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2024-11-18 14:53:52 +00:00
// IPC.m
// Monal
// Created by Thilo Molitor on 31.07.20.
// Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
#import <notify.h>
#import "IPC.h"
#import "MLSQLite.h"
#import "HelperTools.h"
#define MSG_TIMEOUT 2.0
@interface IPC()
NSString* _processName;
NSString* _dbFile;
NSMutableDictionary* _ipcQueues;
NSCondition* _serverThreadCondition;
@property (readonly, strong) MLSQLite* db;
@property (readonly, strong) NSThread* serverThread;
-(void) incomingDarwinNotification:(NSString*) name;
static volatile NSMutableDictionary* _responseHandlers;
static volatile IPC* _sharedInstance;
static volatile CFNotificationCenterRef _darwinNotificationCenterRef;
//forward notifications to the IPC instance that is waiting (the instance running the server thread)
void darwinNotificationCenterCallback(CFNotificationCenterRef center __unused, void* observer, CFNotificationName name, const void* object __unused, CFDictionaryRef userInfo __unused)
[(__bridge IPC*)observer incomingDarwinNotification:(__bridge NSString*)name];
@implementation IPC
+(void) initializeForProcess:(NSString*) processName
@synchronized(self) {
MLAssert(_sharedInstance == nil, @"Please don't call [IPC initialize:@\"processName\" twice!");
_responseHandlers = [NSMutableDictionary new];
_darwinNotificationCenterRef = CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter();
_sharedInstance = [[self alloc] initWithProcessName:processName]; //has to be last because it starts the thread which needs those global vars
+(id) sharedInstance
@synchronized(self) {
MLAssert(_sharedInstance!=nil, @"Please call [IPC initialize:@\"processName\"] first!");
return _sharedInstance;
+(void) terminate
@synchronized(self) {
//cancel server thread and wake it up to let it terminate properly
[_sharedInstance.serverThread cancel];
[_sharedInstance->_serverThreadCondition signal];
//deallocate everything
_responseHandlers = nil;
_sharedInstance = nil;
-(void) sendMessage:(NSString*) name withData:(NSData* _Nullable) data to:(NSString*) destination
[self sendMessage:name withData:data to:destination withResponseHandler:nil];
-(void) sendMessage:(NSString*) name withData:(NSData* _Nullable) data to:(NSString*) destination withResponseHandler:(IPC_response_handler_t _Nullable) responseHandler
NSNumber* id = [self writeIpcMessage:name withData:data andResponseId:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] to:destination];
//save response handler for later execution (if one is specified)
_responseHandlers[id] = responseHandler;
-(void) sendBroadcastMessage:(NSString*) name withData:(NSData* _Nullable) data
[self sendMessage:name withData:data to:@"*" withResponseHandler:nil];
-(void) sendBroadcastMessage:(NSString*) name withData:(NSData* _Nullable) data withResponseHandler:(IPC_response_handler_t _Nullable) responseHandler
[self sendMessage:name withData:data to:@"*" withResponseHandler:responseHandler];
-(void) respondToMessage:(NSDictionary*) message withData:(NSData* _Nullable) data
[self writeIpcMessage:message[@"name"] withData:data andResponseId:message[@"id"] to:message[@"source"]];
-(NSString* _Nullable) exportDB
NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString* temporaryFilename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ipc_%@.db", [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] globallyUniqueString]];
NSString* temporaryFilePath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:temporaryFilename];
//checkpoint db before copying db file
[self.db checkpointWal];
//this transaction creates a new wal log and makes sure the file copy is atomic/consistent
BOOL success = [self.db boolWriteTransaction:^{
//copy db file to temp file
NSError* error;
[fileManager copyItemAtPath:self->_dbFile toPath:temporaryFilePath error:&error];
DDLogError(@"Could not copy database to export location!");
return NO;
return YES;
return temporaryFilePath;
return nil;
-(id) initWithProcessName:(NSString*) processName
self = [super init];
_dbFile = [[HelperTools getContainerURLForPathComponents:@[@"ipc.sqlite"]] path];
_processName = processName;
_ipcQueues = [NSMutableDictionary new];
_serverThreadCondition = [NSCondition new];
static dispatch_once_t once;
static const int VERSION = 3;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
BOOL fileExists = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:_dbFile];
