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// DataLayerMigrations.m
// monalxmpp
// Created by Friedrich Altheide on 15.01.22.
// Copyright © 2022 Monal.im. All rights reserved.
#import "MLSQLite.h"
#import "DataLayerMigrations.h"
#import "DataLayer.h"
#import "HelperTools.h"
#import "MLImageManager.h"
@implementation DataLayerMigrations
+(NSNumber*) readDBVersion:(MLSQLite*) db
return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[[db executeScalar:@"SELECT value FROM flags WHERE name='dbversion';"] doubleValue]];
+(BOOL) updateDB:(MLSQLite*) db withDataLayer:(DataLayer*) dataLayer toVersion:(double) version withBlock:(monal_void_block_t) block
if([(NSNumber*)[db executeScalar:@"SELECT value FROM flags WHERE name='dbversion';"] doubleValue] < version)
DDLogVerbose(@"Database version <%@ detected. Performing upgrade.", [NSNumber numberWithDouble:version]);
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE flags SET value=? WHERE name='dbversion';" andArguments:@[[NSNumber numberWithDouble:version]]];
DDLogDebug(@"Upgrade to %@ success", [NSNumber numberWithDouble:version]);
return YES;
return NO;
+(BOOL) migrateDB:(MLSQLite*) db withDataLayer:(DataLayer*) dataLayer
//migrate dbversion into flags table if necessary
[db voidWriteTransaction:^{
NSNumber* alreadyMigrated = [db executeScalar:@"SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='dbversion';"];
if([alreadyMigrated boolValue])
NSNumber* unmigratedDBVersion = [db executeScalar:@"SELECT dbversion FROM dbversion;"];
DDLogInfo(@"Migrating dbversion to flags table...");
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE dbversion;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'flags' ( \
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO flags (name, value) VALUES('dbversion', ?);" andArguments:@[unmigratedDBVersion]];
DDLogVerbose(@"dbversion table already migrated");
//make sure we don't try to operate on a database we can't upgrade from
NSNumber* dbversion = [self readDBVersion:db];
if(dbversion.doubleValue < 4.78)
DDLogError(@"Got *TOO OLD* db version %@", dbversion);
NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString* writableDBPath = [[HelperTools getContainerURLForPathComponents:@[@"sworim.sqlite"]] path];
for(NSString* suffix in @[@"", @"-wal", @"-shm"])
[fileManager removeItemAtPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", writableDBPath, suffix] error:nil];
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"OLD_DB_DETECTED" reason:@"Detected too old DB version, deleted file and crashing now!" userInfo:nil];
return [db boolWriteTransaction:^{
NSNumber* dbversion = [self readDBVersion:db];
DDLogInfo(@"Got db version %@", dbversion);
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.80 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE ipc(id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255), destination VARCHAR(255), data BLOB, timeout INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.81 withBlock:^{
// Remove silly chats
NSMutableArray* results = [db executeReader:@"select account_id, username, domain from account"];
for(NSDictionary* row in results) {
NSString* accountJid = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%@", [row objectForKey:kUsername], [row objectForKey:kDomain]];
NSString* accountID = [row objectForKey:kAccountID];
// delete chats with accountJid == buddy_name
[db executeNonQuery:@"delete from activechats where account_id=? and buddy_name=?" andArguments:@[accountID, accountJid]];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.82 withBlock:^{
//use the more appropriate name "sent" for the "delivered" column of message_history
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history RENAME TO _message_historyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'message_history' (message_history_id integer not null primary key AUTOINCREMENT, account_id integer, message_from text collate nocase, message_to text collate nocase, timestamp datetime, message blob, actual_from text collate nocase, messageid text, messageType text, sent bool, received bool, unread bool, encrypted bool, previewText text, previewImage text, stanzaid text, errorType text, errorReason text);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO message_history (message_history_id, account_id, message_from, message_to, timestamp, message, actual_from, messageid, messageType, sent, received, unread, encrypted, previewText, previewImage, stanzaid, errorType, errorReason) SELECT message_history_id, account_id, message_from, message_to, timestamp, message, actual_from, messageid, messageType, delivered, received, unread, encrypted, previewText, previewImage, stanzaid, errorType, errorReason from _message_historyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _message_historyTMP;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.83 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"alter table activechats add column pinned bool DEFAULT FALSE;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.84 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ipc;"];
//remove synchPoint from db
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist RENAME TO _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE buddylist(buddy_id integer not null primary key AUTOINCREMENT, account_id integer not null, buddy_name varchar(50) collate nocase, full_name varchar(50), nick_name varchar(50), group_name varchar(50), iconhash varchar(200), filename varchar(100), state varchar(20), status varchar(200), online bool, dirty bool, new bool, Muc bool, muc_subject varchar(255), muc_nick varchar(255), backgroundImage text, encrypt bool, subscription varchar(50), ask varchar(50), messageDraft text, lastInteraction INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddylist (buddy_id, account_id, buddy_name, full_name, nick_name, group_name, iconhash, filename, state, status, online, dirty, new, Muc, muc_subject, muc_nick, backgroundImage, encrypt, subscription, ask, messageDraft, lastInteraction) SELECT buddy_id, account_id, buddy_name, full_name, nick_name, group_name, iconhash, filename, state, status, online, dirty, new, Muc, muc_subject, muc_nick, backgroundImage, encrypt, subscription, ask, messageDraft, lastInteraction FROM _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uniqueContact on buddylist(buddy_name, account_id);"];
//make stanzaid, messageid and errorType caseinsensitive and create indixes for stanzaid and messageid
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history RENAME TO _message_historyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE message_history (message_history_id integer not null primary key AUTOINCREMENT, account_id integer, message_from text collate nocase, message_to text collate nocase, timestamp datetime, message blob, actual_from text collate nocase, messageid text collate nocase, messageType text, sent bool, received bool, unread bool, encrypted bool, previewText text, previewImage text, stanzaid text collate nocase, errorType text collate nocase, errorReason text);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO message_history (message_history_id, account_id, message_from, message_to, timestamp, message, actual_from, messageid, messageType, sent, received, unread, encrypted, previewText, previewImage, stanzaid, errorType, errorReason) SELECT message_history_id, account_id, message_from, message_to, timestamp, message, actual_from, messageid, messageType, sent, received, unread, encrypted, previewText, previewImage, stanzaid, errorType, errorReason FROM _message_historyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _message_historyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE INDEX stanzaidIndex on message_history(stanzaid collate nocase);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE INDEX messageidIndex on message_history(messageid collate nocase);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.85 withBlock:^{
//Performing upgrade on buddy_resources.
