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// NotificationService.m
// NotificationService
// Created by Anurodh Pokharel on 9/16/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Monal.im. All rights reserved.
#import "NotificationService.h"
#import "MLConstants.h"
#import "HelperTools.h"
#import "IPC.h"
#import "MLProcessLock.h"
#import "MLXMPPManager.h"
#import "MLNotificationManager.h"
#import "MLFiletransfer.h"
#import "xmpp.h"
@import CallKit;
@interface NotificationService ()
+(BOOL) getAppexCleanShutdownStatus;
+(void) setAppexCleanShutdownStatus:(BOOL) shutdownStatus;
@interface PushSingleton : NSObject
@property (atomic, strong) NSMutableArray* handlerList;
@property (atomic) BOOL isFirstPush;
@interface PushHandler : NSObject
@property (atomic, strong) void (^handler)(UNNotificationContent* _Nonnull);
@property (atomic, strong) monal_void_block_t _Nullable expirationTimer;
@implementation PushHandler
-(instancetype) initWithHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationContent* _Nonnull)) handler andExpirationTimer:(monal_void_block_t) expirationTimer
self = [super init];
self.handler = handler;
self.expirationTimer = expirationTimer;
return self;
-(void) feed
@synchronized(self) {
self.handler([UNMutableNotificationContent new]);
self.expirationTimer = nil;
self.handler = nil;
-(void) dealloc
@synchronized(self) {
MLAssert(self.expirationTimer == nil && self.handler == nil, @"Deallocating PushHandler while encapsulated timer or handler still active", (@{
@"expirationTimer": self.expirationTimer == nil ? @"nil" : @"non-nil",
@"handler": self.handler == nil ? @"nil" : @"non-nil",
@implementation PushSingleton
+(id) instance
static PushSingleton* sharedInstance;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedInstance = [PushSingleton new];
return sharedInstance;
-(instancetype) init
self = [super init];
DDLogInfo(@"Initializing push singleton");
self.handlerList = [NSMutableArray new];
self.isFirstPush = YES;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(incomingIPC:) name:kMonalIncomingIPC object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateUnread) name:kMonalUpdateUnread object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(nowIdle:) name:kMonalIdle object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleIncomingVoipCall:) name:kMonalIncomingVoipCall object:nil];
return self;
-(void) dealloc
DDLogError(@"Deallocating push singleton");
[DDLog flushLog];
-(BOOL) checkAndUpdateFirstPush:(BOOL) value
BOOL retval;
@synchronized(self) {
retval = self.isFirstPush;
self.isFirstPush = value;
return retval;
-(BOOL) checkForNewPushes
@synchronized(self.handlerList) {
return self.handlerList.count > 0;
-(BOOL) checkForLastHandler
@synchronized(self.handlerList) {
return self.handlerList.count <= 1;
-(void) killAppex
//notify about pending app freeze (don't queue this notification because it should be handled IMMEDIATELY and INLINE)
DDLogVerbose(@"Posting kMonalWillBeFreezed notification now...");
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMonalWillBeFreezed object:nil];
[NotificationService setAppexCleanShutdownStatus:YES];
DDLogInfo(@"Now killing appex process, goodbye...");
[HelperTools flushLogsWithTimeout:0.100];
-(BOOL) feedNextHandler
PushHandler* entry = nil;
@synchronized(self.handlerList) {
//return NO if there isn't a single handler left in our list
if(self.handlerList.count == 0)
return NO;
entry = [self.handlerList firstObject];
[self.handlerList removeObject:entry];
//cancel expiration timer if still running and feed our handler with empty content to silence it
DDLogDebug(@"Feeding next handler");
[entry feed];
//return NO if this was the last handler and YES if not
return [self checkForLastHandler];
-(void) handleIncomingVoipCall:(NSNotification*) notification
DDLogInfo(@"Got incoming VOIP call");
if([HelperTools shouldProvideVoip])
//disconnect while still being in the receive queue to make sure we don't process any other stanza after this jmi one
//(we don't want to handle a second jmi stanza for example: that could confuse tie-breaking and other parts of our call handling)
xmpp* account = [[MLXMPPManager sharedInstance] getEnabledAccountForID:notification.userInfo[@"accountID"]];
[account disconnect];
//now disconnect all other accounts, post the voip push and kill the appex
//do this in an extra thread to avoid deadlocks via: receive_queue -> disconnect_thread -> receive_queue
