131 lines
3.7 KiB
131 lines
3.7 KiB
#include "shortcutcreator.h"
#include "win32.hpp"
#include "converter.hpp"
#include "ginvoke.hpp"
#include "dyn_mod.hpp"
#include <objbase.h> // COM stuff
#include <shlobj.h> // IShellLink
#include <propvarutil.h> // InitPropVariantFromString
#include <propkey.h> // PKEY_AppUserModel_ID
#include <winrt/base.h> // At least one COM header must have been previously
// included, for `winrt::create_instance` to work with the `GUID` type.
#include <memory>
namespace dyn
// PropVariantToString is a pain to use, and
// MinGW 6.0.0 doesn't have libpropsys.a in the first place;
// MinGW 9.0.0 doesn't have PropVariantToStringAlloc in its libpropsys.a.
// So...
constexpr auto PropVariantToStringAlloc = [](const auto &... arg)
static const auto &f =
dyn_load_symbol("propsys.dll", PropVariantToStringAlloc);
return f(arg...);
namespace {
#define checked(func, args) \
if (const auto hr = ((func)args); FAILED(hr)) \
{ \
g_warning("%s%s failed: hresult 0x%08" PRIX32, \
#func, #args, static_cast<std::uint32_t>(hr)); \
winrt::throw_hresult(hr); \
struct property
property() noexcept : var{} {}
explicit property(const std::wstring &value)
checked(::InitPropVariantFromString,(value.c_str(), &var));
if (const auto hr = ::PropVariantClear(&var); FAILED(hr))
g_critical("PropVariantClear failed: hresult 0x%08" PRIX32,
auto str() const
wchar_t *str;
checked(dyn::PropVariantToStringAlloc,(var, &str));
return std::unique_ptr
<wchar_t, decltype(&::CoTaskMemFree)>
{ str, &::CoTaskMemFree };
operator const PROPVARIANT &() const noexcept { return var; }
operator PROPVARIANT *() noexcept { return &var; }
void ImplEnsureAumiddedShortcutExists(
const std::string_view menu_rel_path, const std::string_view narrow_aumid)
if (menu_rel_path.empty())
throw std::runtime_error{"empty menu-relative shortcut path"};
const auto aumid = sview_to_wstr(narrow_aumid);
const auto exe_path = GetExePath();
const auto shortcut_path = GetEnv(L"APPDATA")
+ LR"(\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\)"
+ sview_to_wstr(menu_rel_path) + L".lnk";
const auto lnk = winrt::create_instance<IShellLinkW>(CLSID_ShellLink);
const auto file = lnk.as<IPersistFile>();
const auto store = lnk.as<IPropertyStore>();
if (SUCCEEDED(file->Load(shortcut_path.c_str(), STGM_READWRITE)))
property aumid_prop;
checked(store->GetValue,(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, aumid_prop));
if (aumid_prop.str().get() != aumid)
checked(store->SetValue,(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, property{aumid}));
std::array<wchar_t, MAX_PATH+1> targ_path;
checked(lnk->GetPath,(targ_path.data(), targ_path.size(), nullptr, 0));
if (targ_path.data() != exe_path)
checked(store->SetValue,(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, property{aumid}));
if (file->IsDirty() != S_FALSE) // not the same as `== S_OK`
constexpr auto set_file_as_current = TRUE;
checked(file->Save,(shortcut_path.c_str(), set_file_as_current));
#undef checked
} // nameless namespace
extern "C"
gboolean EnsureAumiddedShortcutExists(const gchar *const aumid) noexcept
return g_try_invoke(
ImplEnsureAumiddedShortcutExists, R"(Programs\Dino)", aumid)