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddy_resources ADD platform_App_Name text;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddy_resources ADD platform_App_Version text;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddy_resources ADD platform_OS text;"];
//drop and recreate in 4.77 was faulty (wrong drop syntax), do it right this time
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ver_info;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE ver_info(ver VARCHAR(32), cap VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (ver,cap));"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.86 withBlock:^{
//add new stanzaid field to account table that always points to the last received stanzaid (even if that does not have a body)
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE account ADD lastStanzaId text;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.87 withBlock:^{
//populate new stanzaid field in account table from message_history table
NSString* stanzaId = (NSString*)[db executeScalar:@"SELECT stanzaid FROM message_history WHERE stanzaid!='' ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 1;"];
DDLogVerbose(@"Populating lastStanzaId with id %@ from history table", stanzaId);
if(stanzaId && [stanzaId length])
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET lastStanzaId=?;" andArguments:@[stanzaId]];
//remove all old and most probably *wrong* stanzaids from history table
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET stanzaid='';"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.9 withBlock:^{
// add timestamps to omemo prekeys
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalPreKey RENAME TO _signalPreKeyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'signalPreKey' ('account_id' int NOT NULL, 'prekeyid' int NOT NULL, 'preKey' BLOB, 'creationTimestamp' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'pubSubRemovalTimestamp' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, 'keyUsed' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (account_id, prekeyid, preKey));"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO signalPreKey (account_id, prekeyid, preKey) SELECT account_id, prekeyid, preKey FROM _signalPreKeyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _signalPreKeyTMP;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.91 withBlock:^{
//not needed anymore (better handled by 4.97)
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.92 withBlock:^{
//add displayed and displayMarkerWanted fields
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history ADD COLUMN displayed BOOL DEFAULT FALSE;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history ADD COLUMN displayMarkerWanted BOOL DEFAULT FALSE;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.93 withBlock:^{
//full_name should not be buddy_name anymore, but the user provided XEP-0172 nickname
//and nick_name will be the roster name, if given
//if none of these two are given, the local part of the jid (called node in prosody and in jidSplit:) will be used, like in other clients
//see also https://docs.modernxmpp.org/client/design/#contexts
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET full_name='' WHERE full_name=buddy_name;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET rosterVersion=?;" andArguments:@[@""]];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.94 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN rosterName TEXT;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.95 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN iconhash VARCHAR(200);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.96 withBlock:^{
//not needed anymore (better handled by 4.97)
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.97 withBlock:^{
[dataLayer invalidateAllAccountStates];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.98 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history ADD COLUMN filetransferMimeType VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT 'application/octet-stream';"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history ADD COLUMN filetransferSize INTEGER DEFAULT 0;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.990 withBlock:^{
// remove dupl entries from activechats && budylist
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM activechats \
(SELECT ROWID as tmpID, account_id, buddy_name FROM activechats WHERE \
(SELECT ROWID FROM activechats ORDER BY lastMessageTime DESC) \
GROUP BY account_id, buddy_name) \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM buddylist WHERE ROWID NOT IN \
(SELECT ROWID as tmpID, account_id, buddy_name FROM buddylist GROUP BY account_id, buddy_name) \
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.991 withBlock:^{
//remove dirty, online, new from db
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist RENAME TO _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE buddylist(buddy_id integer not null primary key AUTOINCREMENT, account_id integer not null, buddy_name varchar(50) collate nocase, full_name varchar(50), nick_name varchar(50), group_name varchar(50), iconhash varchar(200), filename varchar(100), state varchar(20), status varchar(200), Muc bool, muc_subject varchar(255), muc_nick varchar(255), backgroundImage text, encrypt bool, subscription varchar(50), ask varchar(50), messageDraft text, lastInteraction INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddylist (buddy_id, account_id, buddy_name, full_name, nick_name, group_name, iconhash, filename, state, status, Muc, muc_subject, muc_nick, backgroundImage, encrypt, subscription, ask, messageDraft, lastInteraction) SELECT buddy_id, account_id, buddy_name, full_name, nick_name, group_name, iconhash, filename, state, status, Muc, muc_subject, muc_nick, backgroundImage, encrypt, subscription, ask, messageDraft, lastInteraction FROM _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uniqueContact on buddylist(buddy_name, account_id);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.992 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN statusMessage TEXT;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.993 withBlock:^{
//make filetransferMimeType and filetransferSize have NULL as default value
//(this makes it possible to distinguish unknown values from known ones)
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history RENAME TO _message_historyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE message_history (message_history_id integer not null primary key AUTOINCREMENT, account_id integer, message_from text collate nocase, message_to text collate nocase, timestamp datetime, message blob, actual_from text collate nocase, messageid text collate nocase, messageType text, sent bool, received bool, unread bool, encrypted bool, previewText text, previewImage text, stanzaid text collate nocase, errorType text collate nocase, errorReason text, displayed BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, displayMarkerWanted BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, filetransferMimeType VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL, filetransferSize INTEGER DEFAULT NULL);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO message_history SELECT * FROM _message_historyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _message_historyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE INDEX stanzaidIndex on message_history(stanzaid collate nocase);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE INDEX messageidIndex on message_history(messageid collate nocase);"];
// skipping 4.994 due to invalid command
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.995 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uniqueActiveChat ON activechats(buddy_name, account_id);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.996 withBlock:^{