//first command creates initial database if file does not exist
//this can not be used inside a transaction --> turn on WAL mode before executing any other db operations
//this will create the database file and open the database because it is the first MLSQlite call done for this file
//turning on WAL mode has to be done *outside* of any transactions
[self.db enableWAL];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA secure_delete=on;"];
//needed for sqlite >= 3.26.0 (see point 2)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA legacy_alter_table=on;"];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA foreign_keys=off;"];
NSNumber* version = [self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE ipc(id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255), source VARCHAR(255), destination VARCHAR(255), data BLOB, timeout INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);"];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"CREATE TABLE versions(name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, version INTEGER NOT NULL);"];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO versions (name, version) VALUES('db', '1');"];
//upgrade database version if needed
NSNumber* version = (NSNumber*)[self.db executeScalar:@"SELECT version FROM versions WHERE name='db';"];
DDLogInfo(@"IPC db version: %@", version);
if([version integerValue] < 2)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"ALTER TABLE ipc ADD COLUMN response_to INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;"];
//do a vacuum and from now on do it on every db upgrade
if([version integerValue] < 3)
//any upgrade done --> update version table and delete all old ipc messages
if([version integerValue] < VERSION)
//always truncate ipc table on version upgrade
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM ipc;"];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"UPDATE versions SET version=? WHERE name='db';" andArguments:@[[NSNumber numberWithInt:VERSION]]];
DDLogInfo(@"IPC db upgraded to version: %d", VERSION);
return version;
if([version integerValue] < VERSION)
[self.db vacuum];
//turn foreign keys on again
//needed for sqlite >= 3.26.0 (see point 2)
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA legacy_alter_table=off;"];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"PRAGMA foreign_keys=on;"];
//use a dedicated and very high priority thread to make sure this always runs
_serverThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(serverThreadMain) object:nil];
//_serverThread.threadPriority = 1.0;
_serverThread.qualityOfService = NSQualityOfServiceUserInteractive;
[_serverThread setName:@"IPCServerThread"];
[_serverThread start];
return self;
-(void) serverThreadMain
DDLogInfo(@"Now running IPC server for '%@' with thread priority %f...", _processName, [NSThread threadPriority]);
//register darwin notification handler for "im.monal.ipc.wakeup:<process name>" which is used to wake up readNextMessage using the NSCondition
CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(_darwinNotificationCenterRef, (__bridge void*) self, &darwinNotificationCenterCallback, (__bridge CFNotificationName)[NSString stringWithFormat:@"im.monal.ipc.wakeup:%@", _processName], NULL, 0);
CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(_darwinNotificationCenterRef, (__bridge void*) self, &darwinNotificationCenterCallback, (__bridge CFNotificationName)@"im.monal.ipc.wakeup:*", NULL, 0);
while(![[NSThread currentThread] isCancelled])
NSDictionary* message = [self readNextMessage]; //this will be blocking
DDLogDebug(@"Got IPC message: %@", message);
//use a dedicated serial queue for every IPC receiver to maintain IPC message ordering while not blocking other receivers or this serverThread)
NSArray* parts = [message[@"name"] componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
NSString* queueName = [parts objectAtIndex:0];
if(!queueName || [parts count]<2)
queueName = @"_default";
queueName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ipc.queue:%@", queueName];
_ipcQueues[queueName] = dispatch_queue_create([queueName cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE, 0));
//handle all responses (don't trigger a kMonalIncomingIPC for responses)
if(message[@"response_to"] && [message[@"response_to"] intValue] > 0)
