-(BOOL) addSelfChatForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
BOOL encrypt = NO;
encrypt = [[HelperTools defaultsDB] boolForKey:@"OMEMODefaultOn"];
NSDictionary* accountDetails = [self detailsForAccount:accountID];
return [self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddylist ('account_id', 'buddy_name', 'full_name', 'nick_name', 'muc', 'muc_nick', 'encrypt') VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(account_id, buddy_name) DO UPDATE SET subscription='both';" andArguments:@[accountID, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%@", accountDetails[kUsername], accountDetails[kDomain]], @"", @"", @0, @"", @(encrypt)]];
-(BOOL) addContact:(NSString*) contact forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID nickname:(NSString*) nickName
if(accountID == nil || !contact)
return NO;
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
//data length check
NSString* toPass;
NSString* cleanNickName;
//use already existing nickname, if none was given
cleanNickName = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT nick_name FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, contact]];
//fall back to an empty one if this contact is not already in our db
cleanNickName = @"";
cleanNickName = [nickName stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
if([cleanNickName length] > 50)
toPass = [cleanNickName substringToIndex:49];
toPass = cleanNickName;
BOOL encrypt = NO;
encrypt = [[HelperTools defaultsDB] boolForKey:@"OMEMODefaultOn"];
return [self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddylist ('account_id', 'buddy_name', 'full_name', 'nick_name', 'muc', 'muc_nick', 'encrypt') VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(account_id, buddy_name) DO UPDATE SET nick_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, contact, @"", toPass, @0, @"", @(encrypt), toPass]];
-(void) removeBuddy:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
//clean up logs...
[self clearMessagesWithBuddy:buddy onAccount:accountID];
//...and delete contact
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy]];
-(BOOL) clearBuddies:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
#pragma mark Buddy Property commands
-(BOOL) resetContactsForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil)
return NO;
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query2 = @"DELETE FROM buddy_resources WHERE buddy_id IN (SELECT buddy_id FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=?);";
NSArray* params = @[accountID];
[self.db executeNonQuery:query2 andArguments:params];
NSString* query = @"UPDATE buddylist SET state='offline', status='' WHERE account_id=?;";
return [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
-(NSDictionary* _Nullable) contactDictionaryForUsername:(NSString*) username forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!username || accountID == nil)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSArray* results = [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT b.buddy_id, b.buddy_name, state, status, b.full_name, b.nick_name, Muc, muc_subject, muc_type, muc_nick, mentionOnly, b.account_id, 0 AS 'count', subscription, ask, IFNULL(pinned, 0) AS 'pinned', encrypt, muted, \
WHEN a.buddy_name IS NOT NULL THEN 1 \
ELSE 0 \
END AS 'isActiveChat' \
FROM buddylist AS b LEFT JOIN activechats AS a \
ON a.buddy_name = b.buddy_name AND a.account_id = b.account_id \
WHERE b.buddy_name=? AND b.account_id=?;" andArguments:@[username, accountID]];
MLAssert(results != nil && [results count] <= 1, @"Unexpected contact count", (@{
@"username": username,
@"accountID": accountID,
@"count": [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[results count]],
@"results": results ? results : @"(null)"
if([results count] == 0)
return (NSMutableDictionary*)nil;
NSMutableDictionary* contact = [results[0] mutableCopy];
NSNumber* buddyId = contact[@"buddy_id"];
[contact removeObjectForKey:@"buddy_id"];
NSArray* groupArray = [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT DISTINCT group_name FROM buddy_groups WHERE buddy_id=?;" andArguments:@[buddyId]];
NSSet* groups = [NSSet setWithArray:groupArray];
[contact setValue:groups forKey:@"rosterGroups"];
//correctly extract NSDate object or 1970, if last interaction is zero
contact[@"lastInteraction"] = nilWrapper([self lastInteractionOfJid:username forAccountID:accountID]);
//if we have this muc in our favorites table, this muc is "subscribed"
if([self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT room FROM muc_favorites WHERE room=? AND account_id=?;" andArguments:@[username, accountID]] != nil)
contact[@"subscription"] = @"both";
return contact;
-(NSMutableArray<MLContact*>*) searchContactsWithString:(NSString*) search
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* likeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%%%@%%", search];
NSString* query = @"SELECT B.buddy_name, B.account_id, IFNULL(IFNULL(NULLIF(B.nick_name, ''), NULLIF(B.full_name, '')), B.buddy_name) AS 'sortkey' FROM buddylist AS B INNER JOIN account AS A ON A.account_id=B.account_id WHERE A.enabled=1 AND (B.buddy_name LIKE ? OR B.full_name LIKE ? OR B.nick_name LIKE ?) ORDER BY sortkey COLLATE NOCASE ASC;";
NSArray* params = @[likeString, likeString, likeString];
NSMutableArray<MLContact*>* toReturn = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSDictionary* dic in [self.db executeReader:query andArguments:params])
[toReturn addObject:[MLContact createContactFromJid:dic[@"buddy_name"] andAccountID:dic[@"account_id"]]];
return toReturn;
-(NSArray<MLContact*>*) contactList
return [self contactListWithJid:@""];
-(NSArray<MLContact*>*) possibleGroupMembersForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
//list all contacts without groupchats and self contact
NSString* query = @"SELECT B.buddy_name, B.account_id, IFNULL(IFNULL(NULLIF(B.nick_name, ''), NULLIF(B.full_name, '')), B.buddy_name) FROM buddylist as B INNER JOIN account AS A ON A.account_id=B.account_id WHERE B.account_id=? AND B.muc=0 AND B.buddy_name != (A.username || '@' || A.domain)";
NSMutableArray* toReturn = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSDictionary* dic in [self.db executeReader:query andArguments:@[accountID]])
[toReturn addObject:[MLContact createContactFromJid:dic[@"buddy_name"] andAccountID:dic[@"account_id"]]];
return toReturn;
-(NSArray<MLContact*>*) contactListWithJid:(NSString*) jid
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
//list all contacts and group chats
NSString* query = @"SELECT B.buddy_name, B.account_id, IFNULL(IFNULL(NULLIF(B.nick_name, ''), NULLIF(B.full_name, '')), B.buddy_name) AS 'sortkey' FROM buddylist AS B INNER JOIN account AS A ON A.account_id=B.account_id WHERE A.enabled=1 AND (B.buddy_name=? OR ?='') ORDER BY sortkey COLLATE NOCASE ASC;";
NSMutableArray* toReturn = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSDictionary* dic in [self.db executeReader:query andArguments:@[jid, jid]])
[toReturn addObject:[MLContact createContactFromJid:dic[@"buddy_name"] andAccountID:dic[@"account_id"]]];
return toReturn;
#pragma mark entity capabilities
-(BOOL) checkCap:(NSString*) cap forUser:(NSString*) user onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM buddylist AS a INNER JOIN buddy_resources AS b ON a.buddy_id=b.buddy_id INNER JOIN ver_info AS c ON b.ver=c.ver WHERE a.buddy_name=? AND a.account_id=? AND c.cap=? AND c.account_id=?;";
NSArray *params = @[user, accountID, cap, accountID];
NSNumber* count = (NSNumber*) [self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:params];
return (BOOL)([count integerValue]>0);
-(BOOL) checkCap:(NSString*) cap forUser:(NSString*) user andResource:(NSString*) resource onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM buddylist AS a INNER JOIN buddy_resources AS b ON a.buddy_id=b.buddy_id INNER JOIN ver_info AS c ON b.ver=c.ver WHERE a.buddy_name=? AND b.resource=? AND a.account_id=? AND c.cap=? AND c.account_id=?;";
NSNumber* count = (NSNumber*) [self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:@[user, resource, accountID, cap, accountID]];
return (BOOL)([count integerValue]>0);
-(NSString*) getVerForUser:(NSString*) user andResource:(NSString*) resource onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT ver FROM buddy_resources AS A INNER JOIN buddylist AS B ON a.buddy_id=b.buddy_id WHERE resource=? AND buddy_name=? AND account_id=? LIMIT 1;";
NSArray * params = @[resource, user, accountID];
NSString* ver = (NSString*) [self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:params];
return ver;
-(void) setVer:(NSString*) ver forUser:(NSString*) user andResource:(NSString*) resource onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
NSNumber* timestamp = [HelperTools currentTimestampInSeconds];
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
//set ver for user and resource
NSString* query = @"UPDATE buddy_resources SET ver=? WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM buddylist WHERE buddy_resources.buddy_id=buddylist.buddy_id AND resource=? AND buddy_name=? AND account_id=?)";
NSArray * params = @[ver, resource, user, accountID];
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
//update timestamp for this ver string to make it not timeout (old ver strings and features are removed from feature cache after 28 days)
NSString* query2 = @"UPDATE ver_info SET timestamp=? WHERE ver=? AND account_id=?;";
NSArray * params2 = @[timestamp, ver, accountID];
[self.db executeNonQuery:query2 andArguments:params2];
-(NSSet*) getCapsforVer:(NSString*) ver onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSSet* result = [NSSet setWithArray:[self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT cap FROM ver_info WHERE ver=? AND account_id=?;" andArguments:@[ver, accountID]]];