//remove all icon hashes to reload all icons on next app/nse start
//(the db upgrade mechanism will make sure that no smacks resume will take place and pep pushes come in for all avatars)
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET iconhash='';"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET iconhash='';"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:4.997 withBlock:^{
//create unique constraint for (account_id, buddy_name) on activechats table
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE activechats RENAME TO _activechatsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE activechats (account_id integer not null, buddy_name varchar(50) collate nocase, lastMessageTime datetime, lastMesssage blob, pinned bool DEFAULT FALSE, UNIQUE(account_id, buddy_name));"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO activechats SELECT * FROM _activechatsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _activechatsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uniqueActiveChat ON activechats(buddy_name, account_id);"];
//create unique constraint for (buddy_name, account_id) on buddylist table
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist RENAME TO _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE buddylist(buddy_id integer not null primary key AUTOINCREMENT, account_id integer not null, buddy_name varchar(50) collate nocase, full_name varchar(50), nick_name varchar(50), group_name varchar(50), iconhash varchar(200), filename varchar(100), state varchar(20), status varchar(200), Muc bool, muc_subject varchar(255), muc_nick varchar(255), backgroundImage text, encrypt bool, subscription varchar(50), ask varchar(50), messageDraft text, lastInteraction INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE(account_id, buddy_name));"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddylist SELECT * FROM _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uniqueContact on buddylist(buddy_name, account_id);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.000 withBlock:^{
// cleanup omemo tables
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalContactIdentity WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalContactKey WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalIdentity WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalPreKey WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalSignedPreKey WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.001 withBlock:^{
//do this in 5.0 branch as well
//create unique constraint for (account_id, buddy_name) on activechats table
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE activechats RENAME TO _activechatsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE activechats (account_id integer not null, buddy_name varchar(50) collate nocase, lastMessageTime datetime, lastMesssage blob, pinned bool DEFAULT FALSE, UNIQUE(account_id, buddy_name));"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO activechats SELECT * FROM _activechatsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _activechatsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uniqueActiveChat ON activechats(buddy_name, account_id);"];
//create unique constraint for (buddy_name, account_id) on buddylist table
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist RENAME TO _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE buddylist(buddy_id integer not null primary key AUTOINCREMENT, account_id integer not null, buddy_name varchar(50) collate nocase, full_name varchar(50), nick_name varchar(50), group_name varchar(50), iconhash varchar(200), filename varchar(100), state varchar(20), status varchar(200), Muc bool, muc_subject varchar(255), muc_nick varchar(255), backgroundImage text, encrypt bool, subscription varchar(50), ask varchar(50), messageDraft text, lastInteraction INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE(account_id, buddy_name));"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddylist SELECT * FROM _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uniqueContact on buddylist(buddy_name, account_id);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.002 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist ADD COLUMN blocked BOOL DEFAULT FALSE;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE blockList;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.003 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'blocklistCache' (\
'account_id' TEXT NOT NULL, \
'node' TEXT, \
'host' TEXT, \
'resource' TEXT, \
UNIQUE('account_id','node','host','resource'), \
(LENGTH('node') > 0 AND LENGTH('host') > 0 AND LENGTH('resource') > 0) \
OR \
(LENGTH('node') > 0 AND LENGTH('host') > 0) \
OR \
(LENGTH('host') > 0 AND LENGTH('resource') > 0) \
OR \
(LENGTH('host') > 0) \
), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') \
* OMEMO trust levels:
* 0: no trust
* 1: ToFU
* 2: trust
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.004 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalContactIdentity RENAME TO _signalContactIdentityTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'signalContactIdentity' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'contactName' TEXT NOT NULL, \
'contactDeviceId' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'identity' BLOB, \
'lastReceivedMsg' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, \
'removedFromDeviceList' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, \
FOREIGN KEY('contactName') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('buddy_name'), \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id', 'contactName', 'contactDeviceId'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') \
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO signalContactIdentity \
( \
account_id, contactName, contactDeviceId, identity, trustLevel \
) \
account_id, contactName, contactDeviceId, identity, \
WHEN trusted=1 THEN 1 \
ELSE 0 \
FROM _signalContactIdentityTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _signalContactIdentityTMP;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.005 withBlock:^{
//remove group_name and filename columns from buddylist, resize buddy_name, full_name, nick_name and muc_subject columns and add lastStanzaId column (only used for mucs)
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist RENAME TO _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE buddylist(buddy_id integer not null primary key AUTOINCREMENT, account_id integer not null, buddy_name varchar(255) collate nocase, full_name varchar(255), nick_name varchar(255), iconhash varchar(200), state varchar(20), status varchar(200), Muc bool, muc_subject varchar(1024), muc_nick varchar(255), backgroundImage text, encrypt bool, subscription varchar(50), ask varchar(50), messageDraft text, lastInteraction INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, blocked BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, muc_type VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'channel', lastMucStanzaId text DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE(account_id, buddy_name));"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddylist SELECT buddy_id, account_id, buddy_name, full_name, nick_name, iconhash, state, status, Muc, muc_subject, muc_nick, backgroundImage, encrypt, subscription, ask, messageDraft, lastInteraction, blocked, 'channel', NULL FROM _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uniqueContact ON buddylist(buddy_name, account_id);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET muc_type='channel' WHERE Muc = true;"]; //muc default type
//create new muc favorites table