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
//directly disconnect without handling any possibly queued stanzas (they will be handled in mainapp once we wake it up)
[self disconnectAndFeedAllWaitingHandlers];
DDLogInfo(@"Dispatching voip call to mainapp...");
NSString* payload = [HelperTools encodeBase64WithData:[HelperTools serializeObject:notification.userInfo]];
[CXProvider reportNewIncomingVoIPPushPayload:@{@"base64Payload": payload} completion:^(NSError* _Nullable error) {
if(error != nil)
DDLogError(@"Got error for reportNewIncomingVoIPPushPayload: %@", error);
DDLogInfo(@"Successfully called reportNewIncomingVoIPPushPayload");
[self killAppex];
DDLogError(@"shouldProvideVoip returned NO, ignoring incoming call!");
-(void) disconnectAndFeedAllWaitingHandlers
DDLogInfo(@"Disconnecting all accounts and feeding all pending handlers: %lu", [self.handlerList count]);
//this has to be synchronous because we only want to continue if all accounts are completely disconnected
[[MLXMPPManager sharedInstance] disconnectAll];
//we posted all notifications and disconnected, technically we're not running anymore
//(even though our containing process will still be running for a few more seconds)
[MLProcessLock unlock];
//feed all waiting handlers with empty notifications to silence them
//this will terminate/freeze the app extension afterwards
while([self feedNextHandler])
-(void) incomingPush:(void (^)(UNNotificationContent* _Nullable)) contentHandler
//we set the contentHandler to nil if the push was alreay handled but we want to retrigger the first push logic in here
DDLogInfo(@"Got incoming push");
PushHandler* handler = [[PushHandler alloc] initWithHandler:contentHandler andExpirationTimer:createTimer(25.0, ^{ [self pushExpired]; })];
@synchronized(self.handlerList) {
[self.handlerList addObject:handler];
//use warn loglevel to make this rare circumstance more visible in (udp) log
DDLogWarn(@"Got a new push while disconnecting, handling it as if it were the first push"); //see [self pushExpired] for explanation
//first incoming push? --> ping mainapp
//all pushes not being the first one should do nothing (despite extending our runtime)
if([self checkAndUpdateFirstPush:NO])
DDLogInfo(@"First push, pinging main app");
if([MLProcessLock checkRemoteRunning:@"MainApp"])
//this will make sure we still run if we get triggered immediately after the mainapp disconnected but before its process got freezed
DDLogDebug(@"Main app already in foreground, sleeping for 5 seconds and trying again");
DDLogDebug(@"Pinging main app again");
if([MLProcessLock checkRemoteRunning:@"MainApp"])
DDLogInfo(@"NOT connecting accounts, main app already running in foreground, terminating immediately instead");
[DDLog flushLog];
[self disconnectAndFeedAllWaitingHandlers];
[self killAppex];
DDLogDebug(@"Main app not in foreground anymore, handling first push now");
DDLogDebug(@"locking process and connecting accounts");
[DDLog flushLog];
[MLProcessLock lock];
//handle message notifications by initializing the MLNotificationManager
[MLNotificationManager sharedInstance];
//initialize the xmpp manager (used for connectivity checks etc.)
//we initialize it here to make sure the connectivity check is complete when using it later
[MLXMPPManager sharedInstance];
usleep(100000); //wait for initial connectivity check (100ms)
//now connect all enabled accounts
[[MLXMPPManager sharedInstance] connectIfNecessary];
//this will delay the delivery of such notifications until 60 seconds after our last sync attempt failed
//rather than being delivered 60 seconds after our first sync attempt failed
[HelperTools removePendingSyncErrorNotifications];
-(void) pushExpired
DDLogInfo(@"Handling expired push: %lu", (unsigned long)[self.handlerList count]);
BOOL isLastHandler = [self checkForLastHandler];
DDLogInfo(@"This was the last handler, freezing all parse queues and posting sync errors...");
//we have to freeze all incoming streams until we know if this handler feeding leads to the termination of our appex or not
//we MUST do this before feeding the last handler because after feeding the last one apple does not allow us to
//post any new notifications --> not freezing would lead to lost notifications
[self freezeAllParseQueues];
//post sync errors for all accounts still not idle now (e.g. have stanzas in our freezed pase queue or stanzas waiting for smacks acks etc.)