DDLogVerbose(@"caps count: %lu", (unsigned long)[result count]);
if([result count] == 0)
return (NSSet*)nil;
return result;
-(void) setCaps:(NSSet*) caps forVer:(NSString*) ver onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
NSNumber* timestamp = [HelperTools currentTimestampInSeconds];
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
//remove old caps for this ver
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM ver_info WHERE ver=? AND account_id=?;" andArguments:@[ver, accountID]];
//insert new caps
for(NSString* feature in caps)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO ver_info (ver, cap, account_id, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);" andArguments:@[ver, feature, accountID, timestamp]];
//cleanup old entries of *all* accounts
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM ver_info WHERE timestamp<?;" andArguments:@[[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[timestamp integerValue] - (86400 * 28)]]]; //cache timeout is 28 days
#pragma mark presence functions
-(void) setResourceOnline:(XMPPPresence*) presenceObj forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
//get buddyid for name and account
NSString* query1 = @"select buddy_id from buddylist where account_id=? and buddy_name=?;";
NSObject* buddyid = [self.db executeScalar:query1 andArguments:@[accountID, presenceObj.fromUser]];
NSString* query = @"insert or ignore into buddy_resources ('buddy_id', 'resource', 'ver') values (?, ?, '')";
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[buddyid, presenceObj.fromResource]];
-(NSArray<NSString*>*) resourcesForContact:(MLContact* _Nonnull) contact
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSArray<NSString*>* resources = [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT resource FROM buddy_resources AS A INNER JOIN buddylist AS B ON a.buddy_id=b.buddy_id WHERE buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[contact.contactJid]];
return resources;
-(MLContactSoftwareVersionInfo* _Nullable) getSoftwareVersionInfoForContact:(NSString*) contact resource:(NSString*) resource andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil)
return nil;
NSArray<NSDictionary*>* versionInfoArr = [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSArray<NSDictionary*>* resources = [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT platform_App_Name, platform_App_Version, platform_OS FROM buddy_resources WHERE buddy_id IN (SELECT buddy_id FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?) AND resource=?" andArguments:@[accountID, contact, resource]];
return resources;
if(versionInfoArr == nil || versionInfoArr.count == 0) {
return nil;
} else {
NSDictionary* versionInfo = versionInfoArr.firstObject;
NSDate* lastInteraction = [self lastInteractionOfJid:contact andResource:resource forAccountID:accountID];
return [[MLContactSoftwareVersionInfo alloc] initWithJid:contact andRessource:resource andAppName:versionInfo[@"platform_App_Name"] andAppVersion:versionInfo[@"platform_App_Version"] andPlatformOS:versionInfo[@"platform_OS"] andLastInteraction:lastInteraction];
-(void) setSoftwareVersionInfoForContact:(NSString*) contact
resource:(NSString*) resource
andAccount:(NSNumber*) account
withSoftwareInfo:(MLContactSoftwareVersionInfo*) newSoftwareInfo
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"update buddy_resources set platform_App_Name=?, platform_App_Version=?, platform_OS=? where buddy_id in (select buddy_id from buddylist where account_id=? and buddy_name=?) and resource=?";
NSArray* params = @[nilWrapper(newSoftwareInfo.appName), nilWrapper(newSoftwareInfo.appVersion), nilWrapper(newSoftwareInfo.platformOs), account, contact, resource];
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
-(void) setOnlineBuddy:(XMPPPresence*) presenceObj forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self setResourceOnline:presenceObj forAccount:accountID];
NSString* query = @"UPDATE buddylist SET state='' WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND state='offline';";
NSArray* params = @[accountID, presenceObj.fromUser];
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
-(void) setOfflineBuddy:(XMPPPresence*) presenceObj forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM buddy_resources AS R WHERE resource=? AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM buddylist AS B WHERE B.buddy_id=R.buddy_id AND B.account_id=? AND B.buddy_name=?);" andArguments:@[presenceObj.fromResource ? presenceObj.fromResource : @"", accountID, presenceObj.fromUser]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist AS B SET state='offline' WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM buddy_resources AS R WHERE B.buddy_id=R.buddy_id);" andArguments:@[accountID, presenceObj.fromUser]];
-(void) setBuddyState:(XMPPPresence*) presenceObj forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID;
NSString* toPass = @"";
if([presenceObj check:@"show#"])
//data length check
if([[presenceObj findFirst:@"show#"] length] > 20)
toPass = [[presenceObj findFirst:@"show#"] substringToIndex:19];
toPass = [presenceObj findFirst:@"show#"];
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE buddylist SET state=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[toPass, accountID, presenceObj.fromUser]];
-(NSString*) buddyState:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT state FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
NSArray* params = @[accountID, buddy];
NSString* state = (NSString*)[self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:params];
return state;
-(BOOL) hasContactRequestForContact:(MLContact*) contact
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subscriptionRequests WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?";
NSNumber* result = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:@[contact.accountID, contact.contactJid]];
return (BOOL)(result.intValue == 1);
-(NSMutableArray*) allContactRequests
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT subscriptionRequests.account_id, subscriptionRequests.buddy_name FROM subscriptionRequests, account WHERE subscriptionRequests.account_id = account.account_id AND account.enabled;";
NSMutableArray* toReturn = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSDictionary* dic in [self.db executeReader:query])
[toReturn addObject:[MLContact createContactFromJid:dic[@"buddy_name"] andAccountID:dic[@"account_id"]]];
return toReturn;
-(void) addContactRequest:(MLContact*) requestor;
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query2 = @"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO subscriptionRequests (buddy_name, account_id) VALUES (?,?)";
[self.db executeNonQuery:query2 andArguments:@[requestor.contactJid, requestor.accountID]];
-(void) deleteContactRequest:(MLContact*) requestor
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query2 = @"delete from subscriptionRequests where buddy_name=? and account_id=? ";
[self.db executeNonQuery:query2 andArguments:@[requestor.contactJid, requestor.accountID]];
-(void) setBuddyStatus:(XMPPPresence*) presenceObj forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
NSString* toPass = @"";
if([presenceObj check:@"status#"])
//data length check
if([[presenceObj findFirst:@"status#"] length] > 200)
toPass = [[presenceObj findFirst:@"status#"] substringToIndex:199];
toPass = [presenceObj findFirst:@"status#"];
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE buddylist SET status=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[toPass, accountID, presenceObj.fromUser]];
-(NSString*) buddyStatus:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT status FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
NSString* iconname = (NSString *)[self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:@[accountID, buddy]];
return iconname;
-(NSString *) getRosterVersionForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT rosterVersion FROM account WHERE account_id=?;";
NSArray* params = @[accountID];
NSString * version=(NSString*)[self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:params];
return version;
-(void) setRosterVersion:(NSString*) version forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil || !version)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"update account set rosterVersion=? where account_id=?";
NSArray* params = @[version , accountID];
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
-(NSDictionary*) getSubscriptionForContact:(NSString*) contact andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!contact || accountID == nil)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT subscription, ask from buddylist where buddy_name=? and account_id=?";
NSArray* params = @[contact, accountID];
NSArray* version = [self.db executeReader:query andArguments:params];
return version.firstObject;
-(void) setSubscription:(NSString*)sub andAsk:(NSString*) ask forContact:(NSString*) contact andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!contact || accountID == nil || !sub)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"update buddylist set subscription=?, ask=? where account_id=? and buddy_name=?";
NSArray* params = @[sub, ask?ask:@"", accountID, contact];
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
Ensures that the given groups are the only ones persisted for the given contact
This function updates the groups in the database to match the groups passed to the function. This means (for instance) that passing an empty groups set will delete all the groups for a user.