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE muc_favorites;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE muc_favorites (room VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, nick varchar(255), account_id INTEGER, UNIQUE(room, account_id));"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.006 withBlock:^{
// recreate blocklistCache - fixes foreign key
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE blocklistCache RENAME TO _blocklistCacheTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'blocklistCache' (\
'account_id' TEXT NOT NULL, \
'node' TEXT, \
'host' TEXT, \
'resource' TEXT, \
UNIQUE('account_id','node','host','resource'), \
(LENGTH('node') > 0 AND LENGTH('host') > 0 AND LENGTH('resource') > 0) \
OR \
(LENGTH('node') > 0 AND LENGTH('host') > 0) \
OR \
(LENGTH('host') > 0 AND LENGTH('resource') > 0) \
OR \
(LENGTH('host') > 0) \
), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _blocklistCacheTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO blocklistCache SELECT * FROM _blocklistCacheTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _blocklistCacheTMP;"];
// recreate signalContactIdentity - fixes foreign key
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalContactIdentity RENAME TO _signalContactIdentityTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'signalContactIdentity' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'contactName' TEXT NOT NULL, \
'contactDeviceId' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'identity' BLOB, \
'lastReceivedMsg' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, \
'removedFromDeviceList' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id','contactName') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id', 'contactName', 'contactDeviceId'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _signalContactIdentityTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account) OR (account_id, contactName) NOT IN (SELECT account_id, buddy_name FROM buddylist);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO signalContactIdentity SELECT * FROM _signalContactIdentityTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _signalContactIdentityTMP;"];
// add self chats for omemo
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO buddylist ('account_id', 'buddy_name', 'muc') SELECT account_id, (username || '@' || domain), 0 FROM account;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.007 withBlock:^{
// remove broken omemo sessions
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalContactIdentity WHERE (account_id, contactName) NOT IN (SELECT account_id, contactName FROM signalContactSession);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalContactSession WHERE (account_id, contactName) NOT IN (SELECT account_id, contactName FROM signalContactIdentity);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.008 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE muc_favorites;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'muc_favorites' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'room' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \
'nick' varchar(255), \
'autojoin' BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
UNIQUE('room', 'account_id'), \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id', 'room') \
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.009 withBlock:^{
// add foreign key to signalContactSession
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalContactSession RENAME TO _signalContactSessionTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'signalContactSession' ( \
'account_id' int NOT NULL, \
'contactName' text, \
'contactDeviceId' int NOT NULL, \
'recordData' BLOB, \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id','contactName','contactDeviceId'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id', 'contactName') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _signalContactSessionTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _signalContactSessionTMP WHERE (account_id, contactName) NOT IN (SELECT account_id, buddy_name FROM buddylist)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO signalContactSession SELECT * FROM _signalContactSessionTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _signalContactSessionTMP;"];
// add foreign key to signalIdentity
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalIdentity RENAME TO _signalIdentityTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'signalIdentity' ( \
'account_id' int NOT NULL, \
'deviceid' int NOT NULL, \
'identityPublicKey' BLOB NOT NULL, \
'identityPrivateKey' BLOB NOT NULL, \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id', 'deviceid'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _signalIdentityTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO signalIdentity (account_id, deviceid, identityPublicKey, identityPrivateKey) SELECT account_id, deviceid, identityPublicKey, identityPrivateKey FROM _signalIdentityTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _signalIdentityTMP;"];
// add foreign key to signalPreKey
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalPreKey RENAME TO _signalPreKeyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'signalPreKey' ( \
'account_id' int NOT NULL, \
'prekeyid' int NOT NULL, \
'preKey' BLOB, \
'pubSubRemovalTimestamp' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id', 'prekeyid'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _signalPreKeyTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO signalPreKey SELECT * FROM _signalPreKeyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _signalPreKeyTMP;"];
// add foreign key to signalSignedPreKey
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalSignedPreKey RENAME TO _signalSignedPreKeyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'signalSignedPreKey' ( \
'account_id' int NOT NULL, \
'signedPreKeyId' int NOT NULL, \
'signedPreKey' BLOB, \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id', 'signedPreKeyId'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _signalSignedPreKeyTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _signalSignedPreKeyTMP WHERE (ROWID, account_id, signedPreKeyId, signedPreKey) NOT IN (SELECT ROWID, account_id, signedPreKeyId, signedPreKey FROM _signalSignedPreKeyTMP GROUP BY account_id);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO signalSignedPreKey SELECT * FROM _signalSignedPreKeyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _signalSignedPreKeyTMP;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.010 withBlock:^{
// add foreign key to activechats
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE activechats RENAME TO _activechatsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'activechats' ( \
'account_id' integer NOT NULL, \
'buddy_name' varchar(50) NOT NULL COLLATE nocase, \
'lastMessageTime' datetime, \
'lastMesssage' blob, \
'pinned' bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id', 'buddy_name'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id', 'buddy_name') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _activechatsTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _activechatsTMP WHERE (account_id, buddy_name) NOT IN (SELECT account_id, buddy_name FROM buddylist)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO activechats SELECT * FROM _activechatsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _activechatsTMP;"];
// add foreign key to activechats
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist RENAME TO _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'buddylist' ( \
'buddy_id' integer NOT NULL, \
'account_id' integer NOT NULL, \
'buddy_name' varchar(255) COLLATE nocase, \
'full_name' varchar(255), \
'nick_name' varchar(255), \
'iconhash' varchar(200), \
'state' varchar(20), \
'status' varchar(200), \
'Muc' bool, \
'muc_subject' varchar(1024), \
'muc_nick' varchar(255), \
'backgroundImage' text, \
'encrypt' bool, \