//we MUST do this here because apple des not allow us to post any new notifications after feeding the last handler
[HelperTools updateSyncErrorsWithDeleteOnly:NO andWaitForCompletion:YES];
//after this we (potentially) can not post any new notifications until the next push comes in (if it comes in at all)
[self feedNextHandler];
//check if this was the last handler (ignore if we got a new one in between our call to checkForLastHandler and feedNextHandler, this case will be handled below anyways)
DDLogInfo(@"Last push expired shutting down in 500ms if no new push comes in in the meantime");
//wait 500ms to allow other pushed already queued on the device (but not yet delivered to us) to be delivered to us
//after the last push expired we have ~5 seconds run time left to do the clean disconnect
//--> waiting 500ms before checking if this was the last push that expired (e.g. no new push came in) does not do any harm here
//WARNING: we have to closely watch apple...if they remove this 5 second gap between this call to the expiration handler and the actual
//appex freeze, this sleep will no longer be harmless and could even cause smacks state corruption (by not diconnecting cleanly and having stanzas
//still in the TCP queue delivered on next appex unfreeze even if they have been handled by the mainapp already)
//NOTE: not sure if that really can happen since we use file based locking, because iOS will kill processes holding such a lock
//when trying to freeze the process (and we would still hold the MLProcessLock for the appex when the freeze happens --> process kill)
//this returns YES if we got new pushes in the meantime --> do nothing if so
if(![self checkForNewPushes])
DDLogInfo(@"Shutting down appex now");
//don't post sync errors here, already did so above (see explanation there)
//schedule a new BGProcessingTaskRequest to process this further as soon as possible, if we are not idle
[HelperTools scheduleBackgroundTask:![[MLXMPPManager sharedInstance] allAccountsIdle]];
//this was the last push in the pipeline --> disconnect to prevent double handling of incoming stanzas
//that could be handled in mainapp and later again in NSE on next NSE wakeup (because still queued in the freezed NSE)
//and kill the appex afterwards to get a clean run next time
[self disconnectAndFeedAllWaitingHandlers];
//check if we got a new push in the meantime (e.g. while disconnecting) and kill ourselves if not
//(this returns YES if we got new pushes in the meantime)
if([self checkForNewPushes])
DDLogInfo(@"Okay, not shutting down appex: got a last minute push in the meantime");
//we got a new push but our firstPush flag was NO for that one --> set self.firstPush to YES and
//do the same things we would do for the (really) first push (e.g. connect our accounts)
//NOTE: because we can only reach this code if at least one push already came in and triggered the expiration timer, the following should never happen
MLAssert(![self checkAndUpdateFirstPush:YES], @"first push was already YES, that should never happen");
//retrigger the first push logic
[self incomingPush:nil];
[self killAppex];
DDLogInfo(@"Got next push, not shutting down appex");
//we can unfreeze our incoming streams because we got another push
[self unfreezeAllParseQueues];
-(void) incomingIPC:(NSNotification*) notification
NSDictionary* message = notification.userInfo;
if([message[@"name"] isEqualToString:@"Monal.disconnectAll"])
DDLogInfo(@"Got disconnectAll IPC message");
[self disconnectAndFeedAllWaitingHandlers];
[self killAppex];
else if([message[@"name"] isEqualToString:@"Monal.connectIfNecessary"])
DDLogInfo(@"Got connectIfNecessary IPC message --> IGNORING!");
//(re)connect all accounts
//[[MLXMPPManager sharedInstance] connectIfNecessary];
-(void) freezeAllParseQueues
DDLogInfo(@"Freezing all incoming streams until we know if we are either terminating or got another push");
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("im.monal.freezeAllParseQueues", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
for(xmpp* account in [MLXMPPManager sharedInstance].connectedXMPP)
//disconnect to prevent endless loops trying to connect
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
DDLogVerbose(@"freezing: %@", account);
[account freezeParseQueue];
DDLogVerbose(@"done freezing: %@", account);
dispatch_barrier_sync(queue, ^{
DDLogVerbose(@"freezeAllParseQueues done (inside barrier)");
DDLogInfo(@"All parse queues frozen now");
-(void) unfreezeAllParseQueues
DDLogInfo(@"Unfreezing all incoming streams again, we got another push");
for(xmpp* account in [MLXMPPManager sharedInstance].connectedXMPP)
[account unfreezeParseQueue];
DDLogInfo(@"All parse queues operational again");