-(void) setGroups:(NSSet*) groups forContact:(NSString*) contact inAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(groups == nil || contact == nil || accountID == nil)
NSSet* validGroups = [groups filteredSetUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF.length > 0"]];
if([validGroups count] < [groups count]) {
DDLogWarn(@"Refusing to persist group(s) with empty name for contact %@", contact);
DDLogVerbose(@"For contact %@ and account %@, intend to persist these groups: %@", contact, accountID, validGroups);
NSString* deleteBuddyGroups = @"DELETE FROM buddy_groups \
WHERE buddy_id IN ( \
SELECT buddy_id FROM buddylist WHERE buddy_name=? AND account_id=? \
NSString* saveBuddyGroups = @"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO buddy_groups ('buddy_id', 'group_name') \
SELECT buddy_id, ? FROM buddylist WHERE buddy_name=? AND account_id=?;";
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:deleteBuddyGroups andArguments:@[contact, accountID]];
for(NSString* group in groups) {
[self.db executeNonQuery:saveBuddyGroups andArguments:@[group, contact, accountID]];
#pragma mark Contact info
-(void) setFullName:(NSString*) fullName forContact:(NSString*) contact andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
//data length check
NSString* toPass;
NSString* cleanFullName = [fullName stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
if([cleanFullName length]>50)
toPass = [cleanFullName substringToIndex:49];
toPass = cleanFullName;
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE buddylist SET full_name=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
NSArray* params = @[toPass , accountID, contact];
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
-(void) setAvatarHash:(NSString*) hash forContact:(NSString*) contact andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET iconhash=? WHERE account_id=? AND printf('%s@%s', username, domain)=?;" andArguments:@[hash, accountID, contact]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET iconhash=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[hash, accountID, contact]];
-(NSString*) getAvatarHashForContact:(NSString*) buddy andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* hash = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT iconhash FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy]];
if(!hash) //try to get the hash of our own account
hash = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT iconhash FROM account WHERE account_id=? AND printf('%s@%s', username, domain)=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy]];
hash = @""; //hashes should never be nil
return hash;
-(BOOL) isContactInList:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"select count(buddy_id) from buddylist where account_id=? and buddy_name=? ";
NSArray* params = @[accountID, buddy];
NSObject* value = [self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:params];
NSNumber* count=(NSNumber*)value;
BOOL toreturn = NO;
if(count != nil)
NSInteger val = [count integerValue];
if(val > 0) {
toreturn = YES;
return toreturn;
-(BOOL) saveMessageDraft:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID withComment:(NSString*) comment
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET messageDraft=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[comment, accountID, buddy]];
-(NSString*) loadMessageDraft:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT messageDraft FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
NSArray* params = @[accountID, buddy];
return [self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:params];
#pragma mark MUC
-(BOOL) initMuc:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID andMucNick:(NSString* _Nullable) mucNick
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
BOOL isMuc = [self isBuddyMuc:room forAccount:accountID];
// remove old buddy and add new one (this changes "normal" buddys to muc buddys if the aren't already tagged as mucs)
// this will clean up associated buddylist data, too (foreign keys etc.)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]];
NSString* nick = mucNick;
nick = [self ownNickNameforMuc:room forAccount:accountID];
MLAssert(nick != nil, @"Could not determine muc nick when adding muc");
//this cleanup is made *before* sending out the join presence to join a muc
//--> every entry should be removed and filled again by the incoming presence flood triggered by our join
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM muc_participants WHERE account_id=? AND room=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]];
//this cleanup is made *before* sending out the join presence to join a muc and the list-fetching iqs
//--> every entry should be removed and filled again by the incoming presence flood triggered by our join or the list-fetching responses
//NOTE: initMuc will only be called on first join, not on rejoin --> these cleanups won't be called on rejoin so that
//NOTE: the members list will always be properly filled even while a rejoin is in progress
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM muc_members WHERE account_id=? AND room=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]];
BOOL encrypt = NO;
// omemo for non group MUCs is disabled once the type of the muc is set
// (for channel type mucs this will be disabled while creating the muc shortly after this function is called)
encrypt = [[HelperTools defaultsDB] boolForKey:@"OMEMODefaultOn"];
return [self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddylist ('account_id', 'buddy_name', 'muc', 'muc_nick', 'encrypt') VALUES(?, ?, 1, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(account_id, buddy_name) DO UPDATE SET muc=1, muc_nick=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room, mucNick ? mucNick : @"", @(encrypt), mucNick ? mucNick : @""]];
-(void) cleanupParticipantsListFor:(NSString*) room onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
//clean up old muc data (will be refilled by incoming presences and/or disco queries)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM muc_participants WHERE account_id=? AND room=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]];
-(void) cleanupMembersListFor:(NSString*) room andType:(NSString*) type onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
//clean up old muc data (will be refilled by incoming presences and/or disco queries)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM muc_members WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND affiliation=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room, type]];
-(void) addParticipant:(NSDictionary*) participant toMuc:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!participant || !participant[@"nick"] || !room || accountID == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
//create entry if not already existing
//(update occupant_id if that nick is already existing --> occupant_id and nick should always be matching and up to date)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO muc_participants ('account_id', 'room', 'room_nick', 'occupant_id') VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET occupant_id=? WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND room_nick=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room, participant[@"nick"], nilWrapper(participant[@"occupant_id"]), nilWrapper(participant[@"occupant_id"]), accountID, room, participant[@"nick"]]];
//update entry with optional fields (the first two fields are for members that are not just participants)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE muc_participants SET participant_jid=? WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND room_nick=?;" andArguments:@[nilWrapper(participant[@"jid"]), accountID, room, participant[@"nick"]]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE muc_participants SET affiliation=? WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND room_nick=?;" andArguments:@[nilWrapper(participant[@"affiliation"]), accountID, room, participant[@"nick"]]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE muc_participants SET role=? WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND room_nick=?;" andArguments:@[nilWrapper(participant[@"role"]), accountID, room, participant[@"nick"]]];
-(void) removeParticipant:(NSDictionary*) participant fromMuc:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!participant || !participant[@"nick"] || !room || accountID == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM muc_participants WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND room_nick=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room, participant[@"nick"]]];
-(void) addMember:(NSDictionary*) member toMuc:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!member || !member[@"jid"] || !room || accountID == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
//create entry if not already existing
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO muc_members ('account_id', 'room', 'member_jid') VALUES(?, ?, ?);" andArguments:@[accountID, room, member[@"jid"]]];
//update entry with optional fields
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE muc_members SET affiliation=? WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND member_jid=?;" andArguments:@[nilWrapper(member[@"affiliation"]), accountID, room, member[@"jid"]]];
-(void) removeMember:(NSDictionary*) member fromMuc:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!member || !member[@"jid"] || !room || accountID == nil)
DDLogDebug(@"Removing member '%@' from muc '%@'...", member[@"jid"], room);
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM muc_members WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND member_jid=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room, member[@"jid"]]];
-(NSDictionary* _Nullable) getParticipantForNick:(NSString*) nick inRoom:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!nick || !room || accountID == nil)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSArray* result = [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM muc_participants WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND room_nick=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room, nick]];
return result.count > 0 ? result[0] : nil;
-(NSDictionary* _Nullable) getParticipantForOccupant:(NSString*) occupant inRoom:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!occupant || !occupant || accountID == nil)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSArray* result = [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM muc_participants WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND occupant_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room, occupant]];
return result.count > 0 ? result[0] : nil;
-(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString*, id>*>*) getMembersAndParticipantsOfMuc:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!room || accountID == nil)
return [[NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<NSString*, id>*> alloc] init];
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<NSString*, id>*>* toReturn = [[NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<NSString*, id>*> alloc] init];
[toReturn addObjectsFromArray:[self.db executeReader:@"SELECT *, 1 as 'online' FROM muc_participants WHERE account_id=? AND room=? ORDER BY affiliation, room_nick;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]]];
[toReturn addObjectsFromArray:[self.db executeReader:@"SELECT *, 0 as 'online' FROM muc_members WHERE account_id=? AND room=? AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM muc_participants WHERE muc_members.account_id=muc_participants.account_id AND muc_members.room=muc_participants.room AND muc_members.member_jid=muc_participants.participant_jid) ORDER BY affiliation;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]]];
return toReturn;
-(NSString* _Nullable) getOwnAffiliationInGroupOrChannel:(MLContact*) contact
MLAssert(contact.isMuc, @"Function should only be called on a group contact");
