172 lines
6.1 KiB
172 lines
6.1 KiB
![]() |
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import argparse
import socket
import ipaddress
import json
import zlib
import hashlib
import struct
import pathlib
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
# import optional/alternative modules
from xtermcolor import colorize
except ImportError as e:
def colorize(text, rgb=None, ansi=None, bg=None, ansi_bg=None, fd=1, **kwargs):
print(text, **kwargs)
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES # pycryptodomex
except ImportError as e:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES # pycryptodome
def flag_to_kwargs(flag):
kwargs = {}
if flag != None:
if flag & 1: # error
kwargs = {"ansi": 9, "ansi_bg": 0}
elif flag & 2: # warning
kwargs = {"ansi": 208, "ansi_bg": 0}
elif flag & 4: # info
kwargs = {"ansi": 40, "ansi_bg": None}
elif flag & 8: # debug
kwargs = {"ansi": 39, "ansi_bg": None}
elif flag & 16: # verbose
kwargs = {"ansi": 7, "ansi_bg": None}
elif flag & 32: # stderr
kwargs = {"ansi": 9, "ansi_bg": None}
elif flag & 64: # stdout
kwargs = {"ansi": 0, "ansi_bg": None}
kwargs = {"ansi": 0, "ansi_bg": None}
return kwargs
def decrypt(ciphertext, key):
iv = ciphertext[:12]
if len(iv) != 12:
raise Exception("Cipher text is damaged: invalid iv length")
tag = ciphertext[12:28]
if len(tag) != 16:
raise Exception("Cipher text is damaged: invalid tag length")
encrypted = ciphertext[28:]
# Construct AES cipher, with old iv.
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)
# Decrypt and verify.
plaintext = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(encrypted, tag)
except ValueError as e:
raise Exception("Cipher text is damaged: {}".format(e))
return plaintext
def formatLogline(entry):
LOGLEVELS = {v: k for k, v in {
"ERROR": 1,
"INFO": 4,
"DEBUG": 8,
"VERBOSE": 16,
"STDERR": 32,
"STDOUT": 64,
"STATUS": 256,
file = pathlib.PurePath(entry["file"])
return "%s [%s] %s [%s (QOS:%s)] %s at %s:%lu: %s" % (
"%s:%s" % (entry["threadID"], entry["tag"]["queueThreadLabel"]) if entry["threadID"] != entry["tag"]["queueThreadLabel"] else entry["threadID"],
"%s/%s" % (file.parent.name, file.name),
# parse commandline
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, description="Monal UDP-Logserver.", epilog="WARNING: WE DO NOT ENHANCE ENTROPY!! PLEASE MAKE SURE TO USE A ENCRYPTION KEY WITH PROPER ENTROPY!!")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--key", type=str, required=True, metavar='KEY', help="AES-Key to use for decription of incoming data")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--listen", type=str, metavar='HOSTNAME', help="Local hostname or IP to listen on (Default: :: e.g. any)", default="::")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", type=int, metavar='PORT', help="Port to listen on (Default: 5555)", default=5555)
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", type=str, required=False, metavar='FILE', help="Filename to write the log to (in addition to stdout)")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--rawfile", type=str, required=False, metavar='RAW', help="Filename to write the RAW log to")
args = parser.parse_args()
# "derive" 256 bit key
m = hashlib.sha256()
m.update(bytes(args.key, "UTF-8"))
key = m.digest()
# create listening udp socket and process all incoming packets
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6 if ipaddress.ip_address(args.listen).version==6 else socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind((args.listen, args.port))
last_counter = None
last_processID = None
logfd = None
rawfd = None
receiveCounter = 0
if args.file:
print(colorize("Opening logfile '%s' for writing..." % args.file, ansi=15, ansi_bg=0), flush=True)
logfd = open(args.file, "w")
if args.rawfile:
print(colorize("Opening RAW logfile '%s' for writing..." % args.rawfile, ansi=15, ansi_bg=0), flush=True)
rawfd = open(args.rawfile, "wb")
while True:
# receive raw udp packet
payload, client_address = sock.recvfrom(65536)
# decrypt raw data
payload = decrypt(payload, key)
except Exception as e:
continue # process next udp packet
# decompress raw data
payload = zlib.decompress(payload, zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16)
# log to RAW file
if rawfd:
size = struct.pack("!L", len(payload))
# decode raw json encoded data
decoded = json.loads(str(payload, "UTF-8"))
# increment local receive counter and add it to data
receiveCounter += 1
decoded["_receiveCounter"] = receiveCounter
# check if counter jumped over some lines
logline = ""
if last_processID != None and decoded["tag"]["processID"] != last_processID:
logline += "PROCESS SWITCH FROM %s TO %s" % (last_processID, decoded["tag"]["processID"])
if last_counter != None and decoded["tag"]["counter"] != last_counter + 1:
if len(logline) != 0:
logline += ": "
logline += "counter jumped from %d to %d leaving out %d lines" % (last_counter, decoded["tag"]["counter"], decoded["tag"]["counter"] - last_counter - 1)
if len(logline) != 0:
if logfd:
print(logline, file=logfd)
print(colorize(logline, ansi=15, ansi_bg=0), flush=True)
# deduce log color from loglevel
kwargs = flag_to_kwargs(decoded["flag"] if "flag" in decoded else None)
# print original formatted log message
logline = ("%d: %s" % (decoded["tag"]["counter"], formatLogline(decoded)))
if logfd:
print(logline, file=logfd)
print(colorize(logline, **kwargs), flush=True)
# update state
last_processID = decoded["tag"]["processID"]
last_counter = decoded["tag"]["counter"]