//call response handler if one is present (ignore the spurious response otherwise)
IPC_response_handler_t responseHandler = (IPC_response_handler_t)_responseHandlers[message[@"response_to"]];
//responses handlers are only valid for the maximum RTT of messages (+ some safety margin)
createTimer(MSG_TIMEOUT*2 + 1, (^{
[_responseHandlers removeObjectForKey:message[@"response_to"]];
dispatch_async(_ipcQueues[queueName], ^{
else //publish all non-responses (using the message name as object allows for filtering by ipc message name)
dispatch_async(_ipcQueues[queueName], ^{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMonalIncomingIPC object:message[@"name"] userInfo:message];
DDLogDebug(@"Handled IPC message: %@", message);
//unregister darwin notification handler
CFNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(_darwinNotificationCenterRef, (__bridge void*) self, (__bridge CFNotificationName)[NSString stringWithFormat:@"im.monal.ipc.wakeup:%@", _processName], NULL);
CFNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(_darwinNotificationCenterRef, (__bridge void*) self, (__bridge CFNotificationName)@"im.monal.ipc.wakeup:*", NULL);
DDLogInfo(@"IPC server for '%@' now terminated", _processName);
-(void) incomingDarwinNotification:(NSString*) name
DDLogDebug(@"Got incoming darwin notification: %@", name);
[_serverThreadCondition signal]; //wake up server thread to process new messages
-(NSDictionary*) readNextMessage
while(![[NSThread currentThread] isCancelled])
NSDictionary* data = [self readIpcMessageFor:_processName];
return data;
//wait for wakeup (incoming darwin notification or thread termination)
DDLogVerbose(@"IPC readNextMessage waiting for wakeup via darwin notification");
[_serverThreadCondition wait];
return nil; //thread cancelled
//this is the getter of our readonly "db" property always returning the thread-local instance of the MLSQLite class
-(MLSQLite*) db
//always return thread-local instance of sqlite class (this is important for performance!)
return [MLSQLite sharedInstanceForFile:_dbFile];
-(NSDictionary*) readIpcMessageFor:(NSString*) destination
return [self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
NSDictionary* retval = nil;
//delete old entries that timed out
NSNumber* timestamp = [HelperTools currentTimestampInSeconds];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM ipc WHERE timeout<?;" andArguments:@[timestamp]];
//load a *single* message from table and delete it afterwards
NSArray* rows = [self.db executeReader:@"SELECT * FROM ipc WHERE destination=? OR destination='*' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1;" andArguments:@[destination]];
if([rows count])
retval = rows[0];
if(![retval[@"destination"] isEqualToString:@"*"]) //broadcast will be deleted by their timeout value only
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM ipc WHERE id=?;" andArguments:@[retval[@"id"]]];
return retval;
-(NSNumber*) writeIpcMessage:(NSString*) name withData:(NSData* _Nullable) data andResponseId:(NSNumber*) responseId to:(NSString*) destination
//empty data is default if not specified
data = [NSData new];
DDLogDebug(@"writeIpcMessage:%@ withData:%@ andResponseId:%@ to:%@", name, data, responseId, destination);
NSNumber* id = [self.db idWriteTransaction:^{
//delete old entries that timed out
NSNumber* timestamp = [HelperTools currentTimestampInSeconds];
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"DELETE FROM ipc WHERE timeout<?;" andArguments:@[timestamp]];
//save message to table
NSNumber* timeout = @([timestamp intValue] + MSG_TIMEOUT); //timeout for every message
[self.db executeNonQuery:@"INSERT INTO ipc (name, source, destination, data, timeout, response_to) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" andArguments:@[name, self->_processName, destination, data, timeout, responseId]];
return [self.db lastInsertId];
//send out darwin notification to wake up other processes waiting for IPC
if(![destination isEqualToString:@"*"])
CFNotificationCenterPostNotification(CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter(), (__bridge CFNotificationName)[NSString stringWithFormat:@"im.monal.ipc.wakeup:%@", destination], NULL, NULL, NO);
CFNotificationCenterPostNotification(CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter(), (__bridge CFNotificationName)@"im.monal.ipc.wakeup:*", NULL, NULL, NO);
DDLogDebug(@"Wrote IPC message %@ to database", id);
return id;