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* retval = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT M.affiliation FROM muc_participants AS M INNER JOIN account AS A ON M.account_id=A.account_id WHERE M.room=? AND A.account_id=? AND (A.username || '@' || A.domain) == M.participant_jid" andArguments:@[contact.contactJid, contact.accountID]];
if(retval == nil)
retval = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT M.affiliation FROM muc_members AS M INNER JOIN account AS A ON M.account_id=A.account_id WHERE M.room=? AND A.account_id=? AND (A.username || '@' || A.domain) == M.member_jid" andArguments:@[contact.contactJid, contact.accountID]];
return retval;
-(NSString* _Nullable) getOwnRoleInGroupOrChannel:(MLContact*) contact
MLAssert(contact.isMuc, @"Function should only be called on a group contact");
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT M.role FROM muc_participants AS M INNER JOIN account AS A ON M.account_id=A.account_id WHERE M.room=? AND A.account_id=? AND (A.username || '@' || A.domain) == M.participant_jid" andArguments:@[contact.contactJid, contact.accountID]];
-(void) addMucFavorite:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID andMucNick:(NSString* _Nullable) mucNick
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* nick = mucNick;
nick = [self ownNickNameforMuc:room forAccount:accountID];
MLAssert(nick != nil, @"Could not determine muc nick when adding muc");
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO muc_favorites (room, nick, account_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(room, account_id) DO UPDATE SET nick=?;" andArguments:@[room, nick, accountID, nick]];
-(NSString*) lastStanzaIdForMuc:(NSString* _Nonnull) room andAccount:(NSNumber* _Nonnull) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT lastMucStanzaId FROM buddylist WHERE muc=1 AND account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]];
-(void) setLastStanzaId:(NSString*) lastStanzaId forMuc:(NSString* _Nonnull) room andAccount:(NSNumber* _Nonnull) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
if(lastStanzaId && [lastStanzaId length])
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET lastMucStanzaId=? WHERE muc=1 AND account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[lastStanzaId, accountID, room]];
-(BOOL) isBuddyMuc:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSNumber* status = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT Muc FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy]];
if(status == nil)
return NO;
return [status boolValue];
-(NSString* _Nullable) ownNickNameforMuc:(NSString*) room forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* nick = (NSString*)[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT muc_nick FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? and muc=1;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]];
// fallback to nick in muc_favorites
if(!nick || nick.length == 0)
nick = (NSString*)[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT nick FROM muc_favorites WHERE account_id=? AND room=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]];
if(!nick || nick.length == 0)
return (NSString*)nil;
return nick;
-(BOOL) updateOwnNickName:(NSString*) nick forMuc:(NSString*) room forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE buddylist SET muc_nick=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND muc=1;";
NSArray* params = @[nick, accountID, room];
DDLogVerbose(@"%@", query);
return [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
-(BOOL) updateOwnOccupantID:(NSString* _Nullable) occupantID forMuc:(NSString*) room onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE buddylist SET muc_occupant_id=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND muc=1;";
NSArray* params = @[nilWrapper(occupantID), accountID, room];
return [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
-(NSString* _Nullable) getOwnOccupantIdForMuc:(NSString*) room onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT muc_occupant_id FROM buddylist WHERE buddy_name=? AND account_id=? AND muc=1;" andArguments:@[room, accountID]];
-(BOOL) deleteMuc:(NSString*) room forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"DELETE FROM muc_favorites WHERE room=? AND account_id=?;";
NSArray* params = @[room, accountID];
DDLogVerbose(@"%@", query);
return [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
-(NSSet*) listMucsForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSMutableSet* retval = [NSMutableSet new];
for(NSDictionary* entry in [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM muc_favorites WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]])
[retval addObject:[entry[@"room"] lowercaseString]];
return retval;
-(BOOL) updateMucSubject:(NSString *) subject forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID andRoom:(NSString *) room
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE buddylist SET muc_subject=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
NSArray* params = @[subject, accountID, room];
DDLogVerbose(@"%@", query);
return [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
-(NSString*) mucSubjectforAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID andRoom:(NSString*) room
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT muc_subject FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
NSArray* params = @[accountID, room];
DDLogVerbose(@"%@", query);
return [self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:params];
-(void) updateMucTypeTo:(NSString*) type forRoom:(NSString*) room andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET muc_type=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[type, accountID, room]];
if([type isEqualToString:kMucTypeGroup] == NO)
// non group type MUCs do not support encryption
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET encrypt=0 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]];
-(NSString*) getMucTypeOfRoom:(NSString*) room andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT muc_type FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, room]];
#pragma mark message Commands
-(NSArray<MLMessage*>*) messagesForHistoryIDs:(NSArray<NSNumber*>*) historyIDs
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* idList = [historyIDs componentsJoinedByString:@","];
NSString* query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT \
B.Muc, B.muc_type, \
WHEN M.actual_from NOT NULL THEN M.actual_from \
WHEN M.inbound=0 THEN (A.username || '@' || A.domain) \
ELSE M.buddy_name \
END AS af, \
timestamp AS thetime, M.* \
FROM message_history AS M INNER JOIN buddylist AS B \
ON M.account_id=B.account_id AND M.buddy_name=B.buddy_name \
INNER JOIN account AS A \
ON M.account_id=A.account_id \
WHERE M.message_history_id IN(%@);", idList];
NSMutableArray<MLMessage*>* retval = [[NSMutableArray<MLMessage*> alloc] init];
for(NSDictionary* dic in [self.db executeReader:query])
NSMutableDictionary* message = [dic mutableCopy];
message[@"thetime"] = [dbFormatter dateFromString:message[@"thetime"]];
[retval addObject:[MLMessage messageFromDictionary:message]];
return retval;
-(MLMessage*) messageForHistoryID:(NSNumber*) historyID
if(historyID == nil)
return nil;
NSArray<MLMessage*>* result = [self messagesForHistoryIDs:@[historyID]];
if(![result count])
return nil;
return result[0];
-(NSNumber*) getSmallestHistoryId
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT MIN(message_history_id) FROM message_history;"];
-(NSNumber*) getBiggestHistoryId
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT MAX(message_history_id) FROM message_history;"];
-(NSNumber*) addMessageToChatBuddy:(NSString*) buddyName withInboundDir:(BOOL) inbound forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID withBody:(NSString*) message actuallyfrom:(NSString*) actualfrom occupantId:(NSString* _Nullable) occupantId participantJid:(NSString*_Nullable) participantJid sent:(BOOL) sent unread:(BOOL) unread messageId:(NSString*) messageid serverMessageId:(NSString*) stanzaid messageType:(NSString*) messageType andOverrideDate:(NSDate*) messageDate encrypted:(BOOL) encrypted displayMarkerWanted:(BOOL) displayMarkerWanted usingHistoryId:(NSNumber* _Nullable) historyId checkForDuplicates:(BOOL) checkForDuplicates;
if(!buddyName || !message)
return nil;
return [self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
if(!checkForDuplicates || [self hasMessageForStanzaId:stanzaid orMessageID:messageid withInboundDir:inbound occupantId:occupantId andJid:buddyName onAccount:accountID] == nil)
//this is always from a contact
NSDateFormatter* formatter = [NSDateFormatter new];
[formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"];
NSDate* sourceDate = [NSDate date];
NSDate* destinationDate;
//already GMT no need for conversion
destinationDate = messageDate;
[formatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]];
NSTimeZone* sourceTimeZone = [NSTimeZone systemTimeZone];
NSTimeZone* destinationTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"GMT"];
NSInteger sourceGMTOffset = [sourceTimeZone secondsFromGMTForDate:sourceDate];
NSInteger destinationGMTOffset = [destinationTimeZone secondsFromGMTForDate:sourceDate];
NSTimeInterval interval = destinationGMTOffset - sourceGMTOffset;
destinationDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:interval sinceDate:sourceDate];
// note: if it isnt the same day we want to show the full day
NSString* dateString = [formatter stringFromDate:destinationDate];
NSString* query;
NSArray* params;
if(historyId != nil)
DDLogVerbose(@"Inserting backwards with history id %@", historyId);
query = @"insert into message_history (message_history_id, account_id, buddy_name, inbound, timestamp, message, actual_from, unread, sent, displayMarkerWanted, messageid, messageType, encrypted, stanzaid, participant_jid, occupant_id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
params = @[historyId, accountID, buddyName, [NSNumber numberWithBool:inbound], dateString, message, actualfrom, [NSNumber numberWithBool:unread], [NSNumber numberWithBool:sent], [NSNumber numberWithBool:displayMarkerWanted], messageid?messageid:@"", messageType, [NSNumber numberWithBool:encrypted], stanzaid?stanzaid:@"", nilWrapper(participantJid), nilWrapper(occupantId)];
//we use autoincrement here instead of MAX(message_history_id) + 1 to be a little bit faster (but at the cost of "duplicated code")
query = @"insert into message_history (account_id, buddy_name, inbound, timestamp, message, actual_from, unread, sent, displayMarkerWanted, messageid, messageType, encrypted, stanzaid, participant_jid, occupant_id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
params = @[accountID, buddyName, [NSNumber numberWithBool:inbound], dateString, message, actualfrom, [NSNumber numberWithBool:unread], [NSNumber numberWithBool:sent], [NSNumber numberWithBool:displayMarkerWanted], messageid?messageid:@"", messageType, [NSNumber numberWithBool:encrypted], stanzaid?stanzaid:@"", nilWrapper(participantJid), nilWrapper(occupantId)];
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ params:%@", query, params);
BOOL success = [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
return (NSNumber*)nil;
NSNumber* historyId = [self.db lastInsertId];
[self updateActiveBuddy:actualfrom setTime:dateString forAccount:accountID];
return historyId;
DDLogWarn(@"Message(%@) %@ with stanzaid %@ already existing, ignoring history update: %@", accountID, messageid, stanzaid, message);
return (NSNumber*)nil;
-(NSNumber* _Nullable) hasMessageForStanzaId:(NSString*) stanzaId orMessageID:(NSString*) messageId withInboundDir:(BOOL) inbound occupantId:(NSString* _Nullable) occupantId andJid:(NSString*) jid onAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil)
return (NSNumber*)nil;
return (NSNumber*)[self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
//if the stanzaid was given, this is conclusive for dedup, we don't need to check any other ids (EXCEPTION BELOW)
DDLogVerbose(@"stanzaid provided");
NSArray<NSNumber*>* found = [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND stanzaid!='' AND stanzaid=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid, stanzaId]];
if([found count])
DDLogVerbose(@"stanzaid provided and could be found: %@", found);