'subscription' varchar(50), \
'ask' varchar(50), \
'messageDraft' text, \
'lastInteraction' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
'muc_type' VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'channel', \
'lastMucStanzaId' text DEFAULT NULL, \
UNIQUE('account_id', 'buddy_name'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _buddylistTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddylist SELECT * FROM _buddylistTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _buddylistTMP;"];
// add foreign key to buddy_resources
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddy_resources RENAME TO _buddy_resourcesTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'buddy_resources' ( \
'buddy_id' integer NOT NULL, \
'resource' varchar(255, 0) NOT NULL, \
'ver' varchar(20, 0), \
'platform_App_Name' text, \
'platform_App_Version' text, \
'platform_OS' text, \
PRIMARY KEY('buddy_id','resource'), \
FOREIGN KEY('buddy_id') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('buddy_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _buddy_resourcesTMP WHERE buddy_id NOT IN (SELECT buddy_id FROM buddylist)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _buddy_resourcesTMP WHERE (ROWID, buddy_id, resource) NOT IN (SELECT ROWID, buddy_id, resource FROM _buddy_resourcesTMP GROUP BY buddy_id, resource);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO buddy_resources (buddy_id, resource, ver, platform_App_Name, platform_App_Version, platform_OS) SELECT buddy_id, resource, ver, platform_App_Name, platform_App_Version, platform_OS FROM _buddy_resourcesTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _buddy_resourcesTMP;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.011 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'muc_participants' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'room' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \
'room_nick' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \
'participant_jid' VARCHAR(255), \
'affiliation' VARCHAR(255), \
'role' VARCHAR(255), \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id','room','room_nick'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id', 'room') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.012 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist ADD COLUMN muted BOOL DEFAULT FALSE"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.013 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalContactIdentity ADD COLUMN brokenSession BOOL DEFAULT FALSE"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.014 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history RENAME TO _message_historyTMP;"];
// Create a backup before changing a lot of the table style
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE message_history_backup AS SELECT * FROM _message_historyTMP WHERE 0"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO message_history_backup SELECT * FROM _message_historyTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'message_history' ( \
'message_history_id' integer NOT NULL, \
'account_id' integer NOT NULL, \
'buddy_name' TEXT NOT NULL, \
'inbound' BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
'timestamp' datetime NOT NULL, \
'message' blob NOT NULL, \
'actual_from' text COLLATE nocase, \
'messageid' text COLLATE nocase, \
'messageType' text, \
'sent' bool, \
'received' bool, \
'unread' bool, \
'encrypted' bool DEFAULT FALSE, \
'previewText' text, \
'previewImage' text, \
'stanzaid' text COLLATE nocase, \
'errorType' text COLLATE nocase, \
'errorReason' text, \
'displayed' BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, \
'displayMarkerWanted' BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, \
'filetransferMimeType' VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL, \
'filetransferSize' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, \
PRIMARY KEY('message_history_id' AUTOINCREMENT), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id', 'buddy_name') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _message_historyTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
// delete all group chats and all chats that don't have a valid buddy
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _message_historyTMP WHERE message_history_id IN (\
SELECT message_history_id \
FROM _message_historyTMP AS M INNER JOIN account AS A \
ON M.account_id=A.account_id \
WHERE (M.message_from!=(A.username || '@' || A.domain) AND M.message_to!=(A.username || '@' || A.domain))\
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO message_history \
(message_history_id, account_id, buddy_name, inbound, timestamp, message, actual_from, messageid, messageType, sent, received, unread, encrypted, previewText, previewImage, stanzaid, errorType, errorReason, displayed, displayMarkerWanted, filetransferMimeType, filetransferSize) \
M.message_history_id, M.account_id, \
WHEN M.message_from=(A.username || '@' || A.domain) THEN M.message_to \
ELSE M.message_from \
END AS buddy_name, \
WHEN M.message_from=(A.username || '@' || A.domain) THEN 0 \
ELSE 1 \
END AS inbound, \
M.timestamp, M.message, M.actual_from, M.messageid, M.messageType, M.sent, M.received, M.unread, M.encrypted, M.previewText, M.previewImage, M.stanzaid, M.errorType, M.errorReason, M.displayed, M.displayMarkerWanted, M.filetransferMimeType, M.filetransferSize \
FROM _message_historyTMP AS M INNER JOIN account AS A ON M.account_id=A.account_id;\
// delete muc messages
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM message_history WHERE message_history_id IN (\
SELECT message_history_id \
FROM message_history AS M INNER JOIN buddylist AS B\
ON M.account_id=B.account_id AND M.buddy_name=B.buddy_name \
WHERE B.Muc=1) \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _message_historyTMP;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.015 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'muc_members' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'room' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \
'member_jid' VARCHAR(255), \
'affiliation' VARCHAR(255), \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id','room','member_jid'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id', 'room') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE \
// Migrate muteList to new format and delete old table
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.016 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET muted=1 \
WHERE buddy_name IN ( \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE muteList;"];
// Delete all muc's
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.017 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM buddylist WHERE Muc=1;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM muc_participants;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM muc_members;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM muc_favorites;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.018 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history ADD COLUMN participant_jid TEXT DEFAULT NULL"];
// delete message_history backup table
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.019 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE message_history_backup;"];
//update muc favorites to have the autojoin flag set
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.020 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE muc_favorites SET autojoin=1;"];
// jid's should be lower only