-(void) updateUnread
DDLogVerbose(@"updating app badge via updateUnread");
UNMutableNotificationContent* content = [UNMutableNotificationContent new];
NSNumber* unreadMsgCnt = [[DataLayer sharedInstance] countUnreadMessages];
NSInteger unread = 0;
if(unreadMsgCnt != nil)
unread = [unreadMsgCnt integerValue];
DDLogVerbose(@"Raw badge value: %lu", (long)unread);
DDLogDebug(@"Adding badge value: %lu", (long)unread);
content.badge = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:unread];
UNNotificationRequest* request = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:@"badge_update" content:content trigger:nil];
NSError* error = [HelperTools postUserNotificationRequest:request];
DDLogError(@"Error posting local badge_update notification: %@", error);
DDLogVerbose(@"Unread badge updated successfully");
-(void) nowIdle:(NSNotification*) notification
[HelperTools updateSyncErrorsWithDeleteOnly:YES andWaitForCompletion:NO];
static NSMutableArray* handlers;;
static BOOL warnUnclean = NO;
@implementation NotificationService
+(void) initialize
[HelperTools initSystem];
handlers = [NSMutableArray new];
//init IPC
[IPC initializeForProcess:@"NotificationServiceExtension"];
[MLProcessLock initializeForProcess:@"NotificationServiceExtension"];
//log startup
DDLogInfo(@"Notification Service Extension started: %@", [HelperTools appBuildVersionInfoFor:MLVersionTypeLog]);
[DDLog flushLog];
warnUnclean = ![NotificationService getAppexCleanShutdownStatus];
DDLogError(@"detected unclean appex shutdown!");
[[HelperTools defaultsDB] setObject:[NSDate now] forKey:@"lastAppexStart"];
//mark this appex as unclean (will be cleared directly before calling exit(0))
[NotificationService setAppexCleanShutdownStatus:NO];
+(BOOL) getAppexCleanShutdownStatus
//we use the defaultsDB to avoid write transaction to the main DB which would kill the main app while running in the background
//(use the standardUserDefaults of the appex instead of the shared one exposed by our HelperTools to reduce kills due to locking even further)
NSNumber* wasClean = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"clean_appex_shutdown"];
return wasClean == nil || wasClean.boolValue;
+(void) setAppexCleanShutdownStatus:(BOOL) shutdownStatus
//we use the defaultsDB to avoid write transaction to the main DB which would kill the main app while running in the background
//(use the standardUserDefaults of the appex instead of the shared one exposed by our HelperTools to reduce kills due to locking even further)
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:shutdownStatus forKey:@"clean_appex_shutdown"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
-(id) init
DDLogInfo(@"Initializing notification service extension class");
self = [super init];
return self;
-(void) dealloc
DDLogInfo(@"Deallocating notification service extension class");
[DDLog flushLog];
-(void) didReceiveNotificationRequest:(UNNotificationRequest*) request withContentHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationContent* _Nonnull)) contentHandler
//make sure to handle complete push and properly proxy it while not racing with expired handlers
@synchronized(handlers) {
DDLogInfo(@"Notification handler called (request id: %@)", request.identifier);
DDLogInfo(@"Push userInfo: %@", request.content.userInfo);
[handlers addObject:contentHandler];
//only show this notification once a day at maximum (and if a build number was given in our push)
#ifdef IS_ALPHA
if(request.content.userInfo[@"firstGoodBuildNumber"] != nil)
NSDate* lastAppVersionAlert = [[HelperTools defaultsDB] objectForKey:@"lastAppVersionAlert"];
if((lastAppVersionAlert == nil || [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:lastAppVersionAlert] > 86400) && request.content.userInfo[@"firstGoodBuildNumber"] != nil)
NSDictionary* infoDict = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary];
long buildNumber = ((NSString*)[infoDict objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"]).integerValue;
long firstGoodBuildNumber = ((NSNumber*)request.content.userInfo[@"firstGoodBuildNumber"]).integerValue;
BOOL isKnownGoodBuild = NO;
for(NSNumber* allowed in request.content.userInfo[@"knownGoodBuildNumber"])
if(buildNumber == allowed.integerValue)
isKnownGoodBuild = YES;
DDLogDebug(@"current build number: %ld, firstGoodBuildNumber: %ld, isKnownGoodBuild: %@", buildNumber, firstGoodBuildNumber, bool2str(isKnownGoodBuild));
if(buildNumber < firstGoodBuildNumber && !isKnownGoodBuild)
UNMutableNotificationContent* tooOldContent = [UNMutableNotificationContent new];
tooOldContent.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Very old app version", @"");
tooOldContent.subtitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Please update!", @"");