return found[0];
//EXCEPT: outbound messages coming from this very client (we don't know their stanzaids)
//NOTE: the MAM XEP does not mandate full jids in from-attribute of the wrapped message stanza
// --> we can't use that to figure out if the message came from this very client or only from another client using this account
//=> if the stanzaid does not match and we process an outbound message, only dedup using origin-id (that should be unique and monal sets them)
// the check, if an origin-id was given, lives in MLMessageProcessor.m (it only triggers a dedup for messages either having a stanzaid or an origin-id)
if(inbound == NO)
NSNumber* historyId = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND inbound=0 AND messageid=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid, messageId]];
if(historyId != nil)
DDLogVerbose(@"found by origin-id or messageid");
DDLogDebug(@"Updating stanzaid of message_history_id %@ to %@ for (account=%@, messageid=%@, inbound=%d)...", historyId, stanzaId, accountID, messageId, inbound);
//this entry needs an update of its stanzaid
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET stanzaid=? WHERE message_history_id=?" andArguments:@[stanzaId, historyId]];
DDLogDebug(@"Updating occupant_id of message_history_id %@ to %@ for (account=%@, messageid=%@, inbound=%d)...", historyId, occupantId, accountID, messageId, inbound);
//only update occupant id if not set yet
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET occupant_id=? WHERE occupant_id IS NULL AND message_history_id=?" andArguments:@[nilWrapper(occupantId), historyId]];
return historyId;
DDLogVerbose(@"nothing worked --> message not found");
return (NSNumber*)nil;
-(void) setMessageId:(NSString* _Nonnull) messageid andJid:(NSString*) jid sent:(BOOL) sent
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
BOOL _sent = sent;
//force sent YES if the message was already received
if([self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT messageid FROM message_history WHERE messageid=? AND buddy_name=? AND received;" andArguments:@[messageid, jid]])
_sent = YES;
NSString* query = @"UPDATE message_history SET sent=? WHERE messageid=? AND NOT sent;";
DDLogVerbose(@"setting sent %@, %@", messageid, jid);
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[[NSNumber numberWithBool:_sent], messageid]];
-(void) setMessageId:(NSString* _Nonnull ) messageid andJid:(NSString*) jid received:(BOOL) received
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE message_history SET received=?, sent=? WHERE messageid=? AND buddy_name=?;";
DDLogVerbose(@"setting received confrmed %@, %@", messageid, jid);
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[[NSNumber numberWithBool:received], [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], messageid, jid]];
-(void) setMessageId:(NSString* _Nonnull) messageid andJid:(NSString*) jid errorType:(NSString* _Nonnull) errorType errorReason:(NSString* _Nonnull) errorReason
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
//ignore error if the message was already received by *some* client
if([self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT messageid FROM message_history WHERE messageid=? AND buddy_name=? AND received;" andArguments:@[messageid, jid]])
DDLogVerbose(@"ignoring message error for %@, %@ [%@, %@]", messageid, jid, errorType, errorReason);
NSString* query = @"UPDATE message_history SET errorType=?, errorReason=? WHERE messageid=? AND buddy_name=?;";
DDLogVerbose(@"setting message error %@, %@ [%@, %@]", messageid, jid, errorType, errorReason);
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[errorType, errorReason, messageid, jid]];
-(void) clearErrorOfMessageId:(NSString* _Nonnull) messageid
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET errorType='', errorReason='' WHERE messageid=?;" andArguments:@[messageid]];
-(void) setMessageHistoryId:(NSNumber*) historyId filetransferMimeType:(NSString*) mimeType filetransferSize:(NSNumber*) size
if(historyId == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE message_history SET messageType=?, filetransferMimeType=?, filetransferSize=? WHERE message_history_id=?;";
DDLogVerbose(@"setting message type 'kMessageTypeFiletransfer', mime type '%@' and size %@ for history id %@", mimeType, size, historyId);
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[kMessageTypeFiletransfer, mimeType, size, historyId]];
-(void) setMessageHistoryId:(NSNumber*) historyId messageType:(NSString*) messageType
if(historyId == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE message_history SET messageType=? WHERE message_history_id=?;";
DDLogVerbose(@"setting message type '%@' for history id %@", messageType, historyId);
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[messageType, historyId]];
-(void) setMessageId:(NSString*) messageid previewText:(NSString*) text andPreviewImage:(NSString*) image
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE message_history SET previewText=?, previewImage=? WHERE messageid=?;";
DDLogVerbose(@"setting previews type %@", messageid);
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[text?text:@"", image?image:@"", messageid]];
-(void) setMessageId:(NSString*) messageid stanzaId:(NSString*) stanzaId
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"UPDATE message_history SET stanzaid=? WHERE messageid=?;";
DDLogVerbose(@"setting message stanzaid %@", query);
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[stanzaId, messageid]];
-(void) clearMessages:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=on;"];
NSArray* messageHistoryIDs = [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE messageType=? AND account_id=?;" andArguments:@[kMessageTypeFiletransfer, accountID]];
for(NSNumber* historyId in messageHistoryIDs)
[MLFiletransfer deleteFileForMessage:[self messageForHistoryID:historyId]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM message_history WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM activechats WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=off;"];
-(void) clearMessagesWithBuddy:(NSString*) buddy onAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=on;"];
NSArray* messageHistoryIDs = [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE messageType=? AND account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[kMessageTypeFiletransfer, accountID, buddy]];
for(NSNumber* historyId in messageHistoryIDs)
[MLFiletransfer deleteFileForMessage:[self messageForHistoryID:historyId]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy]];
//better UX without deleting the active chat
//[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM activechats WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=off;"];
-(NSNumber*) autoDeleteMessagesAfterInterval:(NSTimeInterval) interval
return [self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=on;"];
//interval before now
NSDate* pastDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: -interval];
NSString* pastDateString = [dbFormatter stringFromDate:pastDate];
//select message history IDs of inbound read messages or outgoing messages being old enough
//if they are filetransfers and delete those files
NSArray* messageHistoryIDs = [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE (inbound=0 OR unread=0) AND timestamp<? AND messageType=?;" andArguments:@[pastDateString, kMessageTypeFiletransfer]];
for(NSNumber* historyId in messageHistoryIDs)
[MLFiletransfer deleteFileForMessage:[self messageForHistoryID:historyId]];
//delete inbound read messages or outgoing messages being old enough
NSNumber* deletionCount = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM message_history WHERE (inbound=0 OR unread=0) AND timestamp<?;" andArguments:@[pastDateString]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM message_history WHERE (inbound=0 OR unread=0) AND timestamp<?;" andArguments:@[pastDateString]];
//delete all chats with empty history from active chats list
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM activechats AS AC WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM message_history AS MH WHERE MH.account_id=AC.account_id AND MH.buddy_name=AC.buddy_name);"];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=off;"];
return deletionCount;
-(void) retractMessageHistory:(NSNumber*) messageNo
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=on;"];
MLMessage* msg = [self messageForHistoryID:messageNo];
if([msg.messageType isEqualToString:kMessageTypeFiletransfer])
[MLFiletransfer deleteFileForMessage:msg];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET message='', messageType=?, filetransferMimeType='', filetransferSize=0, retracted=1 WHERE message_history_id=?;" andArguments:@[kMessageTypeText, messageNo]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=off;"];
-(void) deleteMessageHistoryLocally:(NSNumber*) messageNo
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=on;"];
MLMessage* msg = [self messageForHistoryID:messageNo];
if([msg.messageType isEqualToString:kMessageTypeFiletransfer])
[MLFiletransfer deleteFileForMessage:msg];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM message_history WHERE message_history_id=?;" andArguments:@[messageNo]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=off;"];
-(void) updateMessageHistory:(NSNumber*) messageNo withText:(NSString*) newText
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET message=? WHERE message_history_id=?;" andArguments:@[newText, messageNo]];
-(NSNumber* _Nullable) getLMCHistoryIDForMessageId:(NSString*) messageid from:(NSString*) from occupantId:(NSString* _Nullable) occupantId participantJid:(NSString* _Nullable) participantJid andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT M.message_history_id FROM message_history AS M INNER JOIN account AS A ON M.account_id=A.account_id INNER JOIN buddylist AS B on M.buddy_name = B.buddy_name AND M.account_id = B.account_id WHERE messageid=? AND M.account_id=? AND (\
(B.Muc=0 AND ((M.buddy_name=? AND M.inbound=1) OR ((A.username || '@' || A.domain)=? AND M.inbound=0))) OR \
(B.Muc=1 AND M.buddy_name=? AND (\
(M.occupant_id=? AND M.occupant_id IS NOT NULL) OR \
(M.participant_jid=? AND M.participant_jid IS NOT NULL) \
) \
) \
);" andArguments:@[messageid, accountID, from, from, from, nilWrapper(occupantId), nilWrapper(participantJid)]];
-(NSNumber* _Nullable) getRetractionHistoryIDForMessageId:(NSString*) messageid from:(NSString*) from participantJid:(NSString* _Nullable) participantJid occupantId:(NSString* _Nullable) occupantId andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT M.message_history_id FROM message_history AS M INNER JOIN account AS A ON M.account_id=A.account_id INNER JOIN buddylist AS B on M.buddy_name = B.buddy_name AND M.account_id = B.account_id WHERE M.account_id=? AND ( \
(B.Muc=0 AND M.messageid=? AND ((M.buddy_name=? AND M.inbound=1) OR ((A.username || '@' || A.domain)=? AND M.inbound=0))) OR \
(B.Muc=1 AND M.stanzaid=? AND M.buddy_name=? AND ( \
(M.participant_jid=? AND M.participant_jid IS NOT NULL) OR (M.occupant_id=? AND M.occupant_id IS NOT NULL)) \
) \
);" andArguments:@[accountID, messageid, from, from, messageid, from, nilWrapper(participantJid), nilWrapper(occupantId)]];
-(NSNumber* _Nullable) getRetractionHistoryIDForModeratedStanzaId:(NSString*) stanzaId from:(NSString*) from andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT M.message_history_id FROM message_history AS M INNER JOIN account AS A ON M.account_id=A.account_id INNER JOIN buddylist AS B on M.buddy_name = B.buddy_name AND M.account_id = B.account_id \
WHERE M.account_id=? AND B.Muc=1 AND M.stanzaid=? AND M.buddy_name=?;"
andArguments:@[accountID, stanzaId, from]];
-(NSDate* _Nullable) returnTimestampForQuote:(NSNumber*) historyID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
MLMessage* msg = [self messageForHistoryID:historyID];
//timestamp not needed if we can't find the message we are quoting
if(msg == nil)
return (NSDate*)nil;
//check if message is among the newest 8 exchanged with this buddy
NSNumber* isRecentEnough = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"\