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.021 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET username=LOWER(username), domain=LOWER(domain);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE activechats SET buddy_name=lower(buddy_name);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET buddy_name=LOWER(buddy_name);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE message_history SET buddy_name=LOWER(buddy_name), actual_from=LOWER(actual_from), participant_jid=LOWER(participant_jid);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE muc_members SET room=LOWER(room);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE muc_participants SET room=LOWER(room);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE muc_participants SET room=LOWER(room);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE signalContactIdentity SET contactName=LOWER(contactName);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE signalContactSession SET contactName=LOWER(contactName);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE subscriptionRequests SET buddy_name=LOWER(buddy_name);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.022 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE subscriptionRequests RENAME TO _subscriptionRequestsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'subscriptionRequests' ( \
'account_id' integer NOT NULL, \
'buddy_name' varchar(255) NOT NULL, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id','buddy_name') \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _subscriptionRequestsTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO subscriptionRequests (account_id, buddy_name) SELECT account_id, buddy_name FROM _subscriptionRequestsTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _subscriptionRequestsTMP;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.023 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_favorites RENAME TO _muc_favoritesTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'muc_favorites' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'room' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \
'nick' varchar(255), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
UNIQUE('room', 'account_id'), \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id', 'room') \
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO muc_favorites (account_id, room, nick) SELECT account_id, room, nick FROM _muc_favoritesTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _muc_favoritesTMP;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.024 withBlock:^{
//nicknames should be compared case sensitive --> change collation
//we don't need to migrate our table data because the db upgrade triggers a xmpp reconnect and this in turn triggers
//a new muc join which does clear this table anyways
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE muc_participants;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'muc_participants' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'room' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \
'room_nick' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COLLATE binary, \
'participant_jid' VARCHAR(255), \
'affiliation' VARCHAR(255), \
'role' VARCHAR(255), \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id','room','room_nick'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id', 'room') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.026 withBlock:^{
//new outbox table for sharesheet
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'sharesheet_outbox' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'recipient' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \
'type' VARCHAR(32), \
'data' VARCHAR(1023), \
'comment' VARCHAR(255), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id', 'recipient') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[[HelperTools defaultsDB] removeObjectForKey:@"outbox"];
[[HelperTools defaultsDB] synchronize];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.101 withBlock:^{
//save the smallest unread id for faster retrieval of unread message count per contact
//we use -1because all queries using this test for message_history_id > this field, not >=
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE 'buddylist' ADD COLUMN 'latest_read_message_history_id' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.103 withBlock:^{
//make sure the latest_read_message_history_id is filled with correct initial values
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist AS b SET latest_read_message_history_id=COALESCE((\
SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history AS h\
WHERE h.account_id=b.account_id AND h.buddy_name=b.buddy_name AND unread=1 AND inbound=1\
ORDER BY h.message_history_id ASC LIMIT 1\
)-1, (\
SELECT message_history_id FROM message_history ORDER BY message_history_id DESC LIMIT 1\
), 0);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.104 withBlock:^{
//database table for storage of delayed message stanzas during catchup phase (we store this into a database to make sure we don't consume too much memory)
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'delayed_message_stanzas' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'archive_jid' BLOB NOT NULL, \
'stanza' VARCHAR(32), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id', 'archive_jid') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.105 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist ADD COLUMN mentionOnly BOOL DEFAULT FALSE"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.106 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE signalContactKey;"];
/* this gap between 5.106 and 5.112 is intentional and should not be filled */
//this flag remains on for unclean appex shutdowns and can be used to warn (alpha) users about this
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.112 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO flags (name, value) VALUES('clean_appex_shutdown', '1');"];
//remove all cached hashes and saved avatar images
//--> avatar images will be loaded on next non-smacks connect (because of the incoming metadata +notify on full reconnect)
//and replace the already saved avatar files
//NOTE: next reconnect is now(!) due to the upgraded db version
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.113 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET iconhash='';"];
[[MLImageManager sharedInstance] removeAllIcons];
// migrate account_id column in blocklistCache to integer
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.114 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE blocklistCache RENAME TO _blocklistCacheTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'blocklistCache' (\
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'node' TEXT, \
'host' TEXT, \
'resource' TEXT, \
UNIQUE('account_id','node','host','resource'), \
(LENGTH('node') > 0 AND LENGTH('host') > 0 AND LENGTH('resource') > 0) \
OR \
(LENGTH('node') > 0 AND LENGTH('host') > 0) \
OR \
(LENGTH('host') > 0 AND LENGTH('resource') > 0) \
OR \
(LENGTH('host') > 0) \
), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM _blocklistCacheTMP WHERE account_id NOT IN (SELECT account_id FROM account)"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO blocklistCache SELECT * FROM _blocklistCacheTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _blocklistCacheTMP;"];
// relax foreign key constraints for omemo tables
// muc participants might not be a buddy
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.115 withBlock:^{
// migrate signalContactIdentity
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalContactIdentity RENAME TO _signalContactIdentityTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'signalContactIdentity' (\
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL,\
'contactName' TEXT NOT NULL,\
'contactDeviceId' INTEGER NOT NULL,\
'identity' BLOB,\
'lastReceivedMsg' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,\
'removedFromDeviceList' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,\
PRIMARY KEY('account_id', 'contactName', 'contactDeviceId'),\
