Add ICE-UDP Jingle transport (XEP-0176) to xmpp-vala

Co-authored-by: fiaxh <>
This commit is contained in:
Marvin W 2021-03-21 12:41:06 +01:00
parent 2b90fcc39a
commit 5bd719a919
3 changed files with 243 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
using Gee;
using Xmpp.Xep;
using Xmpp;
public class Xmpp.Xep.JingleIceUdp.Candidate {
public uint8 component;
public uint8 foundation;
public uint8 generation;
public string id;
public string ip;
public uint8 network;
public uint16 port;
public uint32 priority;
public string protocol;
public string? rel_addr;
public uint16 rel_port;
public Type type_;
public static Candidate parse(StanzaNode node) throws Jingle.IqError {
Candidate candidate = new Candidate();
candidate.component = (uint8) node.get_attribute_uint("component"); = (uint8) node.get_attribute_uint("foundation");
candidate.generation = (uint8) node.get_attribute_uint("generation"); = node.get_attribute("id");
candidate.ip = node.get_attribute("ip"); = (uint8) node.get_attribute_uint("network");
candidate.port = (uint16) node.get_attribute_uint("port");
candidate.priority = (uint32) node.get_attribute_uint("priority");
candidate.protocol = node.get_attribute("protocol");
candidate.rel_addr = node.get_attribute("rel-addr");
candidate.rel_port = (uint16) node.get_attribute_uint("rel-port");
candidate.type_ = Type.parse(node.get_attribute("type"));
return candidate;
public enum Type {
public static Type parse(string str) throws Jingle.IqError {
switch (str) {
case "host": return HOST;
case "prflx": return PRFLX;
case "relay": return RELAY;
case "srflx": return SRFLX;
default: throw new Jingle.IqError.BAD_REQUEST("Illegal ICE-UDP candidate type");
public string to_string() {
switch (this) {
case HOST: return "host";
case PRFLX: return "prflx";
case RELAY: return "relay";
case SRFLX: return "srflx";
default: assert_not_reached();
public StanzaNode to_xml() {
StanzaNode node = new"candidate", NS_URI)
.put_attribute("component", component.to_string())
.put_attribute("foundation", foundation.to_string())
.put_attribute("generation", generation.to_string())
.put_attribute("id", id)
.put_attribute("ip", ip)
.put_attribute("network", network.to_string())
.put_attribute("port", port.to_string())
.put_attribute("priority", priority.to_string())
.put_attribute("protocol", protocol)
.put_attribute("type", type_.to_string());
if (rel_addr != null) node.put_attribute("rel-addr", rel_addr);
if (rel_port != 0) node.put_attribute("rel-port", rel_port.to_string());
return node;
public bool equals(Candidate c) {
return equals_func(this, c);
public static bool equals_func(Candidate c1, Candidate c2) {
return c1.component == c2.component && == &&
c1.generation == c2.generation && == &&
c1.ip == c2.ip && == &&
c1.port == c2.port &&
c1.priority == c2.priority &&
c1.protocol == c2.protocol &&
c1.rel_addr == c2.rel_addr &&
c1.rel_port == c2.rel_port &&
c1.type_ == c2.type_;

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
using Gee;
using Xmpp.Xep;
using Xmpp;
namespace Xmpp.Xep.JingleIceUdp {
private const string NS_URI = "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1";
public abstract class Module : XmppStreamModule, Jingle.Transport {
public static Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<Module> IDENTITY = new Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<Module>(NS_URI, "0176_jingle_ice_udp");
public override void attach(XmppStream stream) {
stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).add_feature(stream, NS_URI);
public override void detach(XmppStream stream) {
stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).remove_feature(stream, NS_URI);
public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; }
public override string get_id() { return; }
public async bool is_transport_available(XmppStream stream, uint8 components, Jid full_jid) {
return yield stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).has_entity_feature(stream, full_jid, NS_URI);
public string ns_uri{ get { return NS_URI; } }
public Jingle.TransportType type_{ get { return Jingle.TransportType.DATAGRAM; } }
public int priority { get { return 1; } }
public abstract Jingle.TransportParameters create_transport_parameters(XmppStream stream, uint8 components, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid);
public abstract Jingle.TransportParameters parse_transport_parameters(XmppStream stream, uint8 components, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid, StanzaNode transport) throws Jingle.IqError;

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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
using Gee;
using Xmpp.Xep;
using Xmpp;
public abstract class Xmpp.Xep.JingleIceUdp.IceUdpTransportParameters : Jingle.TransportParameters, Object {
public string ns_uri { get { return NS_URI; } }
public string remote_pwd { get; private set; }
public string remote_ufrag { get; private set; }
public string local_pwd { get; private set; }
public string local_ufrag { get; private set; }
public ConcurrentList<Candidate> local_candidates = new ConcurrentList<Candidate>(Candidate.equals_func);
public ConcurrentList<Candidate> unsent_local_candidates = new ConcurrentList<Candidate>(Candidate.equals_func);
public Gee.List<Candidate> remote_candidates = new ArrayList<Candidate>(Candidate.equals_func);
public Jid local_full_jid { get; private set; }
public Jid peer_full_jid { get; private set; }
private uint8 components_;
public uint8 components { get { return components_; } }
public bool incoming { get; private set; default = false; }
private bool connection_created = false;
private weak Jingle.Content? content = null;
protected IceUdpTransportParameters(uint8 components, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid, StanzaNode? node = null) {
this.components_ = components;
this.local_full_jid = local_full_jid;
this.peer_full_jid = peer_full_jid;
if (node != null) {
incoming = true;
remote_pwd = node.get_attribute("pwd");
remote_ufrag = node.get_attribute("ufrag");
foreach (StanzaNode candidateNode in node.get_subnodes("candidate")) {
public void init(string ufrag, string pwd) {
this.local_ufrag = ufrag;
this.local_pwd = pwd;
debug("Initialized for %s", pwd);
public void set_content(Jingle.Content content) {
this.content = content;
public void unset_content() {
this.content = null;
public StanzaNode to_transport_stanza_node() {
var node = new"transport", NS_URI)
.put_attribute("ufrag", local_ufrag)
.put_attribute("pwd", local_pwd);
foreach (Candidate candidate in unsent_local_candidates) {
return node;
public virtual void handle_transport_accept(StanzaNode node) throws Jingle.IqError {
string? pwd = node.get_attribute("pwd");
string? ufrag = node.get_attribute("ufrag");
if (pwd != null) remote_pwd = pwd;
if (ufrag != null) remote_ufrag = ufrag;
foreach (StanzaNode candidateNode in node.get_subnodes("candidate")) {
public virtual void handle_transport_info(StanzaNode node) throws Jingle.IqError {
string? pwd = node.get_attribute("pwd");
string? ufrag = node.get_attribute("ufrag");
if (pwd != null) remote_pwd = pwd;
if (ufrag != null) remote_ufrag = ufrag;
uint8 components = 0;
foreach (StanzaNode candidateNode in node.get_subnodes("candidate")) {
public virtual void create_transport_connection(XmppStream stream, Jingle.Content content) {
connection_created = true;
public void add_local_candidate_threadsafe(Candidate candidate) {
if (local_candidates.contains(candidate)) return;
debug("New local candidate %u %s %s:%u", candidate.component, candidate.type_.to_string(), candidate.ip, candidate.port);
if (this.content != null && (this.connection_created || !this.incoming)) {
Timeout.add(50, () => {
return false;
private void check_send_transport_info() {
if (this.content != null && unsent_local_candidates.size > 0) {