SELECT COUNT(message_history_id) \
(SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 8) \
message_history_id=?; \
" andArguments:@[msg.accountID, msg.buddyName, historyID]];
if(isRecentEnough.intValue == 1)
return (NSDate*)nil;
//messages not among the newest 8, but received in the last 15 minutes don't need a timestamp either
if([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:msg.timestamp] < 900)
return (NSDate*)nil;
return msg.timestamp;
-(BOOL) checkLMCEligible:(NSNumber*) historyID encrypted:(BOOL) encrypted historyBaseID:(NSNumber* _Nullable) historyBaseID
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
MLMessage* msg = [self messageForHistoryID:historyID];
NSNumber* editAllowed;
//corretion not allowed if we can't find the message the correction was for
if(msg == nil)
return NO;
//only allow LMC if the correction message has the same encryption or better state as the original message
if(historyBaseID != nil)
//only allow LMC for the 3 newest messages of this contact (or of us)
editAllowed = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"\
WHEN (encrypted=? OR 1=?) THEN 1 \
ELSE 0 \
(SELECT message_history_id, inbound, encrypted, messageType FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND message_history_id<? ORDER BY message_history_id ASC) \
message_history_id=? LIMIT 1; \
" andArguments:@[@(encrypted), @(encrypted), msg.accountID, msg.buddyName, historyBaseID, historyID]];
//only allow LMC if the correction message has the same encryption or better state as the original message
editAllowed = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"\
WHEN (encrypted=? OR 1=?) THEN 1 \
ELSE 0 \
(SELECT message_history_id, inbound, encrypted, messageType FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? ORDER BY message_history_id DESC) \
message_history_id=? LIMIT 1; \
" andArguments:@[@(encrypted), @(encrypted), msg.accountID, msg.buddyName, historyID]];
BOOL eligible = YES;
eligible &= editAllowed.intValue == 1;
eligible &= [msg.messageType isEqualToString:kMessageTypeText];
return eligible;
//message history
-(NSNumber*) lastMessageHistoryIdForContact:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 1" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy]];
//message history
-(NSMutableArray<MLMessage*>*) messagesForContact:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil || !buddy)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSNumber* lastMsgHistID = [self lastMessageHistoryIdForContact:buddy forAccount:accountID];
// Increment msgHistId -> all messages <= msgHistId are feteched
lastMsgHistID = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[lastMsgHistID intValue] + 1];
return [self messagesForContact:buddy forAccount:accountID beforeMsgHistoryID:lastMsgHistID];
//message history
-(NSMutableArray<MLMessage*>*) messagesForContact:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID beforeMsgHistoryID:(NSNumber* _Nullable) msgHistoryID
if(accountID == nil || !buddy)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSNumber* historyIdToUse = msgHistoryID;
//fall back to newest message in history (including this message in this case)
if(historyIdToUse == nil)
//we are querying with < relation below, but want to include the newest message nontheless
historyIdToUse = @([[self lastMessageHistoryIdForContact:buddy forAccount:accountID] intValue] + 1);
NSString* query = @"SELECT message_history_id FROM (SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND message_history_id<? ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT ?) ORDER BY message_history_id ASC;";
NSNumber* msgLimit = @(kMonalBackscrollingMsgCount);
NSArray* params = @[accountID, buddy, historyIdToUse, msgLimit];
NSArray* results = [self.db executeScalarReader:query andArguments:params];
return [self messagesForHistoryIDs:results];
-(MLMessage*) lastMessageForContact:(NSString*) contact forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil || !contact)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
//return message draft (if any)
NSString* query = @"SELECT bl.messageDraft AS message, ac.lastMessageTime AS thetime, 'MessageDraft' AS messageType, '' AS af, '' AS filetransferMimeType, 0 AS filetransferSize, bl.Muc, bl.muc_type, bl.buddy_name FROM buddylist AS bl INNER JOIN activechats AS ac ON bl.account_id = ac.account_id AND bl.buddy_name = ac.buddy_name WHERE ac.account_id=? AND ac.buddy_name=? AND messageDraft IS NOT NULL AND messageDraft != '';";
NSArray* params = @[accountID, contact];
NSArray* results = [self.db executeReader:query andArguments:params];
if([results count])
NSMutableDictionary* message = [(NSDictionary*)results[0] mutableCopy];
message[@"thetime"] = [dbFormatter dateFromString:message[@"thetime"]];
return [MLMessage messageFromDictionary:message];
//return "real" last message
NSNumber* historyID = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 1;" andArguments:@[accountID, contact]];
if(historyID == nil)
return (MLMessage*)nil;
return [self messageForHistoryID:historyID];
-(NSArray<MLMessage*>*) markMessagesAsReadForBuddy:(NSString*) buddy andAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID tillStanzaId:(NSString*) stanzaid wasOutgoing:(BOOL) outgoing
if(!buddy || accountID == nil)
DDLogError(@"No buddy or accountID specified!");
return @[];
return (NSArray<MLMessage*>*)[self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
NSNumber* historyId;
if(stanzaid) //stanzaid or messageid given --> return all unread / not displayed messages until (and including) this one
historyId = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND stanzaid!='' AND stanzaid=? ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 1;" andArguments:@[accountID, stanzaid]];
//if stanzaid could not be found we've got a messageid instead
if(historyId == nil)
DDLogVerbose(@"Stanzaid not found, trying messageid");
historyId = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND messageid=? ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 1;" andArguments:@[accountID, stanzaid]];
//messageid still not found?
if(historyId == nil)
DDLogWarn(@"Could not get message_history_id for stanzaid/messageid %@", stanzaid);
return @[]; //no messages with this stanzaid / messageid could be found
else //no stanzaid given --> return all unread / not displayed messages for this contact
DDLogDebug(@"Returning newest historyId (no stanzaid/messageid given)");
historyId = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 1;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy]];
if(historyId == nil)
DDLogWarn(@"Could not get newest message_history_id (history empty)");
return @[]; //no messages with this stanzaid / messageid could be found
//on outgoing messages we only allow displayed=true for markable messages that have been received properly by the other end
//marking messages as displayed that have not been received (or marking messages that are not markable) would create false UI
NSArray* messageArray;
messageArray = [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE displayed=0 AND displayMarkerWanted=1 AND received=1 AND account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND inbound=0 AND message_history_id<=? ORDER BY message_history_id ASC;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy, historyId]];
messageArray = [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE unread=1 AND account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND inbound=1 AND message_history_id<=? ORDER BY message_history_id ASC;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy, historyId]];
DDLogVerbose(@"[%@:%@] messageArray=%@", outgoing ? @"OUT" : @"IN", historyId, messageArray);
//mark messages as read/displayed
for(NSNumber* historyIDEntry in messageArray)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET displayed=1 WHERE message_history_id=? AND received=1;" andArguments:@[historyIDEntry]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET unread=0 WHERE message_history_id=?;" andArguments:@[historyIDEntry]];
//make sure the latest_read_message_history_id field in our buddylist is updated
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET latest_read_message_history_id=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[historyIDEntry, accountID, buddy]];
//return NSArray of all updated MLMessages
return (NSArray*)[self messagesForHistoryIDs:messageArray];
-(NSNumber*) addMessageHistoryTo:(NSString*) to forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID withMessage:(NSString*) message actuallyFrom:(NSString*) actualfrom withId:(NSString*) messageId encrypted:(BOOL) encrypted messageType:(NSString*) messageType mimeType:(NSString*) mimeType size:(NSNumber*) size
//Message_history going out, from is always the local user. always read and not sent
NSArray* parts = [[[NSDate date] description] componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
NSString* dateTime = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", [parts objectAtIndex:0], [parts objectAtIndex:1]];
if(mimeType && size != nil)
size = @(0);
NSString* query;
NSArray* params;
if(mimeType && size)
query = @"INSERT INTO message_history (account_id, buddy_name, inbound, timestamp, message, actual_from, unread, sent, messageid, messageType, encrypted, displayMarkerWanted, filetransferMimeType, filetransferSize) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
params = @[accountID, to, [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], dateTime, message, actualfrom, [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], messageId, messageType, [NSNumber numberWithBool:encrypted], [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], mimeType, size];
query = @"INSERT INTO message_history (account_id, buddy_name, inbound, timestamp, message, actual_from, unread, sent, messageid, messageType, encrypted, displayMarkerWanted) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
params = @[accountID, to, [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], dateTime, message, actualfrom, [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], messageId, messageType, [NSNumber numberWithBool:encrypted], [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
return [self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
DDLogVerbose(@"%@", query);
BOOL result = [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:params];
return (NSNumber*)nil;
NSNumber* historyId = [self.db lastInsertId];
[self updateActiveBuddy:to setTime:dateTime forAccount:accountID];
return historyId;
//count unread
-(NSNumber*) countUnreadMessages
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
// count # of unread msgs in message table and ignore muted buddies and mentionOnly buddies without mention
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT Count(M.message_history_id) \
FROM message_history AS M \
LEFT JOIN buddylist AS B \
ON M.account_id = B.account_id \
AND M.buddy_name = B.buddy_name \
LEFT JOIN account AS A \
ON M.account_id = A.account_id \
WHERE M.message_history_id > (SELECT Min(latest_read_message_history_id) FROM buddylist) \
AND A.enabled \
AND B.muted = 0 \
AND M.inbound = 1 \
AND M.unread = 1 \
AND ( \
B.mentionOnly = 0 OR ( \
(B.muc_nick != '' AND M.message LIKE '%'||B.muc_nick||'%') \
OR (A.rosterName != '' AND M.message LIKE '%'||A.rosterName||'%') \
OR (A.username != '' AND M.message LIKE '%'||A.username||'%') \
OR (A.username != '' AND A.domain != '' AND M.message LIKE '%'||A.username||'@'||A.domain||'%') \
) \
) \
-(NSString*) lastStanzaIdForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT lastStanzaId FROM account WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
-(void) setLastStanzaId:(NSString*) lastStanzaId forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET lastStanzaId=? WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[lastStanzaId, accountID]];
#pragma mark active chats
-(NSMutableArray<MLContact*>*) activeContactsWithPinned:(BOOL) pinned
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT a.buddy_name, a.account_id FROM activechats AS a JOIN buddylist AS b ON (a.buddy_name = b.buddy_name AND a.account_id = b.account_id) JOIN account ON a.account_id = account.account_id WHERE a.pinned=? AND account.enabled ORDER BY lastMessageTime DESC;";