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE\
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO signalContactIdentity SELECT * FROM _signalContactIdentityTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _signalContactIdentityTMP;"];
// migrate signalContactSession
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalContactSession RENAME TO _signalContactSessionTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'signalContactSession' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'contactName' text NOT NULL, \
'contactDeviceId' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'recordData' BLOB, \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id','contactName','contactDeviceId'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO signalContactSession SELECT * FROM _signalContactSessionTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _signalContactSessionTMP;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.116 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE delayed_message_stanzas RENAME TO _delayed_message_stanzasTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'delayed_message_stanzas' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'archive_jid' BLOB NOT NULL, \
'stanza' VARCHAR(32), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE\
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO delayed_message_stanzas SELECT * FROM _delayed_message_stanzasTMP;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE _delayed_message_stanzasTMP;"];
// remove old self chat buddies needed for omemo
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.117 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE \
FROM buddylist \
FROM buddylist AS b \
INNER JOIN account AS a \
ON a.account_id=b.account_id \
WHERE b.buddy_name==(a.username || '@' || a.domain) \
) \
//clear roster version to remove all non-muc roster entries pointing to a muc jid
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.118 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET rosterVersion=NULL;"];
//change data column in sharesheet outbox table to TEXT instead of length-bound VARCHAR and truncate table to make sure we don't have NULL data entries
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.119 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE sharesheet_outbox DROP COLUMN data;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE sharesheet_outbox ADD COLUMN data TEXT DEFAULT NULL;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM sharesheet_outbox;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.120 withBlock:^{
//dummy upgrade to make sure all state gets invalidated because of new MLHandler behaviour (mandatory arguments)
// add push server column to accounts
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.201 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN registeredPushServer TEXT DEFAULT NULL;"];
#ifdef IS_ALPHA
NSString* currentPushserver = @"push.molitor-dietzel.de";
NSString* currentPushserver = @"ios13push.monal.im";
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET registeredPushServer=?;" andArguments:@[currentPushserver]];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.202 withBlock:^{
//dummy upgrade to make sure all state gets invalidated because of new mandatory {MLFiletransfer, handleHardlinking} arguments
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.203 withBlock:^{
// ensure that we TOFU trust our own device ids
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE signalContactIdentity \
SET trustLevel=1 \
FROM account as a \
INNER JOIN signalIdentity as si \
ON a.account_id = si.account_id \
INNER JOIN signalContactIdentity as sci \
ON sci.account_id = a.account_id \
AND si.deviceid = sci.contactDeviceId \
sci.trustLevel = 0 \
) \
//add needs_password_migration field to accounts db
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.301 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN needs_password_migration BOOL DEFAULT false;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.302 withBlock:^{
//dummy upgrade to make sure all state gets invalidated, we want to be sure push gets correctly enabled
//remove unused sharesheet outbox column "comment"
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.303 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE sharesheet_outbox DROP COLUMN comment;"];
//add new column for SASL2 pinning
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.304 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN supports_sasl2 BOOL DEFAULT false;"];
//add device id to flags table
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:5.305 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO flags (name, value) VALUES('device_id', ?);" andArguments:@[UIDevice.currentDevice.identifierForVendor.UUIDString]];
//add retracted flag to message history table
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.001 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history ADD COLUMN retracted BOOL DEFAULT false;"];
//create idle timer table
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.002 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'idle_timers' ( \
'timeout' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'handler' BLOB NOT NULL, \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE\
//create self-chats
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.003 withBlock:^{
for(NSDictionary* dictionary in [dataLayer accountList])
[dataLayer addContact:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%@", dictionary[kUsername], dictionary[kDomain]] forAccount:dictionary[kAccountID] nickname:nil];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.004 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddy_resources ADD COLUMN lastInteraction INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist DROP COLUMN lastInteraction;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.005 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE signalContactIdentity ADD COLUMN lastFailedBundleFetch INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.006 withBlock:^{
// remove session records without a corresponding trust info
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalContactSession WHERE (account_id, contactName, contactDeviceId) NOT IN (SELECT account_id, contactName, contactDeviceId FROM signalContactIdentity);"];
// mark identities as broken if no session exists
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE signalContactIdentity SET brokenSession=true WHERE (account_id, contactName, contactDeviceId) NOT IN (SELECT account_id, contactName, contactDeviceId FROM signalContactSession);"];
//reintroduce lastInteraction column to buddylist to record the latest interaction independently of online resources
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.007 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist ADD COLUMN lastInteraction INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;"];
//friedrich said: do this to make sure we reregister push with the right type and token
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.008 withBlock:^{
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.009 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET server=TRIM(server);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET username=TRIM(username);"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET domain=TRIM(domain);"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.201 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ver_info;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE ver_info( \
ver VARCHAR(32), \
cap VARCHAR(255), \
account_id INTEGER NOT NULL, \
PRIMARY KEY (ver, cap, account_id) \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ver_timestamp;"];
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.202 withBlock:^{