tooOldContent.body = NSLocalizedString(@"This app is too old and can contain security bugs as well as suddenly cease operation. Please Upgrade!", @"");
tooOldContent.sound = [UNNotificationSound defaultSound];
UNNotificationRequest* errorRequest = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:[[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString] content:tooOldContent trigger:nil];
NSError* error = [HelperTools postUserNotificationRequest:errorRequest];
DDLogError(@"Error posting local app-too-old notification: %@", error);
[[HelperTools defaultsDB] setObject:[NSDate now] forKey:@"lastAppVersionAlert"];
[[HelperTools defaultsDB] synchronize];
#ifdef DEBUG
UNMutableNotificationContent* errorContent = [UNMutableNotificationContent new];
errorContent.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Unclean appex shutown", @"");
errorContent.body = NSLocalizedString(@"This should never happen, please contact the developers and provide a logfile!", @"");
errorContent.sound = [UNNotificationSound defaultSound];
UNNotificationRequest* errorRequest = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:[[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString] content:errorContent trigger:nil];
NSError* error = [HelperTools postUserNotificationRequest:errorRequest];
DDLogError(@"Error posting local appex unclean shutdown error notification: %@", error);
warnUnclean = NO; //try again on error
//proxy to push singleton
DDLogDebug(@"proxying to incomingPush");
[DDLog flushLog];
[[PushSingleton instance] incomingPush:contentHandler];
DDLogDebug(@"incomingPush proxy completed");
[DDLog flushLog];
-(void) serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire
@synchronized(handlers) {
DDLogError(@"notification handler expired, that should never happen!");
#ifdef DEBUG
UNMutableNotificationContent* errorContent = [UNMutableNotificationContent new];
errorContent.title = @"Unexpected appex expiration";
errorContent.body = @"This should never happen, please contact the developers and provide a logfile!";
errorContent.sound = [UNNotificationSound defaultSound];
UNNotificationRequest* errorRequest = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:[[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString] content:errorContent trigger:nil];
NSError* error = [HelperTools postUserNotificationRequest:errorRequest];
DDLogError(@"Error posting local appex expiration error notification: %@", error);
//It seems the iOS induced deadlock unlocks itself after this expiration handler got called and even new pushes
//can come in while this handler is still running
//--> we just wait for 1.8 seconds to make sure the unlocking can happen
// (this should be greater than the 1.5 seconds waiting time on last pushes and possibly smaller than 2 seconds,
// cause that could be the time apple will kill us after)
//NOTE: the unlocking of our deadlock will feed this expired handler and no killing should occur
//WARNING: if it's a real deadlock not unlocking itself, apple will kill us nontheless,
// but that's not different to us committing suicide like in the old code commented below
#ifdef DEBUG
if([handlers count] > 0)
//we don't want two error notifications for the user
[NotificationService setAppexCleanShutdownStatus:YES];
//we feed all handlers, these shouldn't be silenced already, because we wouldn't see this expiration
for(void (^_handler)(UNNotificationContent* _Nonnull) in handlers)
DDLogError(@"Feeding handler with error notification: %@", _handler);
UNMutableNotificationContent* errorContent = [UNMutableNotificationContent new];
errorContent.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Unexpected appex expiration", @"");
errorContent.body = NSLocalizedString(@"This should never happen, please contact the developers and provide a logfile!", @"");
errorContent.sound = [UNNotificationSound defaultSound];
[NotificationService setAppexCleanShutdownStatus:NO];
if([handlers count] > 0)
//we don't want two error notifications for the user
[NotificationService setAppexCleanShutdownStatus:YES];
//we feed all handlers, these shouldn't be silenced already, because we wouldn't see this expiration
for(void (^_handler)(UNNotificationContent* _Nonnull) in handlers)
DDLogError(@"Feeding handler with silent notification: %@", _handler);
UNMutableNotificationContent* emptyContent = [UNMutableNotificationContent new];
[NotificationService setAppexCleanShutdownStatus:NO];
DDLogInfo(@"Committing suicide...");
[DDLog flushLog];
//proxy to push singleton
DDLogDebug(@"proxying to pushExpired");
[DDLog flushLog];
[[PushSingleton instance] pushExpired];
DDLogDebug(@"pushExpired proxy completed");
[DDLog flushLog];