NSMutableArray<MLContact*>* toReturn = [[NSMutableArray<MLContact*> alloc] init];
for(NSDictionary* dic in [self.db executeReader:query andArguments:@[[NSNumber numberWithBool:pinned]]])
[toReturn addObject:[MLContact createContactFromJid:dic[@"buddy_name"] andAccountID:dic[@"account_id"]]];
return toReturn;
-(NSArray<MLContact*>*) activeContactDict
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSMutableArray<MLContact*>* mergedContacts = [self activeContactsWithPinned:YES];
[mergedContacts addObjectsFromArray:[self activeContactsWithPinned:NO]];
return mergedContacts;
-(void) removeActiveBuddy:(NSString*) buddyname forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
//mark all messages as read
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET unread=0 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddyname]];
//make sure the latest_read_message_history_id field in our buddylist is updated
//(we use the newest history entry for this buddyname here)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET latest_read_message_history_id=COALESCE((\
SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND inbound=1 ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 1\
), (\
SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 1\
), 0) WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddyname, accountID, buddyname]];
//remove contact from active chats list
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM activechats WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddyname]];
-(void) addActiveBuddies:(NSString*) buddyname forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!buddyname || accountID == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
//add contact if possible (ignore already existing contacts)
[self addContact:buddyname forAccount:accountID nickname:nil];
// insert or update active chat
NSString* query = @"INSERT INTO activechats (buddy_name, account_id, lastMessageTime) VALUES(?, ?, current_timestamp) ON CONFLICT(buddy_name, account_id) DO UPDATE SET lastMessageTime=current_timestamp;";
[self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[buddyname, accountID]];
-(BOOL) isActiveBuddy:(NSString*) buddyname forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT COUNT(buddy_name) FROM activechats WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
NSNumber* count = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:@[accountID, buddyname]];
if(count != nil)
NSInteger val = [((NSNumber*)count) integerValue];
return (BOOL)(val > 0);
return NO;
-(BOOL) updateActiveBuddy:(NSString*) buddyname setTime:(NSString*) timestamp forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT lastMessageTime FROM activechats WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
NSObject* result = [self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:@[accountID, buddyname]];
NSString* lastTime = (NSString *) result;
NSDate* lastDate = [dbFormatter dateFromString:lastTime];
NSDate* newDate = [dbFormatter dateFromString:timestamp];
if(lastDate.timeIntervalSince1970 < newDate.timeIntervalSince1970)
NSString* query = @"UPDATE activechats SET lastMessageTime=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;";
BOOL success = [self.db executeNonQuery:query andArguments:@[timestamp, accountID, buddyname]];
return success;
return NO;
#pragma mark chat properties
-(NSNumber*) countUserUnreadMessages:(NSString*) buddy forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!buddy || accountID == nil)
return @0;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
// count # messages from a specific user in messages table
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT COALESCE(COUNT(message_history_id),0) FROM message_history AS h WHERE h.message_history_id > (SELECT COALESCE(latest_read_message_history_id, 0) FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?) AND h.unread=1 AND h.account_id=? AND h.buddy_name=? AND h.inbound=1;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddy, accountID, buddy]];
-(void) invalidateAllAccountStates
#ifndef IS_ALPHA
@try {
DDLogWarn(@"Invalidating state of all accounts...");
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
for(NSDictionary* entry in [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT account_id FROM account;"])
[self persistState:[xmpp invalidateState:[self readStateForAccount:entry[@"account_id"]]] forAccount:entry[@"account_id"]];
#ifndef IS_ALPHA
} @catch (NSException* exception) {
DDLogError(@"caught invalidate state exception: %@", exception);
-(NSString*) lastUsedPushServerForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT registeredPushServer FROM account WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
-(void) updateUsedPushServer:(NSString*) pushServer forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeScalarReader:@"UPDATE account SET registeredPushServer=? WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[pushServer, accountID]];
-(void) deleteDelayedMessageStanzasForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM delayed_message_stanzas WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
-(void) addDelayedMessageStanza:(MLXMLNode*) stanza forArchiveJid:(NSString*) archiveJid andAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil || !archiveJid || !stanza)
NSError* error;
NSData* data = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:stanza requiringSecureCoding:YES error:&error];
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"NSError" reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", error] userInfo:@{@"error": error}];
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO delayed_message_stanzas (account_id, archive_jid, stanza) VALUES(?, ?, ?);" andArguments:@[accountID, archiveJid, data]];
-(MLXMLNode* _Nullable) getNextDelayedMessageStanzaForArchiveJid:(NSString*) archiveJid andAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil|| !archiveJid)
return nil;
NSData* data = (NSData*)[self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
NSArray* entries = [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT id, stanza FROM delayed_message_stanzas WHERE account_id=? AND archive_jid=? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1;" andArguments:@[accountID, archiveJid]];
if(![entries count])
return (NSData*)nil;
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM delayed_message_stanzas WHERE id=?;" andArguments:@[entries[0][@"id"]]];
return (NSData*)entries[0][@"stanza"];
NSError* error;
MLXMLNode* stanza = (MLXMLNode*)[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchivedObjectOfClasses:[[NSSet alloc] initWithArray:@[
[NSData class],
[NSMutableData class],
[NSMutableDictionary class],
[NSDictionary class],
[NSMutableSet class],
[NSSet class],
[NSMutableArray class],
[NSArray class],
[NSNumber class],
[NSString class],
[NSDate class],
[MLXMLNode class],
[XMPPIQ class],
[XMPPPresence class],
[XMPPMessage class],
[XMPPDataForm class],
]] fromData:data error:&error];
#ifdef IS_ALPHA
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"NSError" reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", error] userInfo:@{@"error": error}];
DDLogError(@"Error: %@", error);
return nil;
return stanza;
return nil;
-(void) addShareSheetPayload:(NSDictionary*) payload
//make sure we don't insert empty data
if(payload[@"type"] == nil || payload[@"data"] == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO sharesheet_outbox (account_id, recipient, type, data) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);" andArguments:@[
[HelperTools serializeObject:payload[@"data"]],
-(NSArray*) getShareSheetPayload
return [self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
NSArray* payloadList = [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM sharesheet_outbox ORDER BY id ASC;"];
NSMutableArray* retval = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSDictionary* entry_ in payloadList)
NSMutableDictionary* entry = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:entry_];
entry[@"data"] = [HelperTools unserializeData:entry[@"data"]];
[retval addObject:entry];
return (NSArray*)retval;
-(void) deleteShareSheetPayloadWithId:(NSNumber*) payloadId
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM sharesheet_outbox WHERE id=?;" andArguments:@[payloadId]];
#pragma mark mute and block
-(void) muteContact:(MLContact*) contact
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET muted=1 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[contact.accountID, contact.contactJid]];
-(void) unMuteContact:(MLContact*) contact
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET muted=0 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[contact.accountID, contact.contactJid]];
-(BOOL) isMutedJid:(NSString*) jid onAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!jid || accountID == nil)
return NO;
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSNumber* count = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT COUNT(buddy_name) FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND muted=1;" andArguments: @[accountID, jid]];
return count.boolValue;
-(void) setMucAlertOnMentionOnly:(NSString*) jid onAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!jid || accountID == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET mentionOnly=1 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND muc=1;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid]];
-(void) setMucAlertOnAll:(NSString*) jid onAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!jid || accountID == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET mentionOnly=0 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND muc=1;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid]];
-(BOOL) isMucAlertOnMentionOnly:(NSString*) jid onAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!jid || accountID == nil)
return NO;
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSNumber* count = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT COUNT(buddy_name) FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND mentionOnly=1 AND muc=1;" andArguments: @[accountID, jid]];
return count.boolValue;
-(void) blockJid:(NSString*) jid withAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!jid || accountID == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO blocklistCache(account_id, blocked_jid) VALUES(?, ?);" andArguments:@[accountID, jid]];
-(void) updateLocalBlocklistCache:(NSSet<NSString*>*) blockedJids forAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
// remove blocked state for all buddies of account
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM blocklistCache WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
// set blocking
for(NSString* blockedJid in blockedJids)
[self blockJid:blockedJid withAccountID:accountID];
-(void) unBlockJid:(NSString*) jid withAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM blocklistCache WHERE account_id=? AND blocked_jid=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid]];
-(BOOL) isBlockedContact:(MLContact*) contact
return NO;
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSNumber* count = (NSNumber*) [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blocklistCache WHERE account_id=? AND blocked_jid=?;" andArguments:@[contact.accountID, contact.contactJid]];
return (BOOL) (count.intValue > 0);
-(NSArray<NSString*>*) blockedJidsForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return (NSArray<NSString*>*) [self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT blocked_jid FROM blocklistCache WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
-(BOOL) isPinnedChat:(NSNumber*) accountID andBuddyJid:(NSString*) buddyJid
if(accountID == nil || !buddyJid)
return NO;
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSNumber* pinnedNum = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT pinned FROM activechats WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, buddyJid]];
if(pinnedNum != nil)
return [pinnedNum boolValue];
return NO;
-(void) pinChat:(NSNumber*) accountID andBuddyJid:(NSString*) buddyJid