//intentionally left blank
//fix empty domain in db for weird setups
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.203 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET domain=TRIM(server) WHERE domain='';"];
//add new setting to force deactivate sasl2 and fallback to sals1 and plain
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.204 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN plain_activated BOOL DEFAULT false;"];
//make sure that all users are still able to connect if the server supports SASL2 and the account is disabled
//--> possibly disabled because it only supports PLAIN
//==> the next connect will (re)set the plain_activated and supports_sasl2 flags to the correct values
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET plain_activated=true, supports_sasl2=false WHERE NOT enabled AND supports_sasl2;"];
//add occupant-id (XEP-0421) support
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.401 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_participants ADD COLUMN occupant_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_members ADD COLUMN occupant_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE message_history ADD COLUMN occupant_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"];
//fix last update
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.402 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_occupant ON muc_participants('room', 'account_id', 'occupant_id');"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_members DROP COLUMN occupant_id;"];
//make new mucs not have a default type instead of 'channel'
//(that means that the default encryption gets turned off when entering a channel and kept on when entering a group)
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.403 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist RENAME COLUMN 'muc_type' to 'muc_type_old';"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist ADD COLUMN 'muc_type' VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET muc_type=muc_type_old;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist DROP COLUMN 'muc_type_old';"];
//make sure all existing mucs get their type and encryption state correctly updated, too
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.404 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE buddylist SET muc_type=NULL;"];
//reactivate PLAIN auth on all accounts to allow proper upgrades to servers only supporting PLAIN even with SASL2
//this should fix issue #1186
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.405 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE account SET plain_activated=true WHERE supports_sasl2=false;"];
//streamlined code with only plain_activated column
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.406 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE account DROP COLUMN 'supports_sasl2';"];
//allow for storage of roster groups
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.407 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'buddy_groups' ( \
'buddy_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'group_name' VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, \
FOREIGN KEY('buddy_id') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('buddy_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
PRIMARY KEY('buddy_id', 'group_name') \
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE INDEX buddyIdIndex ON 'buddy_groups'('buddy_id');"];
//add own occupant-id to database
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.408 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist ADD COLUMN muc_occupant_id VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"];
//allow NULL values for optional fields and make this explicit
//we don't need to migrate data because of our non-smacks reconnect on db upgrade
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.409 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_participants DROP COLUMN participant_jid;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_participants DROP COLUMN affiliation;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_participants DROP COLUMN role;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_participants ADD COLUMN participant_jid VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_participants ADD COLUMN affiliation VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE muc_participants ADD COLUMN role VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE muc_members;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'muc_members' ( \
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'room' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \
'member_jid' VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL, \
'affiliation' VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL, \
PRIMARY KEY('account_id','room','member_jid'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE, \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id', 'room') REFERENCES 'buddylist'('account_id', 'buddy_name') ON DELETE CASCADE \
//simplify the blocklistCache table
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.410 withBlock:^{
//the cache is regenerated on log-in, thus there is no need to migrate the data
[db executeNonQuery:@"DROP TABLE blocklistCache;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE 'blocklistCache' (\
'account_id' INTEGER NOT NULL, \
'blocked_jid' TEXT NOT_NULL CHECK(LENGTH(blocked_jid) > 0), \
UNIQUE('account_id','blocked_jid'), \
FOREIGN KEY('account_id') REFERENCES 'account'('account_id') ON DELETE CASCADE \
//a contact's blocked state is deduced directly from the blocklistCache table.
//as such, this column is redundant.
[self updateDB:db withDataLayer:dataLayer toVersion:6.411 withBlock:^{
[db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE buddylist DROP COLUMN 'blocked';"];
//check if device id changed and invalidate state, if so
//but do so only for non-sandbox (e.g. non-development) installs
if(![[HelperTools defaultsDB] boolForKey:@"isSandboxAPNS"])
NSString* stored_id = (NSString*)[db executeScalar:@"SELECT value FROM flags WHERE name='device_id';"];
NSString* current_id = UIDevice.currentDevice.identifierForVendor.UUIDString;
if(current_id == nil)
DDLogWarn(@"Deviceid is nil, not checking for deviceid change");
else if(![current_id isEqualToString:stored_id])
DDLogWarn(@"Device id has changed (%@ --> %@), invalidating state AND omemo identity keys!", stored_id, current_id);
//invalidate account state because the app was migrated to a new device
[dataLayer invalidateAllAccountStates];
//change resource because of app migration
for(NSMutableDictionary* accountDict in [[dataLayer accountList] mutableCopy])
accountDict[kResource] = [HelperTools encodeRandomResource];
[dataLayer updateAccounWithDictionary:accountDict];
//clean up signal store and generate new omemo keys (but don't change trust settings!)
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalContactSession;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalIdentity;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalPreKey;"];
[db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM signalSignedPreKey;"];
//update device id in db
[db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE flags SET value=? WHERE name='device_id';" andArguments:@[UIDevice.currentDevice.identifierForVendor.UUIDString]];
//check if db version changed and invalidate state, if so
NSNumber* newdbversion = [self readDBVersion:db];
if([dbversion isEqualToNumber:newdbversion] == NO)
//invalidate account state if the database has changed
[dataLayer invalidateAllAccountStates];
DDLogInfo(@"Database migrated from old version %@ to version %@", dbversion, newdbversion);
return YES;
DDLogInfo(@"Database: no migration needed, version: %@", newdbversion);
return NO;