if(accountID == nil || !buddyJid)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE activechats SET pinned=1 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?" andArguments:@[accountID, buddyJid]];
-(void) unPinChat:(NSNumber*) accountID andBuddyJid:(NSString*) buddyJid
if(accountID == nil || !buddyJid)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE activechats SET pinned=0 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?" andArguments:@[accountID, buddyJid]];
#pragma mark - Filetransfers
-(NSArray*) getAllMessagesForFiletransferUrl:(NSString*) url
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
return [self messagesForHistoryIDs:[self.db executeScalarReader:@"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE message=?;" andArguments:@[url]]];
-(void) upgradeImageMessagesToFiletransferMessages
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET messageType=? WHERE messageType=?;" andArguments:@[kMessageTypeFiletransfer, @"Image"]];
// (deprecated) should only be used to upgrade to new table format
-(NSArray<NSDictionary*>*) getAllCachedImages
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSNumber* tableFound = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='imageCache';"];
if(tableFound.boolValue == NO)
return [[NSArray<NSDictionary*> alloc] init];
return (NSArray<NSDictionary*>*)[self.db executeReader:@"SELECT DISTINCT * FROM imageCache;"];
// (deprecated) should only be used to upgrade to new table format
-(void) removeImageCacheTables
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS imageCache;"];
-(NSMutableArray*) allAttachmentsFromContact:(NSString*) contact forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil ||! contact)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE messageType=? AND account_id=? AND buddy_name=? GROUP BY message ORDER BY message_history_id ASC;";
NSArray* params = @[kMessageTypeFiletransfer, accountID, contact];
NSMutableArray* retval = [NSMutableArray new];
for(MLMessage* msg in [self messagesForHistoryIDs:[self.db executeScalarReader:query andArguments:params]])
[retval addObject:[MLFiletransfer getFileInfoForMessage:msg]];
return retval;
#pragma mark - last interaction
-(NSDate* _Nullable) lastInteractionOfJid:(NSString* _Nonnull) jid forAccountID:(NSNumber* _Nonnull) accountID
MLAssert(jid != nil, @"jid should not be null");
MLAssert(accountID != nil, @"accountID should not be null");
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
//this will only return resources supporting "urn:xmpp:idle:1" and being "online" (e.g. lastInteraction = 0)
NSNumber* online = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT R.lastInteraction FROM buddy_resources AS R INNER JOIN buddylist AS B ON R.buddy_id=B.buddy_id INNER JOIN ver_info AS V ON R.ver=V.ver WHERE B.account_id=? AND B.buddy_name=? AND V.account_id=? AND V.cap='urn:xmpp:idle:1' AND R.lastInteraction=0 ORDER BY R.lastInteraction ASC LIMIT 1;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid, accountID]];
//this will only return resources supporting "urn:xmpp:idle:1" and being "idle since <...>" (e.g. lastInteraction > 0)
NSNumber* idle = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT R.lastInteraction FROM buddy_resources AS R INNER JOIN buddylist AS B ON R.buddy_id=B.buddy_id INNER JOIN ver_info AS V ON R.ver=V.ver WHERE B.account_id=? AND B.buddy_name=? AND V.account_id=? AND V.cap='urn:xmpp:idle:1' AND R.lastInteraction!=0 ORDER BY R.lastInteraction DESC LIMIT 1;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid, accountID]];
//this will only return a value if the buddy has a last interaction not being NULL or 0
NSNumber* globalIdle = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT lastInteraction FROM buddylist WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND NOT (lastInteraction IS NULL OR lastInteraction==0);" andArguments:@[accountID, jid]];
//at least one online resource means the buddy is online
//if no online resource can be found use the newest timestamp as "idle since <...>" timestamp
//if this can also not be found, use the global timestamp and if this is NULL then return nil
//(meaning last interaction is unsupported and was every since we saw presences from this jid)
DDLogDebug(@"LastInteraction of %@ online=%@, idle=%@, globalIdle=%@", jid, online, idle, globalIdle);
if(online != nil)
return [[NSDate date] initWithTimeIntervalSince1970:0] ;
if(idle == nil)
if(globalIdle == nil)
return (NSDate*)nil;
return [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[globalIdle integerValue]];
return [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[idle integerValue]];
-(NSDate* _Nullable) lastInteractionOfJid:(NSString* _Nonnull) jid andResource:(NSString* _Nonnull) resource forAccountID:(NSNumber* _Nonnull) accountID
MLAssert(jid != nil, @"jid should not be null");
MLAssert(accountID != nil, @"accountID should not be null");
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
//this will only return resources supporting "urn:xmpp:idle:1"
NSNumber* lastInteraction = [self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT R.lastInteraction FROM buddy_resources AS R INNER JOIN buddylist AS B ON R.buddy_id=B.buddy_id WHERE B.account_id=? AND B.buddy_name=? AND R.resource=? AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ver_info AS V WHERE V.ver=R.ver AND V.account_id=B.account_id AND V.cap='urn:xmpp:idle:1') LIMIT 1;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid, resource]];
DDLogDebug(@"LastInteraction of %@/%@ lastInteraction=%@", jid, resource, lastInteraction);
if(lastInteraction == nil)
return (NSDate*)nil;
return [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[lastInteraction integerValue]];
-(void) setLastInteraction:(NSDate*) lastInteractionTime forJid:(NSString* _Nonnull) jid andResource:(NSString*) resource onAccountID:(NSNumber* _Nonnull) accountID
MLAssert(jid != nil, @"jid should not be null");
MLAssert(accountID != nil, @"accountID should not be null");
NSNumber* timestamp = @0; //default value for "online" or "unknown" (depending on caps)
if(lastInteractionTime != nil)
timestamp = [HelperTools dateToNSNumberSeconds:lastInteractionTime];
DDLogDebug(@"Setting lastInteraction of %@/%@ to %@...", jid, resource, timestamp);
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddy_resources AS R SET lastInteraction=? WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM buddylist AS B WHERE B.buddy_id=R.buddy_id AND B.account_id=? AND B.buddy_name=?) AND R.resource=?;" andArguments:@[timestamp, accountID, jid, resource]];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET lastInteraction=? WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=? AND (lastInteraction IS NULL OR lastInteraction<?);" andArguments:@[timestamp, accountID, jid, timestamp]];
#pragma mark - encryption
-(BOOL) shouldEncryptForJid:(NSString*) jid andAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!jid || accountID == nil)
return NO;
return [self.db boolReadTransaction:^{
NSString* query = @"SELECT encrypt from buddylist where account_id=? and buddy_name=?";
NSArray* params = @[accountID, jid];
NSNumber* status=(NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:query andArguments:params];
return [status boolValue];
-(void) encryptForJid:(NSString*) jid andAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!jid || accountID == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET encrypt=1 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid]];
-(void) disableEncryptForJid:(NSString*) jid andAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!jid || accountID == nil)
[self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET encrypt=0 WHERE account_id=? AND buddy_name=?;" andArguments:@[accountID, jid]];
-(NSNumber*) addIdleTimerWithTimeout:(NSNumber*) timeout andHandler:(MLHandler*) handler onAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
return [self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO idle_timers (timeout, account_id, handler) VALUES (?, ?, ?);" andArguments:@[timeout, accountID, [HelperTools serializeObject:handler]]];
return [self.db lastInsertId];
-(void) delIdleTimerWithId:(NSNumber* _Nullable) timerId
DDLogVerbose(@"Trying to remove idle timer with id: %@", timerId);
if(timerId == nil)
return [self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSArray* timers = [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM idle_timers WHERE id=?;" andArguments:@[timerId]];
if(timers == nil || [timers count] != 1)
return; //we could not find this timerId, ignore this call
NSDictionary* timer = timers[0];
//call invalidation of this timer's handler (will do nothing if this handler does not have any invalidation method)
//and delete the timer afterwards
//thanks to foreign keys deleting an account will automatically delete it's idle timers, too.
//therefore the following assertion only handles deactivated accounts
xmpp* account = [[MLXMPPManager sharedInstance] getEnabledAccountForID:timer[@"account_id"]];
MLAssert(account != nil, @"Deleting an idle timer should not be done when an account is disabled!", (@{
@"timerId": timerId,
@"accountID": nilWrapper(timer[@"account_id"])
$invalidate([HelperTools unserializeData:timer[@"handler"]], $ID(account));
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM idle_timers WHERE id=?;" andArguments:@[timerId]];
-(void) cleanupIdleTimerOnAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(accountID == nil)
return [self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
xmpp* account = [[MLXMPPManager sharedInstance] getEnabledAccountForID:accountID];
MLAssert(account != nil, @"Cleaning up idle timers should not be done when an account is disabled!", (@{
@"accountID": nilWrapper(accountID)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM idle_timers WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[accountID]];
//this method will only be called from our timer background thread also handling iq timeouts
-(void) decrementIdleTimersForAccount:(xmpp*) account
return [self.db voidWriteTransaction:^{
for(NSDictionary* timer in [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM idle_timers WHERE account_id=?;" andArguments:@[account.accountID]])
DDLogVerbose(@"Decrementing idle timer %@(%@): %@", timer[@"id"], timer[@"timeout"], [HelperTools unserializeData:timer[@"handler"]]);
if([timer[@"timeout"] unsignedIntegerValue] == 0)
//this timer expired --> call it's handler and delete the timer afterwards
$call([HelperTools unserializeData:timer[@"handler"]], $ID(account));
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM idle_timers WHERE id=?;" andArguments:@[timer[@"id"]]];
//just decrease timeout of this timer (it will expire when reaching zero)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE idle_timers SET timeout=timeout-1 WHERE id=?;" andArguments:@[timer[@"id"]]];
#pragma mark History Message Search (search keyword in message, buddy_name, messageType)
-(NSArray*) searchResultOfHistoryMessageWithKeyWords:(NSString*) keyword accountID:(NSNumber*) accountID
if(!keyword || accountID == nil)
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString *likeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%%%@%%", keyword];
NSString* query = @"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id = ? AND (message like ? OR buddy_name LIKE ? OR messageType LIKE ?) ORDER BY timestamp ASC;";
NSArray* params = @[accountID, likeString, likeString, likeString];
NSArray* results = [self.db executeScalarReader:query andArguments:params];
return [self messagesForHistoryIDs:results];
-(NSArray*) searchResultOfHistoryMessageWithKeyWords:(NSString*) keyword betweenContact:(MLContact* _Nonnull) contact
return nil;
return [self.db idReadTransaction:^{
NSString* likeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%%%@%%", keyword];
NSString* query = @"SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history WHERE account_id=? AND (message LIKE ? OR messageType LIKE ?) AND buddy_name=? ORDER BY timestamp ASC;";
NSArray* params = @[contact.accountID, likeString, contact.contactJid];
NSArray* results = [self.db executeScalarReader:query andArguments:params];
return [self messagesForHistoryIDs:results];